B.89. play-during

Intended for use by aural browsers for the visually impaired, this property could have at least one practical use in mainstream browsers: providing a standard way to add background audio to a page. In aural browsers, this property sets the sound played in the background while the contents of a selected element are read aloud.

Inherited: No

See also: Section B.28cue

B.89.1. Value

Values for this property can take the following format:

play-during: url(uri) mix
> repeat

uri is the relative or absolute URL of the sound file you wish to have played during the reading of this element. The optional keyword mix, when present, causes the element's background sound to be mixed with the background sound of its parent element, instead of replacing it. The optional keyword repeat, when present, causes the sound to be played repeatedly, if it is shorter than the reading of the element content.

Alternatively, this property may be set to either of the following constants:

  • auto

  • none

auto allows the parent element's play-during sound to continue playing while the element is read (as opposed to setting this value to inherit, which would cause it to start again from the beginning). none suppresses the parent element's play-during sound during the reading of the element, allowing it to resume afterward.

Initial value: auto

B.89.2. Compatibility

CSS Version: 2

Not supported by any currently-available browser.

B.89.3. Example

This example plays dirge.wav in the background of a div element of class epitaph:

div.epitaph {
  play-during: url(/sounds/dirge.wav) repeat;

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