To get the most out of this book

Although every required tool and  piece of software for each chapter is mentioned in the initial section of each chapter, the following is a list that can be used as a simple and quick reference:

  • A regular computer with a recent version of a Windows, macOS, or Linux (such as Ubuntu) operating system installed on it
  • Microsoft Visual Studio (on Windows)
  • Xcode (on macOS)
  • CMake
  • OpenCV

Firstly, to get an idea of what a regular computer is these days, you can search online or ask a local shop; however, the one you already have is most probably enough to get you started.

Also, your choice of Integrated Development Envrinoment (IDE) or the build system you use (in this case, CMake) is pretty much irrelevant to the examples provided in this book. For instance, you can use the exact same examples in this book with any code editor and or build system, as long as you are familiar with the configuration of the OpenCV library for that IDE and build system.

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