Homebrewing can be an incredibly rewarding hobby that is a fantastic blend of both art and science. It is, however, not without its trouble points.

This book covers some of the most frequent problems that you might run into while making beer at home, whether you’re using an extract kit or a complex all-grain mash. The intrepid brewer will encounter many more that aren’t contained specifically here, but the shadows of these are almost definitely to be found among these pages.

You’ll find out what to do when ingredients have gone bad, when equipment isn’t quite working the way it’s supposed to, or how to deal with yeast that isn’t behaving quite right. You’ll find information about how to diagnose problems after your beer is finished and packaged, and—crucially—how to avoid those problems in the future. In some cases, you may want to change your process, in others your expectations. Sometimes you might discover that it’s time to upgrade some equipment. You may use this book in whatever way suits you and your needs. Whether you pick a problem and open the book right to that page, or read the book from front to end as a guide of what (or what not) to do, it will contain the basics of making great beer at home, as well as some helpful tips and tricks to make your life easier as you do, alongside in-depth information about styles and even the science of beer.

Finally, remember that humans have been making beer for thousands of years. Brewing is a human tradition that has been with our species from the dawn of agriculture, present at both celebrations and tragedies. It’s been at the center of our communities for generations. Remember, too, that humans made great beer before the existence of brewing science, well-stocked homebrew stores, and well-informed homebrew clubs. You won’t be the first (or last) to make a particular mistake, and you won’t be alone in enjoying this amazing and delicious beverage.

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