Device Files in Cell-Based Systems

The information in this section is taken directly from Chapter 17 where you will find a complete overview of nPartitions (hard partitions). Here we provide an overview of the paths and other information you'll see on some cell-based systems.

To start with let's take a look at detailed information for the local nPartition. We're interested in all of the components of our local nPartition as well as a detail of PCI I/O. The following listing shows the PCI detail with the rad -q command:

						rad -q
Slot        Path        Bus   Speed   Power   Occupied    Suspended   Capable
0-0-1-0     4/0/0       0     33      On      Yes         No          No
0-0-1-1     4/0/1/0     8     33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-1-2     4/0/2/0     16    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-1-3     4/0/3/0     24    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-1-4     4/0/4/0     32    66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-1-5     4/0/6/0     48    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-1-6     4/0/14/0    112   66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-1-7     4/0/12/0    96    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-1-8     4/0/11/0    88    66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-1-9     4/0/10/0    80    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-1-10    4/0/9/0     72    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-1-11    4/0/8/0     64    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-3-0     5/0/0       0     33      On      Yes         No          No
0-0-3-1     5/0/1/0     8     33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-3-2     5/0/2/0     16    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-3-3     5/0/3/0     24    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-3-4     5/0/4/0     32    66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-3-5     5/0/6/0     48    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-3-6     5/0/14/0    112   66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-3-7     5/0/12/0    96    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-3-8     5/0/11/0    88    66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-3-9     5/0/10/0    80    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-3-10    5/0/9/0     72    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-0-3-11    5/0/8/0     64    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-1-0     1/0/0       0     33      On      Yes         No          No
0-1-1-1     1/0/1/0     8     33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-1-2     1/0/2/0     16    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-1-3     1/0/3/0     24    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-1-4     1/0/4/0     32    66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-1-5     1/0/6/0     48    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-1-6     1/0/14/0    112   66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-1-7     1/0/12/0    96    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-1-8     1/0/11/0    88    66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-1-9     1/0/10/0    80    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-1-10    1/0/9/0     72    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-1-11    1/0/8/0     64    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-3-0     0/0/0       0     33      On      Yes         No          No
0-1-3-1     0/0/1/0     8     33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-3-2     0/0/2/0     16    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-3-3     0/0/3/0     24    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-3-4     0/0/4/0     32    66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-3-5     0/0/6/0     48    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-3-6     0/0/14/0    112   66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-3-7     0/0/12/0    96    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-3-8     0/0/11/0    88    66      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-3-9     0/0/10/0    80    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-3-10    0/0/9/0     72    33      On      Yes         No          Yes
0-1-3-11    0/0/8/0     64    33      On      Yes         No          Yes

rad produces an output that gives us a lot of detail about the nPartitions in our system. You should run this command on your Superdome complex so that you can see all of the components of which your Superdome is comprised. There is a lot of detail in this output that is not as easy to understand as the parstatus output (covered in Chapter 17). so let's take a closer look at a couple of these fields.

The first field is the slot information, which is in the following form:

Cabinet-Bay-Chassis-Slot     such as 0-0-1-0 for the first entry

The second field, which is the Path, contains the following

Cell/SBA/LBA/Device     such as 0/0/1/1 for the second entry

As with Virtual Partitions (vPars) covered in Chapter 16, you need to know something about the structure of your system in order to work with nPartitions. The System Bus Adapter (SBA) and Local Bus Adapters (LBAs) are not components that you would typically worry about if you were not working with partitions. For the purpose of working through the information in this chapter, it is sufficient to know that there is a hierarchical I/O structure on HP systems in which the SBA exists at a higher level than the LBA and there are typically several LBAs per SBA. That is why for the second field, SBA of 0 for instance, you'll see several third fields, which are many LBAs per SBA.

Next, let's issue ioscan -f to see all of the components of our local nPartition number 0 in a two-nPartition rp8400:

mtvnhp01:/>ioscan -f
Class       I  H/W Path        Driver    S/W State   H/W Type     Description
root        0                  root      CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS
cell        0  0               cell      CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS
ioa         0  0/0             sba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    System Bus Ada
pter (804)
ba          0  0/0/0           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
unknown    -1  0/0/0/0/0                 UNCLAIMED   UNKNOWN      PCI BaseSystem
tty         0  0/0/0/0/1       asio0     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    PCI Serial (10
lan         0  0/0/0/1/0       gelan     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A3639-60019
 1000Base-T Built-in I/O
ext_bus     0  0/0/0/2/0       c720      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    SCSI C87x Ultr
a Wide Single-Ended
target      0  0/0/0/2/0.6     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk        0  0/0/0/2/0.6.0   sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP 36.4GST3367
target      1  0/0/0/2/0.7     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl         0  0/0/0/2/0.7.0   sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       Initiator
ext_bus     1  0/0/0/2/1       c720      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    SCSI C87x Fast
 Wide Single-Ended
target      2  0/0/0/2/1.2     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk        1  0/0/0/2/1.2.0   sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DVD-RO
M 305
target      3  0/0/0/2/1.7     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl         1  0/0/0/2/1.7.0   sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       Initiator
ext_bus     2  0/0/0/3/0       c720      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    SCSI C896 Fast
 Wide Single-Ended
target      4  0/0/0/3/0.6     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk        9  0/0/0/3/0.6.0   sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP 36.4GST3367
target      5  0/0/0/3/0.7     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl         2  0/0/0/3/0.7.0   sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       Initiator
ext_bus     3  0/0/0/3/1       c720      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    SCSI C896 Fast
 Wide LVD
target      6  0/0/0/3/1.7     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl         3  0/0/0/3/1.7.0   sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       Initiator
ba          1  0/0/1           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          2  0/0/2           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          3  0/0/4           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          4  0/0/6           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          5  0/0/8           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
fc          0  0/0/8/0/0       td        CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP Tachyon TL/
TS Fibre Channel Mass Storage Adapter
fcp         2  0/0/8/0/0.10    fcp       CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Domain
ext_bus    20  0/0/8/0/        fcparray  CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP
 Array Interface
target      7  0/0/8/0/      tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk       12  0/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
disk       13  0/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
disk       16  0/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
ext_bus    21  0/0/8/0/      fcpdev    CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP
 Device Interface
target      8  0/0/8/0/    tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl        14  0/0/8/0/  sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
ext_bus    22  0/0/8/0/        fcparray  CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP
 Array Interface
target      9  0/0/8/0/      tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk       14  0/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
disk       15  0/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
disk       17  0/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
ext_bus    23  0/0/8/0/      fcpdev    CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP
 Device Interface
target     10  0/0/8/0/    tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl        15  0/0/8/0/  sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
ba          6  0/0/10          lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          7  0/0/10/0/0      PCItoPCI  CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridg
lan         1  0/0/10/0/0/4/0  btlan     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A5506B PCI
10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan         2  0/0/10/0/0/5/0  btlan     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A5506B PCI
10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan         3  0/0/10/0/0/6/0  btlan     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A5506B PCI
10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan         4  0/0/10/0/0/7/0  btlan     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A5506B PCI
10/100Base-TX 4 Port
ba          8  0/0/12          lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          9  0/0/14          lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
memory      0  0/5             memory    CLAIMED     MEMORY       Memory
processor   0  0/10            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor   1  0/11            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor   2  0/12            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor   3  0/13            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
cell        1  2               cell      CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS
memory      1  2/5             memory    CLAIMED     MEMORY       Memory
processor   4  2/10            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor   5  2/11            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor   6  2/12            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor   7  2/13            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor

This ioscan is context sensitive in that all of the components in nPartition 0 are shown in its output, including a total of eight processors. Cells 0 and 2 are in this nPartition. The following listing shows an ioscan output of the second nPartition in the same rp8400:

mtvnhp02:/>ioscan -f
Class       I  H/W Path        Driver    S/W State   H/W Type     Description
root        0                  root      CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS
cell        0  1               cell      CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS
ioa         0  1/0             sba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    System Bus Ada
pter (804)
ba          0  1/0/0           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
unknown    -1  1/0/0/0/0                 UNCLAIMED   UNKNOWN      PCI BaseSystem
tty         0  1/0/0/0/1       asio0     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    PCI Serial (10
lan         0  1/0/0/1/0       gelan     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A3639-60019
 1000Base-T Built-in I/O
ext_bus     0  1/0/0/2/0       c720      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    SCSI C87x Ultr
a Wide Single-Ended
target      0  1/0/0/2/0.6     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk        0  1/0/0/2/0.6.0   sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP 36.4GST3367
target      1  1/0/0/2/0.7     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl         0  1/0/0/2/0.7.0   sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       Initiator
ext_bus     1  1/0/0/2/1       c720      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    SCSI C87x Ultr
a Wide Single-Ended
target      2  1/0/0/2/1.0     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
tape        0  1/0/0/2/1.0.0   stape     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      C5683A
target      3  1/0/0/2/1.7     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl         1  1/0/0/2/1.7.0   sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       Initiator
ext_bus     2  1/0/0/3/0       c720      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    SCSI C896 Ultr
a2 Wide Single-Ended
target      4  1/0/0/3/0.6     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk        1  1/0/0/3/0.6.0   sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP 36.4GST3367
target      5  1/0/0/3/0.7     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl         2  1/0/0/3/0.7.0   sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       Initiator
ext_bus     3  1/0/0/3/1       c720      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    SCSI C896 Ultr
a2 Wide LVD
target      6  1/0/0/3/1.7     tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl         3  1/0/0/3/1.7.0   sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       Initiator
ba          1  1/0/1           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          2  1/0/2           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          3  1/0/4           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          4  1/0/6           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          5  1/0/8           lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
fc          0  1/0/8/0/0       td        CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP Tachyon TL/
TS Fibre Channel Mass Storage Adapter
fcp         0  1/0/8/0/0.10    fcp       CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP Domain
ext_bus     4  1/0/8/0/        fcparray  CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP
 Array Interface
target      7  1/0/8/0/      tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk        2  1/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
disk        3  1/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
disk        4  1/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
ext_bus     5  1/0/8/0/      fcpdev    CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP
 Device Interface
target      8  1/0/8/0/    tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl         4  1/0/8/0/  sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
ext_bus     6  1/0/8/0/        fcparray  CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP
 Array Interface
target      9  1/0/8/0/      tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk        5  1/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
disk        6  1/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
disk        7  1/0/8/0/    sdisk     CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
ext_bus     7  1/0/8/0/      fcpdev    CLAIMED     INTERFACE    FCP
 Device Interface
target     10  1/0/8/0/    tgt       CLAIMED     DEVICE
ctl         5  1/0/8/0/  sctl      CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP
ba          6  1/0/10          lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          7  1/0/10/0/0      PCItoPCI  CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridg
lan         1  1/0/10/0/0/4/0  btlan     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A5506B PCI
10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan         2  1/0/10/0/0/5/0  btlan     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A5506B PCI
10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan         3  1/0/10/0/0/6/0  btlan     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A5506B PCI
10/100Base-TX 4 Port
lan         4  1/0/10/0/0/7/0  btlan     CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP A5506B PCI
10/100Base-TX 4 Port
ba          8  1/0/12          lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
ba          9  1/0/14          lba       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI Bus
Adapter (782)
memory      0  1/5             memory    CLAIMED     MEMORY       Memory
processor   0  1/10            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor   1  1/11            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor   2  1/12            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor   3  1/13            processor CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor

This ioscan output includes all components in nPartition 0 in this rp8400. Cell 1 is shown in this ioscan output as well.

The ioscan outputs produced a lot of components for our local partition. The form of the ioscan output for an nPartition looks like the following:

    Field 1         Field 2        3     Field 4    Field 5  Field 6

Global cell no./proc, mem, or SBA/LBA/Card address/Function/dev addr

The six fields in the ioscan provide you with a lot of useful information about the components in your local nPartition. The LBA number is not the same as the PCI card number in many cases. Be careful when configuring I/O on any HP 9000 to check the PCI card slot vs. the LBA number.

Please see Chapter 17 for more information on commands related to working with cell-based systems.

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