Creating a method

Now that we know what a method is, let's take a look at an example, as shown in the following code:

public string GetFullName(string firstName, string lastName){
return firstName + lastName;

This code will create a method called GetFullName. This method takes two parameters, firstName and lastName, which are placed inside the parentheses. We can also see that we have to specify the types of those parameters. In this particular example, both the parameter types are string.

Now, take a look at the method body, which is the section between the curly brackets, {}. We can see that the code returns firstName + lastName, which means that it is concatenating the two parameters, firstName and lastName, and returning the string. As we are planning to return a string from this method, we set the return type of the method to string. Another thing to notice is that the access type is set to public for this method, which means that any other class can access it.

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