Develop the Middle

The middle is, in many ways, the most compelling part of your presentation, because that’s where most of the “action” takes place.

People in your audience now realize their world is off-kilter—you’ve brought that to their attention and at least hinted at a solution at the beginning of your presentation. Now continue to emphasize the contrast between what is and what could be, moving back and forth between them, and the audience will start to find the former unappealing and the latter alluring.

Let’s go back to that Q3 financial update example from “Craft the Beginning.” Revenues are down, but you want to motivate employees to make up for it. Table 3-1 shows one way you could approach the middle of your presentation.

Earlier, you brainstormed around pairs of contrasting themes (see “Amplify Your Message Through Contrast” in the Message section). Try using one of those pairs—for instance, sacrifice versus reward—to drum up material to flesh out this structure.

Creating “action” in the middle of your story
What isWhat could be
We missed our Q3 forecast by 15%. Q4 numbers must be strong for us to pay out bonuses.
We have six new clients on our roster. Two of them have the potential to bring in more revenue than our best clients do now.
The new clients will require extensive retooling in manufacturing. We’ll be bringing in experts from Germany to help.
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