

CIBSE (2015), Guide A: Environmental design (CIBSE: London).

01 Heat

BS EN ISO 6946:2007. Building components and building elements – Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance – Calculation method.

BS EN ISO 10456:2007. Building materials and products – Hygrothermal properties – Tabulated design values and procedures for determining declared and design thermal values.

BS EN ISO 13370:2007. Thermal performance of buildings – Heat transfer via the ground – Calculation methods.

BRE (2006), BR 443 Conventions for U-value calculations (BRE: Garston).

BRE (2007), BR 497 Conventions for calculating linear thermal transmittance and temperature factors (BRE: Garston).

BRE (2006), IP1/06 Assessing the effects of thermal bridging at junctions and around openings (BRE: Garston).

BRE (2013), The Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings (BRE: Garston).

The Concrete Centre (2012), Thermal mass explained (MPC – The Concrete Centre: Camberley).

NHBC Foundation (2012), Understanding overheating – where to start: An introduction for house builders and designers (NHBC Foundation: Milton Keynes).

02 Air

BS 5935:1991. Code of practice for ventilation principles and designing for natural ventilation.

BRE (2007), BR 211 Radon: Guidance on protective measures for new buildings (BRE: Garston).

CIBSE (2000), Mixed mode ventilation (CIBSE: London).

DCLG (2010), The Building Regulations, Approved Document F, Ventilation (DCLG: London).

03 Moisture

BS 5250:2011. Code of practice for control of condensation in buildings.

BS EN ISO 13788:2012. Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements – Internal surface temperature to avoid critical surface humidity and interstitial condensation – Calculation methods

CIBSE (2012), KS20 Practical psychrometry (CIBSE: London).

04 Sound

DCLG (2004), The Building Regulations, Approved Document E, Resistance to the passage of sound (DCLG: London).

DfE (2015), BB93 Acoustic design of schools: performance standards (DfE: London).

05 Light

BS 8206-2:2008. Code of practice for daylighting.

Society of Light and Lighting (2012), The SLL Code for Lighting (SLL: London).

Society of Light and Lighting (2014), LG10 Daylighting – a guide for designers, (SLL: London).

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