
vparmodify - Modifies an existing virtual partition.

vparmodify(1M)                                            vparmodify(1M)

     vparmodify - modify the attributes of a virtual partition

     vparmodify -p vp_name [-B boot_attr] [-D db_file] [-S static_attr]
  [-b kernel_path] [-o boot_opts] [-P new_vp_name] [-a rsrc]...
  [-m rsrc]... [-d rsrc]...

     The vparmodify command modifies attributes and resources of the
     specified virtual partition.  The command can also rename the virtual
     partition.  vp_name is a symbolic name for an existing virtual
     partition and must be used in all references to it.  vparmodify cannot
     create a virtual partition.  Use the vparcreate command for that

     Only a superuser can execute the vparmodify command.

     If the -D option is specified, vp_name in db_file is modified;
     otherwise vp_name in the virtual partition monitor database is

     If the static attribute has been configured in vp_name, none of its
     resources may be added, modified, or deleted.  Attributes (all options
     except -a, -m, and -d) may be modified.  Refer to the -S option

     Only the -S, -a, -m, and/or -d options may be specified more than once
     in a command.  Resources allocated with the -a option must be
     available, that is, not already allocated to a virtual partition.
     They must also not exceed the overall limits of the resources.
     Resources to be modified (-m) or deleted (-d) must be owned by
     vp_name.  Violation of any condition is a command error.

     vparmodify recognizes the following command line options and
     arguments.  The options are processed from left to right.

        -p vp_name      Specifies the symbolic name of the existing
                        virtual partition which is to be modified.

        -B boot_attr    Specifies the autoboot attribute of the virtual
                        partition.  boot_attr can have the following
                        case-insensitive values:

 auto      sets the autoboot attribute.

 manual      clears the autoboot attribute.

                        If the autoboot attribute is set to auto, the
                        virtual partition is rebooted after a successful
                        vparreset command or when the virtual partition
                        monitor is first loaded, if appropriate monitor
                        options have been specified.

                        If the attribute is set to manual, the virtual
                        partition halts after a vparreset and does not
                        boot when the monitor is loaded.  It must then be
                        booted manually with the vparboot command.

                        If the -B option is omitted, the attribute is not

        -D db_file      Apply changes to the vp_name contained in db_file.
                        The virtual partition monitor need not be running.
                        If it is, it is not notified of the modification.

                        Although db_file can reside in any path when
                        accessed as an alternate database, it must be
                        placed in the /stand directory before it can be
                        loaded by the virtual partition monitor as its
                        live database.

                        If the -D option is omitted, the virtual partition
                        monitor must be running.  Changes are applied to
                        vp_name in the monitor's database.  A vp_name in
                        the monitor database must be in the Down state,
                        with one exception:  Unbound cpu resources can be
                        added to or deleted from a running virtual
                        partition.  This restriction may be relaxed for
                        other types of resource management in a future

        -S static_attr  Specifies the static virtual partition attribute.
                        static_attr can have the following values:

 static      sets the static attribute.

 dynamic     resets the static attribute.

                        If the -S option is omitted, the attribute is not

                        No hardware resource changes can be made to a
                        static virtual partition, that is, the -a, -m, and
                        -d options are not allowed.  This restriction
                        applies to all virtual partitions, whether in an
                        alternate database file, or in the monitor's

                        Since command line options are processed left-to-
                        right, you can modify resources in a static
                        partition by specifying -S dynamic on the command
                        line before any resource options, then specifying
                        -S static after all resource options to prevent
                        further resource modifications.

        -b kernel_path  Specifies the absolute path to a bootable kernel
                        for the partition.  If the option is omitted, the
                        kernel_path is not changed.

        -o boot_opts    Specifies the command-line string, except for the
                        kernel path, applied when the virtual partition is
                        booted.  For example, if a non-partitioned system
                        start string at the ISL prompt is:

 ISL> hpux -iS /stand/vmunix

                        the boot_opts string is the -iS portion of this
                        string.  Note that if the string includes any
                        whitespace, the string must be quoted.

                        Refer to the virtual partitions administration
                        guide and the chapter titled "Monitor and Shell
                        Commands" for a full list of supported boot option

                        If the -o option is omitted, the boot_opts is not

        -P new_vp_name  Specifies the new name for the virtual partition
                        being modified, that is, after all modifications
                        are successfully applied to vp_name, it is renamed
                        to new_vp_name, assuming no virtual partition with
                        that name already exists in the monitor database
                        or specified alternate database file. The name
                        can consist of alpha-numeric characters A-Z, a-z,
                        0-9, the underbar character (_), and period (.).
                        The maximum length of the name is 239 characters.

        a rsrc          -a adds resources to a virtual partition.

        -d rsrc         -d deletes resources from a virtual partition.

        -m rsrc         -m modifies existing resources in a virtual
                        partition.  rsrc is a hardware resource
                        specification, as described in detail in the
                        vparresources(5) manpage.  A summary of resource
                        syntax forms is shown in Table 1 below.  Multiple
                        resource specifications in the same command are
                        allowed, but some syntax forms are restricted to
                        specific options, and some are only allowed once.
                        Both are indicated in Table 1.  In any case,
                        resources in multiple specifications must not
                        repeat or conflict with each other.

   Table 1.  Resource syntax summary
     |Resource |   Forms                 |  Options   | # times/command |
     |CPU      | cpu:path                | -a, -d     | Multiple        |
     |         | cpu::num                | -a, -m, -d | Once            |
     |         | cpu:::[min]:[max]       | -m         | Once            |
     |I/O      | io:path[:attr1[,attr2]] | -a, -m, -d | Multiple        |
     |Memory   | mem::size               | -a, -m, -d | Once            |
     |         | mem:::base:range        | -a, -d     | Multiple        |

     Certain tasks can affect the outcome of others.  To avoid errors, see
     the detailed description of the dependencies in the vparresources(5)

     The vparmodify command exits with one of the following values:

     0   Successful completion.
     1   One or more error conditions occurred.

     Change the name of the virtual partition called Oslo to Bergen

  vparmodify -p Oslo -P Bergen

     Turn off the autoboot attribute for the virtual partition Oslo

  vparmodify -p Oslo -B manual

     Add two processors to the virtual partition Bergen in alternate
     database file /stand/Norway

  vparmodify -p Bergen -D /stand/Norway -a cpu::2

     vparmodify displays error messages on stderr for any of the following

  An invalid option is specified.

  An invalid value is specified for an option or a value is

  The specified db_file does not exist, cannot be accessed, or has
  been corrupted.

  vp_name does not exist in the specified db_file or in the monitor

  new_vp_name already exists in the monitor database or specified

  vp_name is static and you have attempted to change a resource.

  One or more options other than -S, -a, -m, -d is specified more
  than once.

  For the -a or -m option, an unavailable resource (allocated to
  another virtual partition or exceeding the available resource
  limit) is specified.

  For the -m or -d option, the specified resource is not presently
  assigned to vp_name.

     The state of the modified vPar following an error depends on the
     following factors:

        +              If the error is detected during syntax and semantic
                      checks of the

                       command line, the vPar is not changed.

        +              If the error is detected while actually modifying the
                      vPar, AND you

                       are modifying an alternate database, the vPar is not
                      changed. This

                       is because changes are not committed until the end of the

        +              If the error is detected while modifying the vPar, AND
                      you are

                       modifying the database currently loaded into the monitor,
                      then any

                       changes made to the point of the error (working left-to-
                      right on

                       the command line) will remain. This is because changes to
                      the live

                       database are made incrementally, as they are requested.

     vparmodify was developed by the Hewlett-Packard Company.

     vparboot(1M), vparcreate(1M), vparremove(1M), vparreset(1M),
     vparstatus(1M), vparresources(5), vpartition(5).

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