



I’d like to thank the DJs who kindly contributed their well-founded opinions and experience on the subject of mashups: Kam Denny, Ivan Gough, James Ash, Phil Ross, Pierce Fulton, Anthony Trimboli, Dave Winnel and John Walden. I respect you all as DJs and producers, and your comments opened up new ideas to pursue in the book.

Screenshots of Ableton Live appear courtesy of Ableton AG who generously allowed me to write about their industry-leading software:

Thanks to Mixed In Key, who granted permission to mention their unique software in the book and for the use of the Mixed In Key Camelot wheel. Acknowledgements also to Xfer Records and vladg/sound for permission to show screenshots of their respective audio plugins.

Thanks especially to my long-time production partner Kam Denny who taught me a lot about producing and DJing in general, particularly some of the more crucial concepts behind making mashups that can actually work on the dance floor. Acknowledgements to my brother Tim for running his eyes over sections of the book, and my wife Bree for supporting me writing it and just being who she is.

Finally, this book is dedicated to all the hard-working and talented musicians without whom there could be no such thing as mashups.

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