
images A

Ambient light, 12

images B

Blurring algorithm, 68

Brightness thresholding algorithm

float testApp::blur, 70

kinect.update(), 69

void testApp::draw(), 70

void testApp::exit(), 70

void testApp::setup(), 69

void testApp::update(), 69

images C, D, E, F

Computer vision

image anatomy, 65

image comparison, 74

background subtraction, 7680

black and white image creation, 8586

double image, 85

frame differencing, 8084

image storage, 87

tolerance, 7576

image processing. see Image processing

images G

Gesture recognition, 89

definiton, 89

multitouch detection

assigning and tracking component IDs, 9596

camera image, background storing and subtracting, 92

connected components algorithm, 9395

fingertip touching, 90

image processing, 9091

infrared emitter and detector, 89

Kinect's depth image, 101

LCD display, 89

minority report—style interface, 99100

motion, 97

multitouch-capable devices, 96

rotation, 9799

scale, 99

shape, 101

threshold filter, 90, 9293

images H


accelerometer, 2324

depth sensing, 1113

RGB camera. see RGB camera

tilting head, 2324

volumetric sensing

Arduino Sketch, 35, 36, 38

binary distributions, 26

block wiring, 37

//BufferedAsync Setup, 32, 34

CMakeLists.txt file, 3435

///Keyboard Event Tracking, 29, 30

///Kinect hardware connection class, 27

lit alarm light, 39

///Mutex Class, 26, 27

//~MyFreenectDevice(), 27

parts, 25

//PCL, 29

//Percentage Change, 30, 32

relay wiring, 35, 36

///Start the PCL/OK Bridging, 2829

images I, J

Image processing

brightest pixel tracking, 7274

brightness thresholding algorithm. see Brightness thresholding algorithm

Image processing (cont.)

data simplifying, 6667

noise and blurring, 6768

situation contriving, 69

Infrared emitter and detector, 89

images K


drivers installation:. see OpenKinect driver

hardware requirements, 12

installation testing, 9

images L

Linux, 67

images M, N

Mac OS X, 89

Mesh Models:, 128

Multiple kinects

calibration, 209

calib.yaml file, 229

camera frame, 228

eigen.hpp, 243

OKStereo.cpp, 229243

stereo calibration, 228

world frame, 228

depth shadows, occlusions, 208

field of view, 207

hardware requirements, 209

interference, 209

angle and distance, 213, 214

box fan test, 217

calib.yaml file, 226

cloud 1 update, 227

cloud 2 update, 227

combined point clouds, 226

hardware shutter system, 218

holes, 209, 212

IR camera, 218

IR pattern, 209211

laser diodes, 217

mechanical shutters, 217

noise, 209

OKShutter.cpp, 219226

scene, 213

splotches, 209, 213

single direction, 207

Multitouch detection, gesture recognition

assigning and tracking component IDs, 9596

camera image, background storing and subtracting, 92

connected components algorithm, 9395

fingertip touching, 90

image processing, 9091

infrared emitter and detector, 89

Kinect's depth image, 101

LCD display, 89

minority report—style interface, 99100

motion, 97

multitouch-capable devices, 96

rotation, 9799

scale, 99

shape, 101

threshold filter, 90, 9293

images O

Object detection

global descriptors

CloudRecognizer Class, 201, 202

database model, 202

VFH descriptor computation, 202204

pose estimation, 204205

Object modeling


camera space, 191

cleaning and cropping, partial views, 195196

high-resolution models, 199

Kinect pose estimation, 192195

marker-based scanner, 189190

Point clouds merging, 196199

support builiding, 191

definition, 173

single Kinect image. see Single Kinect image


drawing points, 135

initialization code, 133135

OpenKinect driver

Linux, 67

Mac OS X, 89

Red Hat/Fedora, 7

Ubuntu, 7

Windows, 2

CMake preconfiguration, 5

Git Commands, 3

libfreenect, 3

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and MinGW, 56

updation, 3

images P, Q

Person tracking, 123125

Point cloud library (PCL), 129


binary distributions, 57

// Create and setup the viewer, 60

C++ file creation, 56

—CMakeLists.txt—, 62

///Kinect Hardware Connection Class, 58

///Mutex Class, 58

//~MyFreenectDevice(), 58

//More Kinect Setup, 60

///Start the PCL/OK Bridging, 59

Windows installation

cmake-guifor FLANN, 49

CMinPack, 49

Linux, 5253

Mac OS X, 5355

Qhull, 51

VTK installer, 51

Point clouds


depth to color reference frame, 131

image plane, 132

Depth Map, 130131

2-D registration

affine transformation, 154

matched features, 152

transformation parameters, 153

translation, 153, 154

3-D data representation

Mesh Models, 128

rendering, 129

scaling pixel count, 127, 128

Voxels, 128

3-D registration

absolute orientation, 156157

rigid transformation, 155

rotation computation, 155

outliers, 157159

PCL creation, 139142

SLAM. See Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

surface reconstruction

normal estimation, 162

triangulation method, 162163


with OpenGL, 133135

with PCL, 133

wind application

blue-red gradient, 136

Freenect Thread Code, 137139

intensity field, 142

is_frozen, 142

Kinect depth image, 139142

libraries, 136137

main() function, 139

OpenGL Code, 143149

radiohead's video, 136

screenshot, 149

show_visualizer(), 142

structure of, 136

TMyPoint, 142

images R

Random sample consensus (RANSAC), 174

Red Hat/Fedora, 7

RGB camera

build/bin/calibrate_kinect_ir execution, 18

calibration target, 13, 1617

Capture directory, 1718

Combined R|T matrix, 23

kinect_calibration.yml file, 1921

Linux, 15

Mac OS X, 16

output image, 18, 19

pinhole model, 21, 22

rgb_distortion and depth_distortion, 21, 22

rgb_intrinsics/depth_intrinsics, 21

rgbd-viewer, 17

Windows installation, 1415

images S

Shape gestures, 101

Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)

advantages of, 160

conventional camera, 159

Kinect, 160161

real-time considerations, 161

simple Kinect

C++ classes, 164

camera pose estimation, 170172

CTrackingSharedData class, 166

SLAM, simple kinect (cont.)

main classes of, 164165

median feature computation, 168

Point Map construction, 169170

screenshot, 164

SURF, 167168

Single Kinect image

3-D Model

extruder class, 180

Mesh building, 187188

surface point cloud, 181, 185187

unseen Voxels, 183185

Voxelized representation, 181183

parametric model, 178179

tabletop object detector

background removal, 176

individual object clusters extraction, 177178

points lying, prism, 177

sample scene, 174

table plane extraction, 174176


Kinect drivers

Microsoft Kinect SDK, 41

OpenKinect, 41

OpenNI, 41

OpenCV installation

Linux, 5253

Mac OS X, 5355

Windows, 4243

point cloud library (PCL) installation

// Create and setup the viewer, 60

///Kinect Hardware Connection Class, 58

///Mutex Class, 58

///Start the PCL/OK Bridging, 59

//~MyFreenectDevice(), 58

//More Kinect Setup, 60

binary distributions, 57

C++ file creation, 56

—CMakeLists.txt—, 62

Structured light pattern, 12

images T

Tabletop object detector

background removal, 176

individual object clusters extraction, 177178

points lying, prism, 177

sample scene, 174

table plane extraction, 174176

Threshold filter, 9293

images U

Ubuntu, 7

images V

Volumetric sensing


Arduino Sketch, 35, 36, 38

binary distributions, 26

block wiring, 37

//BufferedAsync Setup, 32, 34

CMakeLists.txt file, 3435

///Keyboard Event Tracking, 29, 30

///Kinect hardware connection class, 27

lit alarm light, 39

///Mutex Class, 26, 27

//~MyFreenectDevice(), 27

//PCL, 29

//Percentage Change, 30, 32

relay wiring, 35, 36

///Start the PCL/OK Bridging, 2829

parts, 25

Voxelization, 103

clustering voxels, 122

cluster_indices, 122

2-D flood fill technique, 120

EuclideanClusterExtraction, 121

KdTree line, 122

PCL, 121122

setClusterTolerance, 122

setMinClusterSize and setMaxClusterSize, 122

dataset, 104

definition, 103104

manipulating voxels

background cloud, 118

background subtraction, 108116

drawing voxel boxes, 108

foreground cloud, 117, 120

full scene cloud, 117, 119

function, background subtraction, 116117

getPointIndicesFromNewVoxels, 117

leaf nodes, 107

octrees, 105107

PCL, 105

tracking people and fitting rectangular prism, 122125

Voxels, 128

images W, X, Y, Z

Wind application

animation code, 142143

blue-red gradient, 136

Freenect Thread Code, 137139

intensity field, 142

is_frozen, 142

Kinect depth image, 139142

libraries, 136137

main() function, 139

OpenGL Code, 143149

screenshot, 149

show_visualizer(), 142

structure of, 136

TMyPoint, 142

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