Chapter 6. Available Clients

HBase comes with a variety of clients that can be used from various programming languages. This chapter will give you an overview of what is available.

Introduction to REST, Thrift, and Avro

Access to HBase is possible from virtually every popular programming language and environment. You either use the client API directly, or access it through some sort of proxy that translates your request into an API call. These proxies wrap the native Java API into other protocol APIs so that clients can be written in any language the external API provides. Typically, the external API is implemented in a dedicated Java-based server that can internally use the provided HTable client API. This simplifies the implementation and maintenance of these gateway servers.

The protocol between the gateways and the clients is then driven by the available choices and requirements of the remote client. An obvious choice is Representational State Transfer (REST),[68] which is based on existing web-based technologies. The actual transport is typically HTTP—which is the standard protocol for web applications. This makes REST ideal for communicating between heterogeneous systems: the protocol layer takes care of transporting the data in an interoperable format.

REST defines the semantics so that the protocol can be used in a generic way to address remote resources. By not changing the protocol, REST is compatible with existing technologies, such as web servers, and proxies. Resources are uniquely specified as part of the request URI—which is the opposite of, for example, SOAP-based[69] services, which define a new protocol that conforms to a standard.

However, both REST and SOAP suffer from the verbosity level of the protocol. Human-readable text, be it plain or XML-based, is used to communicate between client and server. Transparent compression of the data sent over the network can mitigate this problem to a certain extent.

As a result, companies with very large server farms, extensive bandwidth usage, and many disjoint services felt the need to reduce the overhead and implemented their own RPC layers. One of them was Google, which implemented Protocol Buffers.[70] Since the implementation was initially not published, Facebook developed its own version, named Thrift.[71] The Hadoop project founders started a third project, Apache Avro,[72] providing an alternative implementation.

All of them have similar feature sets, vary in the number of languages they support, and have (arguably) slightly better or worse levels of encoding efficiencies. The key difference with Protocol Buffers when compared to Thrift and Avro is that it has no RPC stack of its own; rather, it generates the RPC definitions, which have to be used with other RPC libraries subsequently.

HBase ships with auxiliary servers for REST, Thrift, and Avro. They are implemented as standalone gateway servers, which can run on shared or dedicated machines. Since Thrift and Avro have their own RPC implementation, the gateway servers simply provide a wrapper around them. For REST, HBase has its own implementation, offering access to the stored data.


The supplied RESTServer actually supports Protocol Buffers. Instead of implementing a separate RPC server, it leverages the Accept header of HTTP to send and receive the data encoded in Protocol Buffers. See REST for details.

Figure 6-1 shows how dedicated gateway servers are used to provide endpoints for various remote clients.

Clients connected through gateway servers
Figure 6-1. Clients connected through gateway servers

Internally, these servers use the common HTable-based client API to access the tables. You can see how they are started on top of the region server processes, sharing the same physical machine. There is no one true recommendation for how to place the gateway servers. You may want to collocate them, or have them on dedicated machines.

Another approach is to run them directly on the client nodes. For example, when you have web servers constructing the resultant HTML pages using PHP, it is advantageous to run the gateway process on the same server. That way, the communication between the client and gateway is local, while the RPC between the gateway and HBase is using the native protocol.


Check carefully how you access HBase from your client, to place the gateway servers on the appropriate physical machine. This is influenced by the load on each machine, as well as the amount of data being transferred: make sure you are not starving either process for resources, such as CPU cycles, or network bandwidth.

The advantage of using a server as opposed to creating a new connection for every request goes back to when we discussed HTablePool—you need to reuse connections to gain maximum performance. Short-lived processes would spend more time setting up the connection and preparing the metadata than in the actual operation itself. The caching of region information in the server, in particular, makes the reuse important; otherwise, every client would have to perform a full row-to-region lookup for every bit of data they want to access.

Selecting one server type over the others is a nontrivial task, as it depends on your use case. The initial argument over REST in comparison to the more efficient Thrift, or similar serialization formats, shows that for high-throughput scenarios it is advantageous to use a purely binary format. However, if you have few requests, but they are large in size, REST is interesting. A rough separation could look like this:

REST use case

Since REST supports existing web-based infrastructure, it will fit nicely into setups with reverse proxies and other caching technologies. Plan to run many REST servers in parallel, to distribute the load across them. For example, run a server on every application server you have, building a single-app-to-server relationship.

Thrift/Avro use case

Use the compact binary protocols when you need the best performance in terms of throughput. You can run fewer servers—for example, one per region server—with a many-apps-to-server cardinality.

Interactive Clients

The first group of clients consists of the interactive ones, those that send client API calls on demand, such as get, put, or delete, to servers. Based on your choice of protocol, you can use the supplied gateway servers to gain access from your applications.

Native Java

The native Java API was discussed in Chapters 3 and 4. There is no need to start any gateway server, as your client using HTable is directly communicating with the HBase servers, via the native RPC calls. Refer to the aforementioned chapters to implement a native Java client.


HBase ships with a powerful REST server, which supports the complete client and administrative API. It also provides support for different message formats, offering many choices for a client application to communicate with the server.


For REST-based clients to be able to connect to HBase, you need to start the appropriate gateway server. This is done using the supplied scripts. The following commands show you how to get the command-line help, and then start the REST server in a nondaemonized mode:

$ bin/hbase rest      
usage: bin/hbase rest start [-p <arg>] [-ro]
 -p,--port <arg>   Port to bind to [default: 8080]
 -ro,--readonly    Respond only to GET HTTP method requests [default:

To run the REST server as a daemon, execute bin/ start|stop
rest [-p <port>] [-ro]

$ bin/hbase rest start

You need to press Ctrl-C to quit the process. The help stated that you need to run the server using a different script to start it as a background process:

$ bin/ start rest
starting rest, logging to /var/lib/hbase/logs/hbase-larsgeorge-rest-<servername>.out

Once the server is started you can use curl[73] on the command line to verify that it is operational:

$ curl http://<servername>:8080/

$ curl http://<servername>:8080/version
rest 0.0.2 [JVM: Apple Inc. 1.6.0_24-19.1-b02-334] [OS: Mac OS X 10.6.7 
  x86_64] [Server: jetty/6.1.26] [Jersey: 1.4]

Retrieving the root URL, that is "/" (slash), returns the list of available tables, here testtable. Using "/version" retrieves the REST server version, along with details about the machine it is running on.

Stopping the REST server, and running as a daemon, involves the same script, just replacing start with stop:

$ bin/ stop rest
stopping rest..

The REST server gives you all the operations required to work with HBase tables.


The current documentation for the REST server is online at Please refer to it for all the provided operations. Also, be sure to carefully read the XML schemas documentation on that page. It explains the schemas you need to use when requesting information, as well as those returned by the server.

You can start as many REST servers as you like, and, for example, use a load balancer to route the traffic between them. Since they are stateless—any state required is carried as part of the request—you can use a round-robin (or similar) approach to distribute the load.

Finally, use the -p, or --port, parameter to specify a different port for the server to listen on. The default is 8080.

Supported formats

Using the HTTP Content-Type and Accept headers, you can switch between different formats being sent or returned to the caller. As an example, you can create a table and row in HBase using the shell like so:

hbase(main):001:0> create 'testtable', 'colfam1'
0 row(s) in 1.1790 seconds

hbase(main):002:0> put 'testtable', "x01x02x03", 'colfam1:col1', 'value1'
0 row(s) in 0.0990 seconds

hbase(main):003:0> scan 'testtable'
ROW              COLUMN+CELL
 x01x02x03    column=colfam1:col1, timestamp=1306140523371, value=value1
1 row(s) in 0.0730 seconds

This inserts a row with the binary row key 0x01 0x02 0x03 (in hexadecimal numbers), with one column, in one column family, that contains the value value1.

Plain (text/plain)

For some operations it is permissible to have the data returned as plain text. One example is the aforementioned /version operation:

$ curl -H "Accept: text/plain" http://<servername>:8080/version
rest 0.0.2 [JVM: Apple Inc. 1.6.0_24-19.1-b02-334] [OS: Mac OS X 10.6.7 
  x86_64] [Server: jetty/6.1.26] [Jersey: 1.4]

On the other hand, using plain text with more complex return values is not going to work as expected:

$ curl -H "Accept: text/plain" 
<html> http://<servername>:8080/testtable/%01%02%03/colfam1:col1 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<title>Error 406 Not Acceptable</title>
<body><h2>HTTP ERROR 406</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /testtable/%01%02%03/colfam1:col1. Reason:
<pre>    Not Acceptable</pre></p><hr /><i><small>Powered by Jetty://</small></i><br/>                                                

This is caused by the fact that the server cannot make any assumptions regarding how to format a complex result value in plain text. You need to use a format that allows you to express nested information natively.


As per the example table created in the previous text, the row key is a binary one, consisting of three bytes. You can use REST to access those bytes by encoding the key using URL encoding,[74] which in this case results in %01%02%03. The entire URL to retrieve a cell is then:


See the online documentation referred to earlier for the entire syntax.

XML (text/xml)

When storing or retrieving data, XML is considered the default format. For example, when retrieving the example row with no particular Accept header, you receive:

$ curl http://<servername>:8080/testtable/%01%02%03/colfam1:col1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Row key="AQID">
      <Cell timestamp="1306140523371" 

The returned format defaults to XML. The column name and the actual value are encoded in Base64,[75] as explained in the online schema documentation. Here is the excerpt:

<complexType name="Row">
    <element name="key" type="base64Binary"></element>
    <element name="cell" type="tns:Cell" maxOccurs="unbounded" 

<element name="Cell" type="tns:Cell"></element>

<complexType name="Cell">
    <element name="value" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
      <simpleType><restriction base="base64Binary">
  <attribute name="column" type="base64Binary" />
  <attribute name="timestamp" type="int" />

All occurrences of base64Binary are where the REST server returns the encoded data. This is done to safely transport the binary data that can be contained in the keys, or the value.


This is also true for data that is sent to the REST server. Make sure to read the schema documentation to encode the data appropriately, including the payload, in other words, the actual data, but also the column name, row key, and so on.

A quick test on the console using the base64 command reveals the proper content:

$ echo AQID | base64 -d | hexdump
0000000 01 02 03

$ echo Y29sZmFtMTpjb2wx | base64 -d

$ echo dmFsdWUx | base64 -d

This is obviously useful only to verify the details on the command line. From within your code you can use any available Base64 implementation to decode the returned values.

JSON (application/json)

Similar to XML, requesting (or setting) the data in JSON simply requires setting the Accept header:

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" 

  "Row": [{
    "key": "AQID",
    "Cell": [{
      "timestamp": 1306140523371,
      "column": "Y29sZmFtMTpjb2wx",
      "$": "dmFsdWUx"


The preceding JSON result was reformatted to be easier to read. Usually the result on the console is returned as a single line, for example:


The encoding of the values is the same as for XML, that is, Base64 is used to encode any value that potentially contains binary data. An important distinction to XML is that JSON does not have nameless data fields. In XML the cell data is returned between Cell tags, but JSON must specify key/value pairs, so there is no immediate counterpart available. For that reason, JSON has a special field called “$” (the dollar sign). The value of the dollar field is the cell data. In the preceding example, you can see it being used:


You need to query the dollar field to get the Base64-encoded data.

Protocol Buffer (application/x-protobuf)

An interesting application of REST is to be able to switch encodings. Since Protocol Buffers have no native RPC stack, the HBase REST server offers support for its encoding. The schemas are documented online for your perusal.

Getting the results returned in Protocol Buffer encoding requires the matching Accept header:

$ curl -H "Accept: application/x-protobuf" 
  http://<servername>:8080/testtable/%01%02%03/colfam1:col1 | hexdump -C
00000000  0a 24 0a 03 01 02 03 12  1d 12 0c 63 6f 6c 66 61  |.$.........colfa|
00000010  6d 31 3a 63 6f 6c 31 18  eb f6 aa e0 81 26 22 06  |m1:col1......&".|
00000020  76 61 6c 75 65 31                                 |value1|

The use of hexdump allows you to print out the encoded message in its binary format. You need a Protocol Buffer decoder to actually access the data in a structured way. The ASCII printout on the righthand side of the output shows the column name and cell value for the example row.

Raw binary (application/octet-stream)

Finally, you can dump the data in its raw form, while omitting structural data. In the following console command, only the data is returned, as stored in the cell.

$ curl -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" 
  http://<servername>:8080/testtable/%01%02%03/colfam1:col1 | hexdump -C
00000000  76 61 6c 75 65 31                                 |value1|


Depending on the format request, the REST server puts structural data into a custom header. For example, for the raw get request in the preceding paragraph, the headers look like this (adding -D- to the curl command):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 6
X-Timestamp: 1306140523371
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

The timestamp of the cell has been moved to the header as X-Timestamp. Since the row and column keys are part of the request URI, they are omitted from the response to prevent unnecessary data from being transferred.

REST Java client

The REST server also comes with a comprehensive Java client API. It is located in the package. The central classes are RemoteHTable and RemoteAdmin. Example 6-1 shows the use of the RemoteHTable class.

Example 6-1. Using the REST client classes
    Cluster cluster = new Cluster();
    cluster.add("localhost", 8080); 1

    Client client = new Client(cluster); 2

    RemoteHTable table = new RemoteHTable(client, "testtable"); 3

    Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes("row-30")); 4
    get.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("colfam1"), Bytes.toBytes("col-3"));
    Result result1 = table.get(get);

    System.out.println("Get result1: " + result1);

    Scan scan = new Scan();
    scan.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("colfam1"), Bytes.toBytes("col-5"));
    ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(scan); 5

    for (Result result2 : scanner) {
      System.out.println("Scan row[" + Bytes.toString(result2.getRow()) +
        "]: " + result2);

Set up a cluster list adding all known REST server hosts.


Create the client handling the HTTP communication.


Create a remote table instance, wrapping the REST access into a familiar interface.


Perform a get() operation as if it were a direct HBase connection.


Scan the table; again, this is the same approach as if using the native Java API.

Running the example requires that the REST server has been started and is listening on the specified port. If you are running the server on a different machine and/or port, you need to first adjust the value added to the Cluster instance.

Here is what is printed on the console when running the example:

Adding rows to table...
Get result1: keyvalues={row-30/colfam1:col-3/1306157569144/Put/vlen=8}
Scan row[row-10]: keyvalues={row-10/colfam1:col-5/1306157568822/Put/vlen=8}
Scan row[row-100]: keyvalues={row-100/colfam1:col-5/1306157570225/Put/vlen=9}
Scan row[row-11]: keyvalues={row-11/colfam1:col-5/1306157568841/Put/vlen=8}
Scan row[row-12]: keyvalues={row-12/colfam1:col-5/1306157568857/Put/vlen=8}
Scan row[row-13]: keyvalues={row-13/colfam1:col-5/1306157568875/Put/vlen=8}
Scan row[row-14]: keyvalues={row-14/colfam1:col-5/1306157568890/Put/vlen=8}

Due to the lexicographical sorting of row keys, you will receive the preceding rows. The selected columns have been included as expected.

The RemoteHTable is a convenient way to talk to a number of REST servers, while being able to use the normal Java client API classes, such as Get or Scan.


The current implementation of the Java REST client is using the Protocol Buffer encoding internally to communicate with the remote REST server. It is the most compact protocol the server supports, and therefore provides the best bandwidth efficiency.


Apache Thrift is written in C++, but provides schema compilers for many programming languages, including Java, C++, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and more. Once you have compiled a schema, you can exchange messages transparently between systems implemented in one or more of those languages.


Before you can use Thrift, you need to install it, which is preferably done using a binary distribution package for your operating system. If that is not an option, you need to compile it from its sources.

Download the source tarball from the website, and unpack it into a common location:

$ wget
$ tar -xzvf thrift-0.6.0.tar.gz -C /opt
$ rm thrift-0.6.0.tar.gz

Install the dependencies, which are Automake, LibTool, Flex, Bison, and the Boost libraries:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential automake libtool flex bison libboost

Now you can build and install the Thrift binaries like so:

$ cd /opt/thrift-0.6.0
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

You can verify that everything succeeded by calling the main thrift executable:

$ thrift -version
Thrift version 0.6.0

Once you have Thrift installed, you need to compile a schema into the programming language of your choice. HBase comes with a schema file for its client and administrative API. You need to use the Thrift binary to create the wrappers for your development environment.


The supplied schema file exposes the majority of the API functionality, but is lacking in a few areas. It was created when HBase had a different API and that is noticeable when using it. Newer implementations of features—for example, filters—are not supported at all.

An example of the differences in API calls is the mutateRow() call the Thrift schema is using, while the new API has the appropriate get() call.

Work is being done in HBASE-1744 to port the Thrift schema file to the current API, while adding all missing features. Once this is complete, it will be added as the thrift2 package so that you can maintain your existing code using the older schema, while working on porting it over to the new schema.

Before you can access HBase using Thrift, though, you also have to start the supplied ThriftServer.


Starting the Thrift server is accomplished by using the supplied scripts. You can get the command-line help by adding the -h switch, or omitting all options:

$ bin/hbase thrift 
usage: Thrift [-b <arg>] [-c] [-f] [-h] [-hsha | -nonblocking |
       -threadpool]  [-p <arg>]
 -b,--bind <arg>   Address to bind the Thrift server to. Not supported by
                   the Nonblocking and HsHa server [default:]
 -c,--compact      Use the compact protocol
 -f,--framed       Use framed transport
 -h,--help         Print help information
 -hsha             Use the THsHaServer. This implies the framed transport.
 -nonblocking      Use the TNonblockingServer. This implies the framed
 -p,--port <arg>   Port to bind to [default: 9090]
 -threadpool       Use the TThreadPoolServer. This is the default.
To start the Thrift server run 'bin/ start thrift'
To shutdown the thrift server run 'bin/ stop thrift' or
send a kill signal to the thrift server pid

There are many options to choose from. The type of server, protocol, and transport used is usually enforced by the client, since not all language implementations have support for them. From the command-line help you can see that, for example, using the nonblocking server implies the framed transport.

Using the defaults, you can start the Thrift server in nondaemonized mode:

$ bin/hbase thrift start

You need to press Ctrl-C to quit the process. The help stated that you need to run the server using a different script to start it as a background process:

$ bin/ start thrift
starting thrift, logging to /var/lib/hbase/logs/ 

Stopping the Thrift server, running as a daemon, involves the same script, just replacing start with stop:

$ bin/ stop thrift
stopping thrift..

The Thrift server gives you all the operations required to work with HBase tables.


The current documentation for the Thrift server is online at You should refer to it for all the provided operations. It is also advisable to read the provided $HBASE_HOME/src/main/resources/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/thrift/Hbase.thrift schema definition file for the full documentation of the available functionality.

You can start as many Thrift servers as you like, and, for example, use a load balancer to route the traffic between them. Since they are stateless, you can use a round-robin (or similar) approach to distribute the load.

Finally, use the -p, or --port, parameter to specify a different port for the server to listen on. The default is 9090.

Example: PHP

HBase not only ships with the required Thrift schema file, but also with an example client for many programming languages. Here we will enable the PHP implementation to demonstrate the required steps.


You need to enable PHP support for your web server! Follow your server documentation to do so.

The first step is to copy the supplied schema file and compile the necessary PHP source files for it:

$ cp -r $HBASE_HOME/src/main/resources/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/thrift ~/thrift_src
$ cd thrift_src/
$ thrift -gen php Hbase.thrift

The call to thrift should complete with no error or other output on the command line. Inside the thrift_src directory you will now find a directory named gen-php containing the two generated PHP files required to access HBase:

$ ls -l gen-php/Hbase/     
total 616
-rw-r--r--  1 larsgeorge  staff  285433 May 24 10:08 Hbase.php
-rw-r--r--  1 larsgeorge  staff   27426 May 24 10:08 Hbase_types.php

These generated files require the Thrift-supplied PHP harness to be available as well. They need to be copied into your web server’s document root directory, along with the generated files:

$ cd /opt/thrift-0.6.0
$ sudo cp lib/php/src $DOCUMENT_ROOT/thrift
$ sudo mkdir $DOCUMENT_ROOT/thrift/packages
$ sudo cp -r ~/thrift_src/gen-php/Hbase $DOCUMENT_ROOT/thrift/packages/

The generated PHP files are copied into a packages subdirectory, as per the Thrift documentation, which needs to be created if it does not exist yet.


The $DOCUMENT_ROOT in the preceding code could be /var/www, for example, on a Linux system using Apache, or /Library/WebServer/Documents/ on an Apple Mac OS 10.6 machine. Check your web server configuration for the appropriate location.

HBase ships with a DemoClient.php file that uses the generated files to communicate with the servers. This file is copied into the same document root directory of the web server:

$ sudo cp $HBASE_HOME/src/examples/thrift/DemoClient.php $DOCUMENT_ROOT/

You need to edit the DemoClient.php file and adjust the following fields at the beginning of the file:

# Change this to match your thrift root
$GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'] = 'thrift';
# According to the thrift documentation, compiled PHP thrift libraries should
# reside under the THRIFT_ROOT/packages directory.  If these compiled libraries 
# are not present in this directory, move them there from gen-php/.  
require_once( $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/packages/Hbase/Hbase.php' );
$socket = new TSocket( 'localhost', 9090 );

Usually, editing the first line is enough to set the THRIFT_ROOT path. Since the DemoClient.php file is also located in the document root directory, it is sufficient to set the variable to thrift, that is, the directory copied from the Thrift sources earlier.

The last line in the preceding excerpt has a hardcoded server name and port. If you set up the example in a distributed environment, you need to adjust this line to match your environment as well.

After everything has been put into place and adjusted appropriately, you can open a browser and point it to the demo page. For example:


This should load the page and output the following details (abbreviated here for the sake of brevity):

scanning tables...
  found: testtable
creating table: demo_table
column families in demo_table:
  column: entry:, maxVer: 10
  column: unused:, maxVer: 3
Starting scanner...

The same client is also available in C++, Java, Perl, Python, and Ruby. Follow the same steps to start the Thrift server, compile the schema definition into the necessary language, and start the client. Depending on the language, you will need to put the generated code into the appropriate location first.

HBase already ships with the generated Java classes to communicate with the Thrift server. You can always regenerate them again from the schema file, but for convenience they are already included.


Apache Avro, like Thrift, provides schema compilers for many programming languages, including Java, C++, PHP, Python, Ruby, and more. Once you have compiled a schema, you can exchange messages transparently between systems implemented in one or more of those languages.


Before you can use Avro, you need to install it, which is preferably done using a binary distribution package for your operating system. If that is not an option, you need to compile it from its sources.

Once you have Avro installed, you need to compile a schema into the programming language of your choice. HBase comes with a schema file for its client and administrative API. You need to use the Avro tools to create the wrappers for your development environment.

Before you can access HBase using Avro, though, you also have to start the supplied AvroServer.


Starting the Avro server is accomplished by using the supplied scripts. You can get the command-line help by adding the -h switch, or omitting all options:

$ bin/hbase avro 
Usage: java org.apache.hadoop.hbase.avro.AvroServer --help | [--port=PORT] start
 start Start Avro server
 stop  Stop Avro server
 port  Port to listen on. Default: 9090
 help  Print this message and exit

You can start the Avro server in nondaemonized mode using the following command:

$ bin/hbase avro start

You need to press Ctrl-C to quit the process. You need to run the server using a different script to start it as a background process:

$ bin/ start avro
starting avro, logging to /var/lib/hbase/logs/hbase-larsgeorge-avro-<servername>.out

Stopping the Avro server, running as a daemon, involves the same script, just replacing start with stop:

$ bin/ stop avro
stopping avro..

The Avro server gives you all the operations required to work with HBase tables.


The current documentation for the Avro server is available online at Please refer to it for all the provided operations. You are also advised to read the provided $HBASE_HOME/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/avro/hbase.avpr schema definition file for the full documentation of the available functionality.

You can start as many Avro servers as you like, and, for example, use a load balancer to route the traffic between them. Since they are stateless, you can use a round-robin (or similar) approach to distribute the load.

Finally, use the -p, or --port, parameter to specify a different port for the server to listen on. The default is 9090.

Other Clients

There are other client libraries that allow you to access an HBase cluster. They can roughly be divided into those that run directly on the Java Virtual Machine, and those that use the gateway servers to communicate with an HBase cluster. Here are some examples:


The HBase Shell is an example of using a JVM-based language to access the Java-based API. It comes with the full source code, so you can use it to add the same features to your own JRuby code.


HBql adds an SQL-like syntax on top of HBase, while adding the extensions needed where HBase has unique features. See the project’s website for details.


This project gives you dedicated classes that help when formulating queries against an HBase cluster. Using a builder-like style, you can quickly assemble all the options and parameters necessary. See its wiki online for more information.


You can use, for example, DataNucleus to put a JPA/JPO access layer on top of HBase.


The PyHBase project ( offers an HBase client through the Avro gateway server.


AsyncHBase offers a completely asynchronous, nonblocking, and thread-safe client to access HBase clusters. It uses the native RPC protocol to talk directly to the various servers. See the project’s website for details.


Note that some of these projects have not seen any activity for quite some time. They usually were created to fill a need of the authors, and since then have been made public. You can use them as a starting point for your own projects.

Batch Clients

The opposite use case of interactive clients is batch access to data. The difference is that these clients usually run asynchronously in the background, scanning large amounts of data to build, for example, search indexes, machine-learning-based mathematical models, or statistics needed for reporting.

Access is less user-driven, and therefore, SLAs are geared more toward overall runtime, as opposed to per-request latencies. The majority of the batch frameworks reading and writing from and to HBase are MapReduce-based.


The Hadoop MapReduce framework is built to process petabytes of data, in a reliable, deterministic, yet easy-to-program way. There are a variety of ways to include HBase as a source and target for MapReduce jobs.

Native Java

The Java-based MapReduce API for HBase is discussed in Chapter 7.


The HBase-Runner project ( offers support for HBase from the functional programming language Clojure. You can write MapReduce jobs in Clojure while accessing HBase tables.


The Apache Hive project[76] offers a data warehouse infrastructure atop Hadoop. It was initially developed at Facebook, but is now part of the open source Hadoop ecosystem.

Hive offers an SQL-like query language, called HiveQL, which allows you to query the semistructured data stored in Hadoop. The query is eventually turned into a MapReduce job, executed either locally or on a distributed MapReduce cluster. The data is parsed at job execution time and Hive employs a storage handler[77] abstraction layer that allows for data not to just reside in HDFS, but other data sources as well. A storage handler transparently makes arbitrarily stored information available to the HiveQL-based user queries.

Since version 0.6.0, Hive also comes with a handler for HBase.[78] You can define Hive tables that are backed by HBase tables, mapping columns as required. The row key can be exposed as another column when needed.

After you have installed Hive itself, you have to edit its configuration files so that it has access to the HBase JAR file, and the accompanying configuration. Modify $HIVE_HOME/conf/ to contain these lines:

# Set HADOOP_HOME to point to a specific hadoop install directory

# Hive Configuration Directory can be controlled by:
# export HIVE_CONF_DIR=
export HIVE_CLASSPATH=/etc/hbase/conf 

# Folder containing extra libraries required for hive compilation/execution 
# can be controlled by:
export HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH=/usr/local/hbase/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


You may have to copy the supplied $HIVE_HOME/conf/ file, and save it in the same directory, but without the .template extension. Once you have copied the file, you can edit it as described.

Once Hive is installed and operational, you can start using the new handler. First start the Hive command-line interface, create a native Hive table, and insert data from the supplied example files:

$ build/dist/bin/hive
Hive history file=/tmp/larsgeorge/hive_job_log_larsgeorge_201105251455_2009910117.txt
hive> CREATE TABLE pokes (foo INT, bar STRING);         
Time taken: 3.381 seconds

hive> LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/opt/hive-0.7.0/examples/files/kv1.txt'
Copying data from file:/opt/hive-0.7.0/examples/files/kv1.txt
Copying file: file:/opt/hive-0.7.0/examples/files/kv1.txt
Loading data to table default.pokes
Deleted file:/user/hive/warehouse/pokes
Time taken: 0.266 seconds

This is using the pokes table, as described in the Hive guide at Next you create an HBase-backed table like so:

hive> CREATE TABLE hbase_table_1(key int, value string)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler' 
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,cf1:val") 
TBLPROPERTIES ("" = "hbase_table_1");
Time taken: 0.144 seconds

This DDL statement maps the HBase table, defined using the TBLPROPERTIES, and SERDEPROPERTIES, using the new HBase handler, to a Hive table named hbase_table_1. The hbase.columns.mapping has a special feature, which is mapping the column with the name ":key" to the HBase row key. You can place this special column to perform row key mapping anywhere in your definition. Here it is placed as the first column, thus mapping the values in the key column of the Hive table to be the row key in the HBase table.

The in the table properties is optional and only needed when you want to use different names for the tables in Hive and HBase. Here it is set to the same value, and therefore could be omitted.

Loading the table from the previously filled pokes Hive table is done next. According to the mapping, this will save the values in the row key, and the in the column cf1:val:

hive> INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE hbase_table_1 SELECT * FROM pokes;
Total MapReduce jobs = 1
Launching Job 1 out of 1
Number of reduce tasks is set to 0 since there's no reduce operator
Execution log at: /tmp/larsgeorge/larsgeorge_20110525152020_de5f67d1-9411- 
Job running in-process (local Hadoop)
2011-05-25 15:20:31,031 null map = 100%,  reduce = 0%
Ended Job = job_local_0001
Time taken: 3.925 seconds

This starts the first MapReduce job in this example. You can see how the Hive command line prints out the values it is using. The job copies the values from the internal Hive table into the HBase-backed one.


In certain setups, especially in the local, pseudodistributed mode, the Hive job may fail with an obscure error message. Before trying to figure out the details, try running the job in Hive local MapReduce mode. In the Hive CLI enter:

hive> SET mapred.job.tracker=local;

Then execute the job again. This mode was added in Hive 0.7.0, and may not be available to you. If it is, try to use it, since it avoids using the Hadoop MapReduce framework—which means you have one less part to worry about when debugging a failed Hive job.

The following counts the rows in the pokes and hbase_table_1 tables (the CLI output of the job details are omitted for the second and all subsequent queries):

hive> select count(*) from pokes;       
Total MapReduce jobs = 1
Launching Job 1 out of 1
Number of reduce tasks determined at compile time: 1
In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes):
  set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number>
In order to limit the maximum number of reducers:
  set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>
In order to set a constant number of reducers:
  set mapred.reduce.tasks=<number>
Execution log at: /tmp/larsgeorge/larsgeorge_20110525152323_418769e6-1716- 
Job running in-process (local Hadoop)
2011-05-25 15:23:07,058 null map = 100%,  reduce = 100%
Ended Job = job_local_0001
Time taken: 3.627 seconds

hive> select count(*) from hbase_table_1;
Time taken: 4.542 seconds

What is interesting to note is the difference in the actual count for each table. They differ by more than 100 rows, where the HBase-backed table is the shorter one. What could be the reason for this? In HBase, you cannot have duplicate row keys, so every row that was copied over, and which had the same value in the originating column, is saved as the same row. This is the same as performing a SELECT DISTINCT on the source table:

hive> select count(distinct foo) from pokes;
Time taken: 3.525 seconds

This is now the same outcome and proves that the previous results are correct. Finally, drop both tables, which also removes the underlying HBase table:

hive> drop table pokes;
Time taken: 0.741 seconds

hive> drop table hbase_table_1;
Time taken: 3.132 seconds

hive> exit;

You can also map an existing HBase table into Hive, or even map the table into multiple Hive tables. This is useful when you have very distinct column families, and querying them is done separately. This will improve the performance of the query significantly, since it uses a Scan internally, selecting only the mapped column families. If you have a sparsely set family, this will only scan the much smaller files on disk, as opposed to running a job that has to scan everything just to filter out the sparse data.

Mapping an existing table requires the Hive EXTERNAL keyword, which is also used in other places to access data stored in unmanaged Hive tables, that is, those that are not under Hive’s control:

hive> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE hbase_table_2(key int, value string) 
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("hbase.columns.mapping" = ":key,cf1:val")
TBLPROPERTIES("" = "<existing-table-name>");

External tables are not deleted when the table is dropped within Hive. This simply removes the metadata information about the table.

You have the option to map any HBase column directly to a Hive column, or you can map an entire column family to a Hive MAP type. This is useful when you do not know the column qualifiers ahead of time: map the family and iterate over the columns from within the Hive query instead.


HBase columns you do not map into Hive are not accessible for Hive queries.

Since storage handlers work transparently for the higher-level layers in Hive, you can also use any user-defined function (UDF) supplied with Hive—or your own custom functions.

There are a few shortcomings in the current version, though:

No custom serialization

HBase only stores byte[] arrays, so Hive is simply converting every column value to String, and serializes it from there. For example, an INT column set to 12 in Hive would be stored as if using Bytes.toBytes("12").

No version support

There is currently no way to specify any version details when handling HBase tables. Hive always returns the most recent version.

Check with the Hive project site to see if these features have since been added.


The Apache Pig project[79] provides a platform to analyze large amounts of data. It has its own high-level query language, called Pig Latin, which uses an imperative programming style to formulate the steps involved in transforming the input data to the final output. This is the opposite of Hive’s declarative approach to emulate SQL.

The nature of Pig Latin, in comparison to HiveQL, appeals to everyone with a procedural programming background, but also lends itself to significant parallelization. When it is combined with the power of Hadoop and the MapReduce framework, you can process massive amounts of data in reasonable time frames.

Version 0.7.0 of Pig introduced the LoadFunc/StoreFunc classes and functionality, which allows you to load and store data from sources other than the usual HDFS. One of those sources is HBase, implemented in the HBaseStorage class.

Pigs’ support for HBase includes reading and writing to existing tables. You can map table columns as Pig tuples, which optionally include the row key as the first field for read operations. For writes, the first field is always used as the row key.

The storage also supports basic filtering, working on the row level, and providing the comparison operators explained in Comparison operators.[80]

You can use the supplied tutorial code and data to experiment with Pig and HBase. You do have to create the table in the HBase Shell first to work with it from within Pig:

hbase(main):001:0> create 'excite', 'colfam1'

Starting the Pig Shell, aptly called Grunt, requires the pig script. For local testing add the -x local switch:

$ pig -x local

Local mode implies that Pig is not using a separate MapReduce installation, but uses the LocalJobRunner that comes as part of Hadoop. It runs the resultant MapReduce jobs within the same process. This is useful for testing and prototyping, but should not be used for larger data sets.

You have the option to write the script beforehand in an editor of your choice, and subsequently specify it when you invoke the pig script. Or you can use Grunt, the Pig Shell, to enter the Pig Latin statements interactively. Ultimately, the statements are translated into one or more MapReduce jobs, but not all statements trigger the execution. Instead, you first define the steps line by line, and a call to DUMP or STORE will eventually set the job in motion.


The Pig Latin functions are case-insensitive, though commonly they are written in uppercase. Names and fields you define are case-sensitive, and so are the Pig Latin functions.

The Pig tutorial comes with a small data set that was published by Excite, and contains an anonymous user ID, a timestamp, and the search terms used on its site. The first step is to load the data into HBase using a slight transformation to generate a compound key. This is needed to enforce uniqueness for each entry:

grunt> raw = LOAD 'tutorial/data/excite-small.log' 
USING PigStorage('	') AS (user, time, query);
T = FOREACH raw GENERATE CONCAT(CONCAT(user, 'u0000'), time), query;
grunt> STORE T INTO 'excite' USING 
2011-05-27 22:55:29,717 [main] INFO  org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop. 
executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MapReduceLauncher - 100% complete
2011-05-27 22:55:29,717 [main] INFO 
- Detected Local mode. Stats reported below may be incomplete
2011-05-27 22:55:29,718 [main] INFO 
- Script Statistics: 

HadoopVersion  PigVersion      UserId  StartedAt       FinishedAt  Features
0.20.2  0.8.1  larsgeorge  2011-05-27 22:55:22 2011-05-27 22:55:29  UNKNOWN


Job Stats (time in seconds):
JobId   Alias   Feature Outputs
job_local_0002  T,raw   MAP_ONLY        excite,

Successfully read records from: "file:///opt/pig-0.8.1/tutorial/data/excite-small.log"

Successfully stored records in: "excite"

Job DAG:


You can use the DEFINE statement to abbreviate the long Java package reference for the HBaseStorage class. For example:

grunt> DEFINE LoadHBaseUser org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage( 
'data:roles', '-loadKey'),
grunt> U = LOAD 'user' USING LoadHBaseUser;                                                             
grunt> DUMP U;

This is useful if you are going to reuse the specific load or store function.

The STORE statement started a MapReduce job that read the data from the given logfile and copied it into the HBase table. The statement in between is changing the relation to generate a compound row key—which is the first field specified in the STORE statement afterward—which is the user and time fields, separated by a zero byte.

Accessing the data involves another LOAD statement, this time using the HBaseStorage class:

grunt> R = LOAD 'excite' USING 
org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('colfam1:query', '-loadKey') 
AS (key: chararray, query: chararray);

The parameters in the brackets define the column to field mapping, as well as the extra option to load the row key as the first field in relation R. The AS part explicitly defines that the row key and the colfam1:query column are converted to chararray, which is Pig’s string type. By default, they are returned as bytearray, matching the way they are stored in the HBase table. Converting the data type allows you, for example, to subsequently split the row key.

You can test the statements entered so far by dumping the content of R, which is the result of the previous statement.

grunt> DUMP R;
(002BB5A52580A8ED970916150445,margaret laurence the stone angel)
(002BB5A52580A8ED970916150505,margaret laurence the stone angel)

The row key, placed as the first field in the tuple, is the concatenated representation created during the initial copying of the data from the file into HBase. It can now be split back into two fields so that the original layout of the text file is re-created:

grunt> S = foreach R generate FLATTEN(STRSPLIT(key, 'u0000', 2)) AS 
(user: chararray, time: long), query;
grunt> DESCRIBE S;
S: {user: chararray,time: long,query: chararray}

Using DUMP once more, this time using relation S, shows the final result:

grunt> DUMP S;
(002BB5A52580A8ED,970916150445,margaret laurence the stone angel)
(002BB5A52580A8ED,970916150505,margaret laurence the stone angel)

With this in place, you can proceed to the remainder of the Pig tutorial, while replacing the LOAD and STORE statements with the preceding code. Concluding this example, type in QUIT to finally exit the Grunt shell:

grunt> QUIT;

Pig’s support for HBase has a few shortcomings in the current version, though:

No version support

There is currently no way to specify any version details when handling HBase cells. Pig always returns the most recent version.

Fixed column mapping

The row key must be the first field and cannot be placed anywhere else. This can be overcome, though, with a subsequent FOREACH...GENERATE statement, reordering the relation layout.

Check with the Pig project site to see if these features have since been added.


Cascading is an alternative API to MapReduce. Under the covers, it uses MapReduce during execution, but during development, users don’t have to think in MapReduce to create solutions for execution on Hadoop.

The model used is similar to a real-world pipe assembly, where data sources are taps, and outputs are sinks. These are piped together to form the processing flow, where data passes through the pipe and is transformed in the process. Pipes can be connected to larger pipe assemblies to form more complex processing pipelines from existing pipes.

Data then streams through the pipeline and can be split, merged, grouped, or joined. The data is represented as tuples, forming a tuple stream through the assembly. This very visually oriented model makes building MapReduce jobs more like construction work, while abstracting the complexity of the actual work involved.

Cascading (as of version 1.0.1) has support for reading and writing data to and from an HBase cluster. Detailed information and access to the source code can be found on the Cascading Modules page (

Example 6-2 shows how to sink data into an HBase cluster. See the GitHub repository, linked from the modules page, for more up-to-date API information.

Example 6-2. Using Cascading to insert data into HBase
// read data from the default filesystem
// emits two fields: "offset" and "line"
Tap source = new Hfs(new TextLine(), inputFileLhs);

// store data in an HBase cluster, accepts fields "num", "lower", and "upper"
// will automatically scope incoming fields to their proper familyname, 
// "left" or "right"
Fields keyFields = new Fields("num");
String[] familyNames = {"left", "right"};
Fields[] valueFields = new Fields[] {new Fields("lower"), 
  new Fields("upper") };
Tap hBaseTap = new HBaseTap("multitable", new HBaseScheme(keyFields, 
  familyNames, valueFields), SinkMode.REPLACE);

// a simple pipe assembly to parse the input into fields
// a real app would likely chain multiple Pipes together for more complex 
// processing
Pipe parsePipe = new Each("insert", new Fields("line"), 
  new RegexSplitter(new Fields("num", "lower", "upper"), " "));

// "plan" a cluster executable Flow
// this connects the source Tap and hBaseTap (the sink Tap) to the parsePipe
Flow parseFlow = new FlowConnector(properties).connect(source, hBaseTap, 

// start the flow, and block until complete

// open an iterator on the HBase table we stuffed data into
TupleEntryIterator iterator = parseFlow.openSink();

while(iterator.hasNext()) {
  // print out each tuple from HBase
  System.out.println( " = " + );


Cascading to Hive and Pig offers a Java API, as opposed to the domain-specific languages (DSLs) provided by the others. There are add-on projects that provide DSLs on top of Cascading.


The HBase Shell is the command-line interface to your HBase cluster(s). You can use it to connect to local or remote servers and interact with them. The shell provides both client and administrative operations, mirroring the APIs discussed in the earlier chapters of this book.


The first step to experience the shell is to start it:

$ $HBASE_HOME/bin/hbase shell
HBase Shell; enter 'help<RETURN>' for list of supported commands.
Type "exit<RETURN>" to leave the HBase Shell
Version 0.91.0-SNAPSHOT, r1130916, Sat Jul 23 12:44:34 CEST 2011


The shell is based on JRuby, the Java Virtual Machine-based implementation of Ruby.[82] More specifically, it uses the Interactive Ruby Shell (IRB), which is used to enter Ruby commands and get an immediate response. HBase ships with Ruby scripts that extend the IRB with specific commands, related to the Java-based APIs. It inherits the built-in support for command history and completion, as well as all Ruby commands.


There is no need to install Ruby on your machines, as HBase ships with the required JAR files to execute the JRuby shell. You use the supplied script to start the shell on top of Java, which is already a necessary requirement.

Once started, you can type in help, and then press Return, to get the help text (abbreviated in the following code sample):

hbase(main):001:0> help
HBase Shell, version 0.91.0-SNAPSHOT, r1130916, Sat Jul 23 12:44:34 CEST 2011
Type 'help "COMMAND"', (e.g. 'help "get"' -- the quotes are necessary) for 
help on a specific command. Commands are grouped. Type 'help "COMMAND_GROUP"',
(e.g. 'help "general"') for help on a command group.

  Group name: general
  Commands: status, version

  Group name: ddl
  Commands: alter, create, describe, disable, drop, enable, exists, 
            is_disabled, is_enabled, list


Quote all names in HBase Shell such as table and column names.  Commas delimit
command parameters.  Type <RETURN> after entering a command to run it.
Dictionaries of configuration used in the creation and alteration of tables are
Ruby Hashes. They look like this:

As stated, you can request help for a specific command by adding the command when invoking help, or print out the help of all commands for a specific group when using the group name with the help command. The command or group name has the enclosed in quotes.

You can leave the shell by entering exit, or quit:

hbase(main):002:0> exit

The shell also has specific command-line options, which you can see when adding the -h, or --help, switch to the command:

$ $HBASE_HOME/bin.hbase shell -h
HBase Shell command-line options:
 format        Formatter for outputting results: console | html. Default: console
 -d | --debug  Set DEBUG log levels.

There is an option to switch the formatting being used by the shell. As of this writing, only console is available, though.

The shell start script automatically uses the configuration directory located in the same $HBASE_HOME directory. You can override the location to use other settings, but most importantly to connect to different clusters. Set up a separate directory that contains an hbase-site.xml file, with an hbase.zookeeper.quorum property pointing to another cluster, and start the shell like so:

$ HBASE_CONF_DIR="/<your-other-config-dir>/" bin/hbase shell

Note that you have to specify an entire directory, not just the hbase-site.xml file.


The commands are grouped into five different categories, representing their semantic relationships. When entering commands, you have to follow a few guidelines:

Quote names

Commands that require a table or column name expect the name to be quoted in either single or double quotes.

Quote values

The shell supports the output and input of binary values using a hexadecimal—or octal—representation. You must use double quotes or the shell will interpret them as literals.

hbase> get 't1', "keyx00x6cx65x6fx6e"
hbase> get 't1', "key00154141165162141"
hbase> put 't1', "testxefxff", 'f1:', "x01x33x70"

Note the mixture of quotes: you need to make sure you use the correct ones, or the result might not be what you had expected. Text in single quotes is treated as a literal, whereas double-quoted text is interpolated, that is, it transforms the octal, or hexadecimal, values into bytes.

Comma delimiters for parameters

Separate command parameters using commas. For example:

hbase(main):001:0> get 'testtable', 'row-1',
Ruby hashes for properties

For some commands, you need to hand in a map with key/value properties. This is done using Ruby hashes:

{'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', ...}

The keys/values are wrapped in curly braces, and in turn are separated by "=>". Usually keys are predefined constants such as NAME, VERSIONS, or COMPRESSION, and do not need to be quoted. For example:

hbase(main):001:0> create 'testtable', {NAME =>
'colfam1', VERSIONS => 1, 
TTL => 2592000, BLOCKCACHE => true}

For any command, you can get detailed help by typing in help '<command>'. Here’s an example:

hbase(main):001:0> help 'status'
Show cluster status. Can be 'summary', 'simple', or 'detailed'. The
default is 'summary'. Examples:

  hbase> status
  hbase> status 'simple'
  hbase> status 'summary'
  hbase> status 'detailed'

The majority of commands have a direct match with a method provided by either the client or administrative API. Next is a brief overview of each command and the matching API functionality.


The general commands are listed in Table 6-1. They allow you to retrieve details about the status of the cluster itself, and the version of HBase it is running. See the ClusterStatus class in Cluster Status Information for details.

Table 6-1. General shell commands
statusReturns various levels of information contained in the ClusterStatus class. See the help to get the simple, summary, and detailed status information.
versionReturns the current version, repository revision, and compilation date of your HBase cluster. See ClusterStatus.getHBaseVersion() in Table 5-4.

Data definition

The data definition commands are listed in Table 6-2. Most of them stem from the administrative API, as described in Chapter 5.

Table 6-2. Data definition shell commands
alterModifies an existing table schema using modifyTable(). See Schema Operations for details.
createCreates a new table. See the createTable() call in Table Operations for details.
describePrints the HTableDescriptor. See Tables for details.
disableDisables a table. See and the disableTable() method.
dropDrops a table. See the deleteTable() method in .
enableEnables a table. See the enableTable() call in for details.
existsChecks if a table exists. It uses the tableExists() call; see .
is_disabledChecks if a table is disabled. See the isTableDisabled() method in .
is_enabledChecks if a table is enabled. See the isTableEnabled() method in .
listReturns a list of all user tables. Uses the listTables() method, described in .

Data manipulation

The data manipulation commands are listed in Table 6-3. Most of them are provided by the client API, as described in Chapters 3 and 4.

Table 6-3. Data manipulation shell commands
countCounts the rows in a table. Uses a Scan internally, as described in Scans.
deleteDeletes a cell. See Delete Method and the Delete class.
deleteallSimilar to delete but does not require a column. Deletes an entire family or row. See and the Delete class.
getRetrieves a cell. See the Get class in Get Method.
get_counterRetrieves a counter value. Same as the get command but converts the raw counter value into a readable number. See the Get class in .
incrIncrements a counter. Uses the Increment class; see Counters for details.
putStores a cell. Uses the Put class, as described in Put Method.
scanScans a range of rows. Relies on the Scan class. See Scans for details.
truncateTruncates a table, which is the same as executing the disable and drop commands, followed by a create, using the same schema.


The tools commands are listed in Table 6-4. These commands are provided by the administrative API; see Cluster Operations for details.

Table 6-4. Tools shell commands
assignAssigns a region to a server. See Cluster Operations and the assign() method.
balance_switchToggles the balancer switch. See and the balanceSwitch() method.
balancerStarts the balancer. See and the balancer() method.
close_regionCloses a region. Uses the closeRegion() method, as described in .
compactStarts the asynchronous compaction of a region or table. Uses compact(), as described in .
flushStarts the asynchronous flush of a region or table. Uses flush(), as described in .
major_compactStarts the asynchronous major compaction of a region or table. Uses majorCompact(), as described in .
moveMoves a region to a different server. See the move() call, and for details.
splitSplits a region or table. See the split() call, and for details.
unassignUnassigns a region. See the unassign() call, and for details.
zk_dumpDumps the ZooKeeper details pertaining to HBase. This is a special function offered by an internal class. The web-based UI of the HBase Master exposes the same information.


The replication commands are listed in Table 6-5.

Table 6-5. Replication shell commands
add_peerAdds a replication peer
disable_peerDisables a replication peer
enable_peerEnables a replication peer
remove_peerRemoves a replication peer
start_replicationStarts the replication process
stop_replicationStops the replications process


Inside the shell, you can execute the provided commands interactively, getting immediate feedback. Sometimes, though, you just want to send one command, and possibly script this call from the scheduled maintenance system (e.g., cron or at). Or you want to send a command in response to a check run in Nagios, or another monitoring tool. You can do this by piping the command into the shell:

$ echo "status" | bin/hbase shell
HBase Shell; enter 'help<RETURN>' for list of supported commands.
Type "exit<RETURN>" to leave the HBase Shell
Version 0.91.0-SNAPSHOT, r1130916, Sat Jul 23 12:44:34 CEST 2011

1 servers, 0 dead, 44.0000 average load

Once the command is complete, the shell is closed and control is given back to the caller. Finally, you can hand in an entire script to be executed by the shell at startup:

$ cat ~/hbase-shell-status.rb 
$ bin/hbase shell ~/hbase-shell-status.rb 
1 servers, 0 dead, 44.0000 average load

HBase Shell; enter 'help<RETURN>' for list of supported commands.
Type "exit<RETURN>" to leave the HBase Shell
Version 0.91.0-SNAPSHOT, r1130916, Sat Jul 23 12:44:34 CEST 2011

hbase(main):001:0> exit

Once the script has completed, you can continue to work in the shell or exit it as usual. There is also an option to execute a script using the raw JRuby interpreter, which involves running it directly as a Java application. Using the hbase script sets up the classpath to be able to use any Java class necessary. The following example simply retrieves the list of tables from the remote cluster:

$ cat ~/hbase-shell-status-2.rb 
include Java
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin

conf =
admin =
tables = admin.listTables
tables.each { |table| puts table.getNameAsString()  }

$ bin/hbase org.jruby.Main ~/hbase-shell-status-2.rb

Since the shell is based on JRuby’s IRB, you can use its built-in features, such as command completion and history. Enabling them is a matter of creating an .irbrc in your home directory, which is read when the shell starts:

$ cat ~/.irbrc
require 'irb/ext/save-history'
IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 100
IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.irb-save-history"

This enables the command history to save across shell starts. The command completion is already enabled by the HBase scripts.

Another advantage of the interactive interpreter is that you can use the HBase classes and functions to perform, for example, something that would otherwise require you to write a Java application. Here is an example of binary output received from a Bytes.toBytes() call that is converted into an integer value:

=> 67163


Note how the shell encoded the first three unprintable characters as hexadecimal values, while the fourth, the "[", was printed as a character.

Another example is to convert a date into a Linux epoch number, and back into a human-readable date:

hbase(main):002:0>"yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss").parse( 
  "2011/05/30 20:56:29").getTime()
=> 1306781789000

=> "Mon May 30 20:56:29 CEST 2011"

Finally, you can also add many cells in a loop—for example, to populate a table with test data:

hbase(main):003:0> for i in 'a'..'z' do for j in
'a'..'z' do put 'testtable', 
"row-#{i}#{j}", "colfam1:#{j}", "#{j}" end end

A more elaborate loop to populate counters could look like this:

hbase(main):004:0> require 'date';
import java.lang.Long
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
(, 01, 01) { |x| put "testtable", "daily", 
"colfam1:" + x.strftime("%Y%m%d"), Bytes.toBytes( * 
4000).longValue).to_a.pack("CCCCCCCC") }

Obviously, this is getting very much into Ruby itself. But even with a little bit of programming skills in another language, you might be able to use the features of the IRB-based shell to your advantage. Start easy and progress from there.

Web-based UI

The HBase processes expose a web-based user interface (UI), which you can use to gain insight into the cluster’s state, as well as the tables it hosts. The majority of the functionality is read-only, but a few selected operations can be triggered through the UI.

Master UI

HBase also starts a web-based listing of vital attributes. By default, it is deployed on the master host at port 60010, while region servers use 60030. If the master is running on a host named on the default port, to see the master’s home page, you can point your browser at


The ports used by the servers can be set in the hbase-site.xml configuration file. The properties to change are:

Main page

The first page you will see when opening the master’s web UI is shown in Figure 6-2. It consists of multiple sections that give you insight into the cluster status itself, the tables it serves, what the region servers are, and so on.

The HBase Master user interface
Figure 6-2. The HBase Master user interface

The details can be broken up into the following groups:

Master attributes

You will find cluster-wide details in a table at the top of the page. It has information on the version of HBase and Hadoop that you are using, where the root directory is located,[83] the overall load average, and the ZooKeeper quorum used.

There is also a link in the description for the ZooKeeper quorum allowing you to see the information for your current HBase cluster stored in ZooKeeper. ZooKeeper page discusses its content.

Running tasks

The next group of details on the master’s main page is the list of currently running tasks. Every internal operation performed by the master is listed here while it is running, and for another minute after its completion. Entries with a white background are currently running, a green background indicates successful completion of the task, and a yellow background means the task was aborted. The latter can happen when an operation failed due to an inconsistent state. Figure 6-3 shows a completed, a running, and a failed task.

The list of currently running tasks on the master
Figure 6-3. The list of currently running tasks on the master
Catalog tables

This section list the two catalog tables, .META. and -ROOT-. You can click on the name of the table to see more details on the table regions—for example, on what server they are currently hosted.

User tables

Here you will see the list of all tables known to your HBase cluster. These are the ones you—or your users—have created using the API, or the HBase Shell. The description column in the list gives you a printout of the current table descriptor, including all column descriptors; see Schema Definition for an explanation of how to read them.

The table names are links to another page with details on the selected table. See User Table page for an explanation of the contained information.

Region servers

The next section lists the actual region servers the master knows about. The table lists the , which you can click on to see more details. It also states the server , a timestamp representing an ID for each server, and finally, the load of the server. For information on the values listed refer to Cluster Status Information, and especially the HServerLoad class.

Regions in transition

As regions are managed by the master and region servers to, for example, balance the load across servers, they go through short phases of transition. This applies to opening, closing, and splitting a region. Before the operation is performed, the region is added to the list, and once the operation is complete, it is removed. The Region Life Cycle describes the possible states a region can be in. Figure 6-4 shows a region that is currently split.

The Regions in Transitions table provided by the master web UI
Figure 6-4. The Regions in Transitions table provided by the master web UI

User Table page

When you click on the name of a user table in the master’s web-based user interface, you have access to the information pertaining to the selected table. Figure 6-5 shows an abbreviated version of a User Table page (it has a shortened list of regions for the sake of space).

The User Table page with details about the selected table
Figure 6-5. The User Table page with details about the selected table

The following groups of information are available in the User Table page:

Table attributes

Here you can find details about the table itself. As of this writing, this section only lists the table status (i.e., it indicates if it is enabled or not). See Table Operations, and the disableTable() call especially.

The boolean value states whether the table is enabled, so when you see a true in the Value column, this is the case. On the other hand, a value of false would mean the table is currently disabled.

Table regions

This list can be rather large and shows all regions of a table. The Name column has the region name itself, and the Region Server column has a link to the server hosting the region. Clicking on the link takes you to the page explained in Region Server UI.

Sometimes you may see the words not deployed where the server name should be. This happens when a user table region is not currently served by any region server. Figure 6-6 shows an example of this situation.

The Start Key and End Key columns show the region’s start and end keys as expected. Finally, the Requests column shows the total number of requests, including all read (e.g., get or scan) and write (e.g., put or delete) operations, since the region was deployed to the server.

Example of a region that has not been assigned to a server and is listed as not deployed
Figure 6-6. Example of a region that has not been assigned to a server and is listed as not deployed
Regions by region server

The last group on the User Table page lists which region server is hosting how many regions of the selected table. This number is usually distributed evenly across all available servers. If not, you can use the HBase Shell or administrative API to initiate the balancer, or use the move command to manually balance the table regions (see Cluster Operations).

The User Table page also offers a form that can be used to trigger administrative operations on a specific region, or the entire table. See again for details, and Optimizing Splits and Compactions for information on when you want to use them. The available operations are:


This triggers the compact functionality, which is asynchronously running in the background. Specify the optional name of a region to run the operation more selectively. The name of the region can be taken from the table above, that is, the entries in the Name column of the Table Regions table.


Make sure to copy the entire region name as-is. This includes the trailing "." (the dot)!

If you do not specify a region name, the operation is performed on all regions of the table instead.


Similar to the compact action, the split form action triggers the split command, operating on a table or region scope. Not all regions may be splittable—for example, those that contain no, or very few, cells, or one that has already been split, but which has not been compacted to complete the process.

Once you trigger one of the operations, you will receive a confirmation page; for example, for a split invocation, you will see:

Split request accepted.


Use the Back button of your web browser to go back to the previous page, showing the user table details.

ZooKeeper page

There is also a link in the description column that lets you dump the content of all the nodes stored in ZooKeeper by HBase. This is useful when trying to solve problems with the cluster setup (see Troubleshooting).

The page shows the same information as invoking the zk_dump command of the HBase Shell. It shows you the root directory HBase is using inside the configured filesystem. You also can see the currently assigned master, which region server is hosting the -ROOT- catalog table, the list of region servers that have registered with the master, as well as ZooKeeper internal details. Figure 6-7 shows an exemplary output available on the ZooKeeper page.

The ZooKeeper page, listing HBase and ZooKeeper details, which is useful when debugging HBase installations
Figure 6-7. The ZooKeeper page, listing HBase and ZooKeeper details, which is useful when debugging HBase installations

Region Server UI

The region servers have their own web-based UI, which you usually access through the master UI, by clicking on the server name links provided. You can access the page directly by entering


into your browser (while making sure to use the configured port, here using the default of 60030).

Main page

The main page of the region servers has details about the server, the tasks, and regions it is hosting. Figure 6-8 shows an abbreviated example of this page (the list of tasks and regions is shortened for the sake of space).

The Region Server main page
Figure 6-8. The Region Server main page

The page can be broken up into the following groups of distinct information:

Region server attributes

This group of information contains the version of HBase you are running, when it was compiled, a printout of the server metrics, and the ZooKeeper quorum used. The metrics are explained in Region Server Metrics.

Running tasks

The table lists all currently running tasks, using a white background for running tasks, a yellow one for failed tasks, and a green one for completed tasks. Failed or completed tasks are removed after one minute.

Online regions

Here you can see all the regions hosted by the currently selected region server. The table has the region name, the start and end keys, as well as the region metrics.

Shared Pages

On the top of the master, region server, and table pages there are also a few generic links that lead to subsequent pages, displaying or controlling additional details of your setup:

Local logs

This link provides a quick way to access the logfiles without requiring access to the server itself. It firsts list the contents of the log directory where you can select the logfile you want to see. Click on a log to reveal its content. Analyzing the Logs helps you to make sense of what you may see. Figure 6-9 shows an example page.

The Local Logs page
Figure 6-9. The Local Logs page
Thread dumps

For debugging purposes, you can use this link to dump the Java stacktraces of the running HBase processes. You can find more details in Troubleshooting. Figure 6-10 shows example output.

Log level

This link leads you to a small form that allows you to retrieve and set the logging levels used by the HBase processes. More on this is provided in Changing Logging Levels. Figure 6-11 shows the form when it is loaded afresh.

When you enter, for example, org.apache.hadoop.hbase into the first input field, and click on the Get Log Level button, you should see a result similar to that shown in Figure 6-12.

The web-based UI provided by the HBase servers is a good way to quickly gain insight into the cluster, the hosted tables, the status of regions and tables, and so on. The majority of the information can also be accessed using the HBase Shell, but that requires console access to the cluster.

You can use the UI to trigger selected administrative operations; therefore, it might not be advisable to give everyone access to it: similar to the shell, the UI should be used by the operators and administrators of the cluster.

If you want your users to create, delete, and display their own tables, you will need an additional layer on top of HBase, possibly using Thrift or REST as the gateway server, to offer this functionality to end users.

The Thread Dump page
Figure 6-10. The Thread Dump page
The Log Level page
Figure 6-11. The Log Level page
The Log Level Result page
Figure 6-12. The Log Level Result page

[68] See “Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures” ( by Roy T. Fielding, 2000.

[69] See the official SOAP specification online ( SOAP—or Simple Object Access Protocol—also uses HTTP as the underlying transport protocol, but exposes a different API for every service.

[70] See the official Protocol Buffer project website.

[71] See the Thrift project website.

[72] See the Apache Avro project website.

[73] curl is a command-line tool for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting a large variety of protocols. See the project’s website for details.

[74] The basic idea is to encode any unsafe or unprintable character code as “%” + ASCII Code. Because it uses the percent sign as the prefix, it is also called percent encoding. See the Wikipedia page on percent encoding for details.

[75] See the Wikipedia page on Base64 for details.

[77] See the Hive wiki for more details on storage handlers.

[78] The Hive wiki has a full explanation of the HBase integration into Hive.

[80] Internally it uses the RowFilter class; see RowFilter.

[81] The full details can be found on the Pig setup page.

[82] Visit the Ruby website ( for details.

[83] Recall that this should better not be starting with /tmp, or you may lose your data during a machine restart. Refer to Quick-Start Guide for details.

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