
  1. Which of the element-wise mathematical operations and bitwise operations would produce the exact same results?
  2. What is the purpose of the gemm function in OpenCV? What is the equivalent of A*B with the gemm function?
  3. Use the borderInterpolate function to calculate the value of a non-existing pixel at point (-10, 50), with a border type of BORDER_REPLICATE. What is the function call required for such a calculation?
  4. Create the same identity matrix as in the Learning about the dentity matrix section of this chapter, but use the setIdentity function instead of the Mat::eye function.
  5. Write a program using the LUT function (lookup table transformation) that performs the same task as bitwise_not (invert colors) when executed on grayscale and color (RGB) images.
  6. Besides normalizing the values of a matrix, the normalize function can be used to brighten or darken images. Write the required function call to darken and brighten a grayscale image using the normalize function.
  7. Remove the blue channel (first channel) from an image (BGR image created using the imread function) using the merge and split functions.
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