
Customer Value and value are widely used in the business jargon. Few, who use these terms, really know what they mean. Either they have a vague idea or have a preconceived meaning such as benefit, trust, price, and so on.

In so doing, many miss the real meaning and importance of Customer Value. They never understand what a vital, crucial and overarching business tool Customer Value is. It is invaluable. This book is an introduction to Customer Value, to enable the reader to easily understand and use the concepts of Customer Value. It also goes into the wider notion of Total Customer Value Management. The book is meant to be self-learning, which is encouraged by the “Do It Yourself” sections in each chapter.

The book also helps in comprehending and using Customer Value and its measurement, Customer Value Added in your company, and dispels fear of discarding current Customer metrics, by augmenting them.

Understanding the nuances of Customer Value, how to use and apply its learnings will make you smarter and better than other executives, because you will be able to create value for yourself and for others, and move away from functional thinking to value creation thinking. For being effective at value creation you must have self-confidence, you must become aware of what is around you and what is happening around you. Notice and observe things. Your agility, ability, and attitude will help you create value especially if you are aware. Being ambidextrous helps. Thus you should be able to look, for example, at digital selling and physical selling, or the present and the future simultaneously. Learn from this book and you will get ahead.

Advanced readers are invited to read three other books written by the author (all Sage Response Books):


Customer Value Investment, Formula for Sustained Business Success.1

Total Customer Value Management, Transforming Business Thinking.2

Value Creation, The Definitive Guide for Business Leaders.3


Enjoy your Customer Value journey and create value for yourself.



1G. Mahajan, 2008, Customer Value Investment: Formula for Sustained Business Success, Sage Response, New Delhi

2G. Mahajan, 2011, Total Customer Value: Transforming Business Thinking, Sage Response, New Delhi

3G. Mahajan, 2016, Value Creation: The Distinctive Guide for Business Leaders, Sage Response, New Delhi

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