
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


abort() method, HBaseAdmin class, Basic Operations
Abortable interface, Basic Operations
Accept header, switching REST formats, Supported formats, JSON (application/json), Protocol Buffer (application/x-protobuf)
access control
Bigtable column families for, HBase Versus Bigtable
coprocessors for, Introduction to Coprocessors
ACID properties, The Problem with Relational Database Systems
add() method, Bytes class, The Bytes Class
add() method, Put class, Single Puts
addColumn() method, Get class, Single Gets
addColumn() method, HBaseAdmin class, Schema Operations
addColumn() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
addColumn() method, Scan class, Introduction
addFamily() method, Get class, Single Gets
addFamily() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
addFamily() method, Scan class, Introduction, Client API: Best Practices
add_peer command, HBase Shell, Replication
alter command, HBase Shell, Data definition
data requirements of, The Dawn of Big Data
S3 (Simple Storage Service), S3S3
Apache Avro (see Avro)
Apache binary release for HBase, Apache Binary ReleaseApache Binary Release
Apache HBase (see HBase)
Apache Hive (see Hive)
Apache Lucene, Search Integration, Search Integration
Apache Maven (see Maven)
Apache Pig (see Pig)
Apache Solr, Search Integration
Apache Whirr, deployment using, Apache WhirrApache Whirr
Apache ZooKeeper (see ZooKeeper)
API (see client API)
append feature, for durability, Durability
append() method, HLog class, HLog Class
architecture, storage (see storage architecture)
assign command, HBase Shell, Tools
assign() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations
AssignmentManager class, The Region Life Cycle
AsyncHBase client, Other Clients
atomic read-modify-write, Dimensions
compare-and-delete operations, Atomic compare-and-deleteAtomic compare-and-delete
compare-and-set, for put operations, Atomic compare-and-setAtomic compare-and-set
per-row basis for, Tables, Rows, Columns, and Cells, Storage API, General Notes
row locks for, Row Locks
for WAL edits, WALEdit Class
auto-sharding, Auto-ShardingAuto-Sharding
Avro, Introduction to REST, Thrift, and AvroIntroduction to REST, Thrift, and Avro, AvroOperation
documentation for, Operation
installing, Installation
port used by, Operation
schema compilers for, Avro
schema used by, Advanced Schemas
starting server for, Operation
stopping, Operation


B+ trees, B+ TreesB+ Trees
backup masters, adding, Adding a local backup master, Adding a backup masterAdding a backup master
balancer, Load BalancingLoad Balancing, Node Decommissioning
balancer command, HBase Shell, Tools, Load Balancing
balancer() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations, Load Balancing
balanceSwitch() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations, Load Balancing
balance_switch command, HBase Shell, Tools, Load Balancing, Node Decommissioning
base64 command, XML (text/xml)
Base64 encoding, with REST, XML (text/xml), JSON (application/json)
BaseEndpointCoprocessor class, The BaseEndpointCoprocessor classThe BaseEndpointCoprocessor class
BaseMasterObserver class, The BaseMasterObserver classThe BaseMasterObserver class
BaseRegionObserver class, The BaseRegionObserver classThe BaseRegionObserver class
Batch class, The CoprocessorProtocol interface, The BaseEndpointCoprocessor class
batch clients, Batch Clients
batch operations
for scans, Caching Versus BatchingCaching Versus Batching, Custom Filters
on tables, Batch OperationsBatch Operations
batch() method, HTable class, Batch OperationsBatch Operations, Introduction to Counters
Bigtable storage architecture, Backdrop, Summary, Nomenclature, HBase Versus BigtableHBase Versus Bigtable
“Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data” (paper, by Google), Preface, Backdrop
bin directory, Apache Binary Release
BinaryComparator class, Comparators
BinaryPrefixComparator class, Comparators
binarySearch() method, Bytes class, The Bytes Class
bioinformatics, data requirements of, The Dawn of Big Data
BitComparator class, Comparators
block cache, Column Families
Bloom filters affecting, Bloom Filters
controlling use of, Single Gets, Introduction, Client API: Best Practices
enabling and disabling, Column Families
metrics for, Region Server Metrics
settings for, Configuration
block replication, MapReduce LocalityMapReduce Locality
blocks, HFile FormatHFile Format
compressing, HFile Format
size of, Column Families, HFile Format
Bloom filters, Column Families, Bloom FiltersBloom Filters
bypass() method, ObserverContext class, The ObserverContext class
Bytes class, Single Puts, Single Gets, The Bytes ClassThe Bytes Class


caching, Caching Versus Batching
(see also block cache; Memcached)
regions, The HTable Utility Methods
for scan operations, Caching Versus BatchingCaching Versus Batching, Client API: Best Practices, HBase Configuration Properties
Cacti server, JMXToolkit on, JMX Remote API
call() method, Batch class, The CoprocessorProtocol interface
CAP (consistency, availability, and partition tolerance) theorem, Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
CAS (compare-and-set)
for delete operations, Atomic compare-and-delete
for put operations, Atomic compare-and-setAtomic compare-and-set
CaS (core aggregation switch), Networking
Cascading, CascadingCascading
causal consistency, Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
CDH3 Hadoop distribution, Hadoop, Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache HadoopCloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop
cells, Tables, Rows, Columns, and CellsTables, Rows, Columns, and Cells
timestamp for (see versioning)
cellular services, data requirements of, The Dawn of Big Data
CentOS, Operating system
checkAndDelete() method, HTable class, Atomic compare-and-deleteAtomic compare-and-delete
checkAndPut() method, HTable class, Atomic compare-and-setAtomic compare-and-set
checkHBaseAvailable() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations
checkTableModifiable() method, MasterServices class, The MasterCoprocessorEnvironment class
Chef, deployment using, Puppet and Chef
CLASSPATH variable, Client Configuration
clearRegionCache() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
client API, Storage APIStorage API, General Notes
batch operations, Batch OperationsBatch Operations
byte conversion operations, The Bytes ClassThe Bytes Class
connection handling, Connection HandlingConnection Handling
coprocessors, CoprocessorsThe BaseEndpointCoprocessor class
counters, CountersMultiple Counters
delete method, Delete MethodAtomic compare-and-delete
filters, FiltersFilters Summary
get method, Get MethodRelated retrieval methods
HTablePool class, HTablePoolHTablePool
put method, Put MethodAtomic compare-and-set
row locks, Row LocksRow Locks
scan operations, ScansCaching Versus Batching
utility methods, The HTable Utility MethodsThe HTable Utility Methods
client library, Implementation
client-managed search integration, Search Integration
client-managed secondary indexes, Secondary Indexes
client-side write buffer (see write buffer)
clients, Introduction to REST, Thrift, and AvroIntroduction to REST, Thrift, and Avro
(see also HBase Shell; web-based UI for HBase)
batch, Batch ClientsCascading
configuration for, Client Configuration
interactive, Interactive ClientsOther Clients
Clojure-based MapReduce API, Clojure
close() method, HBaseAdmin class, Basic Operations
close() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
close() method, ResultScanner class, The ResultScanner Class
closeRegion() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations
closeTablePool() method, HTablePool class, HTablePool
close_region command, HBase Shell, Tools
Cloudera’s Distribution including Apache Hadoop, Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache HadoopCloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop
CloudStore filesystem, Other Filesystems
monitoring (see monitoring systems)
operations on, Cluster OperationsCluster Operations
shutting down, Cluster Operations
starting, Quick-Start Guide, Running and Confirming Your Installation
status information for, Web-based UI Introduction, Cluster Status InformationCluster Status Information, Main pageMain page
status of, Cluster Operations
stopping, Quick-Start Guide, Stopping the Cluster
two, coexisting, Coexisting ClustersCoexisting Clusters
ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status InformationCluster Status Information, General
CMS (Concurrent Mark-Sweep Collector), Garbage Collection Tuning
Codd’s 12 rules, The Dawn of Big Data
column families, Tables, Rows, Columns, and Cells, Table Properties, ConceptsConcepts
adding, Schema Operations
block cache for, Column Families
block size for, Column Families
Bloom filters for, Column Families
compression for, Column Families
deleting, Schema Operations, Data manipulation
in-memory blocks for, Column Families
maximum number of versions for, Column Families
modifying structure of, Schema Operations
name for, Column Families, Column Families, Column Families
replication scope for, Column Families
time-to-live (TTL) for, Column Families
column family descriptors, Column FamiliesColumn Families, Schema Operations
column keys, Concepts, Time-Ordered RelationsTime-Ordered Relations
column qualifiers, Column Families, Concepts
column-oriented databases, The Dawn of Big Data
ColumnCountGetFilter class, ColumnCountGetFilter, Filters Summary
ColumnPaginationFilter class, ColumnPaginationFilterColumnPaginationFilter, Filters Summary, Pagination
ColumnPrefixFilter class, ColumnPrefixFilter, Filters Summary
columns, Tables, Rows, Columns, and CellsTables, Rows, Columns, and Cells
commas, in HBase Shell, Commands
commit log (see WAL)
commodity hardware, Hardware
compact command, HBase Shell, Tools
compact() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations
compacting collections, reducing, Memstore-Local Allocation Buffer
compaction, Implementation, CompactionsCompactions
major compaction, Implementation, Compactions, Enabling Compression
managed, with splitting, Managed SplittingManaged Splitting
metrics for, Region Server Metrics
minor compaction, Implementation, Compactions
performing, Cluster Operations, Cluster Operations, Tools, User Table page
properties for, HBase Configuration Properties, HBase Configuration Properties
compaction.dir file, Region-level files
comparators, for filters, ComparatorsComparators
CompareFilter class, The filter hierarchy, Comparison Filters
compareTo() method, Bytes class, The Bytes Class
comparison filters, Comparison FiltersDependentColumnFilter
comparison operators, for filters, Comparison operators
complete() method, ObserverContext class, The ObserverContext class
completebulkload tool, Bulk load procedure, Using the completebulkload Tool
CompositeContext class, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
compression, Dimensions, CompressionEnabling Compression
algorithms for, Available CodecsGZIP
for column families, Column Families
enabling, Enabling CompressionEnabling Compression
settings for, Compression
verifying installation of, Verifying InstallationStartup check
CompressionTest tool, Compression test tool
Concurrent Mark-Sweep Collector (CMS), Garbage Collection Tuning
concurrent mode failure, Garbage Collection Tuning
conf directory, Apache Binary Release
configuration, ConfigurationClient Configuration
accessing from client code, Single Puts, The HTable Utility Methods
caching, Caching Versus Batching
client-side write buffer, Client-side write buffer
clients, Client Configuration
coexisting clusters, Coexisting Clusters, Coexisting Clusters
enabling, The BaseRegionObserver class
loading, Loading from the configurationLoading from the configuration
data directory, Quick-Start Guide
file descriptor limits, File handles and process limits
fully distributed mode, Fully distributed mode
garbage collection, Garbage Collection Tuning
HBase Shell, Basics
Java, Java, Run Modes
lock timeout, Row Locks
performance tuning, ConfigurationConfiguration
ports, for web-based UI, Master UI
properties, list of, HBase Configuration PropertiesHBase Configuration Properties
pseudodistributed mode, Pseudodistributed mode
replication, Replication
swapping, Swappiness
ZooKeeper, ZooKeeper setup, ZooKeeper setup, Using the existing ZooKeeper ensemble, Configuration
Configuration class, Single Puts
configureIncrementalLoad() method, HFileOutputFormat class, Bulk load procedure
connection handling, Connection HandlingConnection Handling
consistency models, Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?, Dimensions
(see also CAP theorem)
constructors, parameterless, Tables
contact information for this book, How to Contact Us
containsColumn() method, Result class, The Result class
Content-Type header, switching REST formats in, Supported formats
conventions used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book
Coprocessor interface, Introduction to CoprocessorsThe Coprocessor Class
CoprocessorEnvironment class, The Coprocessor Class
coprocessorExec() method, HTable class, The CoprocessorProtocol interface
CoprocessorProtocol interface, The CoprocessorProtocol interfaceThe CoprocessorProtocol interface
coprocessorProxy() method, HTable class, The CoprocessorProtocol interface
coprocessors, Storage API, CoprocessorsThe BaseEndpointCoprocessor class
endpoint coprocessors, Introduction to Coprocessors, EndpointsThe BaseEndpointCoprocessor class
loading, Coprocessor LoadingLoading from the table descriptor
observer coprocessors, Introduction to Coprocessors, The RegionObserver ClassThe BaseMasterObserver class
priority of, The Coprocessor Class
search integration using, Search Integration
secondary indexes using, Secondary Indexes
state of, The Coprocessor Class
CopyTable tool, CopyTable ToolCopyTable Tool
core aggregation switch (CaS), Networking
.corrupt directory, Root-level files, Log splitting
count command, HBase Shell, Data manipulation
counters, CountersMultiple Counters
encoding and decoding, Introduction to Counters
incrementing, Introduction to CountersIntroduction to Counters, Introduction to Counters, Single Counters, Multiple CountersMultiple Counters, Data manipulation
initializing, Introduction to Counters
multiple counters, Multiple CountersMultiple Counters
retrieving, Introduction to Counters, Introduction to Counters, Data manipulation
single counters, Single CountersSingle Counters
requirements for, Servers
utilization of, Garbage collection/memory tuning
create command, HBase Shell, Quick-Start Guide, Shell Introduction, Data definition, Presplitting Regions
create() method, HBaseConfiguration class, Single Puts
createAndPrepare() method, ObserverContext class, The ObserverContext class
createRecordReader() method, TableInputFormat class, Table Splits
createTable() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table OperationsTable Operations, Presplitting Regions
createTableAsync() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations, Table Operations
Crossbow project, The Dawn of Big Data
CRUD operations, CRUD OperationsAtomic compare-and-delete
delete method, Delete MethodAtomic compare-and-delete
get method, Get MethodRelated retrieval methods
put method, Put MethodAtomic compare-and-set
curl command, Operation


data directory, setting, Quick-Start Guide
data locality, MapReduce LocalityMapReduce Locality
data models, Dimensions
database normalization, Tables
access requirements for, The Dawn of Big DataThe Dawn of Big Data
classifying, dimensions for, DimensionsDimensions
column-oriented (see column-oriented databases)
consistency models for, Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
denormalizing, Database (De-)Normalization, Time-Ordered Relations
nonrelational (see NoSQL database systems)
quantity requirements for, The Dawn of Big DataThe Dawn of Big Data
relational (see RDBMS)
scalability of, ScalabilityScalability
sharding, The Problem with Relational Database Systems, Scalability, Auto-ShardingAuto-Sharding
datanode handlers, Datanode handlers, DataNode connections
DDI (Denormalization, Duplication, and Intelligent Keys), Database (De-)Normalization
deadlocks, Dimensions
Debian, Operating system
debug command, HBase Shell, Basics
DEBUG logging level, Changing Logging Levels
debugging, Changing Logging Levels
(see also troubleshooting)
debug mode for, Basics
logging level for, Changing Logging Levels
text representations of data for, The Result class
thread dumps for, Shared Pages
decorating filters, Decorating FiltersWhileMatchFilter
dedicated filters, Dedicated FiltersRandomRowFilter
Delete class, Single DeletesSingle Deletes
delete command, HBase Shell, Quick-Start Guide, Data manipulation
delete marker, Implementation, Log-Structured Merge-Trees
Delete type, KeyValue class, The KeyValue class
delete() method, HTable class, Delete MethodAtomic compare-and-delete
(see also checkAndDelete() method, HTable class)
for multiple operations, List of DeletesList of Deletes
for single operations, Single DeletesSingle Deletes
deleteall command, HBase Shell, Data manipulation
deleteAllConnections() method, HConnectionManager class, Connection Handling
DeleteColumn type, KeyValue class, The KeyValue class
deleteColumn() method, Delete class, Single Deletes
deleteColumn() method, HBaseAdmin class, Schema Operations
deleteColumns() method, Delete class, Single Deletes
deleteConnection() method, HConnectionManager class, Connection Handling
DeleteFamily type, KeyValue class, The KeyValue class
deleteFamily() method, Delete class, Single Deletes
deleteTable() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
Delicious RSS feed, Data Sink
Denormalization, Duplication, and Intelligent Keys (see DDI)
DependentColumnFilter class, DependentColumnFilterDependentColumnFilter, Filters Summary
describe command, HBase Shell, Data definition
disable command, HBase Shell, Quick-Start Guide, Data definition
disableTable() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
disableTableAsync() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
disable_peer command, HBase Shell, Replication
disks, requirements for, Servers
distcp command, Hadoop, Import and Export Tools
distributed mode, Run Modes, Distributed ModeUsing the existing ZooKeeper ensemble
adding servers in, Fully distributed clusterAdding a region server
distributions of HBase, Distributions
DNS (Domain Name Service), requirements for, Domain Name Service
docs directory, Apache Binary Release
drop command, HBase Shell, Quick-Start Guide, Data definition
durability of data, DurabilityDurability
dynamic provisioning, for MapReduce, Dynamic ProvisioningDynamic Provisioning


empty qualifier, Tall-Narrow Versus Flat-Wide Tables
enable command, HBase Shell, Data definition
enableTable() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
enableTableAsync() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
enable_peer command, HBase Shell, Replication
endpoint coprocessors, Introduction to Coprocessors, EndpointsThe BaseEndpointCoprocessor class
environmental companies, data requirements of, The Dawn of Big Data
EQUAL operator, Comparison operators
equals() method, Bytes class, The Bytes Class
equals() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Operations
ERD (entity relationship diagram), for Hush, Database (De-)NormalizationDatabase (De-)Normalization
error messages in logfiles, Analyzing the LogsAnalyzing the Logs
Ethernet card, requirements for, Servers
Evans, Eric (coined “NoSQL”), Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
eventual consistency, Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
“Eventually Consistent” (article, by Werner Vogels), Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
examples in this book, Building the ExamplesBuilding the Examples
(see also Hush (HBase URL Shortener))
building, Building the ExamplesBuilding the Examples
location of, Building the Examples
permission to use, Using Code Examples
running, Building the Examples
exists command, HBase Shell, Data definition
exists() method, HTable class, Related retrieval methods
exit command, HBase Shell, Quick-Start Guide, Basics
Export tool, Import and Export ToolsImport and Export Tools
ext3 filesystem, Filesystem
ext4 filesystem, Filesystem


data requirements of, The Dawn of Big Data
Thrift (see Thrift)
failure handling, Dimensions
FamilyFilter class, FamilyFilterFamilyFilter, Filters Summary
familySet() method, Get class, Single Gets
familySet() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
Fedora, Operating system
file handles, File handles and process limitsFile handles and process limits, File handles
file info blocks, HFile Format
FileContext class, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
for HBase, Filesystems for HBaseOther Filesystems
for operating system, FilesystemFilesystem
Filter interface, Introduction to FiltersThe filter hierarchy, Custom FiltersCustom Filters
filterAllRemaining() method, Filter interface, Custom Filters
FilterBase class, The filter hierarchy
filterKeyValue() method, Filter interface, Custom Filters
FilterList class, FilterListFilterList, Filters Summary
filterRow() method, Filter interface, Custom Filters, Custom Filters
filterRowKey() method, Filter interface, Custom Filters
filters, Introduction to FiltersFilters Summary
Bloom filters, Column Families
comparators for, ComparatorsComparators
comparison filters, Comparison FiltersDependentColumnFilter
comparison operators for, Comparison operators
custom, Custom FiltersCustom Filters
decorating filters, Decorating FiltersWhileMatchFilter
dedicated filters, Dedicated FiltersRandomRowFilter
list of, showing features, Filters SummaryFilters Summary
multiple, applying to data, FilterListFilterList
financial companies, data requirements of, The Dawn of Big Data
FirstKeyOnlyFilter class, FirstKeyOnlyFilter, Filters Summary
flush command, HBase Shell, Tools
flush() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations
flushCommits() method, HTable class, Client-side write buffer, Client API: Best Practices
fonts used in this book, Conventions Used in This Book
for loop, Shell Introduction
forMethod() method, Batch class, The BaseEndpointCoprocessor class
fully distributed mode, Fully distributed modeUsing the existing ZooKeeper ensemble


Ganglia, Introduction, GangliaUsage
installing, InstallationHBase-related steps
versions of, Ganglia
web-based frontend, UsageUsage
web-based frontend for, Ganglia, Ganglia web frontend
GangliaContext class, Contexts, Records, and Metrics, HBase-related stepsHBase-related steps
garbage collection
CPU requirements for, Servers
metrics for, JVM Metrics
performance tuning for, Garbage Collection TuningGarbage Collection Tuning, Garbage collection/memory tuning
genomics, data requirements of, The Dawn of Big Data
Get class, Single GetsSingle Gets
(see also Result class)
get command, HBase Shell, Quick-Start Guide, Commands, Data manipulation
get operations, Get MethodRelated retrieval methods, Read PathRead Path
(see also scan operations)
get() method, HTable class, Single GetsThe Result class
filters for (see filters)
list-based, List of GetsList of Gets
get() method, Put class, Single Puts
getAssignmentManager() method, MasterServices class, The MasterCoprocessorEnvironment class
getAverageLoad() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information
getBatch() method, Scan class, Caching Versus Batching
getBlocksize() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
getBloomFilterType() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
getBuffer() method, KeyValue class, The KeyValue class
getCacheBlocks() method, Get class, Single Gets
getCacheBlocks() method, Scan class, Introduction
getCaching() method, Scan class, Caching Versus Batching
getClusterId() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information
getClusterStatus() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations, Cluster Status Information
getColumn() method, Result class, The Result class
getColumnFamilies() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
getColumnLatest() method, Result class, The Result class
getCompactionCompression() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
getCompactionCompressionType() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
getCompactionRequester() method, RegionServerServices class, The RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class
getCompression() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
getCompressionType() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
getConfiguration() method, HBaseAdmin class, Basic Operations
getConfiguration() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
getConnection() method, HBaseAdmin class, Basic Operations
getConnection() method, HConnectionManager class, Connection Handling
getDeadServerNames() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information
getDeadServers() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information
getEndKeys() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
getEnvironment() method, ObserverContext class, The ObserverContext class
getExecutorService() method, MasterServices class, The MasterCoprocessorEnvironment class
getFamilies() method, Scan class, Introduction
getFamily() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
getFamilyMap() method, Delete class, Single Deletes
getFamilyMap() method, Get class, Single Gets
getFamilyMap() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
getFamilyMap() method, Put class, Single Puts
getFamilyMap() method, Result class, The Result class
getFamilyMap() method, Scan class, Introduction
getFilter() method, Get class, Single Gets
getFilter() method, Scan class, Introduction
getFlushRequester() method, RegionServerServices class, The RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class
getHBaseVersion() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information
getHBaseVersion() method, CoprocessorEnvironment class, The Coprocessor Class
getHostAndPort() method, ServerName class, Cluster Status Information
getHostname() method, ServerName class, Cluster Status Information
getInstance() method, CoprocessorEnvironment class, The Coprocessor Class
getKey() method, KeyValue class, The KeyValue class
getLength() method, KeyValue class, The KeyValue class
getLoad() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information, Cluster Status Information
getLoad() method, HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getLoadSequence() method, CoprocessorEnvironment class, The Coprocessor Class
getLockId() method, Delete class, Single Deletes
getLockId() method, Get class, Single Gets
getLockId() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
getLockId() method, Put class, Single Puts
getMap() method, Result class, The Result class
getMaster() method, HBaseAdmin class, Basic Operations
getMasterFileSystem() method, MasterServices class, The MasterCoprocessorEnvironment class
getMasterServices() method, MasterCoprocessorEnvironment class, The MasterCoprocessorEnvironment class
getMaxFileSize() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
getMaxHeapMB() method, HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getMaxVersions() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
getMaxVersions() method, Scan class, Introduction
getMemStoreFlushSize() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
getMemStoreSizeInMB() method, HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getMemStoreSizeMB() method, RegionLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getName() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
getName() method, RegionLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getNameAsString() method, RegionLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getNoVersionMap() method, Result class, The Result class
getNumberofRegions() method, HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getNumberOfRequests() method, HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getOffset() method, KeyValue class, The KeyValue class
getPort() method, ServerName class, Cluster Status Information
getPriority() method, CoprocessorEnvironment class, The Coprocessor Class
getReadRequestsCount() method, RegionLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getRegion() method, RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class, The RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class
getRegionCachePrefetch() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
getRegionLocation() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
getRegionsCount() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information
getRegionServerAccounting() method, RegionServerServices class, The RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class
getRegionServerServices() method, RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class, The RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class
getRegionsInfo() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
getRegionsInTransition() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information
getRegionsLoad() method, HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getRequestsCount() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information
getRequestsCount() method, RegionLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getRow() method, Delete class, Single Deletes
getRow() method, Get class, Single Gets
getRow() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
getRow() method, KeyValue class, The KeyValue class
getRow() method, Put class, Single Puts
getRow() method, Result class, The Result class
getRowLock() method, Delete class, Single Deletes
getRowLock() method, Get class, Single Gets
getRowLock() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
getRowLock() method, Put class, Single Puts
getRowOrBefore() method, HTable class, Related retrieval methods
getRpcMetrics() method, RegionServerServices class, The RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class
getScanner() method, HTable class, Introduction
getScannerCaching() method, HTable class, Caching Versus Batching
getScope() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
getServerManager() method, MasterServices class, The MasterCoprocessorEnvironment class
getServerName() method, ServerName class, Cluster Status Information
getServers() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information, Cluster Status Information
getServersSize() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information
getSplits() method, TableInputFormat class, Table Splits
getStartcode() method, ServerName class, Cluster Status Information
getStartEndKeys() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
getStartKeys() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
getStartRow() method, Scan class, Introduction
getStorefileIndexSizeInMB() method, HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getStorefileIndexSizeMB() method, RegionLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getStorefiles() method, HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getStorefiles() method, RegionLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getStorefileSizeInMB() method, HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getStorefileSizeMB() method, RegionLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getStores() method, RegionLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getTable() method, CoprocessorEnvironment class, The Coprocessor Class
getTable() method, HTablePool class, HTablePool
getTableDescriptor() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
getTableDescriptor() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
getTableName() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
getters, Table Properties
getTimeRange() method, Get class, Single Gets
getTimeRange() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
getTimeRange() method, Scan class, Introduction
getTimeStamp() method, Delete class, Single Deletes
getTimeStamp() method, Put class, Single Puts
getUsedHeapMB() method, HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getValue() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
getValue() method, Result class, The Result class
getVersion() method, ClusterStatus class, Cluster Status Information
getVersion() method, CoprocessorEnvironment class, The Coprocessor Class
getVersion() method, HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getWAL() method, RegionServerServices class, The RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class
getWriteBuffer() method, HTable class, List of Puts
getWriteRequestsCount() method, RegionLoad class, Cluster Status Information
getWriteToWAL() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
getWriteToWAL() method, Put class, Single Puts
get_counter command, Introduction to Counters
get_counter command, HBase Shell, Data manipulation
GFS (Google File System), Backdrop
Git, requirements for, Building the Examples
GitHub, Building the Examples
Global Biodiversity Information Facility, The Dawn of Big Data
gmetad (Ganglia meta daemon), Ganglia, Ganglia meta daemonGanglia meta daemon
gmond (Ganglia monitoring daemon), Ganglia, Ganglia monitoring daemonGanglia monitoring daemon
“Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data” (paper), Backdrop
data requirements of, The Dawn of Big Data
file system developed by, Backdrop
“The Google File System” (paper), Backdrop
“MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters” (paper), Backdrop
Protocol Buffers (see Protocol Buffers)
“Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data” (paper), Preface
graphing tools, Introduction
(see also Ganglia)
GREATER operator, Comparison operators
GREATER_OR_EQUAL operator, Comparison operators
Grunt shell, PigPig
GZIP algorithm, Available Codecs, GZIP


Hadoop, The Dawn of Big DataThe Dawn of Big Data
building, Hadoop
requirements for, HadoopHadoop
Hadoop Distributed File System (see HDFS) file, Static Provisioning
Hadoop: The Definitive Guide (O’Reilly), Hardware
hard drives, requirements for, Servers
hardware requirements, HardwareNetworking
has() method, Put class, Single Puts
hasFamilies() method, Get class, Single Gets
hasFamilies() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
hasFamilies() method, Scan class, Introduction
hasFamily() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
HAvroBase, Advanced Schemas
HBase, Building BlocksSummary
(see also client API; cluster; configuration)
building from source, Building from Source
compared to Bigtable, HBase Versus BigtableHBase Versus Bigtable
configuration, ConfigurationClient Configuration
deployment, DeploymentPuppet and Chef
distributed mode, Run Modes, Distributed ModeUsing the existing ZooKeeper ensemble
distributions of, Distributions
hardware requirements for, HardwareNetworking
history of, BackdropBackdrop, HistoryHistory
implementation of, ImplementationImplementation
installing, Quick-Start GuideQuick-Start Guide, Installation ChoicesBuilding from Source
nomenclature of, compared to Bigtable, Nomenclature
software requirements, SoftwareWindows
standalone mode, Quick-Start Guide, Run Modes, Standalone Mode
starting, Quick-Start Guide, Running and Confirming Your Installation
stopping, Quick-Start Guide, Stopping the Cluster
storage architecture, StorageKeyValue Format
structural units of, Tables, Rows, Columns, and CellsAuto-Sharding
upgrading from previous releases, Upgrade from Previous ReleasesUpgrading to HBase 0.92.0
versions of, Road MapHBase 0.94.0
determining, Cluster Status Information
in this book, HBase Version
metrics for, Info Metrics
numbering of, History
supported by Hive, Hive
web-based UI for, Web-based UI Introduction, Web-based UIShared Pages
HBase Shell, Quick-Start Guide, Shell Introduction, ShellScripting
administrative commands, ToolsTools
cluster status, General
command syntax, Commands
command-line options, Basics
commas in, Commands
configuration, Basics
data definition commands, Data definitionData definition
data manipulation commands, Data manipulation
debug mode, Basics
exiting, Basics
formatting for, Basics
help for, Basics, Commands
parameters in, Commands
quotes in, Commands
replication commands, Replication
restricting output from, Commands
Ruby hashes in, Commands
scripting in, ScriptingScripting
starting, Basics
version of cluster, General
hbase-default.xml file, hbase-site.xml and hbase-default.xml, Single Puts
(see also configuration)
HBase-DSL client, Other Clients file, Configuration,,
(see also configuration)
HBase-Runner project, Clojure
hbase-site.xml file, ZooKeeper setup, hbase-site.xml and hbase-default.xml, hbase-site.xml, Single Puts, HBase Configuration PropertiesHBase Configuration Properties
(see also configuration)
hbase-webapps directory, Apache Binary Release
hbase.balancer.max.balancing property, Load Balancing
hbase.balancer.period property, Load Balancing, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.client.keyvalue.maxsize property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.client.pause property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.client.retries.number property, Batch Operations, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.client.scanner.caching property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.client.write.buffer property, Client-side write buffer, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.cluster.distributed property, Fully distributed mode, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.coprocessor.master.classes property, Loading from the configuration, Loading from the configuration, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.coprocessor.region.classes property, Loading from the configuration, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.coprocessor.wal.classes property, Loading from the configuration
hbase.defaults.for.version.skip property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.extendedperiod property, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
hbase.hash.type property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.hlog.split.skip.errors property, Log splitting
hbase.hregion.majorcompaction property, Compactions, Presplitting Regions, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.hregion.majorcompaction.jitter property, Compactions
hbase.hregion.max.filesize property, Region splits, Managed Splitting, Configuration, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.hregion.memstore.block.multiplier property, Configuration, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size property, Write Path, Garbage Collection Tuning, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.chunksize property, Memstore-Local Allocation Buffer
hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.enabled property, Memstore-Local Allocation Buffer, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.max.allocation property, Memstore-Local Allocation Buffer
hbase.hregion.preclose.flush.size property, Write Path, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles property, Configuration, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.hstore.blockingWaitTime property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.hstore.compaction.max property, Compactions, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.hstore.compaction.max.size property, Compactions
hbase.hstore.compaction.min property, Compactions
hbase.hstore.compaction.min.size property, Compactions
hbase.hstore.compaction.ratio property, Compactions
hbase.hstore.compactionThreshold property, Compactions, HBase Configuration Properties file, Root-level files
hbase.mapreduce.hfileoutputformat.blocksize property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.master.cleaner.interval property, Root-level files
hbase.master.distributed.log.splitting property, Log splitting
hbase.master.dns.interface property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.master.dns.nameserver property, HBase Configuration Properties property, HBase Configuration Properties property, Required Ports, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.master.kerberos.principal property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.master.keytab.file property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.master.logcleaner.plugins property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.master.logcleaner.ttl property, Root-level files, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.master.port property, Required Ports, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regions.slop property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.class property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.codecs property, Startup check
hbase.regionserver.dns.interface property, Domain Name Service, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.dns.nameserver property, Domain Name Service, HBase Configuration Properties property, Configuration, HBase Configuration Properties property, Configuration, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.handler.count property, Client-side write buffer, Configuration, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.hlog.blocksize property, LogRoller Class
hbase.regionserver.hlog.reader.impl property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.hlog.splitlog.writer.threads property, Log splitting
hbase.regionserver.hlog.writer.impl property, HBase Configuration Properties property, HBase Configuration Properties property, Required Ports, HBase Configuration Properties property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.kerberos.principal property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.keytab.file property, HBase Configuration Properties property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.logroll.multiplier property, LogRoller Class
hbase.regionserver.logroll.period property, LogRoller Class, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.maxlogs property, Keeping track of logs, Configuration
hbase.regionserver.msginterval property, Cluster Status Information, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.nbreservationblocks property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.optionallogflushinterval property, LogSyncer Class, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.port property, Required Ports, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.regionserver.regionSplitLimit property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.replication property, Replication property, HBase Configuration Properties property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.rootdir property, Quick-Start Guide, Pseudodistributed mode, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.rpc.engine property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.server.thread.wakefrequency property, Compactions, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.server.thread.wakefrequency.multiplier property, Compactions
hbase.skip.errors property, Edits recovery
hbase.tmp.dir property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.version file, Root-level files
hbase.zookeeper.dns.interface property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.zookeeper.dns.nameserver property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.zookeeper.leaderport property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.zookeeper.peerport property, HBase Configuration Properties property prefix, ZooKeeper setup property, ZooKeeper setup, ZooKeeper setup, Choosing region servers to replicate to, HBase Configuration Properties property, ZooKeeper setup, HBase Configuration Properties property, HBase Configuration Properties property, HBase Configuration Properties property, HBase Configuration Properties
hbase.zookeeper.quorum property, ZooKeeper setup, ZooKeeper setup, Client Configuration, Basics, Choosing region servers to replicate to, HBase Configuration Properties
HBaseAdmin class, HBaseAdminCluster Status Information
HBaseConfiguration class, Single Puts
HBaseFsck class, HBase Fsck
HBaseHelper class
used in examples, Building the Examples
HBasene, Search IntegrationSearch Integration
HBaseStorage class, Pig
HBASE_CLASSPATH variable, hbase-site.xml and hbase-default.xml
HBASE_HEAPSIZE variable, Configuration
HBASE_MANAGER_ZK variable, ZooKeeper setup
HBASE_MANAGES_ZK variable, Using the existing ZooKeeper ensemble
HBASE_OPTS variable, Garbage Collection Tuning
HBASE_REGIONSERVER_OPTS variable, Garbage Collection Tuning, Configuration
hbck tool, HBase FsckHBase Fsck
HBql client, Other Clients
HColumnDescriptor class, Column FamiliesColumn Families
HConnection class, Connection HandlingConnection Handling
HConnectionManager class, Connection HandlingConnection Handling
HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), Implementation, Filesystems for HBaseFilesystems for HBase, HDFSHDFS, OverviewOverview
files in, FilesCompactions
HFile format for, HFile FormatHFile Format
KeyValue format for, KeyValue FormatKeyValue Format
requirements for, Distributed Mode
starting, Running and Confirming Your Installation
version of, metrics for, Info Metrics
write path, Write PathWrite Path
hdfs-site.xml file, Datanode handlers
head() method, Bytes class, The Bytes Class
for block cache, Configuration
generational architecture of, Garbage Collection Tuning
memory requirements for, ServersServers
for memstore, Configuration
for Put, determining, Single Puts
for scanner leases, The ResultScanner Class
settings for,, Configuration, Garbage collection/memory tuning
status information for, Cluster Status Information, Cluster Status Information, Region Server Metrics, Region Server Metrics, JVM Metrics
heapSize() method, Put class, Single Puts
help command, HBase Shell, Shell Introduction, Basics, Commands
HFile class, HFile FormatHFile Format
hfile.block.cache.size property, HBase Configuration Properties
HFileOutputFormat class, Bulk load procedure
HFiles (see store files)
Hive, HiveHive
command-line interface for, HiveHive
configuring, Hive
documentation for, Hive
HBase versions supported, Hive
unsupported features, Hive
HiveQL, Hive
HLog class, Write Path, HLog ClassHLog Class, Replication
HLogKey class, HLogKey Class
HMasterInterface class, Basic Operations
HServerLoad class, Cluster Status Information
HTable class, General NotesGeneral Notes
HTableDescriptor class, Loading from the table descriptor, Tables
HTableFactory class, HTablePool
HTableInterfaceFactory interface, HTablePool
HTablePool class, General Notes, HTablePoolHTablePool, Connection Handling
Hush (HBase URL Shortener), Hush: The HBase URL ShortenerHush: The HBase URL Shortener
building, Running Hush
ERD for, Database (De-)NormalizationDatabase (De-)Normalization
HBase schema for, Database (De-)NormalizationDatabase (De-)Normalization
RDBMS implementation of, The Problem with Relational Database SystemsThe Problem with Relational Database Systems
running, Running Hush
schema for, Hush SQL Schema
table and column descriptors, modifying, Schema Operations
table pools used by, HTablePool


I/O metrics, Region Server Metrics
IdentityTableReducer class, Data Source and Sink
IHBase (Indexed HBase), Secondary IndexesSecondary Indexes
impedance match, Dimensions
Import tool, Import and Export Tools, Import and Export ToolsImport and Export Tools
importing data
bulk import, Bulk ImportAdvanced usage
Import tool, Import and Export Tools, Import and Export ToolsImport and Export Tools
importtsv tool, Using the importtsv tool class, Advanced usage
InclusiveStopFilter class, InclusiveStopFilterInclusiveStopFilter, Filters Summary
incr command, Introduction to Counters
incr command, HBase Shell, Data manipulation
Increment class, Multiple CountersMultiple Counters
increment() method, HTable class, Multiple CountersMultiple Counters
incrementBytes() method, Bytes class, The Bytes Class
incrementColumnValue() method, HTable class, Single CountersSingle Counters
index blocks, HFile Format
Indexed HBase (IHBase), Secondary IndexesSecondary Indexes
Indexed-Transactional HBase (ITHBase) project, Secondary Indexes, Transactions
indexes, secondary, Dimensions, Secondary IndexesSecondary Indexes
INFO logging level, Changing Logging Levels
InputFormat class, InputFormatInputFormat
Integer value (IV) metric type, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
intelligent keys (see DDI)
interactive clients, Interactive ClientsOther Clients
IOPS (I/O operations per second), Servers
IRB, compared to HBase Shell, Shell Introduction
isAutoFlush() method, HTable class, Client-side write buffer
isBlockCacheEnabled() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
isDeferredLogFlush() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
isEmpty() method, Delete class, Single Deletes
isEmpty() method, Put class, Single Puts
isEmpty() method, Result class, The Result class
isInMemory() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
isLegalFamilyName() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
isMasterRunning() method, HBaseAdmin class, Basic Operations
isReadOnly() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
isStopping() method, RegionServerServices class, The RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class
isTableAvailable() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
isTableDisabled() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
isTableEnabled() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
isTableEnabled() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
is_disabled command, HBase Shell, Data definition
is_enabled command, HBase Shell, Data definition
ITHBase (Indexed-Transactional HBase) project, Secondary Indexes
IV (Integer value) metric type, Contexts, Records, and Metrics


Java client
for REST, REST Java clientREST Java client
native (see client API)
Java Development Kit (JDK), requirements for, Building from Source
Java heap (see heap)
Java Management Extensions (see JMX)
Java Runtime Environment (see JRE)
Java, requirements for, Building the Examples, JavaJava
Java-based MapReduce API, Native Java
JAVA_HOME variable, Java, Run Modes
JBOD, Servers
JConsole, JConsoleJConsole
JDiff, for this book, HBase Version
JDK (Java Development Kit), requirements for, Building from Source
JMX (Java Management Extensions), Introduction, JMXJMX Remote API
enabling, JMX
JConsole for, JConsoleJConsole
remote API for, JMX Remote APIJMX Remote API
JMXToolkit, JMX Remote APIJMX Remote API, NagiosNagios
JPA/JPO client, Other Clients
JRE (Java Runtime Environment)
garbage collection handling by, Garbage Collection Tuning, Garbage Collection Tuning, Garbage Collection Tuning, Memstore-Local Allocation Buffer
requirements for, Installation
(J)Ruby, in HBase Shell commands, Shell Introduction
JRuby client, Other Clients
JSON format, with REST, JSON (application/json)JSON (application/json)
JVM metrics, JVM MetricsJVM Metrics


key structures
column keys, Key Design, Concepts
field swap and promotion of row key, Time Series Data
pagination with, PaginationPagination
partial key scans with, Partial Key ScansPartial Key Scans
randomization of row key, Time Series Data
row keys, Key Design, Concepts
salting prefix for row key, Time Series Data
time series data with, Time Series DataTime Series Data
time-ordered relations with, Time-Ordered RelationsTime-Ordered Relations
KeyComparator class, The KeyValue class
KeyOnlyFilter class, KeyOnlyFilter, Filters Summary
KeyValue array, KeyValue FormatKeyValue Format, Concepts
KeyValue class, The KeyValue classThe KeyValue class
KFS (Kosmos filesystem) (see CloudStore filesystem)
Kimball, Ralph (quotation regarding data assets), The Dawn of Big Data


Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer (LZO) algorithm, Available Codecs, LZO
LESS operator, Comparison operators
LESS_OR_EQUAL operator, Comparison operators
lib directory, Apache Binary Release
libjars, in MapReduce, Dynamic Provisioning
limits.conf file, File handles and process limits
Linux, Operating systemOperating system
list command, HBase Shell, Quick-Start Guide, Data definition
list() method, Result class, The Result class
listTables() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
load balancing, Dimensions, Load BalancingLoad Balancing, Node Decommissioning
load tests, Load TestsYCSB
LoadIncrementalHFiles class, Advanced usage
local filesystem, LocalLocal
locality properties, Implementation
lockRow() method, HTable class, Row Locks
locks, Dimensions
on rows, Single Puts, Single Puts, Single Gets, Single Gets, Single Deletes, Single Deletes, Row LocksRow Locks, Multiple Counters
timeout for, Row Locks
Log-Structured Merge-Trees (see LSM-trees)
Log-Structured Sort-and-Merge-Maps, Implementation file,, Changing Logging Levels
(see also configuration)
logfiles, Analyzing the Logs
(see also WAL (write-ahead log))
accessing, Shared Pages
analyzing, Analyzing the LogsAnalyzing the Logs
level of, changing, Basics, Shared Pages, Changing Logging Levels
location of, Apache Binary Release, Root-level files
properties for,, Changing Logging Levels
rolling of, Root-level filesRoot-level files
logging metrics, JVM Metrics
LogRoller class, LogRoller ClassLogRoller Class
logs directory, Apache Binary Release, Root-level files, Root-level files
LogSyncer class, LogSyncer ClassLogSyncer Class
Long value (LV) metric type, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
LSM-trees, Implementation, Log-Structured Merge-TreesLog-Structured Merge-Trees
Lucene, Search Integration, Search Integration
LV (Long value) metric type, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
LZO (Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer) algorithm, Available Codecs, LZO


majorCompact() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations, Managed Splitting
major_compact command, HBase Shell, Tools, Managed Splitting
managed beans (MBeans), JMX
Mapper class, MapperMapper
mapred package, Classes
mapred-site.xml file, Garbage collection/memory tuning
MapReduce, Backdrop, Storage API, MapReduceClojure, FrameworkMapReduce Introduction
classes for, ClassesSupporting Classes
custom processing for, Custom ProcessingCustom Processing
data locality, MapReduce LocalityMapReduce Locality
dynamic provisioning for, Dynamic ProvisioningDynamic Provisioning
HBase as both data source and sink, Data Source and SinkData Source and Sink
HBase as data sink for, Data SinkData Sink
HBase as data source for, Data SourceData Source
libjars, Dynamic Provisioning
persisting data, OutputFormatOutputFormat
reading data, MapperMapper
shuffling and sorting data, Reducer
splitting data, MapReduce Introduction, InputFormatInputFormat, Table SplitsTable Splits
static provisioning for, Static ProvisioningStatic Provisioning
versions of, Classes
mapreduce package, Classes
“MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters” (paper, by Google), Backdrop
massively parallel processing (MPP) databases, The Dawn of Big Data
master server, The Problem with Relational Database Systems, Implementation
backup, adding, Adding a backup master
communication with, from API, Basic Operations
local backup, adding, Adding a local backup master
logfiles created by, Analyzing the Logs
metrics exposed by, Master Metrics
ports for, Required Ports
properties for, HBase Configuration PropertiesHBase Configuration Properties
requirements for, ServersServers
running tasks on, status of, Main page
stopping, Cluster Operations
MasterCoprocessorEnvironment class, The MasterCoprocessorEnvironment classThe MasterCoprocessorEnvironment class
MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver ClassThe BaseMasterObserver class
profiles, Dynamic ProvisioningDynamic Provisioning
requirements for, Building the Examples, Building from Source
MBeans (managed beans), JMX
Memcached, The Problem with Relational Database Systems, Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
memory, Servers
(see also heap)
requirements for, Servers
usage metrics for, JVM Metrics
memstore, Implementation, Write Path
flush size for, Table Properties
flushing, Implementation, State: open, The RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class, Cluster Operations, Log-Structured Merge-Trees, Write Path, Files
limits of, Configuration
metrics for, Region Server Metrics
performance of, Garbage Collection Tuning
memstore-local allocation buffer (MSLAB), Memstore-Local Allocation BufferMemstore-Local Allocation Buffer
.META. table, Region Lookups, HBase Fsck
MetaComparator class, The KeyValue class
MetaKeyComparator class, The KeyValue class
metrics (see monitoring systems)
MetricsBase class, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
MetricsContext interface, Contexts, Records, and MetricsContexts, Records, and Metrics
MetricsRecord class, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
military, data requirements of, The Dawn of Big Data
modifyColumn() method, HBaseAdmin class, Schema Operations
modifyTable() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
monitoring systems, IntroductionInfo Metrics
(see also hbck tool; logfiles)
Ganglia, Introduction, GangliaUsage
importance of, IntroductionIntroduction
info metrics, Info MetricsInfo Metrics
JMX, Introduction, JMXJMX Remote API
JVM metrics, JVM MetricsJVM Metrics
master server metrics, Master Metrics
metric types, Contexts, Records, and MetricsContexts, Records, and Metrics
metrics for, The Metrics FrameworkInfo Metrics
Nagios, NagiosNagios
for prototyping, Introduction
region server metrics, Region Server MetricsRegion Server Metrics
RPC metrics, RPC MetricsRPC Metrics
types of, IntroductionIntroduction
move command, HBase Shell, Tools
move() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations
Mozilla Socorro, Time Series Data
MPP (massively parallel processing) databases, The Dawn of Big Data
MSLAB (memstore-local allocation buffer), Memstore-Local Allocation BufferMemstore-Local Allocation Buffer
multicast messages, Ganglia monitoring daemon
multicore processors, Servers
multiversion concurrency control, Row Locks
MUST_PASS_ALL operator, FilterList
MUST_PASS_ONE operator, FilterList


n-way writes, LogSyncer Class
Nagios, Introduction, NagiosNagios
Narayanan, Arvind (developer, sample data set), Data Sink
native Java API (see client API)
Network Time Protocol (NTP), Synchronized time
networking, hardware requirements for, NetworkingNetworking
new (young) generation of heap, Garbage Collection Tuning
next() method, ResultScanner class, The ResultScanner Class
NoSQL database systems, Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
NOT_EQUAL operator, Comparison operators
NO_OP operator, Comparison operators
NTP (Network Time Protocol), Synchronized time
NullComparator class, Comparators
NullContext class, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
NullContextWithUpdateThread class, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
number generators, custom versioning for, Custom Versioning
numColumns() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
numFamilies() method, Get class, Single Gets
numFamilies() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
numFamilies() method, Put class, Single Puts
numFamilies() method, Scan class, Introduction


observer coprocessors, Introduction to Coprocessors, The RegionObserver ClassThe BaseMasterObserver class
ObserverContext class, The ObserverContext classThe ObserverContext class
old (tenured) generation of heap, Garbage Collection Tuning
oldlogfile.log file, Region-level files
oldlogfile.log.old file, Region-level files
oldlogs directory, Root-level files
OpenPDC project, The Dawn of Big Data
OpenTSDB project, Time Series Data
OS (operating system), requirements for, Operating systemOperating system, Windows
OutputFormat class, OutputFormatOutputFormat
@Override, for methods, Data Sink


PageFilter class, PageFilterPageFilter, Filters Summary
pagination, PaginationPagination
Parallel New Collector, Garbage Collection Tuning
parameterless constructors, Tables
partial key scans, Partial Key ScansPartial Key Scans
partition tolerance, Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
PE (Performance Evaluation) tool, Performance EvaluationPerformance Evaluation
perf.hfile.block.cache.size property, Configuration
best practices for, Client API: Best PracticesClient API: Best Practices
block replication and, MapReduce LocalityMapReduce Locality
load tests for, Load TestsYCSB
seek compared to transfer operations, Log-Structured Merge-Trees
compression, CompressionEnabling Compression
configuration for, ConfigurationConfiguration
garbage collection, Garbage Collection TuningGarbage Collection Tuning
load balancing, Load BalancingLoad Balancing
managed splitting, Managed SplittingManaged Splitting
memstore-local allocation buffer, Memstore-Local Allocation BufferMemstore-Local Allocation Buffer
merging regions, Merging RegionsMerging Regions
presplitting regions, Presplitting RegionsPresplitting Regions
region hotspotting, Region Hotspotting
Performance Evaluation (PE) tool, Performance EvaluationPerformance Evaluation
Persistent time varying rate (PTVR) metric rate, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
physical models, Dimensions
Pig, PigPig
Grunt shell for, PigPig
installing, Pig
Pig Latin query language for, Pig
pipelined writes, LogSyncer Class
piping commands into HBase Shell, ScriptingScripting
planet-sized web applications, The Dawn of Big Data
POM (Project Object Model), Building the Examples
pom.xml file, Dynamic Provisioning
for Avro, Operation
required for each server, Required Ports
for REST, Operation
for Thrift, Operation
for web-based UI, Master UI, Adding a local backup master
postAddColumn() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postAssign() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postBalance() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postBalanceSwitch() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postCheckAndDelete, Handling client API events
postCheckAndPut() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
postCreateTable() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postDelete() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
postDeleteColumn() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postDeleteTable() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postDisableTable() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postEnableTable() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postExists() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
postGet() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
postGetClosestRowBefore() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
postIncrement() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
postIncrementColumnValue() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
postModifyColumn() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postModifyTable() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postMove() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
postOpenDeployTasks() method, RegionServerServices class, The RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class
postPut() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
postScannerClose() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
postScannerNext() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
postScannerOpen() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
postUnassign() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
power supply unit (PSU), requirements for, Servers
preAddColumn() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preAssign() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preBalance() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preBalanceSwitch() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preCheckAndDelete() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
preCheckAndPut() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
preClose() method, RegionObserver class, State: pending close
preCompact() method, RegionObserver class, State: open
preCreateTable() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preDelete() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
preDeleteColumn() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preDeleteTable() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
predicate deletions, Tables, Rows, Columns, and Cells, Log-Structured Merge-Trees
predicate pushdown, Introduction to Filters
preDisableTable() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preEnableTable() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preExists() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
PrefixFilter class, PrefixFilterPrefixFilter, Filters Summary
preFlush() method, RegionObserver class, State: open
preGet() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
preGetClosestRowBefore() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
preIncrement() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
preIncrementColumnValue() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
preModifyColumn() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preModifyTable() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preMove() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preOpen() method, RegionObserver class, State: pending open
prepare() method, ObserverContext class, The ObserverContext class
prePut() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
preScannerClose() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
preScannerNext() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
preScannerOpen() method, RegionObserver class, Handling client API events
preShutdown() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preSplit() method, RegionObserver class, State: open
preStopMaster() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preUnassign() method, MasterObserver class, The MasterObserver Class
preWALRestore() method, RegionObserver class, State: pending open
prewarmRegionCache() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
process limits, File handles and process limitsFile handles and process limits
processors (see CPU)
profiles, Maven, Dynamic ProvisioningDynamic Provisioning
Project Object Model (see POM)
properties, for configuration, HBase Configuration PropertiesHBase Configuration Properties
Protocol Buffers, Introduction to REST, Thrift, and Avro
encoding for REST, Protocol Buffer (application/x-protobuf)
schema used by, Advanced Schemas
pseudodistributed mode, Pseudodistributed mode, Pseudodistributed modeAdding a local region server
PSU (power supply unit), requirements for, Servers
PTVR (Persistent time varying rate), Contexts, Records, and Metrics
Puppet, deployment using, Puppet and Chef
Put class, Single PutsSingle Puts
put command, HBase Shell, Quick-Start Guide, Data manipulation
Put type, KeyValue class, The KeyValue class
put() method, HTable class, Put MethodAtomic compare-and-set
(see also checkAndPut() method, HTable class)
list-based, List of PutsList of Puts
for multiple operations, Client-side write bufferList of Puts
for single operations, Single PutsSingle Puts
putLong() method, Bytes class, The Bytes Class
putTable() method, HTablePool class, HTablePool
PyHBase client, Other Clients


QualifierFilter class, QualifierFilter, Filters Summary
quit command, HBase Shell, Basics
quotes, in HBase Shell, Commands


RAID, Servers
RAM (see memory)
RandomRowFilter class, RandomRowFilter, Filters Summary
range partitions, Auto-Sharding
Rate (R) metric type, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
raw() method, Result class, The Result class
RDBMS (Relational Database Management System)
converting to HBase, Database (De-)NormalizationDatabase (De-)Normalization
limitations of, The Dawn of Big DataThe Dawn of Big Data, The Problem with Relational Database SystemsThe Problem with Relational Database Systems
read-only tables, Table Properties
read/write performance, Dimensions
readFields() method, Writable interface, Tables
record IDs, custom versioning for, Custom Versioning
RecordReader class, InputFormat
recovered.edits directory, Region-level files, Log splitting, Edits recovery
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (see RHEL)
Red Hat Package Manager (see RPM)
Reducer class, Reducer
referential integrity, The Problem with Relational Database Systems
RegexStringComparator class, Comparators
region hotspotting, Region Hotspotting
region servers, Auto-Sharding, Implementation
adding, Adding a region server
for fully distributed mode, Specifying region servers
heap for, Garbage collection/memory tuning
local, adding, Adding a local region server
logfiles created by, Analyzing the Logs
metrics exposed by, Region Server MetricsRegion Server Metrics
ports for, Required Ports
properties for, HBase Configuration PropertiesHBase Configuration Properties
rolling restart for, Rolling RestartsRolling Restarts
shutting down, troubleshooting, Stability issues“Could not obtain block” errors
startup check for, Startup check
status information for, Web-based UI Introduction, Cluster Status Information, Main page, Region Server UIMain page
stopping, Cluster Operations, Node DecommissioningNode Decommissioning
workloads of, handling, Garbage Collection Tuning
RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class, The RegionCoprocessorEnvironment class
.regioninfo file, Region-level files
RegionLoad class, Cluster Status InformationCluster Status Information
RegionObserver class, The RegionObserver ClassThe BaseRegionObserver class
regions, Auto-ShardingAuto-Sharding, Tables
assigning to a server, Tools
cache for, The HTable Utility Methods
closing, Cluster Operations, Tools
compacting, Cluster Operations, Tools, User Table page, CompactionsCompactions
deploying or undeploying, Cluster Operations
files for, Region-level filesRegion-level files
flushing, Cluster Operations, Tools
life-cycle state changes, Handling region life-cycle eventsState: pending close, The Region Life Cycle
listing, User Table page, User Table page
lookups for, Region Lookups
map of, The HTable Utility Methods
merging, Merging RegionsMerging Regions
moving to a different server, Cluster Operations, Tools
presplitting, Presplitting RegionsPresplitting Regions
reassigning to a new server, HBase Fsck
size of, increasing, Configuration
splitting, Auto-Sharding, Cluster Operations, Tools, User Table page, Region splitsRegion splits, Managed SplittingManaged Splitting
status information for, Cluster Status Information, Cluster Status InformationCluster Status Information
in transition, map of, Cluster Status Information
in transition, table of, Main page
unassigning, Tools
RegionScanner class, Read Path
regionservers file, Specifying region servers, regionserver, regionservers, Script-Based
(see also configuration)
RegionSplitter utility, Presplitting Regions
Relational Database Management System (see RDBMS)
remote method invocation (RMI), JMX Remote API
remote procedure call (see RPC)
RemoteAdmin class, REST Java client
RemoteHTable class, REST Java clientREST Java client
remove() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
removeFamily() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
remove_peer command, HBase Shell, Replication
replication, ReplicationRegion server failover, ReplicationReplication
for column families, Column Families
in HBase Shell, Replication
Representational State Transfer (see REST)
requests, current number of, Cluster Status Information
reset() method, Filter interface, Custom Filters
REST (Representational State Transfer), Introduction to REST, Thrift, and AvroIntroduction to REST, Thrift, and Avro, RESTREST Java client, HBase Configuration Properties
Base64 encoding used in, XML (text/xml), JSON (application/json)
documentation for, Operation
formats supported by, Supported formatsRaw binary (application/octet-stream)
Java client for, REST Java clientREST Java client
JSON format for, JSON (application/json)JSON (application/json)
plain text format for, Plain (text/plain)Plain (text/plain)
port for, Operation
Protocol Buffer format for, Protocol Buffer (application/x-protobuf)
raw binary format for, Raw binary (application/octet-stream)
starting gateway server for, Operation
stopping, Operation
verifying operation of, Operation
XML format for, XML (text/xml)XML (text/xml)
Result class, The Result classThe Result class
ResultScanner class, The ResultScanner ClassThe ResultScanner Class, Client API: Best Practices
RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), Operating system
RMI (remote method invocation), JMX Remote API
rolling restarts, Rolling RestartsRolling Restarts
-ROOT- table, Region Lookups
RootComparator class, The KeyValue class
RootKeyComparator class, The KeyValue class
round-trip time, Client-side write buffer
row keys, Tables, Rows, Columns, and CellsTables, Rows, Columns, and Cells, Concepts
field swap and promotion of, Time Series Data
for pagination, Pagination
for partial key scans, Partial Key Scans
randomization of, Time Series Data
salting prefix for, Time Series Data
RowComparator class, The KeyValue class
RowCountProtocol interface, The BaseEndpointCoprocessor class
RowFilter class, RowFilterRowFilter, Filters Summary
RowLock class, Single Puts
rows, Tables, Rows, Columns, and CellsTables, Rows, Columns, and Cells
adding, Data manipulation
multiple operations, Client-side write bufferList of Puts
single operations, Single PutsSingle Puts
batch operations on, Batch OperationsBatch Operations
counting, Data manipulation
deleting, Data manipulation
multiple operations, List of DeletesList of Deletes
single operations, Single DeletesSingle Deletes
getting, Data manipulation
multiple operations, List of GetsList of Gets
single operations, Single GetsThe Result class
locking, Single Puts, Single Puts, Single Gets, Single Gets, Single Deletes, Single Deletes, Row LocksRow Locks, Multiple Counters
scanning, ScansCaching Versus Batching, Data manipulation
RPC (remote procedure call)
metrics for, RPC MetricsRPC Metrics
put operations as, Client-side write buffer
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), Operating system
Ruby hashes, in HBase Shell, Commands
RVComparator class, The KeyValue class


S (String) metric type, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
S3 (Simple Storage Service), S3S3
Safari Books Online, Safari® Books Online
sales, data requirements of, The Dawn of Big Data
salting, Time Series Data
scalability, ScalabilityScalability
Scan class, IntroductionIntroduction, Introduction
scan command, HBase Shell, Quick-Start Guide, Data manipulation
scan operations, ScansCaching Versus Batching, Read Path
(see also get operations)
batching, Caching Versus BatchingCaching Versus Batching
caching, Caching Versus BatchingCaching Versus Batching
leases for, The ResultScanner Class
pagination, PaginationPagination
partial key scans, Partial Key ScansPartial Key Scans
scan() method, HTable class
filters for (see filters)
schema, Schema DefinitionColumn Families
column families, Column FamiliesColumn Families
tables, TablesTable Properties
script-based deployment, Script-BasedScript-Based
scripting, in HBase Shell, ScriptingScripting
search integration, Search IntegrationSearch Integration
secondary indexes, Dimensions, Secondary IndexesSecondary Indexes
seek operations, compared to transfer operations, Log-Structured Merge-Trees
sequential consistency, Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
ServerName class, Cluster Status Information
servers, Servers
(see also master server; region servers)
adding, Adding ServersAdding a region server
requirements for, ServersServers
status information for, Cluster Status Information
status of, Cluster Status InformationCluster Status Information
setAutoFlush() method, HTable class, Client-side write buffer, Client API: Best Practices
setBatch() method, Scan class, Caching Versus Batching
setBlockCacheEnabled() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
setBlockSize() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
setBloomFilterType() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
setCacheBlocks() method, Get class, Single Gets
setCacheBlocks() method, Scan class, Introduction, Client API: Best Practices
setCaching() method, Scan class, Caching Versus Batching, Client API: Best Practices
setCompactionCompressionType() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
setCompressionType() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
setDeferredLogFlush() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
setFamilyMap() method, Scan class, Introduction
setFilter() method, Get class, Single Gets
setFilter() method, Get or Scan class, The filter hierarchy
setFilter() method, Scan class, Client API: Best Practices
setInMemory() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
setMaxFileSize() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
setMaxVersions() method, Get class, Single Gets
setMaxVersions() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
setMaxVersions() method, Scan class, Introduction
setMemStoreFlushSize() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
setReadOnly() method, HTableDescriptor class, Table Properties
setRegionCachePrefetch() method, HTable class, The HTable Utility Methods
setScannerCaching() method, HTable class, Caching Versus Batching
setScope() method, HColumnDescriptor class, Column Families
setters, Table Properties
setTimeRange() method, Get class, Single Gets
setTimeRange() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
setTimeRange() method, Scan class, Introduction
setTimeStamp() method, Delete class, Single Deletes
setTimeStamp() method, Get class, Single Gets
setTimeStamp() method, Scan class, Introduction
setValue() method, HTableDescriptor class, Loading from the table descriptor, Table Properties
setWriteToWAL() method, Increment class, Multiple Counters
setWriteToWAL() method, Put class, Single Puts
sharding, The Problem with Relational Database Systems, Scalability, Auto-ShardingAuto-Sharding
Shell, HBase (see HBase Shell)
shouldBypass() method, ObserverContext class, The ObserverContext class
shouldComplete() method, ObserverContext class, The ObserverContext class
shutdown() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations
Simple Object Access Protocol (see SOAP)
Simple Storage Service (see S3)
SingleColumnValueExcludeFilter class, Filters Summary
SingleColumnValueFilter class, SingleColumnValueFilterSingleColumnValueFilter, SingleColumnValueExcludeFilter, Filters Summary
size() method, Put class, Single Puts
size() method, Result class, The Result class
SkipFilter class, SkipFilterSkipFilter, Filters Summary
slave servers, The Problem with Relational Database Systems, ServersServers
(see also region servers)
smart grid, data requirements of, The Dawn of Big Data
Snappy algorithm, Available Codecs, Snappy
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), Introduction to REST, Thrift, and AvroIntroduction to REST, Thrift, and Avro
Socorro, Mozilla, Time Series Data
software requirements, SoftwareWindows, Building from Source
Solaris, Operating system
Solr, Search Integration
sort and merge operations, compared to seek operations, Log-Structured Merge-Trees
speculative execution mode, MapReduce, Table Splits
split command, HBase Shell, Tools, Managed Splitting
split() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations, Managed Splitting
split/compaction storms, Managed Splitting
SplitAlgorithm interface, Presplitting Regions
splitlog directory, Root-level files, Region-level files, Log splitting
splits directory, Region-level files, Region splits
src directory, Apache Binary Release
SSH, requirements for, SSH
standalone mode, Run Modes, Standalone Mode
for HBase, Quick-Start Guide
start key, for partial key scans, Partial Key Scans
start() method, Coprocessor interface, The Coprocessor Class
start_replication command, HBase Shell, Replication
static provisioning, for MapReduce, Static ProvisioningStatic Provisioning
status command, HBase Shell, Quick-Start Guide, General
stop key, for partial key scans, Partial Key Scans
stop() method, Coprocessor interface, The Coprocessor Class
stopMaster() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations
stopRegionServer() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations
stop_replication command, HBase Shell, Replication
storage API (see client API)
storage architecture, StorageKeyValue Format
accessing data, Log-Structured Merge-Trees, Overview
column families, ConceptsConcepts
deleting data, Log-Structured Merge-Trees
files in, FilesCompactions
HFile format, HFile FormatHFile Format
KeyValue format, KeyValue FormatKeyValue Format
LSM-trees for, Log-Structured Merge-TreesLog-Structured Merge-Trees
read path, Read PathRead Path
tables, Tall-Narrow Versus Flat-Wide Tables
WAL (write-ahead log), Write-Ahead LogDurability
writing data, Log-Structured Merge-Trees
writing path, Write PathWrite Path
storage models, Dimensions
store files (HFiles), Tables, Rows, Columns, and Cells, ImplementationImplementation
(see also storage architecture)
compaction of (see compaction)
compression of (see compression)
creation of, Overview
in LSM-trees, Log-Structured Merge-Trees
metrics for, Region Server Metrics
properties for, HBase Configuration PropertiesHBase Configuration Properties
status information about, Cluster Status Information, Cluster Status Information
stored procedures, The Problem with Relational Database Systems
StoreScanner class, Read Path
strict consistency, Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
String (S) metric type, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
SubstringComparator class, Comparators
swapping, configuring, Swappiness
synchronized time, Synchronized time
sysctl.conf file, File handles and process limits, Swappiness
system event metrics, JVM Metrics
system requirements, HardwareWindows
system time, synchronized, Synchronized time


tab-separated value (TSV) data, importing, Using the importtsv tool
table descriptors, TablesTable Properties
loading coprocessors, Loading from the table descriptorLoading from the table descriptor
modifying, Schema Operations
retrieving, Table Operations, Data definition
table hotspotting, Region Hotspotting
tableExists() method, HBaseAdmin class, Table Operations
.tableinfo file, Table-level files
TableInputFormat class, InputFormat, Table Splits, Data Source, Data Source and Sink
TableMapper class, Mapper
TableMapReduceUtil class, Supporting Classes
TableOutputCommitter class, OutputFormat
TableOutputFormat class, OutputFormat, Data Sink, Data Source and Sink
TableRecordReader class, Table Splits
TableRecordWriter class, OutputFormat
tables, Tables, Rows, Columns, and CellsTables, Rows, Columns, and Cells
altering structure of, Table Operations, Data definition
closing, The HTable Utility Methods
compacting, Cluster Operations, Tools, User Table page, CompactionsCompactions
copying, CopyTable ToolCopyTable Tool
creating, Quick-Start Guide, Shell Introduction, Table OperationsTable Operations, Data definition
deferred log flushing for, Table Properties
deleting, Table Operations
disabling, Table Operations, Data definition
dropping, Quick-Start Guide, Data definition
enabling, Table Operations, Data definition
files for, Table-level files
flat-wide layout, Tall-Narrow Versus Flat-Wide Tables
flushing, Cluster Operations, Tools
keyvalue pairs for, setting, Table Properties
listing, Table Operations
maximum file size for, Table Properties
memstore flush size for, Table Properties
name for, The HTable Utility Methods, Tables, Table Properties
properties of, Table PropertiesTable Properties
read-only, Table Properties
replication of, ReplicationReplication
splitting, Cluster Operations, Tools, User Table page, Table SplitsTable Splits
status information for, Main page, User Table pageUser Table page
tall-narrow layout, Tall-Narrow Versus Flat-Wide Tables
truncating, Data manipulation
tail() method, Bytes class, The Bytes Class
tenured (old) generation of heap, Garbage Collection Tuning
thread metrics, JVM Metrics
Thrift, Introduction to REST, Thrift, and AvroIntroduction to REST, Thrift, and Avro, ThriftExample: PHP
documentation for, Operation
installing, InstallationInstallation
PHP schema compiler for, Example: PHPExample: PHP
port used by, Operation
schema compilers for, Example: PHP, Example: PHP
schema for, Installation
starting server for, Operation
stopping, Operation
time series data, Time Series DataTime Series Data
Time varying integer (TVI) metric type, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
Time varying long (TVL) metric type, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
Time varying rate (TVR) metric type, Contexts, Records, and MetricsContexts, Records, and Metrics
time-ordered, related, data, Time-Ordered RelationsTime-Ordered Relations
time-to-live (TTL), Column Families, Log-Structured Merge-Trees, Root-level files, Cleaning logs
timestamp, for cells (see versioning)
TimestampFilter class, TimestampsFilterTimestampsFilter
TimeStampingFileContext class, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
TimestampsFilter class, Filters Summary
.tmp directory, Region-level files, Region splits
toBoolean() method, Bytes class, Single Gets
toBytes() method, Bytes class, Single Puts
toFloat() method, Bytes class, Single Gets
toInt() method, Bytes class, Single Gets
toLong() method, Bytes class, Single Gets, The Bytes Class
tombstone marker (see delete marker)
ToR (top-of-rack) switch, Networking
toString() method, Bytes class, Single Gets, List of Deletes
toString() method, Result class, The Result class
toStringBinary() method, Bytes class, The Bytes Class
trailer blocks, HFile Format
Transactional HBase project, Transactions
transactions, The Problem with Relational Database Systems, Secondary Indexes, TransactionsTransactions
transfer operations, compared to seek operations, Log-Structured Merge-Trees
troubleshooting, HBase Fsck
(see also debugging)
checklist for, Basic setup checklist“Could not obtain block” errors
hbck tool, HBase FsckHBase Fsck
logfiles, analyzing, Analyzing the LogsAnalyzing the Logs
region servers shutting down, Stability issues“Could not obtain block” errors
ZooKeeper problems, ZooKeeper problemsZooKeeper problems
truncate command, HBase Shell, Data manipulation
TSV (tab-separated value) data, importing, Using the importtsv tool
TTL (time-to-live), Column Families, Log-Structured Merge-Trees, Root-level files, Cleaning logs
TVI (Time varying integer) metric type, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
TVL (Time varying long) metric type, Contexts, Records, and Metrics
TVR (Time varying rate) metric type, Contexts, Records, and MetricsContexts, Records, and Metrics


Ubuntu, Operating system, File handles and process limits
UDP multicast messages, Ganglia monitoring daemon
UDP unicast messages, Ganglia monitoring daemon
ulimit setting, File handles
unassign command, HBase Shell, Tools
unassign() method, HBaseAdmin class, Cluster Operations
unicast messages, Ganglia monitoring daemon
Unix, Operating systemOperating system
Unix epoch, Single Puts
Unix time, Single Puts
unlockRow() method, HTable class, Row Locks
update() method, Batch class, The CoprocessorProtocol interface
URL encoding, Plain (text/plain)
URLs, shortening (see Hush (HBase URL Shortener))


value() method, Result class, The Result class
ValueFilter class, ValueFilterValueFilter, Filters Summary
verifyrep tool, Replication
version command, HBase Shell, General
versioning, Tables, Rows, Columns, and CellsTables, Rows, Columns, and Cells, Single PutsSingle Puts, VersioningCustom Versioning
custom, Custom VersioningCustom Versioning
implicit, Implicit VersioningImplicit Versioning
incrementing counters based on, Multiple Counters
retrieving timestamp for Get, Single Gets
retrieving timestamp for Put, Single Puts
setting timestamp for Delete, Single Deletes, Single Deletes
setting timestamp for Get, Single Gets
setting timestamp for Put, Row Locks
setting timestamp for Scan, Introduction
storage architecture for, Concepts
versions of HBase, Road MapHBase 0.94.0
determining, Cluster Status Information
in this book, HBase Version
metrics for, Info Metrics
numbering of, History
supported by Hive, Hive
upgrading from previous releases, Upgrade from Previous ReleasesUpgrading to HBase 0.92.0
virtual shards, The Problem with Relational Database Systems
Vogels, Werner (author, “Eventually Consistent”), Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?


waits (from locking), Dimensions
WAL (write-ahead log), Implementation, Write-Ahead LogDurability
(see also logfiles)
appending data to, HLog ClassHLog Class
deferred flushing for, Table Properties, LogSyncer ClassLogSyncer Class
durability of data with, DurabilityDurability
keys in, HLogKey Class
location of, Root-level filesRoot-level files
number of, decreasing, Configuration
recovering edits, Edits recovery
replaying, ReplayEdits recovery
rolling, LogRoller ClassLogRoller Class
splitting, Log splittingLog splitting
writing data to, Write Path
WALEdit class, WALEdit Class, Replication, Normal processing
WARN logging level, Changing Logging Levels
weak consistency, Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?
web-based companies, data requirements of, The Dawn of Big DataThe Dawn of Big Data
web-based UI
ports for, Adding a local backup master
web-based UI for HBase, Web-based UIShared Pages
accessing, Master UI
cluster information, Main pageMain page
logfiles, accessing from web-based UI, Shared Pages
logging levels, Shared Pages
ports used by, Master UI
region server information, Region Server UIMain page
table information, User Table pageUser Table page
thread dumps, Shared Pages
ZooKeeper information, ZooKeeper page
website resources
Avro server documentation, Operation
Bigtable, Backdrop
Cascading, Cascading
Chef, Puppet and Chef
Cloudera’s Distribution including Apache Hadoop, Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop
CloudStore, Other Filesystems
companies using HBase, list of, Preface
Crossbow project, The Dawn of Big Data
Delicious RSS feed, Data Sink
error messages, Analyzing the Logs
ext3 filesystem, Filesystem
ext4 filesystem, Filesystem
for this book, HBase Version, Building the Examples, How to Contact Us, CRUD Operations
GFS (Google File System), Backdrop
GitHub, Building the Examples
Global Biodiversity Information Facility, The Dawn of Big Data
Hadoop, Hadoop
HBase, History, Quick-Start Guide, Apache Binary Release
HBase-Runner project, Clojure
HDFS, Distributed Mode
Hive documentation, Hive
Java, Java
JConsole documentation, JConsole
JMXToolkit, JMX Remote API
JRE (Java Runtime Environment), Installation
(J)Ruby, Shell Introduction
Linux file descriptor limit, File handles and process limits
MapReduce, Backdrop
Mozilla Socorro, Time Series Data
NTP, Synchronized time
OpenPDC project, The Dawn of Big Data
Puppet, Puppet and Chef
REST documentation, Operation
Safari Books Online, Safari® Books Online
Thrift server documentation, Operation
Whirr, Apache Whirr
Windows Installation guide, Windows
XFS filesystem, Filesystem
ZFS filesystem, Filesystem
Zookeeper, Using the existing ZooKeeper ensemble
webtable, Tables, Rows, Columns, and Cells
WhileMatchFilter class, WhileMatchFilterWhileMatchFilter, Filters Summary
Whirr, deployment using, Apache WhirrApache Whirr
White, Tom (author, Hadoop: The Definitive Guide), Hardware
Windows, Windows
Writable interface, Tables
write buffer, Client-side write bufferClient-side write buffer
concurrent modifications in, HTablePool
flushing, Client-side write bufferClient-side write buffer, List of PutsList of Puts, HTablePool, Data Sink, Client API: Best Practices
size of, HBase Configuration Properties
write() method, Writable interface, Tables
write-ahead log (see WAL)
writeToWAL() method, Put class, Client API: Best Practices


XFS filesystem, Filesystem
XML format, with REST, XML (text/xml)XML (text/xml)
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode option, Garbage Collection Tuning
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction option, Garbage Collection Tuning
-XX:MaxNewSize option, Garbage Collection Tuning
-XX:NewSize option, Garbage Collection Tuning
-XX:+PrintGCDetails option, Garbage Collection Tuning
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps options, Garbage Collection Tuning
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC option, Garbage Collection Tuning
-XX:+UseParNewGC option, Garbage Collection Tuning


YCSB (Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark), YCSBYCSB
young (new) generation of heap, Garbage Collection Tuning


ZFS filesystem, Filesystem
Zippy algorithm, Available Codecs, Snappy
zk_dump command, HBase Shell, Tools
zoo.cfg file, ZooKeeper setup, ZooKeeper setup
ZooKeeper, Implementation
existing cluster, setting up for HBase, Using the existing ZooKeeper ensemble
information about, retrieving, Tools, Main page, ZooKeeper page
number of members to run, ZooKeeper setup
properties for, HBase Configuration PropertiesHBase Configuration Properties
role in data access, Overview
setup for fully distributed mode, ZooKeeper setupUsing the existing ZooKeeper ensemble
sharing connections to, Connection Handling
splits tracked by, Region splits
starting, Running and Confirming Your Installation
timeout for, Configuration
for transactions, Transactions
troubleshooting, ZooKeeper problemsZooKeeper problems
znodes for, ZooKeeperZooKeeper
zookeeper.session.timeout property, ZooKeeper setup, JVM Metrics, Configuration, HBase Configuration Properties
zookeeper.znode.parent property, ZooKeeper, Choosing region servers to replicate to, HBase Configuration Properties
zookeeper.znode.rootserver property, HBase Configuration Properties
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