Methods in a class

Let's talk about another important topic—namely methods. A method is a piece of code that is written in the code file and can be reused. A method can hold many lines of code, which will be executed when it is called. Let's take a look at the general form of a method:

access-modifier return-type method-name(parameter-list) {
// method body

We can see that the first thing in the method declaration is an access-modifier. This will set the access permission of the method. Then, we have the return-type of the method, which will hold the type that the method will return, such as string, int, double, or another type. After that, we have the method-name and then brackets, (), which indicate that it is a method. In the brackets, we have the parameter-list. This can either be empty or can contain one or more parameters. Finally, we have curly brackets, {}, which hold the method body. The code that the method will execute goes inside here.

Any code following this structure will be considered a method by the C# compiler.

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