import_keys <profile name>|--all

The import_keys command is meant to make it a bit easier to bridge the gap between Pacu and the AWS CLI. This command will import credential profiles from the AWS CLI and create a new set of keys in the active session with that information. If we want to import a single AWS CLI profile, you can just name it in the command, like in the following screenshot, where import_keys default is run:

Importing the keys for the default profile of the AWS CLI

As shown in the preceding screenshot, we imported the default AWS CLI profile as the imported-default key alias to indicate that these keys were imported, and the profile name was default. We can also see that the active key set switched from SecondExampleUser to imported-default. We could just use the swap_keys command to switch them back if required.

We can also use the --all flag instead of an AWS CLI profile name, to which Pacu will import every AWS CLI profile that it can find:

Importing multiple key pairs from the AWS CLI with the --all argument
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