
Pacu offers a wide range of capabilities and the ability to extend upon existing functionality. It was the first modular attack tool created for penetration testing AWS environments, and due to its backing should be in development for a long time to come. It is a great asset to take advantage of when attacking AWS environments, but it is not a catch-all, so it is important to learn the fundamentals of attacking AWS as well, rather than relying on someone else to automate everything for you.

Pacu is still in active development, so features may change, be added, or be removed since the time of writing, so it is important to take that into account when running into issues. The Pacu developers are available to respond to issues and pull requests that are opened in GitHub, so that is likely to be the best resource for support with running Pacu.

In this chapter, we covered the basic usage of Pacu and the commands that it offers. We also took a look at writing our first module for it. Hopefully, you can walk away from this chapter and be able to use Pacu efficiently and effectively to perform various attacks during your AWS pentests.

In the next chapter, we are going to take it a step further and cover the process of an AWS pentest from start to beginning. This will help us get a grasp on real-world AWS pentesting scenarios, how and when we will use tools such as Pacu, and how to work around our client's needs and desires.

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