vparmgr GUI

There is always the age-old question when working with UNIX whether a task should be done at the command line or using a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The vparmgr GUI can perform many of the tasks described in this chapter.

Figure 16-7 shows the main Virtual Partition Manager page that the you first see when the application is started that provides status. It gives basic information about the number of vPars and the resources on the system. From this screen you can perform a variety of tasks, including creating new vPars, modifying existing vPars, booting vPars, and getting more detailed information about the system's vPar configuration.

Figure 16-7. Main vparmgr Screen

Figure 16-8 is the vPar modify screen that is displayed when a user selects an existing vPar and click modify. The user can then change the configuration of this vPar. The actions available through the modify screen are similar to what is available in the create wizard.

Figure 16-8. vparmgr Modify Screen

Figure 16-9 is the screen displayed when the user selects the available row on the status screen and clicks details. It shows more detailed information about the available resources on the system.

Figure 16-9. vparmgr Available Screen

With vparmgr you have the flexibility of using the graphical interface or command line when working with vPars.

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