This is the template I recommend (see Figure A-1).

It serves two major functions:

1.It gives you a structure/framework for imagination, thinking, and action.

2.It gives you a new way to plan your future that will form, when used regularly, a method of “seeing” your future and the plan for it.

Here are some recommendations to help you take maximum advantage of the Planning and Action Template:

1.Don’t do it alone. You can, of course, begin on your own, but regular reality checks—to solicit opinions and simply hear yourself talk your way through it—will be essential. Use the guidelines I cited earlier in the book to help you select someone to be your sounding board and/or use a nonfinancial professional advisor.

2.Work the template from left to right. Let your imagination do its best to help you with your desired life characteristics.

3.Understand from the beginning that you are working in three time phases. The more distant you are from today in your planning, the less concrete the information is likely to be.

4.Be prepared to update your plan regularly. As new information comes in that helps you create a clearer course and make better decisions, use it well.

5.Remember that success is likely to be measured in how well you adapt the plan to changing circumstances and how well you, yourself, adapt.

Figure A-1. Planning and action template.



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