Series Editors’ Foreword

Architects are in the business of creating enriching environments and stimulating spaces for their clients. It is surprising therefore that few design businesses fully understand the social, emotional and existential needs of their own people. HR for Creative Companies is an essential ‘aide memoire’, for the architectural library, for practitioners that aim to look after the real gold within their practice, their people.

It is in the interest of your business for your employee dealings to be as successful as they can reasonably be. Good human relationships create loyalty and the right motivations for staff to give of themselves, being the difference between a practice that is just surviving and one that is flourishing.

HR for Creative Companies identifies the cultural boxes that many architects know exist within the profession and levels off inconsistencies, through the role of an industry sensitive HR eye, with advice that qualifies more as a good practice guide. In doing this the author identifies the common HR health checks that need to be in place so that the practice and its leadership are protected.

The role of HR in architectural practice is ultimately twofold, to help manage and maintain the workforce, making sure that the ‘human’ aspects of your business comply, whilst from a commercial perspective keeping a keen eye on the ‘resources’ aspect of employees as being productive and profitable and knowing how to deal with them when they are not.

Through humour and an abundance of specific tips within the field of Architectural HR, this publication educates practitioners through anecdotal case studies from design practice and with up-to-date legislation aims to give practical advice. All of which will enhance your business and make it run smoother.

The publication has specifically been written in clear English with practical, applicable tips to help you attract, motivate and retain the greatest talent so you can focus on what you went into business to do, which is provide the best design solutions for your clients.

Del Hossain and Anne Markey

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