Adding storage devices
This chapter describes how to define FICON switches and FICON Channel path IDs (CHPIDs), and connect them to a DASD Control Unit. It includes a list of these potential configuration items and a short description of how to complete each item by using the Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) tool.
Note: Not all of the configuration items that are described in this chapter are necessarily required for your installation. Also, the examples that are presented are not intended to be exhaustive.
This chapter shows only the definition process. For more information about how to use HCD and FICON, see the following publications:
I/O Configuration Using z/OS HCD and HCM, SG24-7804
FICON Planning and Implementation Guide, SG24-6497
This chapter includes the following topics:
12.1 Defining more I/O using HCD
When defining new I/O components in an IODF, certain definitions, such as OSCONFIGs, partitions, FICON Switches, Control Units, and Devices, must be made up front. After these items are defined, the following connections can be made:
The I/O definitions that are described next use HCD to demonstrate the examples. The examples continue by using the example that was created in Chapter 5, “Production IODF and setting up the CPC” on page 85 (for example, ITSO.IODF78.WORK).
12.1.1 Defining FICON switches (Directors, SANs, and SAN switches)
A new FICON switch includes the following considerations:
Switch ID
Switch type
Serial number (optional)
Description (optional)
Switch address
Installed port range
Switch CU number
Switch device number
To add a FICON Switch by using HCD, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.2. Switches.
2. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 12-1 on page 277) to add a switch.
3. Complete the following updates and press Enter:
 – Switch ID to 41
 – Switch type to 2032
 – Description to ITSO test SAN definition
 – Switch address to 41
 – Installed port range to 00 and FE
 – Switch CU number to 0041
 – Switch device number to 0041
+---------------------------- Add Switch ----------------------------+
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Switch ID . . . . . . . . 41 (00-FF) |
| Switch type . . . . . . . 2032_________ + |
| Serial number . . . . . . __________ |
| Description . . . . . . . ITSO test SAN definition________ |
| Switch address . . . . . 41 (00-FF) for a FICON switch |
| |
| Specify the port range to be installed only if a larger range |
| than the minimum is desired. |
| |
| Installed port range . . 00 - FE + |
| |
| Specify either numbers of existing control unit and device, or |
| numbers for new control unit and device to be added. |
| |
| Switch CU number(s) . . . 0041 ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| Switch device number(s) . 0041 ____ ____ ____ ____ |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 12-1 Switches: Add Switch
Figure 12-2 shows the new FICON switch definition.
                                Switch List Row 1 of 3 More: >
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more switches, then press Enter. To add, use F11.
CU Dev
/ ID Type + Ad Serial-# + Description Num. Num.
_ 01 2032 01 10546MH 8960-F64 SAN64B-6 SW 01 0001 0001
_ 02 2032 02 10546MD 8960-F64 SAN64B-6 SW 03 0002 0002
_ 41 2032 41 __________ ITSO test SAN definition 0041 0041
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
| Switch control unit(s) 0041 and device(s) 0041 defined, but not yet |
| connected to both a processor and an operating system. |
Figure 12-2 Switches: FICON switch added
12.2 FICON CHPIDs, switches, and DASD control units
This section describes defining FICON CHPIDs, and then connecting them to FICON switches and a DASD control unit.
12.2.1 Defining FICON CHPIDs and connecting them to a FICON switch
A new FICON CHPID includes the following considerations:
Channel path ID (CHPID).
Channel ID (CHID).
Channel path type.
Operational mode.
Dynamic entry switch ID.
Entry switch ID.
Entry port.
Partition access list.
For performance and redundancy, how many CHPIDs are required to connect to the FICON Switch, and then to one or more Control Units?
For performance and redundancy, how many I/O cards of that feature are installed in the processor and to what PCIe ports and to which CPC drawer do the I/O cards connect (see the PCHID/CHID report for a list of installed hardware)?
After a CHPID is defined, it can then be:
 – Added to a predefined partition in that CSS
 – Connected to a FICON switch
 – Connected to a Control Unit
To define a new FICON CHPID, connect to a FICON switch, and provide access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the Processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. In the command line, enter add (see Figure 12-3 on page 279) to add a CHPID.
5. Complete the following updates and press Enter:
 – Channel path ID to 14
 – Channel ID to 114
 – Channel path type to FC
 – Operational mode to SHR
 – Description to whatever description that you want
 – Dynamic entry switch ID to 41
 – Entry switch ID to 41 (optional, but preferred)
 – Entry port to 10 (optional, but preferred)
+---------------------------- Add Channel Path -----------------------------+
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Configuration mode . : LPAR |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 2 |
| |
| Channel path ID . . . . 14 + Channel ID 114 + |
| Number of CHPIDs . . . . 1 |
| Channel path type . . . FC + |
| Operation mode . . . . . SHR + |
| Managed . . . . . . . . No (Yes or No) I/O Cluster ________ + |
| Description . . . . . . FC#0428 16Gb FICON Exp16S+ SX |
| |
| Specify the following values only if connected to a switch: |
| Dynamic entry switch ID 41 + (00 - FF) |
| Entry switch ID . . . . 41 + |
| Entry port . . . . . . . 10 + |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 12-3 Processors: Add Channel Path
HCD now prompts you to select to which partition the CHPID can access.
6. Enter a forward slash ‘/’ next to the partition that you want (see Figure 12-4), and press Enter.
+--------------------------- Define Access List ----------------------------+
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more partitions for inclusion in the access list. |
| |
| Channel subsystem ID : 2 |
| Channel path ID . . : 14 Channel path type . : FC |
| Operation mode . . . : SHR Number of CHPIDs . . : 1 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| / 2 MUSCA21 1 OS MUSCA21 test OS partition |
| **************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Reset F6=Previous |
| F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel |
Figure 12-4 Processors: Define Access List
Because only one partition is defined in this CSS, we do not see the Define Candidate List panel, even though we defined the CHPID as SHR.
HCD now returns to the Channel Path List and shows you the CHPID that was defined (see Figure 12-5).
                             Channel Path List Row 1 of 1 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
Configuration mode . : LPAR
Channel Subsystem ID : 2
CHID+ Dyn Entry +
/ CHPID AID/P Type+ Mode+ Sw+ Sw Port Con Mng Description
_ 14 114 FC SHR 41 41 10 No FC#0428 16Gb FICON Exp16S+ SX
******************************* Bottom of data *****************************
Figure 12-5 Processors: Channel Path List
12.2.2 Defining FICON CHPIDs for direct connect to a 2107 Control Unit
A new FICON CHPID includes the following considerations:
Channel path ID (CHPID).
Channel ID (CHID).
Channel path type.
Operational mode.
Partition access list.
For performance and redundancy, how many CHPIDs are required to connect to the FICON Switch and then to one or more Control Units?
For performance and redundancy, how many I/O cards of that feature are installed in the processor and to what PCIe ports on what CPC drawer do the I/O cards connect (see the PCHID/CHID report for a list of installed hardware)?
After a CHPID is defined, it can then be added to a predefined partition in that CSS.
The CHPID can then be connected to a Control Unit.
Note: For FC#0428 FICON Express16S+, defining FC and FCP CHPID types on the same I/O card is not supported. HCD issues the following warning message during a Validate or Build Production for an IODF:
W CBDA963I Chpid type mix detected on processor MUSCA for channels:
0.29, 0.31, 0.30, 0.44
To define a new FICON CHPID that connects directly to a Control Unit and provides access to a partition, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.3. Processors.
2. Enter s next to the processor that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
3. Enter s next to the CSS ID that you want to add a CHPID to, and press Enter.
4. In the command line, enter add to add a CHPID.
5. Complete the following updates (see Figure 12-6) and press Enter:
 – Channel path ID to 15
 – Channel ID to 115
 – Channel path type to FC
 – Operational mode to SHR
 – Description to the description that you want
+---------------------------- Add Channel Path -----------------------------+
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Configuration mode . : LPAR |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 2 |
| |
| Channel path ID . . . . 15 + Channel ID 115 + |
| Number of CHPIDs . . . . 1 |
| Channel path type . . . FC_ + |
| Operation mode . . . . . SHR + |
| Managed . . . . . . . . No (Yes or No) I/O Cluster ________ + |
| Description . . . . . . FC#0428 16Gb FICON Exp16S+ SX___ |
| |
| Specify the following values only if connected to a switch: |
| Dynamic entry switch ID __ + (00 - FF) |
| Entry switch ID . . . . __ + |
| Entry port . . . . . . . __ + |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 12-6 Processors: Add Channel Path
6. Enter a forward slash ‘/’ next to the partition that you want CHPID to have access to (see Figure 12-7), and press Enter.
+--------------------------- Define Access List ----------------------------+
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> _________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select one or more partitions for inclusion in the access list. |
| |
| Channel subsystem ID : 2 |
| Channel path ID . . : 15 Channel path type . : FC |
| Operation mode . . . : SHR Number of CHPIDs . . : 1 |
| |
| / CSS ID Partition Name Number Usage Description |
| / 2 MUSCA21 1 OS MUSCA21 test OS partition |
| **************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F5=Reset F6=Previous |
| F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel |
Figure 12-7 Processors: Define Access List
Because only one partition is defined in this CSS, we do not see the Define Candidate List panel, even though we defined the CHPID as SHR.
HCD now returns to the Channel Path List panel that shows the CHPID that was defined (see Figure 12-8).
                              Channel Path List Row 1 of 2 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select one or more channel paths, then press Enter. To add use F11.
Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca
Configuration mode . : LPAR
Channel Subsystem ID : 2
CHID+ Dyn Entry +
/ CHPID AID/P Type+ Mode+ Sw+ Sw Port Con Mng Description
_ 14 114 FC SHR 41 41 10 No FC#0428 16Gb FICON Exp16S+ SX
_ 15 115 FC SHR __ __ __ No FC#0428 16Gb FICON Exp16S+ SX
******************************* Bottom of data *****************************
Figure 12-8 Processors: Channel Path List
12.2.3 Defining FICON CHPIDs for switched connect to a 2107 Control Unit
FICON connections can be defined to a Control Unit by using one of two methods: through a FICON switch or by using direct connect.
The direct connect method mainly is used in an environment where only one processor is present as opposed to FICON switch connection in which multiple processors must connect to the same control units. This situation might not always be the case, however.
Connecting a FICON CHPID to a DASD Control Unit and its devices includes the following considerations:
For performance and redundancy, how many CHPIDs are required to connect to the FICON Switch and then to one or more Control Units?
For FICON Switched connections, a minimum of two FICON switches often are used that the FICON CHPIDs connect through, primarily for failure or service redundancy of the FICON Switches.
In our example, we connect to a predefined 2107 Control Unit (A000), with a CUADD of 40 and devices A000-A0EF (3390B) and A0F0-A0FF (3390A).
Note: For FC#0428 FICON Express16S+, defining FC and FCP CHPID types on the same I/O card are not supported. HCD issues the following warning message during a Validate or Build Production for an IODF:
W CBDA963I Chpid type mix detected on processor MUSCA for channels:
0.29, 0.31, 0.30, 0.44
To define FICON CHPIDs for switched connect, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.4. Control units.
2. Scroll through the Control Unit List until you find the control unit you want to connect to or in the command Line, enter L A000. In our example, we use A000.
3. Enter c next to the Control Unit definition, and press Enter.
4. Make the following updates for a FICON switch connection (see Figure 12-9), and press Enter:
 – Update Connected to switches to 41. Switch 41 is the switch ID that we defined in the previous example.
 – Update Ports to 11. Port 11 is the FICON switch port that the Control Unit connects to (also known as the Destination Link Address [DLA] of the FICON CHPID).
+----------------- Change Control Unit Definition ------------------+
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . . . . A000 + |
| |
| Control unit type . . . . . 2107 + |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . DS8886 - SU2 - SSID=A000 |
| |
| Connected to switches . . . 41 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Ports . . . . . . . . . . . 11 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| |
| Define more than eight ports . . 2 1. Yes |
| 2. No |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 12-9 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition
HCD now shows the Select Processor/CU panel. This panel is where the connection is now made between the FICON CHPID (14) and the Control Unit FICON Switch Port (11) through the FICON switch (41).
5. Enter c next to the Processor.CSS that contains the partition that we want to have access to the control unit and also has access to the CHPID that we want to connect to the control unit. In our example, we use MUSCA.2. Then, press Enter.
6. Complete the following updates to define the Processor / CU connection panel (see Figure 12-10), and press Enter:
 – Channel path IDs to 14. Channel path ID 14 is the CHPID that we defined in the previous example.
 – Link address to 4111. Link address 4111 is FICON switch 41 and Control Unit Port 11.
 – Unit address to 00. Unit address of 00 is the starting unit address number on the CHPID.
 – Number of units to 256. Number of units of 256 equals A000-A0FF (that is, 00-FF or 256).
 – Logical address to 40. Logical address of 40 is the CUADD or the Control Unit Address that is defined in the DS8886 that defines the location of the devices in the DS8886.
                           Select Processor / CU
+---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------+
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : A000 Type . . . . . . : 2107 |
| Processor ID . . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 2 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . 14 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . 4111 ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 256 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . 40 + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 12-10 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition detail
HCD now shows the Modify Device Parameters panel in which you can override the Unit Address (UA) numbers. For a 2107 DASD Control Unit definition, the starting UA often is 00 and the ending UA is FF, which gives you 256 DASD device definitions for the Control Unit.
7. In our example, we do not change the defaults that were proposed by HCD (see Figure 12-11). Press Enter.
                          Select Processor / CU
+------------------------- Modify Device Parameters -------------------------+
| Row 1 of 2 More: > |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise any changes to the device parameters in the list below. |
| To view attached control units, scroll to the right. |
| |
| Processor ID . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID : 2 |
| |
| ---------Device--------- ---UA---- Preferred Exposure |
| No., Range Type SS+ Old New + Time-Out STADET CHPID + Device |
| A000,240 3390B _ 00 00 No Yes __ |
| A0F0,016 3390A 0 F0 F0 No Yes __ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset |
| F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel F20=Right |
| F22=Command |
Figure 12-11 Control units: Modify Device Parameters
HCD now returns to the Select Processor / CU panel, which shows the CHPID (14) to Destination Link Address (11) through the FICON switch (41) connection definition (see Figure 12-12).
                             Select Processor / CU Row 1 of 9 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select processors to change CU/processor parameters, then press Enter.
Control unit number . . : A000 Control unit type . . . : 2107
---------------Channel Path ID . Link Address + ---------------
/ Proc.CSSID 1------ 2------ 3------ 4------ 5------ 6------ 7------ 8------
_ MUSCA.2 14.4111 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.3 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.4 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.5 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
******************************* Bottom of data *****************************
Figure 12-12 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection
By pressing F20 (Right), you can see the other parts of the definition summary.
For a FICON direct connection to this Control Unit definition, you omit the Link address values.
8. Update Channel path IDs to 15 to define the Processor/CU connection (see Figure 12-13 on page 287), and press Enter.
                            Select Processor / CU
+---------------------- Change Control Unit Definition -----------------------+
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Control unit number . : A000 Type . . . . . . : 2107 |
| Processor ID . . . . . : MUSCA Musca |
| Channel Subsystem ID . : 2 |
| |
| Channel path IDs . . . . 14 15 __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Link address . . . . . . 4111 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| Unit address . . . . . . 00 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ + |
| Number of units . . . . 256 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |
| |
| Logical address . . . . 40 + (same as CUADD) |
| |
| Protocol . . . . . . . . __ + (D, S or S4) |
| I/O concurrency level . _ + (1, 2 or 3) |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 12-13 Control units: Change Control Unit Definition detail
9. HCD again shows the Modify Device Parameters panel in which you can override the Unit Address (UA) numbers. Press Enter to continue.
HCD now returns to the Select Processor / CU panel that shows the CHPID (15) connection definition (see Figure 12-14).
                           Select Processor / CU Row 1 of 9 More:
Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Select processors to change CU/processor parameters, then press Enter.
Control unit number . . : A000 Control unit type . . . : 2107
---------------Channel Path ID . Link Address + ---------------
/ Proc.CSSID 1------ 2------ 3------ 4------ 5------ 6------ 7------ 8------
_ MUSCA.2 14.4111 15 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.3 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.4 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ CETUS.5 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ LEPUS.2 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.0 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_ MUSCA.1 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
******************************* Bottom of data *****************************
Figure 12-14 Processors: Select Processor / CU: CHPID to Link address connection
Although a mixture of FICON switched and FICON direct connections are not recommended to the same Control Unit, this configuration is possible.
A typical scenario might be if you were moving from direct connected DASD to FICON switch connected DASD, but you cannot take the DASD offline to live systems.
12.2.4 Defining 3390B devices to an OSCONFIG and EDT/Esoteric
The OSCONFIG name is the part of an IODF that determines which devices a z/OS system can access to when it IPLs. Also, the partition that the z/OS system is restarted in must access the CHPIDs that connect to the Control Units and Devices that match in the OSCONFIG.
The OSCONFIG also contains Esoterics device groups and are defined in eligible device tables (EDTs) within an OSCONFIG.
Esoterics device groups are used to request allocation of a device that was defined in an Esoteric device group when the UNIT = parameter is used in a JCL DD statement. However, this allocation can be overridden or intercepted by using DFSMS.
The OSCONFIG name includes the following items:
EDT ID (Eligible Device Table ID): Esoterics / VIO
Adding devices to an OSCONFIG and Esoteric includes the following considerations:
Adding a device to an OSCONFIG does not necessarily mean that the z/OS system can access that device.
Does the device need to be added to an Esoteric device group? Mostly, this issue is installation-specific.
The example adds the predefined 2107 devices A000-A0EF (3390B) and A0F0-A0FF (3390A).
To define 3390B devices to an OSCONFIG and EDT/Esoteric, complete the following steps:
1. From the main HCD panel, select option 1.5. I/O Devices.
2. Scroll through the I/O Device List until you find the device number you want to add to the OSCONFIG or, in the command line enter L A000. In our example, we use A000.
3. Enter c next to one or more device numbers, and press Enter.
HCD displays the Change Device Definition panel where you can modify the Control Unit that the devices are attached to (see Figure 12-15 on page 289). Press Enter.
+------------------------- Change Device Definition --------------------------+
| |
| |
| Specify or revise the following values. |
| |
| Device number . . . . . . . : A000 (0000 - FFFF) |
| Number of devices . . . . . : 240 |
| Device type . . . . . . . . : 3390B |
| |
| Serial number . . . . . . . . __________ + |
| Description . . . . . . . . . ________________________________ |
| |
| Volume serial number . . . . . ______ + (for DASD) |
| |
| PPRC usage . . . . . . . . . . _ + (for DASD) |
| |
| Connected to CUs . A000 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ + |
| |
| ENTER to continue. |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset F9=Swap |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 12-15 I/O Devices: Change Device Definition
HCD now displays the Device / Processor Definition panel in which you can modify some of the Device parameters that relate to SubChannel Set (SS), Unit Address (UA), and the Explicit Device Candidate List.
4. Enter c next to the Proc.CCSID item if you want to modify any of these parameters (see Figure 12-16) or press Enter to accept the defaults.
+---------------------- Device / Processor Definition -----------------------+
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select processors to change device/processor definitions, then press |
| Enter. |
| |
| Device number . . : A000 Number of devices . : 240 |
| Device type . . . : 3390B |
| |
| Preferred Device Candidate List |
| / Proc.CSSID SS+ UA+ Time-Out STADET CHPID + Explicit Null |
| c MUSCA.2 _ 00 No Yes __ No ___ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset |
| F6=Previous F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel |
| F22=Command |
Figure 12-16 I/O Devices: Device / Processor Definition continued
5. Next is the HCD panel in which you define devices to the operating system configuration. Scroll through the list of OSCONFIG definitions until you find the OSCONFIG that you want to add to the devices to or in the command line, enter L ITSOTEST. In our example, we use ITSOTEST.
6. Enter s next to the OSCONFIG, and press Enter.
HCD displays the device parameters and features that are applicable to that specific device type. In our example, we are adding 3390B and 3390A devices to ITSOTEST.
7. Complete the following updates to define the Processor/CU connection (see Figure 12-17), and press Enter:
 – OFFLINE to No (if you want these devices to be Online during IPL time)
 – DYNAMIC to Yes (if you want the device to be changeable dynamically)
 – LOCANY to Yes (if the device UCB can be in 31-bit storage)
 – WLMPAV to Yes (if you want the device to be managed by Work Load Manager)
 – READ-ONLY to No (use to set Secondary devices to read only)
 – SHARED to Yes (if the device is going to be shared between other systems)
 – SHAREDUP to No (needs to be set to No is Shared is set to Yes)
+-------------------- Define Device Parameters / Features --------------------+
| Row 1 of 7 |
| Command ===> ___________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify or revise the values below. |
| |
| Configuration ID . : ITSOTEST ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 |
| Device number . . : A000 Number of devices : 240 |
| Device type . . . : 3390B |
| |
| Parameter/ |
| Feature Value + R Description |
| OFFLINE No Device considered online or offline at IPL |
| DYNAMIC Yes Device supports dynamic configuration |
| LOCANY Yes UCB can reside in 31 bit storage |
| WLMPAV Yes Device supports work load manager |
| READ-ONLY No Restrict access to read requests (SEC or NO) |
| SHARED Yes Device shared with other systems |
| SHAREDUP No Shared when system physically partitioned |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ****************************** |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset |
| F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel F22=Command |
Figure 12-17 I/O Devices: Define Device Parameters / Features
The Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric panel is now displayed in which you can specify to which Esoteric (if any) you want the devices to be added.
8. Under Assigned, enter Yes to update the Assign/Unassign the Device to Esoteric (see Figure 12-18), and press Enter.
+-------------------- Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric --------------------+
| Row 1 of 1 |
| Command ===> __________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Specify Yes to assign or No to unassign. To view devices already |
| assigned to esoteric, select and press Enter. |
| |
| Configuration ID : ITSOTEST ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 |
| Device number . : A000 Number of devices : 240 |
| Device type . . : 3390B Generic . . . . . : 3390 |
| |
| / EDT.Esoteric Assigned Starting Number Number of Devices |
| _ 00.ITSOESO1 Yes ____ ____ |
| ***************************** Bottom of data ***************************** |
| |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset |
| F6=Previous F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel |
| F22=Command |
Figure 12-18 I/O Devices: Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric
9. The final panel is now displayed that shows that the devices are defined to the OSCONFIG (see Figure 12-19). Press Enter to return to the I/O Device List.
+----------- Define Device to Operating System Configuration -----------+
| Row 1 of 34 |
| Command ===> _____________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR |
| |
| Select OSs to connect or disconnect devices, then press Enter. |
| |
| Device number . : A000 Number of devices : 240 |
| Device type . . : 3390B |
| |
| / Config. ID Type SS Description Defined |
| _ DBSV4SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 4 |
| _ DBSV5SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 5 |
| _ DBSV6SU4 MVS z/OS DB Server 6 |
| _ ITSO MVS All ITSO devices |
| _ ITSOTEST MVS ITSO test OSCONFIG for z14 ZR1 Yes |
| _ PERF4SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 4 |
| _ PERF5SU4 MVS z/OS Perf Server 5 |
| _ PERF6SU4 MVS z/OS Appl Server 6 |
| _ ZHLXDRVR MVS z/OS Helix Central Mgmt Image |
| _ ZMEDRVR MVS z/OS 2.1 ServerPak refresh |
| F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset |
| F6=Previous F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F12=Cancel |
| F22=Command |
Figure 12-19 I/O Devices: Assign/Unassign Device to Esoteric completed
The same steps can be used for the remaining devices A0F0-A0FF (3390A) for this example.
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