
Chapter 1: Welcome to the PM Reboot

1. “On Performance,” Integrating Performance, accessed February 8, 2015,

2. Peter Cappelli, “Should Performance Reviews Be Fired?” Wharton Center for Human Resources, April 27, 2011, accessed February 8, 2015,

3. Society for Human Resource Management, accessed February 8, 2015,

4. Sylvia Vorhauser-Smith, “Three Reasons Performance Management Will Change in 2013,” Forbes, December 16, 2012,

5. Eric Mosley, “Performance Management Meets the Wisdom of Crowds,” Globoforce, 2012, accessed February 8, 2015,

6. Mark Murphy, “The 3 Reasons Employees Hate Performance Reviews,” Leadership IQ, May 1, 2012,

7. Cliff Stevenson, “Performance Management: Sticking with What Doesn’t Work,” i4CP TrendWatchers, October 31, 2013, Issue 583,

8. David Rock, Josh Davis, and Beth Jones, “Kill Your Performance Ratings: Neuroscience Shows Why Numbers-Based HR Management Is Obsolete,” Strategy+Business, issue 76 (Autumn 2014),

9. Ray Williams, “Why CEOs need to scrap employee reviews,” Psychology Today, May 17, 2011, accessed February 8, 2015,

Chapter 2: The Eight Fatal Flaws

1. Daniel Pink, “The Puzzle of Motivation,” TED Talk, July 2009, accessed February 8, 2015,

2. Daniel H. Pink, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (New York: Riverhead Books, 2011).

3. David Rock et al., “Kill Your Performance Ratings.”

4. Dick Richards, Artful Work: Awakening Joy, Meaning, and Commitment in the Workplace (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1995), 65.

5. David Rock et al., “Lead change with the brain in mind,” NeuroLeadership Journal, issue 4,; David Rock, Your Brain at Work (New York: HarperCollins, 2009),

6. Josh Bersin, “The Myth of the Bell Curve: Look for the Hyper-Performers,” Forbes, February 19, 2014, accessed February 8, 2015, http://

7. Rick Maurer, Tools for Giving Feedback (Portland OR: Productivity Press, 1994), 51.

8. Samuel Culbert and Lawrence Rout, Get Rid of the Performance Review!: How Companies Can Stop Intimidating, Start Managing—and Focus on What Really Matters (New York: Business Plus, 2010).

9. Cappelli, “Should Performance Reviews Be Fired?”

10. Marcus Buckingham, “Putting the Strengths-Based Perspective to Work,” the Marcus Buckingham Company (TMBC), 2010, p. 2, accessed February 8, 2015,

11. Vauhini Vara, “The Push Against Performance Reviews,” New Yorker, July 24, 2015,

12. Tony Schwartz, “The Only Thing That Really Matters,” Harvard Business Review, June 1, 2011,

13. Tom Coens and Mary Jenkins, Abolishing Performance Appraisals: Why They Backfire and What to Do Instead (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2002), 93.

14. Mark de Rond, “Always Rely on a Team, Not Individuals,” Forbes, August 5, 2010, accessed February 8, 2015,

15. Culbert and Rout, Get Rid of the Performance Review!, 63.

16. Marcus Buckingham, “Most HR Data Is Bad Data,” Harvard Business Review, February 9, 2015,

17. John Smith, “The Traditional Rating Scale: Needs Improvement,” Employee Performance & Talent Management, February 22, 2011,

18. CRG emPerform, “Does Your Performance Rating Scale Need Improvement?” Employee Performance & Talent Management, May 6, 2014, accessed February 8, 2015,

19. Peter Block, in foreword to Tom Coens and Mary Jenkins, Abolishing Performance Appraisals: Why They Backfire and What to Do Instead (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2000), xiii.

20. Alfie Kohn, Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise, and Other Bribes (New York: Mariner Books, 1999), 56.

21. Pink, Drive.

22. Alfie Kohn and Jennifer Powell, “How incentives undermine performance,” Journal for Quality and Participation 21, no. 2 (March–April 1998): 8.

23. Nina Gupta and Atul Mitra, “The Value of Financial Incentives: Myths and Empirical Realities,” ACA Journal 7, no. 3 (Autumn 1998): 62,

24. Martin Dewhurst, Matthew Guthridge, and Elizabeth Mohr, “Motivating people: Getting beyond money,” McKinsey Quarterly, November 2009, accessed February 8, 2015,

25. Murphy, “The 3 Reasons Employees Hate Performance Reviews.”

26. W. Edwards Deming, Out of the Crisis, “Deadly Disease #3—Evaluation of Performance, Merit Rating, or Annual Review” (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000), 102.

Chapter 3: The Eight Fundamental Shifts

1. John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, November 15, 2011).

2. Jessica DuBois-Maahs, “Should Salaries Be Transparent?” Talent Management, December 12, 2013, accessed February 8, 2015,

3. Attributed to US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, accessed February 8, 2015,

4. Susan Scott, Fierce Leadership: A Bold Alternative to the Worst “Best” Practices of Business Today (New York: Crown Business, 2011).

5. Pink, Drive.

6. What’s Working study, Mercer, 2011,

7. Pink, Drive.

8. “Six Hidden Enemies That Threaten to Undermine Post-Recession Corporate Performance,” Executive Conference Board, 2010,

9. Samuel A. Culbert, “Get Rid of the Performance Review!” Wall Street Journal, October 20, 2008,

10. Beverly Kay and Sharon Jordan-Evans, Love ’Em Or Lose ’Em (Oakland, California: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2014).

11. “2013 SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Survey,” Globoforce, May 29, 2013, accessed September 11, 2015,

12. Scott, Fierce Leadership.

13. John R. Childress and Larry E. Senn, The Secret of a Winning Culture (Provo, Utah: Executive Excellence Publishing, 2002).

14. Pink, Drive.

15. As quoted in Kohn, Punished by Rewards, 122.

16. Fred C. Lunenburg, “Goal-Setting Theory of Motivation,” International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration 15, no. 1 (2011), accessed February 8, 2015,,%20Fred%20C.%20Goal-Setting%20Theoryof%20Motivation%20 IJMBA%20V15%20N1%202011.pdf.

17. Simon Sinek, “Why good leaders make you feel safe,” TED Talk, March 2014.

18. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, “Does Money Really Affect Motivation? A Review of the Research,” Harvard Business Review, April 2013, accessed February 8, 2015,

Chapter 4: The Three Common Goals

1. WorldatWork and Sibson Consulting, 2010 Study on the State of Performance Management, October 2010, accessed February 8, 2015,

2. Bersin, “The Myth of the Bell Curve.”

3. Scott Bohannon, “Six Enemies of Post-Recession Performance,” Executive Conference Board Presentation, October 14, 2010, p. 21,

4. Susan Sorenson, “How Employee Engagement Drives Growth,” Gallup Business Journal, June 20, 2013, accessed February 8, 2015,

5. Towers Watson, 2012 Global Workforce Study: Engagement at Risk—Driving Strong Performance in a Volatile Global Environment, accessed February 8, 2015,

6. Kevin Kruse, “Employee Engagement: The Wonder Drug for Customer Satisfaction,” Forbes, January 7, 2014, accessed February 8, 2015,

7. WorldatWork and Sibson Consulting, 2010 Study on the State of Performance Management.

8. CEB, Executive Guidance for 2013: Breakthrough Performance in the New Work Environment, accessed February 8, 2015,

9. Carol Morrison, “How to Align Your Employees to Strategic and Business Goals,” I4CP Productivity Blog, October 31, 2014, accessed February 8, 2015,

10. Louis Efron, “Six Reasons Your Best Employees Quit You,” Forbes, June 24, 2013, accessed February 8, 2015,

Chapter 5: Mobilize

1. Prosci, Inc. Best Practices in Change Management—2014 Edition, p. 4, accessed February 28, 2015,

2. Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013): “Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind,”

3. Frank Kalman, “Adobe Checks In with Performance Conversations,” Talent Management, August 22, 2014, accessed February 8, 2015,

Chapter 8: Making It Real

1. Shannon Taylor, “Confronting Challenges Related to Performance in Nonprofit Organizations,” University of Georgia, accessed February 24, 2015,

2. Marc Lindenberg, “Are We at the Cutting Edge or the Blunt Edge? Improving NGO Organizational Performance with Private and Public Sector Management Frameworks,” Nonprofit Management and Leadership 11, issue 3 (2001): 255.

3. John C. Sawhill and David Williamson, “Mission Impossible? Measuring Success in Nonprofit Organizations,” Nonprofit Management and Leadership 11, issue 3 (Spring 2001): 371–86.

4. Peter Drucker, The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of Peter Drucker’s Essential Writings on Management (New York: HarperBusiness, 2003).

5. Geert Hofstede, Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations (London, UK: Sage Publications, 2003).

Chapter 10: Making It Stick

1. Prosci, “Importance of Change Management,” accessed February 8, 2015,

2. Prosci, “Change Management Tutorial,” accessed February 8, 2015,

3. Chip Heath and Dan Heath, Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard (New York: Crown Business, 2010).

4. Lillian Cunningham, “In big move, Accenture will get rid of performance reviews and rankings,” Washington Post, July 21, 2015,

5. John P. Kotter and Dan S. Cohen, The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations (Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press, 2012), 37.

6. Heath and Heath, Switch.

7. Seth Godin, “A Bird in Search of a Cage,” Seth’s Blog, February 5, 2015,

8. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, “Ten Reasons People Resist Change,” Harvard Business Review, September 25, 2012, accessed February 18, 2015,

9. 9. Merriam-Webster Dictionary, s.v. “courage,” accessed February 28, 2015,

10. Rosalynn Carter,,

Final Thoughts

1. Shawn Parr, “Culture Eats Strategy for Lunch,” Fast Company, January 24, 2012, accessed February 25, 2015,

2. Seth Godin, Poke the Box (Steamboat Springs, CO: Portfolio, 2015).

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