





ABC New Internship Program 161
Abdo, Nick 88
Academy Awards 116
accounting 314
acquisitions 70
Acting Program (Disney/ABC) 371
actors, getting started as 133
advice: from experts 381390; from indie filmmakers 112116; from pros 2325, 2729
agency mailrooms 153155
agents: about 7679; getting started as 134; pitch meetings and 296; representation by 281283; UTA’s training program for 154
Alchemist, The 348
Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) 6162
Alliance of Women Directors 114
Altman, Stuart 112, 116, 117
American Association of Producers (AAP) 62
American Scene Awards 378
appearance: for first job 240; for meetings 231
applicant tracking software 196, 202
apprenticeships 160161
art department 93
asking for what you want 5152
assistant directors training programs 162, 322324
associate producers 84
Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI) 163164
attitude: entry-level jobs and 14; importance of 13, 3537; winning 52
attorneys, pitch meetings and 296
attraction, law of 347349
augmented reality (AR) 124
Austin, Stephanie 384
availability 235
Bacall, Lauren 390
background casting 104105
bad behavior 331334
Baer, Cindy 113116, 117
Bahar, Robert 386
Beal, Aubbie 156159
benefits: absence of 26; lack of fairness in 30; union and guild 23, 25
Bennett, Xander 151
Bernard, Dustin 389
Bernstein, Steven 385, 393
Bertran, David 116
bios 210211
Birch, Matt 7778, 385, 392
Black List Episodic Lab 377378
blocking 318
blogs 175, 176
“bloom where you’re planted” 3637
body language 266267
bond companies 6364
boom operator 97
boundaries 249250
brand, personal 170173
branded content 123
brick walls, walking around 352353
budgets, independent films and 63 see also finance department; finances
burning bridges 336337
business affairs 71
business cards 178180, 271
business plans 111
Buzzell, Linda 11, 231, 345
Byrne, Rhonda 347
Byrnes, Jim 388
Byrnes, Sean 9698
Cahill, Rita 386
camaraderie 22, 23, 2425
camera department 9091
CAPE New Writers Fellowship 374
career, key ingredients to successful 4355
Career Cardio 171
career in industry: cons of 2529; knowing why you’re choosing 1519; lack of fairness in 2930; loving the work 5455; pros of 2225
career options: about 5758; agents 7679; background casting 104105; being part of a crew 6061; casting 102103; cinematographer 9091; commercials 9596; educator 9495; film commissioner 98101; freelance vs. staff 5860; independent vs. studio films 6365; international distribution 8990; key studio departments 6668; location management 105107; major studios 6566; other departments 6974; post production 8788; producers 8084; production designer 9394; production management 6869; sound utility 9698; staff possibilities 7475; travel coordinator 9193; unions and guilds 6163; unit production manager (UPM) 8587; virtual reality 101102
casting 70, 102103, 104105
Casting Apprentice Program (NBCUniversal) 373
CBS Diversity Institute 370371
CBS Television Stations News Apprenticeship Program 160161
celebrities, working around 250251
changes in industry: about 121122; branded content 123; broadening horizons 123124; future of 124; incentives 124128; platforms 122123
Chianese, Joe 396
cinematographer 9091
clearances 70
clothes: for first job 240; for meetings 231
cold calling 297
comfort zone, leaving 10, 4041
Commercial Qualification Lists 325
commercials 9596, 123
company name 173174
Company Profile & Follow-up form 185, 193
Complete Film Production Handbook, The (Honthaner) 109110, 127, 311
completion bonds 6364
computer software 157
confidentiality 245
connections 3940
contacts: cultivation and maintenance of 273276 see also networking
content: being on lookout for 288; branded 123; creating your own 283285
conversations: ending 269; starting 267
Conway, Michael 7879, 154, 224, 285286, 386
co-producers 82, 83
Coscia, Michael 388
Courshon, Jerome 119
cover letters 197201, 212, 281
craft service 313
creative department 6668, 416417
Creative Mind Group 152
creative producers 82
creativity 22, 23, 24
crew: being part of 6061; organizational chart for 416417
Cukor, George 389
Dance, Bill 104105
Davis, Bette 390
Daytime Initiative (CBS) 371
DBA (do business as) 173
deal memos 356
depression 26, 350352
Deutsch, Erik 177
development departmentsee creative department
Directing Fellowship (HBO) 372
Directing Initiative (CBS) 371
Directing Program (Disney/ABC) 371
directors, getting started as 133
Directors Guild of America (DGA) 61, 322325; Student Film Awards 374
Directors Guild–Producer Training Plan 322324
discrimination 28, 33, 360361 see also diversity; women, state of industry and
Disney/ABC Talent Development Programs 371372
distribution 70, 8990, 118119
Diverse Staff Writer Initiative (NBCUniversal) 373
Diverse Women in Media Initiative (NALIP) 377
diversity 369379
Diversity-in-Casting Incentive 378
domain names 173174
door-to-door approach 217, 229230
dreams 363364
Dukow, Susan 387
Durante, Jimmy 389
Eastwood, Clint 390
Edinger, Terry 387
education: for local workforces 126; training programs 160162 see also internships
educator 9495
Edwards, Jenna 271, 386
egotism 27, 28
electric 73
email: domain names for 173174; networking and 261264; for resume and cover letter 197
Emerging Director Program (NBCUniversal) 373
Emerging Film Directors Workshop (Warner Brothers) 374
Emma Bowen Fellows 374
Emma Bowen Foundation programs 374
employment agencies 159
Entertainment Partners 127129
entrepreneurial spirit 284286
entry-level jobs: accepting boundaries and 249250; attitude and 13; basic responsibilities of 238239; becoming indispensable in 245247; challenges of 253254; dos and don’ts for 243245, 254255; getting started with 14; importance of 237; internships 149153, 160162; in the mailroom 153155; at Paramount 155; phone etiquette for 240242; preparation for 239240; reliability and 247248; sense of urgency and 248249; suggestions for 163164; supervision for 242; temp agencies and 156159; thinking on your feet 251252; working around celebrities and 250251
environmental, health, and safety 70
Essential Guide to U.S. & International Production Incentives, The 127129
Evey, Christine 9596, 385
Ewing, Bill 190
ExcelPR Group 177
executive producers 8182
extras casting 104105
Facebook 175, 186
failure, fear of 3132
fairness, lack of 2930
Fantasia, Mike 107, 387
Fay, Patricia 107
fears 29, 3033, 358
feedback 115
film commissioner 98101
film commissions 163164
film festival circuit 115, 116118
Film Independent 110, 114; Project Involve 375
Film Industry Network (FIN) 171, 259
Filmmaker’s Alliance 114
filmmaking process, stages of 57
film school, pros and cons of 1113
finance department 7071
finances: earning between jobs 353354; suggestions for 31; variability of 26
first assistant director 308
first jobsee entry-level jobs
Fisher, Donna 258
Flash Forward Institute 165166
Fox Audience Strategy 372
Fox Global Directors Initiative 372
Fox Writers Initiative 372
Fraser, Andy 385
freelancing 5860; 1099 form 58; W-2 form 58
gatekeepers 217219
Geary, Peggy 394
Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media 375
general information meetings 217, 225229
Gift, The 112
gifts 233
Gillespie, Shawn 387, 393, 396
Global Media Makers 375
goals: defining 132; planning and 132136; setting 4849, 134136; staying on track 136137, 143; vision statements and 138139; writing down 136
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 358
good stories 289290
Grace, Emily 171
grammar 42, 198
green production 315316
grip 73
guerilla filmmaking 110111
guilds 6163
Gund, Jeffrey 262263
Hale, Heather 39, 269270, 389
Half 375
Hansson, Mark 340, 389
having what it takes 1011
HBO Access 372
headshots 206207
Hedley, Jenny 226
Hepburn, Audrey 389
Hernandez, Marc 79, 261262, 289
Herskovitz, Marshall 80
Hirshberg, Susan 388
Hollywomen 375
Hollywood Cinema Production Resources’ Training Program (Hollywood CPR) 375376
Hollywood Diversity Network 376
Hollywood Screenwriting Directory 186, 292293, 295, 296297
home video department 71
Hopkins, Anthony 358
How to Make It in Hollywood (Buzzell) 11
human resources 71
humility 343344
humor 54, 254, 363
IFP (Independent Filmmaker Labs) 110, 376
incentives 124128
independent contractors 58
Independent Film & Television Alliance 90
independent films: advice regarding 112116; considerations for 109111; distribution and 118119; festival circuit for 115, 116118; studio films vs. 6365
Indig, Mark 305, 394
InfoList 262263
informational meetings 217
Inner-City Filmmakers 376
Innovative Program Tracks (Emma Bowen Foundation) 374
Instagram 177
insults 360
insurance 72
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) 61
international distribution 8990
Internet, self-promotion and 174175
Internet skills 158
internships: benefits of 149153, 156; follow-up after 232233; information on 160162; at Paramount 155; through schools 12
Interpretations 376
interviews: gatekeepers and 217219; goals of 215216; preparing for 219220, 224; skills for 5051; types of 216217; what they’re looking for in 220224
Jaye-Brandt, Jackie 346347, 352
job placement services, through schools 12
job search strategies: finding likely targets and 185186; finding your market for 182183; recommendations and 188189; requests and 189190; resources for 186187; self-promotion and 181182; tenacity and 191; trade papers and 183185
job sites 186187
Johnston, Susan 102103
Jones, Sarah 111
JosephineJane 171
knowledge, industry 4647
Kutcher, Matt 334335, 388
Laboe, Larry 386
labor relations 71
Late Night Writers Workshop (NBCUniversal) 373
Latino Lens (NALIP) 377
Lauzen, Martha 370
law degrees 12
learning: continuation of 50, 276279; the hard way 392394
legal department 71
Lemisch, Amy 100
Lemmon, Jack 390
Levy, Shawn 384
lighting 318
Likely Targets form 185, 192
line producers: about 8384, 306; getting started as 133134
Link 2.0 Mentoring Initiative (Emma Bowen Foundation) 374
LinkedIn 176, 186
literary managers 79
Litwak, Mark 339
location management 105107, 316317
location scouts 106
logistical team 417
loglines 291, 297
logos 173
loving the work 5455
low-budget agreements 63
Ludlow, Graham 291, 385
Lumet, Sidney 390
Lyons, Suzanne 165166, 187, 189, 386
“Made in NY” Production Assistant Training Program 376
Magar, Guy 398
mailroom 153155
Mailroom, The (Rensin) 155
Majors 6566
Marinaccio, Stephen 8587
marketing 7172 see also self-promotion
McCrum, Cory 88, 389
McGreal, Mimi 9293
Media Access Awards 378
medical department 72
meet-and-greets 217
meetings: etiquette for 230232; follow-up after 232233; gatekeepers and 217219; general information 217, 225229; goals of 215216; preparing for 219220, 227228; types of 216217
Megel, Betsy 385
memorabilia 398399
mentors 279281
millennials 4142
Minorities in Broadcasting Training Program 376377
Mirell, Solly 101102
mission statements 138139
Mitchum, Robert 390
Mofford, Eric 393, 394
Molen, Steve 388
Morrow, Vic 111
moving to Tinseltown 145148
Moyer, Missy 394
museums 277
music department 72
Nahikian, Katrina 289, 384
NALIP (National Association of Latino Independent Producers) 377
names, remembering 267
Napp, Carolyn 387
NBCUniversal Diversity Programs 372373
NBCUniversal Page Program 160
Needham, Hal 343
negative thinking 346347
nepotism 28, 154155
networking: about 257258; examples of 260264; finding your market and 182183; giving part of 264; groups for 259260; importance of 2526, 3840; maintaining contacts 273276; places for 270271; power of 4748; shyness and 32; starting early 163; through schools 12; tips for 265270; two-way nature of 260
networking bingo form 272
New Media Council 62
NHMC (National Hispanic Media Coalition) TV Writers Program 377
non-refundable, non-transferable tax credits 127
no-one’s-ever-going-to-hire-me-again syndrome 26, 356357
Nugent, Ginny 387
online portals 175176
online presence 174178
on the job training 391392
opportunities, being ready for 140142
option agreements 288, 289
PA Boot Camp 162
packaging 293295
page programs 155, 160
paint shop 73
paperwork 313, 314, 315
passion 4344, 55, 130131
patience 55
Paul, Victoria 5455, 9394, 388
paying dues 36
people: bad behavior from 331334; burning bridges with 336337; humility and 343344; letting others shine 334335; political hires 338339; politics and 339343; teamwork and 335336 see also networking
permits 110111
persistence 55
personal brand 170173, 202
personal life, stresses on 26, 27
personal pitch 165170
personal portals 175176
phone etiquette 240242
phone systems 157
physical contact 359360
physical productionsee production management
pitch fests 298299
pitching: about 287288; content for 288292; getting comfortable with 303; getting to buyers 295300; knowing market for 292293; odds for 302303; packaging and 293295; preparation for 291292; resources for 304; time allowed for 291; tips for 300301 see also screenplays/scripts
pitch meetings 217
Plan B 33, 54, 148149, 353354
planning: being in the right place at the right time 140142; finding your passion 130131; getting your foot in the door 131132; goals and 132136; importance of 4849, 129; mission statements and 138139; for moving 145148; for rough times 54; staying on track 136137, 143; time management and 137138
platforms 122123
pleasantness 55
podcasts 277
political correctness 359360
political hires 338339
politics 27, 28, 339343
positive thinking 347349
positivity 55
post production: about 72, 8788
getting started in 134
post production producers 84
post-shoot depression 26
Power, The (Byrne) 348
Power Networking 258
preparation 4445, 55
press kits 115
privacy 245
producers: becoming 301302; getting started as 133; types of 8084
Producers Guild of America (PGA) 62, 8081
Producers Mark 81
producing credits 8081
production: about 305; DGA and 322325; dos and don’ts for 319321; green 315316; people involved with 306310; responsibilities for 310315; set for 317321; tech for 316317; walkie-talkies and 321322
Production Assistant Training Seminar, LLC 162
production coordinator 309310
production designer 9394
production listings 186
production management 133134, 306
production office 310315
Production Program (Disney/ABC) 371372
production resources 72
production supervisor 309
production team responsibilities 406415
product placement 7172
proof-of-concept reel 291
props 73
Ps, six 55
publicity 7172
Quan, Cindy 389
query letters 297
questions: to ask yourself 1516; for general information meetings 227228; interview 224
Rae, Morgana 385
reading 4647, 278
reality check 11, 5253, 327330, 363364
reasons for choosing career: from pros 2225; understanding 1518
rebates 126
recommendations 3840, 158, 188189
Reel Power (Litwak) 339
reflections: breaking out 395397; on the job training 391392; learning the hard way 392394; making it 394395; remembering why you’re here 397399
refundable tax credits 127
regional training programs 162
rehearsal 318
rejection 28, 265, 358359
relationships 3839, 4546
reliability 247248
Rensin, David 155
reputation 5354
research: for first job 31; on industry 4647; for interviews 219; before pitching 292293; for small talk 267
resumes: about 195197; follow-up for 208210; guidelines for 202208; sample 213214
Rice, Jake 36, 88
Rickman, Alan 390
risk management 72
Romeyn, Vail 387
Rosenberg, Arestia 392
safety 110111
SAG-AFTRA 61, 62, 378
Sanger, Jonathan 341342, 388
scale wages 295
scene dock 73
screenplays/scripts: competitions for 298; familiarization with 290292; finding 289; format of 290; registering 290; structure of 290 see also pitching
Screenwriting Tips, You Hack (Bennett) 151
second assistant director 308309
Secret, The (Byrne) 347
self-promotion: about 165170; business cards for 178180; company name and 173174; online presence for 174178; personal brand and 170173; uncomfortableness of 181182
set construction 73
sets 317321
sexual harassment 359360
Shapiro, Ned 106
shipping 73
shooting 319
Short Film Festival (NBCUniversal) 373
shorts 112113
Shuman, Ira 340341, 394
shyness 40, 265266
sign shop 73
sizzle reel 292
small markets 148
small talk 267
smartphones 157
social media 114, 118, 171, 174178, 186, 202, 271, 275
Social Sweepster 175
soft skills 41, 42
Sony Pictures Entertainment Spectrum Internship Program 161
Sony Pictures Television Diverse Directors Program 373
sound mixer 97
sound utility 9698
Spinks, Jessica 171, 385
staff positions: freelancing vs. 5860; non-studio 7475; studio 6574
standing out 49, 5051
StandUp NBC 373
Stepanovich, Mylan 387
Streetlights (Production Assistant Training) 377
studio films, independent films vs. 6365
studio operations/facilities 73
studios: about 6566; creative department 6668; other departments 6974; production management 6869
Submission Agreement and Release Form 297
submissions, number of 67
success: reality check for 327330; recipe for 401403
Sullivan, Susan 388
Summer Conference (Emma Bowen Foundation) 374
Sundance Institute 377
support system 136, 187, 351
survival tips: getting past disappointment 350353; positive thinking/outcomes 347349; preserving motivation and confidence 346347, 355, 356359; protecting yourself 356; reality check for 363365; reverting to Plan B 353354; Teflon coat 345346; turning down sure things 354355
Swartz, Jerram 386
Szelei, Robbie 178
talent, packaging and 293295
Talent Showcases (CBS) 371
tardiness 247
tax credits 127
tax forms 58
tax incentives 4, 65, 7071, 121, 125
Teamsters 61
teamwork 335336, 340
Teflon coat 50, 345346
television producers 83
Television Workshop (Warner Brothers) 374
temp agencies 156159
thank-yous 232234
thick skin 2, 10, 27, 31, 50, 92, 106, 254, 345, 394, 403
thinking on your feet 251252
Third Area Qualifications Lists 324
time management 137138, 361362
Tomaric, Jason 395
trade papers 183185, 277
transferable tax credits 127
transportation department 73
travel 24
travel coordinator 9193
Tribeca All Access 377
Truth in Credits campaign 80
Twitter 175, 176177, 186
typing skills 157
Udell, Todd 394
uncertainty 26, 27, 356357
Underwood, Duke 9495
unions 6163
United Talent Agency (UTA) 285286; Agent Training Program 154, 286; Joblist 186
unit production manager (UPM) 84, 8587, 306308
Unmarried Woman, An 343
urgency, sense of 248249
VanLier, Vivian 171, 172, 173, 205
variety 22, 23, 24
Viacom Media Networks Spectrum DirectorDevelopment Program 374
Vilas, Sandy 258
Vimeo’s “Share the Screen” 377
virtual reality (VR) 101102, 124
vision statements 138139
visual effects 73
volunteering 163, 264, 351
walkie-talkies 321322
Wall, Heidi 189, 190
wardrobe 73
Warner Brothers 374; Internships 161
Wayne, John 358
webinars 277
weblogs 175, 176
Weisert, Tracy 133, 146, 349
Welles, Orson 390
Weltman, Andy 388
Werner, Michael J. 8990
Winfrey, Oprah 390
wiring actors 9798
women, state of industry and 367370 see also diversity
Women in Film 114, 377378
Work It Daily 187
WriteGirl 378
writers, getting started as 134
Writer’s Assistant Program (NBCUniversal) 372
Writers Fellowship (CBS) 371
Writers Guild of America (WGA) 61, 62, 296
Writers Lab 378
Writers Mentoring Program (CBS) 370
Writers on the Verge (NBCUniversal) 372
Writers Workshop (Warner Brothers) 374
Writing Fellowship (HBO) 372
Writing Program (Disney/ABC) 371
writing skills 42, 198
Wylly, Phil 246, 332, 352, 384
Yaconelli, Loren 9091, 368
yelling 31
YouTube Studio Space 110
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