System upgrades
This chapter provides an overview of the IBM Z server upgrade process and how, in many cases, customers can manage capacity upgrades by using online tools and automation. The chapter also includes a detailed description of capacity on demand (CoD) offerings available on the z15.
IBM z15 servers support many dynamic provisioning features to give clients exceptional flexibility and control over system capacity and costs.
A key resource for managing client IBM Z servers is the IBM Resource Link website. Once registered, a client can view product information by clicking Resource Link → Client Initiated Upgrade Information, and selecting Education. Select your particular product from the list of available systems.
The scalability of z15 servers includes the following benefits:
Enabling new business opportunities
Support for dynamic capacity growth and cloud environments
Risk management of volatile, high-growth, and high-volume applications
Enabling 24 x 7 application availability
Enabling capacity growth during lockdown periods
Enabling planned-downtime without availability impacts
This chapter includes the following topics:
Note: Throughout this chapter, z15 refers to IBM z15 Model T01 (Machine Type 8651), unless otherwise specified.
8.1 Permanent and Temporary Upgrades
The terminology for CoD and the types of upgrades for a z15 server are described in this section.
8.1.1 Overview
Upgrades can be categorized as described in this section.
Permanent versus temporary upgrades
Deciding whether to perform a Permanent or a Temporary upgrade depends on the situation. For example, a growing workload might require more memory, I/O cards, or processor capacity. However, to handle a peak workload, or to temporarily replace a system that is down during a disaster or data center maintenance, might require only a temporary upgrade. z15 servers offer the following solutions:
Permanent upgrades
 – Miscellaneous equipment specification (MES)
An MES upgrade might involve the addition of physical hardware or the installation of Licensed Internal Code Configuration Control (LICCC). In both cases, the installation is performed by IBM personnel.
 – Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU)
The use of the CIU facility for a system requires that the online CoD buying feature (FC 9900) is installed on the system and for the relevant CIU contract agreements to be in place. The CIU facility supports only LICCC upgrades.
Tip: An MES provides system upgrades that can result in more enabled processors, a different central processor (CP) capacity level, more processor drawers, memory, PCIe+ I/O drawers, and I/O features (physical upgrade). Extra planning tasks are required for nondisruptive logical upgrades. An MES is ordered through your IBM representative and installed by IBM service support representatives (IBM SSRs).
All temporary upgrades are LICCC-based. The one billable capacity offering is On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD), which can be used for short-term capacity requirements and are pre-paid or post-paid.
The two replacement capacity offerings available are Capacity Backup (CBU) and Capacity for Planned Event (CPE).
System Recovery Boost zIIP capacity is a new pre-paid offering for z15 and is intended to provide temporary zIIP capacity to be used to speed up IPL, shutdown, and stand-alone dump events.
8.1.2 CoD for z15 systems-related terminology
The most frequently used terms that are related to CoD for z15 systems are listed in Table 8-1.
Table 8-1 CoD terminology
Activated capacity
Capacity that is purchased and activated. Purchased capacity can be greater than the activated capacity.
Billable capacity
Capacity that helps handle workload peaks (expected or unexpected). The one billable offering that is available is On/Off Capacity on Demand (OOCoD).
Hardware resources (processor and memory) that can process the workload can be added to the system through various capacity offerings.
Capacity Backup
Capacity Backup allows you to place model capacity or specialty engines in a backup system. CBU is used in an unforeseen loss of system capacity because of an emergency or for Disaster Recovery testing.
Capacity for Planned Event (CPE)
Used when temporary replacement capacity is needed for a short-term event. CPE activates processor capacity temporarily to facilitate moving systems between data centers, upgrades, and other routine management tasks. CPE is an offering of CoD.
Capacity levels
Can be full capacity or subcapacity. For the z15 system, capacity levels for the CP engine are 7, 6, 5, and 4.
Capacity setting
Derived from the capacity level and the number of processors.
For the z15 system, the capacity levels are 7nn, 6yy, 5yy, and 4xx, where xx, yy, or nn indicates the number of active CPs.
The number of processors can have the following ranges:
0 - 34 for capacity levels 4xx. An all IFL or an all ICF system has a capacity level of 400.
1 - 34 for capacity levels 5yy and 6yy.
1 - 99 in decimal and A0 - J0, where A0 represents 100 and J0 represents 190, for capacity level 7nn.
Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU)
A web-based facility where you can request processor and memory upgrades by using the IBM Resource Link and the system’s Remote Support Facility (RSF) connection.
Capacity on Demand (CoD)
The ability of a system to increase or decrease its performance capacity as needed to meet fluctuations in demand.
Capacity Provisioning Manager (CPM)
As a component of z/OS Capacity Provisioning, CPM monitors business-critical workloads that are running z/OS on z15 systems.
Customer profile
This information is on Resource Link and contains client and system information. A customer profile can contain information about systems that are related to their IBM customer numbers.
Full capacity CP feature
For z15 servers, feature (CP7) provides full capacity. Capacity settings 7nn are full capacity settings with the ranges of 1 - 99 in decimal and A0 - J0, where A0 represents 100 and J0 represents 190, for capacity level 7nn.
High-water mark
Capacity that is purchased and owned by the client.
Installed record
The LICCC record is downloaded, staged to the Support Element (SE), and is installed on the central processor complex (CPC). A maximum of eight different records can be concurrently installed.
Model capacity identifier (MCI)
Shows the current active capacity on the system, including all replacement and billable capacity.
For z15 servers, the model capacity identifier is in the form of 4xx, 5yy, 6yy, or 7nn, where xx, yy, or nn indicates the number of active CPs:
xx can have a range of 00 - 34. An all IFL or an all ICF system has a capacity level of 400.
yy can have a range of 01 - 34.
1 - 99 in decimal and A0 - J0, where A0 represents 100 and J0 represents 190, for capacity level 7nn.
Model Permanent Capacity Identifier (MPCI)
Keeps information about the capacity settings that are active before any temporary capacity is activated.
Model Temporary Capacity Identifier (MTCI)
Reflects the permanent capacity with billable capacity only, without replacement capacity. If no billable temporary capacity is active, MTCI equals the MPCI.
On/Off Capacity on Demand (CoD)
Represents a function that allows spare capacity in a CPC to be made available to increase the total capacity of a CPC. For example, On/Off CoD can be used to acquire more capacity for handling a workload peak.
Features on Demand (FoD)
FoD is a centralized way to flexibly entitle features and functions on the system.
Permanent capacity
The capacity that a client purchases and activates. This amount might be less capacity than the total capacity purchased.
Permanent upgrade
LICC that is licensed by IBM to enable the activation of applicable computing resources, such as processors or memory, for a specific CIU-eligible system on a permanent basis.
Purchased capacity
Capacity that is delivered to and owned by the client. It can be higher than the permanent capacity.
Temporary entitlement record
The internal representation of a temporary (TER) or permanent (PER) capacity upgrade that is processed by the CIU facility. An entitlement record contains the encrypted representation of the upgrade configuration with the associated time limit conditions.
Replacement capacity
A temporary capacity that is used for situations in which processing capacity in other parts of the enterprise is lost. This loss can be a planned event or an unexpected disaster. The two replacement offerings available are Capacity for Planned Events and Capacity Backup.
Resource Link
The IBM Resource Link is a technical support website that provides a comprehensive set of tools and resources (log in required).
Secondary approval
An option that is selected by the client that requires second approver control for each CoD order. When a secondary approval is required, the request is sent for approval or cancellation to the Resource Link secondary user ID.
Staged record
The point when a record that represents a temporary or permanent capacity upgrade is retrieved and loaded on the SE disk.
For z15 servers, CP features (CP4, CP5, and CP6) provide reduced capacity relative to the full capacity CP feature (CP7).
System Recovery Boost Record
Available on z15 servers, the optional System Recovery Boost Record is an orderable feature that provides more capacity for a limited time to enable speeding up shutdown, restart, and catchup processing for a limited event duration.
Temporary capacity
An optional capacity that is added to the current system capacity for a limited amount of time. It can be capacity that is owned or not owned by the client.
Vital product data (VPD)
Information that uniquely defines system, hardware, software, and microcode elements of a processing system.
8.1.3 Concurrent and nondisruptive upgrades
Depending on the effect on the system and application availability, upgrades can be classified in the following manner:
In general, concurrency addresses the continuity of operations of the hardware during an upgrade; for example, whether a system (hardware) must be turned off during the upgrade. For more information, see 8.2, “Concurrent upgrades” on page 338.
This type of upgrade requires turning off the hardware that is being upgraded. Examples include memory upgrades to a z15 T01 max 34.
Nondisruptive upgrades do not require the software or operating system to be restarted for the upgrade to take effect.
An upgrade is considered disruptive when resources that are modified or added to an operating system image require that the operating system be restarted to configure the newly added resources.
A Concurrent upgrade might be disruptive to operating systems or programs that do not support the upgrades while being nondisruptive to others. For more information, see 8.10, “Planning for nondisruptive upgrades” on page 374.
8.1.4 Permanent upgrades
Permanent upgrades can be obtained by using the following processes:
Ordered through an IBM marketing representative
Initiated by the client with the CIU on the IBM Resource Link
Tip: The use of the CIU facility for a system requires that the online CoD buying feature (FC 9900) is installed on the system. The CIU facility is enabled through the permanent upgrade authorization feature code (FC 9898).
Permanent upgrades that are ordered through an IBM representative
Through a permanent upgrade, you can accomplish the following tasks:
Add processor drawers
Add Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) drawers and features
Add model capacity
Add specialty engines
Add memory
Activate unassigned model capacity or IFLs
Deactivate activated model capacity or IFLs
Activate channels
Activate cryptographic engines
Change specialty engines (recharacterization)
Considerations: Most of the MESs can be concurrently applied without disrupting the workload. For more information, see 8.2, “Concurrent upgrades” on page 338. However, certain MES changes can be disruptive, such as adding PCIE IO drawers.
Memory upgrades that require dual inline memory module (DIMM) changes can be made nondisruptively if multiple CPC drawers are available and the flexible memory option is used.
Permanent upgrades by using CIU on the IBM Resource Link
Ordering the following permanent upgrades by using the CIU application through Resource Link allows you to add capacity to fit within your hardware:
Add model capacity
Add specialty engines
Add memory
Activate unassigned model capacity or IFLs
Deactivate activated model capacity or IFLs
8.1.5 Temporary upgrades
z15 servers offer the following types of temporary upgrades:
On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD)
This offering allows you to temporarily add capacity or specialty engines to cover seasonal activities, period-end requirements, peaks in workload, or application testing. This temporary upgrade can be ordered by using the CIU application through Resource Link only.
Prepaid OOCoD tokens1: Beginning with IBM z15, new prepaid OOCoD tokens that are purchased do not carry forward to future systems.

1 Statements by IBM regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at the sole discretion of IBM.
This offering allows you to replace model capacity or specialty engines in a backup system that is used in an unforeseen loss of system capacity because of a disaster.
This offering allows you to replace model capacity or specialty engines because of a relocation of workload during system migrations or a data center move.
System Recovery Boost Record
This offering allows you to add up to 20 zIIPs for use with the System Recovery Boost facility. System Recovery Boost provides temporary extra capacity for CP workloads to allow rapid shutdown, restart, and recovery of eligible systems. System Recovery Boost records are prepaid, licensed for a one-year period, and can be renewed at any time.
CBU, CPE, and System Recovery Boost Records can be ordered by using the CIU application through Resource Link or by contacting your IBM marketing representative.
Temporary upgrade capacity changes might be billable or a replacement.
Billable capacity
To handle a peak workload, you can activate up to double the purchased capacity of any processor unit (PU) type temporarily. You are charged daily.
This billable capacity offering is On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD).
Replacement capacity
When processing capacity is lost in part of an enterprise, replacement capacity can be activated. It allows you to activate any PU type up to your authorized limit.
The following replacement capacity offerings are available:
Capacity Backup
Capacity for Planned Event
8.2 Concurrent upgrades
Concurrent upgrades on z15 servers can provide more capacity with no system outage. In most cases, a concurrent upgrade can be nondisruptive to the operating system with planning and operating system support.
This capability is based on the flexibility of the design and structure, which allows concurrent hardware installation and Licensed Internal Control Code (LICC) configuration changes.
The subcapacity models allow more configuration granularity within the family. The added granularity is available for models that are configured with up to 34 CPs, and provides 102 extra capacity settings. Subcapacity models provide for CP capacity increase in two dimensions that can be used together to deliver configuration granularity. The first dimension is adding CPs to the configuration. The second is changing the capacity setting of the CPs currently installed to a higher model capacity identifier.
z15 servers allow the concurrent and nondisruptive addition of processors to a running logical partition (LPAR). As a result, you can have a flexible infrastructure to which you can add capacity. This function is supported by z/OS, z/VM, and z/VSE. This addition is made by using one of the following methods:
With planning ahead for the future need of extra processors. Reserved processors can be specified in the LPAR’s profile. When the extra processors are installed, the number of active processors for that LPAR can be increased without the need for a partition reactivation and initial program load (IPL).
Another (easier) way is to enable the dynamic addition of processors through the z/OS LOADxx member. Set the DYNCPADD parameter in member LOADxx to ENABLE.
Another function concerns the system assist processor (SAP). When more SAPs are concurrently added to the configuration, the SAP-to-channel affinity is dynamically remapped on all SAPs on the system to rebalance the I/O configuration.
8.2.1 PU Capacity feature upgrades
z15 servers feature machine type and model 8561-T01 capacity identifier.
The 8561-T01 is available in the following CPC drawer configurations:
Feature Max34 (one CPC Drawer installed) can have a maximum of 34PUs for client characterization.
Feature Max71 (two CPC Drawers) can have a maximum of 71 client PUs
Feature Max108 (three CPC Drawers) can have a maximum of 108 client PUs
Feature Max145 (four CPC Drawers) can have a maximum of 145 client PUs
Feature Max190 (five CPC Drawers) can have a maximum of 190 client PUs
Model capacity identifiers 4xx, 5yy, 6yy, or 7nn
The xx is a range of 00 - 341, yy is a range of 01 - 34, and nn is a range of 01 - 99, A0 - J0, where A0 represents the decimal number 100, which combines the character A with decimal 0 and where J0 represents the decimal number 190. It is obtained by continuing the hexadecimal counting to F that equals 15, G equals 16, H equals 17, I equals18 an J equals 19 and adding the decimal digit 0 to make 190. A z15 server with 190 client usable processors is a z15 7J0. The model capacity identifier describes how many CPs are characterized (xx, yy, or nn) and the capacity setting (4, 5, 6, or 7) of the CPs.
A hardware configuration upgrade always requires more physical hardware (processor drawers, PCIe+ I/O drawers, or both). A system upgrade can change the system model or the MCI.
Consider the following points regarding model upgrades:
LICCC upgrade:
 – Can add memory or Virtual Flash Memory (VFM) up to the amount that is physically installed
 – Can change the model capacity identifier, the capacity setting, or both
Hardware installation upgrade:
 – Can change the CPC drawer feature by adding one or more drawers
 – Can change the model capacity identifier, the capacity setting, or both
 – Can add physical memory, PCIe+ I/O drawers, and other hardware features
The model capacity identifier can be concurrently changed. Concurrent upgrades can be performed for permanent and temporary upgrades.
Tip: A drawer feature upgrade can be performed concurrently only for a max 34 or a max 71 machine if feature codes 2271 or 2272 were ordered with the base machine.
Licensed Internal Code upgrades (MES ordered)
The LICCC provides for system upgrades without hardware changes by activating extra (physically installed) unused capacity. Concurrent upgrades through LICCC can be performed for the following resources:
Processors, such as CPs, ICFs, z Integrated Information Processors (zIIPs), IFLs, and SAPs, if unused PUs are available on the installed processor drawers, or if the model capacity identifier for the CPs can be increased.
Memory, when unused capacity is available on the installed memory cards. The Flexible memory option is available to give you better control over future memory upgrades. For more information, see 2.5.7, “Flexible Memory Option” on page 65.
Note: Plan ahead memory is not offered on new z15 orders. It can be carried forward only from z13 and z14 machines.
Concurrent hardware installation upgrades (MES ordered)
Configuration upgrades can be concurrent when installing the following resources:
Processor drawers (which contain processors, memory, and fanouts). Up to two processor drawers can be added concurrently on a z15 T01 max 34 if feature codes 2271 and 2272 were ordered with the initial configuration.
PCIe+ Gen3 fanouts.
I/O cards, when slots are still available on the installed PCIe+ I/O drawers.
PCIe+ I/O drawers.
The concurrent I/O upgrade capability can be better used if a future target configuration is considered during the initial configuration.
Concurrent PU conversions (MES ordered)
z15 servers support concurrent conversion between all PU types, which includes SAPs, to provide flexibility and meet changing business requirements.
Important: The LICCC-based PU conversions require that at least one PU (CP, ICF, or IFL), remains unchanged. Otherwise, the conversion is disruptive. The PU conversion generates a LICCC that can be installed concurrently in two steps:
1. Remove the assigned PU from the configuration.
2. Activate the newly available PU as the new PU type.
LPARs also might have to free the PUs to be converted. The operating systems must include support to configure processors offline or online so that the PU conversion can be done nondisruptively.
Considerations: Client planning and operator action are required to use concurrent PU conversion. Consider the following points about PU conversion:
It is disruptive if all current PUs are converted to different types.
It might require individual LPAR outages if dedicated PUs are converted.
Unassigned CP capacity is recorded by a model capacity identifier. CP feature conversions change (increase or decrease) the model capacity identifier.
8.2.2 Customer Initiated Upgrade facility
The CIU facility is an IBM online system through which you can order, download, and install permanent and temporary upgrades for IBM Z servers. Access to and use of the CIU facility requires a contract between the client and IBM through which the terms and conditions for use of the CIU facility are accepted.
The CIU facility is controlled through the permanent upgrade authorization FC 9898. A prerequisite to FC 9898 is the online CoD buying feature code (FC 9900). Although FC 9898 can be installed on your z15 servers at any time, often it is added when ordering a z15 server.
After you place an order through the CIU facility, you receive a notice that the order is ready for download. You can then download and apply the upgrade by using functions that are available through the Hardware Management Console (HMC), along with the RSF. After all of the prerequisites are met, the entire process (from ordering to activation of the upgrade) is performed by the client and does not require any onsite presence of IBM SSRs.
CIU prerequisites
The CIU facility supports LICCC upgrades only. It does not support I/O upgrades. All other capacity that is required for an upgrade must be previously installed. Extra processor drawers or I/O cards cannot be installed as part of an order that is placed through the CIU facility. The sum of CPs, unassigned CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and unassigned IFLs cannot exceed the client PU count of the installed processor drawers. The total number of zIIPs can be twice the number of purchased CPs.
CIU registration and contract for CIU
To use the CIU facility, a client must be registered and the system must be set up. After you complete the CIU registration, access to the CIU application is available through the IBM Resource Link website.
As part of the setup, provide one resource link ID for configuring and placing CIU orders and, if required, a second ID as an approver. The IDs are then set up for access to the CIU support. The CIU facility allows upgrades to be ordered and delivered much faster than through the regular MES process.
To order and activate the upgrade, log on to the IBM Resource Link website and start the CIU application to upgrade a system for processors or memory. You can request a client order approval to conform to your operational policies. You also can allow the definition of more IDs to be authorized to access the CIU. More IDs can be authorized to enter or approve CIU orders, or only view orders.
Permanent upgrades
Permanent upgrades can be ordered by using the CIU facility. Through the CIU facility, you can generate online permanent upgrade orders to concurrently add processors (CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs) and memory, or change the model capacity identifier. You can do so up to the limits of the installed processor drawers on a system.
Temporary upgrades
The base model z15 server describes permanent and dormant capacity by using the capacity marker and the number of PU features that are installed on the system. Up to eight temporary offerings can be present. Each offering includes its own policies and controls, and each can be activated or deactivated independently in any sequence and combination. Although multiple offerings can be active at any time, only one On/Off CoD offering can be active at any time if enough resources are available to fulfill the offering specifications.
Temporary upgrades are represented in the system by a record. All temporary upgrade records are on the SE hard disk drive (HDD). The records can be downloaded from the RSF or installed from portable media. At the time of activation, you can control everything locally.
The provisioning architecture is shown in Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1 Provisioning architecture
The authorization layer enables administrative control over the temporary offerings. The activation and deactivation can be driven manually or under the control of an application through a documented application programming interface (API).
By using the API approach, you can customize at activation time the resources that are necessary to respond to the current situation up to the maximum that is specified in the order record. If the situation changes, you can add or remove resources without having to go back to the base configuration. This process eliminates the need for temporary upgrade specifications for all possible scenarios.
For a CPE record, only the ordered configuration can be activated.
This approach also enables you to update and replenish temporary upgrades, even in situations where the upgrades are active. Likewise, depending on the configuration, permanent upgrades can be performed while temporary upgrades are active. Examples of the activation sequence of multiple temporary upgrades are shown in Figure 8-2.
Figure 8-2 Example of temporary upgrade activation sequence
As shown in Figure 8-2, if R2, R3, and R1 are active at the same time, only parts of R1 can be activated because not enough resources are available to fulfill all of R1. When R2 is deactivated, the remaining parts of R1 can be activated as shown.
Temporary capacity can be billable as On/Off CoD, or replacement capacity as CBU, CPE, or System Recovery Boost. Consider the following points:
On/Off CoD is a function that enables concurrent and temporary capacity growth of the system.
On/Off CoD can be used for client peak workload requirements, for any length of time, and includes a daily hardware and maintenance charge. The software charges can vary according to the license agreement for the individual products. For more information, contact your IBM Software Group representative.
On/Off CoD can concurrently add processors (CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs), increase the model capacity identifier, or both. It can do so up to the limit of the installed processor drawers of a system. It is restricted to twice the installed capacity. On/Off CoD requires a contractual agreement between you and IBM.
You decide whether to pre-pay or post-pay On/Off CoD. Capacity tokens that are inside the records are used to control activation time and resources.
CBU is a concurrent and temporary activation of more CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs; or an increase of the model capacity identifier; or both.
Note: CBU cannot be used for peak workload management in any form.
On/Off CoD is the correct method to use for workload management. A CBU activation can last up to 90 days when a disaster or recovery situation occurs.
CBU features are optional, and require unused capacity to be available on installed processor drawers of the backup system. They can be available as unused PUs, an increase in the model capacity identifier, or both.
A CBU contract must be in place before the special code that enables this capability can be loaded on the system. The standard CBU contract provides for five 10-day tests (the CBU test activation) and one 90-day activation over a five-year period. For more information, contact your IBM representative.
You can run production workload on a CBU upgrade during a CBU test. At least an equivalent amount of production capacity must be shut down during the CBU test. If you signed CBU contracts, you also must sign an Amendment (US form #Z125-8145) with IBM to allow you to run production workload on a CBU upgrade during your CBU tests. More 10-day tests can be purchased with the CBU record.
CPE is a concurrent and temporary activation of extra CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs; or an increase of the model capacity identifier; or both.
The CPE offering is used to replace temporary lost capacity within a client’s enterprise for planned downtime events, such as data center changes.
Note: CPE cannot be used for peak load management of client workload or for a disaster situation.
The CPE feature requires unused capacity to be available on installed processor drawers of the backup system. The capacity must be available as unused PUs, as a possibility to increase the model capacity identifier on a subcapacity system, or as both.
A CPE contract must be in place before the special code that enables this capability can be loaded on the system. The standard CPE contract provides for one 3-day planned activation at a specific date. For more information, contact your IBM representative.
The System Recovery Boost Record allows a concurrent activation of extra zIIPs.
The System Recovery Boost Record offering can be used to provide extra zIIP capacity that can be used by the System Recovery Boost facility. You might want to consider the use of this offering if your server is a full capacity model (7nn) and can benefit from more CPs during system shutdown and restart. The capacity is delivered as zIIPs that can perform CP work during the boost periods for an LPAR.
A System Recovery Boost Record contract must be in place before the special code that enables this capability can be loaded on the system. The standard contract provides for one 6-hour activation for the specific purpose of System Recovery Boost only. For more information, contact your IBM representative.
Activation of System Recovery Boost Record does not change the MCI of your system.
8.2.3 Concurrent upgrade functions summary
The possible concurrent upgrades combinations are listed in Table 8-2.
Table 8-2 Concurrent upgrade summary
CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, SAPs, processor drawer, memory, and I/Os
Installed by IBM SSRs
Online permanent upgrade
CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, SAPs, and memory
Performed through the CIU facility
On/Off CoD
CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs
Performed through the OOCoD facility
CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs
Activated through model conversion
CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs
Activated through model conversion
System Recovery Boost Record
Activated through model conversion
8.3 Miscellaneous equipment specification upgrades
MES upgrades enable concurrent and permanent capacity growth. MES upgrades allow the concurrent adding of processors (CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs), memory capacity, and I/O ports. For subcapacity models, MES upgrades allow the concurrent adjustment of both the number of processors and the capacity level. The MES upgrade can be performed by using LICCC only, installing more processor drawers, adding PCIe+ I/O drawers, adding I/O2 features, or using the following combinations:
MES upgrades for processors are done by any of the following methods:
 – LICCC assigning and activating unassigned PUs up to the limit of the installed processor drawers.
 – LICCC to adjust the number and types of PUs to change the capacity setting, or both.
 – Installing more processor drawers and LICCC assigning and activating unassigned PUs on the installed processor drawers.
MES upgrades for memory are done by one of the following methods:
 – By using LICCC to activate more memory capacity up to the limit of the memory cards on the currently installed processor drawers. Flexible memory features enable you to implement better control over future memory upgrades. For more information about the memory features, see 2.5.7, “Flexible Memory Option” on page 65.
 – Installing more processor drawers and the use of LICCC to activate more memory capacity on installed processor drawers.
 – By using the CPC Enhanced Drawer Availability (EDA), where possible, on multi-drawer systems to add or change the memory cards.
MES upgrades for I/O are done by installing more I/O features and supporting infrastructure (if required) on PCIe drawers that are installed, or installing more PCIe drawers to hold the new cards.
An MES upgrade requires IBM SSRs for the installation. In most cases, the time that is required for installing the LICCC and completing the upgrade is short.
To better use the MES upgrade function, carefully plan the initial configuration to allow a concurrent upgrade to a target configuration. The availability of PCIe+ I/O drawers improves the flexibility to perform unplanned I/O configuration changes concurrently.
The Store System Information (STSI) instruction gives more useful and detailed information about the base configuration and temporary upgrades.
The model and model capacity identifiers that are returned by the STSI instruction are updated to coincide with the upgrade. For more information, see “Store System Information instruction” on page 376.
Upgrades: An MES provides the physical upgrade, which results in more enabled processors, different capacity settings for the CPs, and more memory, I/O ports, I/O adapters, and I/O drawers. Extra planning tasks are required for nondisruptive logical upgrades. For more information, see “Guidelines to avoid disruptive upgrades” on page 378.
8.3.1 MES upgrade for processors
An MES upgrade for processors can concurrently add CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs to a z15 server by assigning available PUs on the processor drawers through LICCC. Depending on the quantity of the extra processors in the upgrade, more processor drawers might be required, and can be concurrently installed before the LICCC is enabled if plan-ahead features are available. With the subcapacity models, more capacity can be provided by adding CPs, changing the capacity identifier on the current CPs, or both.
Limits: The sum of CPs, inactive CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, unassigned IFLs, and SAPs cannot exceed the maximum limit of PUs available for client use. The number of zIIPs cannot exceed twice the number of purchased CPs.
An example of an MES upgrade for processors (with two upgrade steps) is shown in Figure 8-3.
Figure 8-3 MES for processor example
A model T01 max 34 (one processor drawer), model capacity identifier 708 (eight CPs), is concurrently upgraded to a model T01 max 71 (two processor drawers), with MCI 739 (39 CPs). The model upgrade requires adding a processor drawer and assigning and activating 39 PUs as CPs. Then, model max 71, MCI 739, is concurrently upgraded to a capacity identifier 740 (40 CPs) with two IFLs. This process is done by assigning and activating three more unassigned PUs (one as CP and two as IFLs). If needed, more LPARs can be created concurrently to use the newly added processors.
The example that is shown in Figure 8-3 was used to show how the addition of PUs as CPs and IFLs and the addition of a processor drawer works. The addition of a processor drawer to a z15 Max 34 upgrades the machine to Max 71.
After the second CPC drawer addition, CPC drawer 0 has 34 configurable PUs and CPC drawer 1 has 37 configurable PUs, which allows 71 PUs to be characterized on the new Max 71 configuration.
Consideration: Up to 190 logical processors (including reserved processors) can be defined to an LPAR. However, do not define more processors to an LPAR than the target operating system supports.
The number of processors that are supported by various z/OS and z/VM releases are listed in Table 8-3.
Table 8-3 Number of processors that are supported by the operating system
Operating system
Number of processors that are supported
z/OS V2R2
190 PUs per z/OS LPAR in non-SMT mode and 128 PUs per z/OS LPAR in SMT mode. For both, the PU total is the sum of CPs and zIIPs.
z/OS V2R3
190 PUs per z/OS LPAR in non-SMT mode and 128 PUs per z/OS LPAR in SMT mode. For both, the PU total is the sum of CPs and zIIPs.
z/OS V2R4
190 PUs per z/OS LPAR in non-SMT mode and 128 PUs per z/OS LPAR in SMT mode. For both, the PU total is the sum of CPs and zIIPs.
z/VM V7R1
64 (or 32 in SMT mode).
z/VM V6R4
64 (or 32 in SMT mode).
z/VSE Turbo Dispatcher can use up to 4 CPs, and tolerates up to 10-way LPARs.
86 CPs.
Linux on IBM Z -190 CPs
Linux1 supports 256 cores without SMT and 128 cores with SMT (256 threads).

1 Supported Linux on Z distributions (for more information, see Chapter 7, “Operating system support” on page 255).
Software charges, which are based on the total capacity of the system on which the software is installed, are adjusted to the new capacity after the MES upgrade.
Software products that use Workload License Charges (WLC) or Taylor Fit Pricing (TFP) might not be affected by the system upgrade. Their charges are based on partition usage, not on the system total capacity. For more information about WLC, see 7.8, “Software licensing” on page 326.
8.3.2 MES upgrades for memory
MES upgrades for memory can concurrently add more memory in the following ways:
Through LICCC, which enables more capacity up to the limit of the currently installed DIMM memory cards
Concurrently installing more CPC drawers and LICCC-enabling memory capacity on the new CPC drawers.
The Flexible Memory Feature is available to allow better control over future memory upgrades. For more information about flexible memory features, see 2.5.7, “Flexible Memory Option” on page 65.
If the z15 server is a multiple processor drawer configuration, you can use the EDA feature to remove a processor drawer and add DIMM memory cards. It can also be used to upgrade the installed memory cards to a larger capacity size. You can then use LICCC to enable the extra memory.
With proper planning, memory can be added nondisruptively to z/OS partitions and z/VM partitions. If necessary, new LPARs can be created nondisruptively to use the newly added memory.
Concurrency: Upgrades that require DIMM changes can be concurrent by using the EDA feature. Planning is required to see whether this option is a viable for your configuration. The use of the flexible memory option ensures that EDA can work with the least disruption.
The one-processor drawer feature Max34 requires a minimum of 768 GB addressable memory. The client addressable storage in this case is 512 GB. If you require more memory, an extra memory upgrade can install up to 8 TB of memory. It does so by changing the DIMM sizes and adding DIMMs in all available slots in the processor drawer.
You can also add memory by concurrently adding a second processor drawer with sufficient memory into the configuration and then using LICCC to enable that memory. Changing DIMMs in a single CPC drawer system is disruptive.
An LPAR can dynamically take advantage of a memory upgrade if reserved storage is defined to that LPAR. The reserved storage is defined to the LPAR as part of the image profile.
Reserved memory can be configured online to the LPAR by using the LPAR dynamic storage reconfiguration (DSR) function. DSR allows a z/OS operating system image and z/VM partitions to add reserved storage to their configuration if any unused storage exists.
The nondisruptive addition of storage to a z/OS and z/VM partition requires the correct operating system parameters to be set. If reserved storage is not defined to the LPAR, the LPAR must be deactivated, the image profile changed, and the LPAR reactivated. This process allows the extra storage resources to be available to the operating system image.
8.3.3 MES upgrades for I/O
MES upgrades for I/O can concurrently add more I/O features by using one of the following methods:
Installing more I/O features on an installed PCIe+ I/O drawer.
Adding a PCIe+ I/O drawer to hold the new I/O features.
For more information about PCIe+ I/O drawers, see 4.2, “I/O system overview” on page 158.
The number of PCIe+ I/O drawers that can be present in a z15 server depends on how many CPC drawers are present and on whether the configuration includes the Bulk Power Assembly (BPA) offering. It also depends on whether the CPC drawer reserve features are present.
The number of drawers for specific configuration options are listed in Table 8-4 on page 350. It is based on no CPC drawer reserve options being configured.
Note: The maximum number of IO drawers in the table is reduced by 1 for each CPC drawer reserve feature present.
Table 8-4 PCIe+ I/O drawers summary
Frame A only
Frames Z,A or A,B
Frames Z,A,B
Frames Z,A,B,C
PDU Max 34
0 - 3
4 - 8
9 - 12
13 - 16
BPA Max 34
0 - 1
2 - 6
7 - 9
7 - 11
PDU Max 71
0 - 2
3 - 7
8 - 11
12 - 15
BPA Max 71
1 - 5
6 - 8
6 - 11
PDU Max 108
0 - 1
2 - 6
7 - 10
11 - 15
BPA Max 108
0 - 3
4 - 8
9 - 12
PDU Max 145
0 - 4
5 - 9
10 - 12
BPA Max 145
0 - 1
2 - 6
7 - 11
PDU Max 190
0 - 3
4 - 8
9 - 12
BPA Max 190
0 - 1
2 - 6
7 - 11
Depending on the number of I/O features, the configurator determines the number of PCIe+ I/O drawers required.
To better use the MES for I/O capability, carefully plan the initial configuration to allow concurrent upgrades up to the target configuration.
If a PCIe+ I/O drawer is added to a z15 server and original features must be physically moved to another PCIe+ I/O drawer, original card moves are disruptive.
z/VSE, z/TPF, and Linux on Z do not provide dynamic I/O configuration support. Although installing the new hardware is done concurrently, defining the new hardware to these operating systems requires an IPL.
Tip: z15 servers feature a hardware system area (HSA) of 256 GB. z14 servers have a 192 GB HSA. HSA is not part of the client-purchased memory.
8.3.4 Feature on Demand
Only one FoD LICCC record is installed or staged at any time in the system and its contents can be viewed in the Manage window, as shown in Figure 8-4 on page 351.
Figure 8-4 Features on-Demand
A staged record can be removed without installing it. An FoD record can be installed only completely; no selective feature or partial record installation is available. The features that are installed are merged with the CPC LICCC after activation.
An FoD record can be installed only once. If it is removed, a new FoD record is needed to reinstall. A remove action cannot be undone.
8.3.5 Summary of plan-ahead feature
The flexible memory plan-ahead feature is available for z15 servers. No feature code is associated with flexible memory. The purpose of flexible memory is to enable enhanced processor drawer availability. If a processor drawer must be serviced, the flexible memory is activated to accommodate storing the CPC drawer that is taken offline. After the repair action, the memory is taken offline again and is made unavailable for use.
Tip: Accurate planning and the definition of the target configuration allows you to maximize the value of these plan-ahead features.
8.4 Permanent upgrade by using the CIU facility
By using the CIU facility (through the IBM Resource Link), you can start a permanent upgrade for CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, SAPs, or memory. When performed through the CIU facility, you add the resources without IBM personnel present at your location. You can also unassign previously purchased CPs and IFL processors through the CIU facility.
Adding permanent upgrades to a system through the CIU facility requires that the permanent upgrade enablement feature (FC 9898) is installed on the system. A permanent upgrade might change the system model capacity identifier (4xx, 5yy, 6yy, or 7nn) if more CPs are requested, or if the capacity identifier is changed as part of the permanent upgrade. If necessary, more LPARs can be created concurrently to use the newly added processors.
Consideration: A permanent upgrade of processors can provide a concurrent upgrade, which results in more enabled processors that are available to a system configuration. More planning and tasks are required for nondisruptive logical upgrades. For more information, see “Guidelines to avoid disruptive upgrades” on page 378.
Maintenance charges are automatically adjusted as a result of a permanent upgrade.
Software charges that are based on the total capacity of the system on which the software is installed are adjusted to the new capacity after the permanent upgrade is installed. Software products that use WLC or customers with TFP might not be affected by the system upgrade because their charges are based on LPAR usage rather than system total capacity. For more information about WLC, see 7.8, “Software licensing” on page 326.
The CIU facility process on IBM Resource Link is shown in Figure 8-5.
Figure 8-5 Permanent upgrade order example
The following sample sequence shows how to start an order on the IBM Resource Link:
1. Sign on to Resource Link.
2. Select Customer Initiated Upgrade from the main Resource Link page. Client and system information that is associated with the user ID are displayed.
3. Select the system to receive the upgrade. The current configuration (PU allocation and memory) is shown for the selected system.
4. Select Order Permanent Upgrade. The Resource Link limits the options to those options that are valid or possible for the selected configuration (system).
5. After the target configuration is verified by the system, accept or cancel the order. An order is created and verified against the pre-established agreement.
6. Accept or reject the price that is quoted. A secondary order approval is optional. Upon confirmation, the order is processed. The LICCC for the upgrade is available within hours.
The order activation process for a permanent upgrade is shown in Figure 8-6. When the LICCC is passed to the Remote Support Facility, you are notified through an email that the upgrade is ready to be downloaded.
Figure 8-6 CIU-eligible order activation example
8.4.1 Ordering
IBM Resource Link provides the interface that enables you to order a concurrent upgrade for a system. You can create, cancel, or view the order, and view the history of orders that were placed through this interface.
Configuration rules enforce that only valid configurations are generated within the limits of the individual system. Warning messages are issued if you select invalid upgrade options. The process allows only one permanent CIU-eligible order for each system to be placed at a time.
For more information, see the IBM Resource Link website (log in required).
The initial view of the Machine profile on Resource Link is shown in Figure 8-7.
Figure 8-7 Machine profile window
The number of CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, SAPs, memory size, and unassigned IFLs on the current configuration are displayed on the left side of the page.
Resource Link retrieves and stores relevant data that is associated with the processor configuration, such as the number of CPs and installed memory cards. It allows you to select only those upgrade options that are deemed valid by the order process. It also allows upgrades only within the bounds of the currently installed hardware.
8.4.2 Retrieval and activation
After an order is placed and processed, the appropriate upgrade record is passed to the IBM support system for download.
When the order is available for download, you receive an email that contains an activation number. You can then retrieve the order by using the Perform Model Conversion task from the SE, or through the Single Object Operation to the SE from an HMC.
In the Perform Model Conversion window, select Permanent upgrades to start the process, as shown in Figure 8-8.
Figure 8-8 z15 Perform Model Conversion window
The window provides several possible options. If you select the Retrieve and apply data option, you are prompted to enter the order activation number to start the permanent upgrade, as shown in Figure 8-9.
Figure 8-9 Customer Initiated Upgrade Order Activation Number window
8.5 On/Off Capacity on Demand
On/Off CoD allows you to temporarily enable PUs and unassigned IFLs that are available within the current hardware model. You can also use it to change capacity settings for CPs to help meet your peak workload requirements.
8.5.1 Overview
The capacity for CPs is expressed in millions of service units (MSUs). Capacity for speciality engines is expressed in number of speciality engines. Capacity tokens are used to limit the resource consumption for all types of processor capacity.
Capacity tokens are introduced to provide better control over resource consumption when On/Off CoD offerings are activated. Tokens represent the following resource consumptions:
For CP capacity, each token represents the amount of CP capacity that results in one MSU of software cost for one day (an MSU-day token).
For speciality engines, each token is equivalent to one speciality engine capacity for one day (an engine-day token).
Each speciality engine type features its own tokens, and each On/Off CoD record includes separate token pools for each capacity type. During the ordering sessions on Resource Link, select how many tokens of each type to create for an offering record. Each engine type must include tokens for that engine type to be activated. Capacity that has no tokens cannot be activated.
When resources from an On/Off CoD offering record that contains capacity tokens are activated, a billing window is started. A billing window is always 24 hours. Billing occurs at the end of each billing window.
The resources that are billed are the highest resource usage inside each billing window for each capacity type. An activation period is one or more complete billing windows. The activation period is the time from the first activation of resources in a record until the end of the billing window in which the last resource in a record is deactivated.
At the end of each billing window, the tokens are decremented by the highest usage of each resource during the billing window. If any resource in a record does not have enough tokens to cover usage for the next billing window, the entire record is deactivated.
Note: On/Off CoD requires that the Online CoD Buying feature (FC 9900) is installed on the system that you want to upgrade.
The On/Off CoD to Permanent Upgrade Option gives customers a window of opportunity to assess capacity additions to your permanent configurations by using On/Off CoD. If a purchase is made, the hardware On/Off CoD charges during this window (three days or less) are waived. If no purchase is made, you are charged for the temporary use.
The resources eligible for temporary use are CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs. The temporary addition of memory and I/O ports or adapters is not supported.
Unassigned PUs that are on the installed processor drawers can be temporarily and concurrently activated as CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs through LICCC. You can assign PUs up to twice the currently installed CP capacity, and up to twice the number of ICFs, zIIPs, or IFLs. An On/Off CoD upgrade cannot change the system capacity feature. The addition of new processor drawers is not supported. However, the activation of an On/Off CoD upgrade can increase the model capacity identifier (4xx, 5yy, 6yy, or 7nn).
8.5.2 Capacity Provisioning Manager
The installation of the capacity provision function on z/OS requires the following prerequisites:
Setting up and customizing z/OS RMF, including the Distributed Data Server (DDS).
Setting up the z/OS CIM Server (included in z/OS base).
Performing capacity provisioning customization. For more information, see z/OS MVS Capacity Provisioning User’s Guide, SC34-2661.
Using the capacity provisioning function requires the following prerequisites:
TCP/IP connectivity to observed systems.
RMF Distributed Data Server must be active.
CIM server must be active.
Security and CIM customization.
Capacity Provisioning Manager customization.
The Capacity Provisioning Manager Console is provided as part of z/OS MF, which provides a browser interface for managing z/OS systems.
Customizing the capacity provisioning function is required on the following systems:
Observed z/OS systems
These systems are in one or multiple sysplexes that are to be monitored. For more information about the capacity provisioning domain, see 8.10, “Planning for nondisruptive upgrades” on page 374.
Runtime systems
These systems are the systems where the Capacity Provisioning Manager is running, or to which the server can fail over after server or system failures.
8.5.3 Ordering
Concurrently installing temporary capacity by ordering On/Off CoD is possible in the following manner:
CP features equal to the MSU capacity of installed CPs
IFL features up to the number of installed IFLs
ICF features up to the number of installed ICFs
zIIP features up to the number of installed zIIPs
SAPs - up to 8
On/Off CoD can provide CP temporary capacity in two ways:
By increasing the number of CPs.
For subcapacity models, capacity can be added by increasing the number of CPs, changing the capacity setting of the CPs, or both. The capacity setting for all CPs must be the same. If the On/Off CoD is adding CP resources that have a capacity setting different from the installed CPs, the base capacity settings are changed to match.
On/Off CoD includes the following limits that are associated with its use:
 – The number of CPs cannot be reduced.
 – The target configuration capacity is limited to these amounts:
 • Twice the currently installed capacity, expressed in MSUs for CPs.
 • Twice the number of installed IFLs, ICFs, and zIIPs. Up to 8 SAPs can be activated. For more information, see 8.2.1, “PU Capacity feature upgrades” on page 338.
On/Off CoD can be ordered as prepaid or postpaid. A prepaid On/Off CoD offering record contains resource descriptions, MSUs, speciality engines, and tokens that describe the total capacity that can be used. For CP capacity, the token contains MSU-days. For speciality engines, the token contains speciality engine-days.
When resources on a prepaid offering are activated, they must have enough capacity tokens to allow the activation for an entire billing window, which is 24 hours. The resources remain active until you deactivate them or until one resource uses all of its capacity tokens. Then, all activated resources from the record are deactivated.
A postpaid On/Off CoD offering record contains resource descriptions, MSUs, speciality engines, and can contain capacity tokens that denote MSU-days and speciality engine-days.
When resources in a postpaid offering record without capacity tokens are activated, those resources remain active until they are deactivated, or until the offering record expires. The record often expires 180 days after its installation.
When resources in a postpaid offering record with capacity tokens are activated, those resources must include enough capacity tokens to allow the activation for an entire billing window (24 hours). The resources remain active until they are deactivated, until all of the resource tokens are used, or until the record expires. The record usually expires 180 days after its installation. If one capacity token type is used, resources from the entire record are deactivated.
For example, for a z15 server with capacity identifier 502 (two CPs), a capacity upgrade through On/Off CoD can be delivered in the following ways:
Add CPs of the same capacity setting. With this option, the model capacity identifier can be changed to a 503, which adds another CP to make it a three-way CP. It can also be changed to a 504, which adds two CPs, making it a four-way CP.
Change to a different capacity level of the current CPs and change the model capacity identifier to a 602 or 702. The capacity level of the CPs is increased, but no other CPs are added. The 502 also can be temporarily upgraded to a 603, which increases the capacity level and adds another processor. The capacity setting 434 does not have an upgrade path through On/Off CoD because you cannot reduce the number of CPs and a 534 is more than twice the capacity.
Use the Large System Performance Reference (LSPR) information to evaluate the capacity requirements according to your workload type. For more information about LSPR data for current IBM processors, see the Large Systems Performance Reference for IBM Z page of the IBM Systems website.
The On/Off CoD hardware capacity is charged on a 24-hour basis. A grace period is granted at the end of the On/Off CoD day. This grace period allows up to an hour after the 24-hour billing period to change the On/Off CoD configuration for the next 24-hour billing period or deactivate the current On/Off CoD configuration. The times when the capacity is activated and deactivated are maintained in the z15 server and sent back to the support systems.
If On/Off capacity is active, On/Off capacity can be added without having to return the system to its original capacity. If the capacity is increased multiple times within a 24-hour period, the charges apply to the highest amount of capacity active in that period.
If more capacity is added from an active record that contains capacity tokens, the systems checks whether the resource has enough capacity to be active for an entire billing window (24 hours). If that criteria is not met, no extra resources are activated from the record.
If necessary, more LPARs can be activated concurrently to use the newly added processor resources.
Consideration: On/Off CoD provides a concurrent hardware upgrade that results in more capacity being made available to a system configuration. Extra planning tasks are required for nondisruptive upgrades. For more information, see “Guidelines to avoid disruptive upgrades” on page 378.
To participate in this offering, you must accept contractual terms for purchasing capacity through the Resource Link, establish a profile, and install an On/Off CoD enablement feature on the system. Later, you can concurrently install temporary capacity up to the limits in On/Off CoD and use it for up to 180 days.
Monitoring occurs through the system call-home facility. An invoice is generated if the capacity is enabled during the calendar month. You are billed for the use of temporary capacity until the system is returned to the original configuration. Remove the enablement code if the On/Off CoD support is no longer needed.
On/Off CoD orders can be pre-staged in Resource Link to allow multiple optional configurations. The pricing of the orders is done at the time that you order them, and the pricing can vary from quarter to quarter. Staged orders can have different pricing.
When the order is downloaded and activated, the daily costs are based on the pricing at the time of the order. The staged orders do not have to be installed in the order sequence. If a staged order is installed out of sequence and later a higher-priced order is staged, the daily cost is based on the lower price.
Another possibility is to store multiple On/Off CoD LICCC records on the SE with the same or different capacities, which gives you greater flexibility to enable quickly needed temporary capacity. Each record is easily identified with descriptive names, and you can select from a list of records that can be activated.
Resource Link provides the interface to order a dynamic upgrade for a specific system. You can create, cancel, and view the order. Configuration rules are enforced, and only valid configurations are generated based on the configuration of the individual system. After you complete the prerequisites, orders for the On/Off CoD can be placed. The order process uses the CIU facility on Resource Link.
Memory and channels are not supported on On/Off CoD.
An individual record can be activated only once. Subsequent sessions require a new order to be generated, which produces a new LICCC record for that specific order. Alternatively, you can use an auto-renewal feature to eliminate the need for a manual replenishment of the On/Off CoD order. This feature is implemented in Resource Link, and you must also select this feature in the machine profile, as shown in Figure 8-10.
Figure 8-10 Order On/Off CoD record window
8.5.4 On/Off CoD testing
Each On/Off CoD-enabled system is entitled to one no-charge 24-hour test. No IBM charges are assessed for the test, including charges that are associated with temporary hardware capacity, IBM software, and IBM maintenance. The test can be used to validate the processes to download, stage, install, activate, and deactivate On/Off CoD capacity.
This test can have a maximum duration of 24 hours, which commences upon the activation of any capacity resource that is contained in the On/Off CoD record. Activation levels of capacity can change during the 24-hour test period. The On/Off CoD test automatically stops at the end of the 24-hour period.
You also can perform administrative testing. No capacity is added to the system, but you can test all the procedures and automation for the management of the On/Off CoD facility.
An example of an On/Off CoD order on the Resource Link web page is shown in Figure 8-11.
Figure 8-11 On/Off CoD order example
The example order that is shown in Figure 8-11 is an On/Off CoD order for 0% more CP capacity (system is at capacity level 7), and for two more ICFs and two more zIIPs. The maximum number of CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, and IFLs is limited by the current number of available unused PUs of the installed processor drawers. The maximum number of SAPs is determined by the model number and the number of available PUs on the already installed processor drawers.
To finalize the order, you must accept Terms and Conditions for the order, as shown in Figure 8-12.
Figure 8-12 CIU order Terms and Conditions
8.5.5 Activation and deactivation
When a previously ordered On/Off CoD is retrieved from Resource Link, it is downloaded and stored on the SE HDD. You can activate the order manually or through automation when the capacity is needed.
If the On/Off CoD offering record does not contain resource tokens, you must deactivate the temporary capacity manually. Deactivation is done from the SE and is nondisruptive. Depending on how the capacity was added to the LPARs, you might be required to perform tasks at the LPAR level to remove it. For example, you might have to configure offline any CPs that were added to the partition, deactivate LPARs that were created to use the temporary capacity, or both.
On/Off CoD orders can be staged in Resource Link so that multiple orders are available. An order can be downloaded and activated only once. If a different On/Off CoD order is required or a permanent upgrade is needed, it can be downloaded and activated without having to restore the system to its original purchased capacity.
In support of automation, an API is if allows the activation of the On/Off CoD records. The activation is performed from the HMC, and requires specifying the order number. With this API, automation code can be used to send an activation command along with the order number to the HMC to enable the order.
8.5.6 Termination
A client is contractually obligated to end the On/Off CoD right-to-use feature when a transfer in asset ownership occurs. A client also can choose to end the On/Off CoD right-to-use feature without transferring ownership.
Removing FC 9898 ends the right to use the On/Off CoD. This feature cannot be ordered if a temporary session is active. Similarly, the CIU enablement feature cannot be removed if a temporary session is active. When the CIU enablement feature is removed, the On/Off CoD right-to-use feature is simultaneously removed. Reactivating the right-to-use feature subjects the client to the terms and fees that apply then.
Upgrade capability during On/Off CoD
Upgrades that involve physical hardware are supported while an On/Off CoD upgrade is active on a particular z15 server. LICCC-only upgrades can be ordered and retrieved from Resource Link, and can be applied while an On/Off CoD upgrade is active. LICCC-only memory upgrades can be retrieved and applied while an On/Off CoD upgrade is active.
Repair capability during On/Off CoD
If the z15 server requires service while an On/Off CoD upgrade is active, the repair can take place without affecting the temporary capacity.
When you activate an On/Off CoD upgrade, an indicator is set in vital product data. This indicator is part of the call-home data transmission, which is sent on a scheduled basis. A time stamp is placed into the call-home data when the facility is deactivated. At the end of each calendar month, the data is used to generate an invoice for the On/Off CoD that was used during that month.
The maintenance price is adjusted as a result of an On/Off CoD activation.
Software Parallel Sysplex license charge (PSLC) clients are billed at the MSU level that is represented by the combined permanent and temporary capacity. All PSLC products are billed at the peak MSUs that are enabled during the month, regardless of usage. Clients with WLC licenses are billed by product at the highest four-hour rolling average for the month. In this instance, temporary capacity does not increase the software bill until that capacity is allocated to LPARs and used.
Results from the STSI instruction reflect the current permanent and temporary CPs. For more information, see “Store System Information instruction” on page 376.
8.6 z/OS Capacity Provisioning
This section describes how z/OS Capacity Provisioning can help you manage the addition of capacity to a server to handle workload peaks.
z/OS Capacity Provisioning is delivered as part of the z/OS MVS™ Base Control Program (BCP).
Capacity Provisioning includes the following components:
Capacity Provisioning Manager (Provisioning Manager)
Capacity Provisioning Management Console, available in the IBM z/OS Management Facility
Sample data sets and files
The Provisioning Manager monitors the workload on a set of z/OS systems and organizes the provisioning of extra capacity to these systems when required. You define the systems to be observed in a domain configuration file.
The details of extra capacity and the rules for its provisioning are stored in a policy file. These two files are created and maintained through the Capacity Provisioning Management Console (CPMC).The operational flow of Capacity Provisioning is shown in Figure 8-13 on page 364.
Figure 8-13 The capacity provisioning process and infrastructure
The z/OS WLM manages the workload by goals and business importance on each z/OS system. WLM metrics are available through existing interfaces, and are reported through IBM Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) Monitor III, with one RMF gatherer for each z/OS system.
Sysplex-wide data aggregation and propagation occur in the RMF Distributed Data Server (DDS). The RMF Common Information Model (CIM) providers and associated CIM models publish the RMF Monitor III data.
CPM retrieves critical metrics from one or more z/OS systems’ CIM structures and protocols. CPM communicates to local and remote SEs and HMCs by using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
CPM can see the resources in the individual offering records and the capacity tokens. When CPM activates resources, a check is run to determine whether enough capacity tokens remain for the specified resource to be activated for at least 24 hours. If insufficient tokens remain, no resource from the On/Off CoD record is activated.
If a capacity token is used during an activation that is driven by the CPM, the corresponding On/Off CoD record is deactivated prematurely by the system. This process occurs even if the CPM activates this record, or parts of it. However, you do receive warning messages if capacity tokens are close to being fully used.
You receive the messages five days before a capacity token is fully used. The five days are based on the assumption that the consumption is constant for the five days. You must put operational procedures in place to handle these situations. You can deactivate the record manually, allow it occur automatically, or replenish the specified capacity token by using the Resource Link application.
The Capacity Provisioning Management Console (CPMC) is a console that administrators use to work with provisioning policies and domain configurations and to monitor the status of a Provisioning Manager. The management console is implemented by the Capacity Provisioning task in the IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF). z/OSMF provides a framework for managing various aspects of a z/OS system through a web browser interface
Capacity Provisioning Domain
The provisioning infrastructure is managed by the CPM through the Capacity Provisioning Domain (CPD), which is controlled by the Capacity Provisioning Policy (CPP). The CPD is shown in Figure 8-14.
Figure 8-14 Capacity Provisioning Domain
The CPD configuration defines the CPCs and z/OS systems that are controlled by an instance of the CPM. One or more CPCs, sysplexes, and z/OS systems can be defined into a domain. Although sysplexes and CPCs do not have to be contained in a domain, they must not belong to more than one domain.
Each domain has one active capacity provisioning policy.
CPM operates in the following modes, which allows four different levels of automation:
Manual mode
Use this command-driven mode when no CPM policy is active.
Analysis mode
In analysis mode, CPM processes capacity-provisioning policies and informs the operator when a provisioning or deprovisioning action is required according to policy criteria.
Also, the operator determines whether to ignore the information or to manually upgrade or downgrade the system by using the HMC, SE, or available CPM commands.
Confirmation mode
In this mode, CPM processes capacity provisioning policies and interrogates the installed temporary offering records. Every action that is proposed by the CPM must be confirmed by the operator.
Autonomic mode
This mode is similar to the confirmation mode, but no operator confirmation is required.
Several reports are available in all modes that contain information about the workload, provisioning status, and the rationale for provisioning guidelines. User interfaces are provided through the z/OS console and the CPMC application.
The provisioning policy defines the circumstances under which more capacity can be provisioned (when, which, and how). The criteria features the following elements:
A time condition is when provisioning is allowed:
 – Start time indicates when provisioning can begin.
 – Deadline indicates that provisioning of more capacity is no longer allowed.
 – End time indicates that deactivation of capacity must begin.
A workload condition is which work qualifies for provisioning. It can have the following parameters:
 – The z/OS systems that can run eligible work.
 – The importance filter indicates eligible service class periods, which are identified by WLM importance.
 – Performance Index (PI) criteria:
 • Activation threshold: PI of service class periods must exceed the activation threshold for a specified duration before the work is considered to be suffering.
 • Deactivation threshold: PI of service class periods must fall below the deactivation threshold for a specified duration before the work is considered to no longer be suffering.
 – Included service classes are eligible service class periods.
 – Excluded service classes are service class periods that must not be considered.
Tip: If no workload condition is specified, the full capacity that is described in the policy is activated and deactivated at the start and end times that are specified in the policy.
Provisioning scope is how much more capacity can be activated and is expressed in MSUs.
The number of zIIPs must be one specification per CPC that is part of the CPD and are specified in MSUs.
The maximum provisioning scope is the maximum extra capacity that can be activated for all the rules in the CPD.
In the specified time interval, the provisioning rule is that up to the defined extra capacity can be activated if the specified workload is behind its objective.
The rules and conditions are named and stored in the Capacity Provisioning Policy.
For more information about z/OS Capacity Provisioning functions, see z/OS MVS Capacity Provisioning User’s Guide, SC34-2661.
Planning considerations for using automatic provisioning
Although only one On/Off CoD offering can be active at any one time, several On/Off CoD offerings can be present on the system. Changing from one to another requires stopping the active one before the inactive one can be activated. This operation decreases the current capacity during the change.
The provisioning management routines can interrogate the installed offerings, their content, and the status of the content of the offering. To avoid the decrease in capacity, create only one On/Off CoD offering on the system by specifying the maximum allowable capacity. The CPM can then, when an activation is needed, activate a subset of the contents of the offering sufficient to satisfy the demand. If more capacity is needed later, the Provisioning Manager can activate more capacity up to the maximum allowed increase.
Multiple offering records can be pre-staged on the SE hard disk. Changing the content of the offerings (if necessary) is also possible.
Remember: CPM controls capacity tokens for the On/Off CoD records. In a situation where a capacity token is used, the system deactivates the corresponding offering record. Therefore, you must prepare routines for catching the warning messages about capacity tokens being used, and have administrative procedures in place for such a situation.
The messages from the system begin five days before a capacity token is fully used. To avoid capacity records being deactivated in this situation, replenish the necessary capacity tokens before they are used.
The Capacity Provisioning Manager operates based on Workload Manager (WLM) indications, and the construct that is used is the Performance Index (PI) of a service class period. It is important to select service class periods that are appropriate for the business application that needs more capacity. For example, the application in question might be running through several service class periods, where the first period is the important one. The application might be defined as importance level 2 or 3, but might depend on other work that is running with importance level 1. Therefore, it is important to consider which workloads to control and which service class periods to specify.
8.7 System Recovery Boost Upgrade
Important: The base System Recovery Boost capability is BUILT INTO z15 firmware and does not require ordering more features. System Recovery Boost Upgrade (consisting of FC 9930 and FC 6802) is an optional, orderable feature that provides more temporary zIIP capacity for use during boost periods. Consider the following points:
FC 9930 is not required to use the base System Recovery Boost capability.
FC 9930 is only needed if more zIIP temporary capacity is required.
The System Recovery Boost Upgrade optional feature is offered with z15 servers to provide more capacity for System Recovery Boost processing. For example, if a z/OS operating system change requires a sequence of system shutdowns and restarts, and these procedures can benefit from extra CPU capacity, the System Recovery Boost record can be used to activate more zIIPs on the server at the commencement of the change window. These zIIPs are used by the z/OS systems to run general CP work during the boost periods.
The System Recovery Boost Upgrade requires the following feature codes:
FC 6802: System Recovery Boost Record
This feature code provides extra zIIP capacity (20 zIIP records for one year; must be renewed after one year) for use in System Recovery Boost events (shutdown, restart/IPL, and stand-alone dumps).
Note: At least one permanent zIIP record must be present for ordering System Recovery Boost Upgrade (FC 6802).
FC 9930: Boost Authorization contract
Enables the ordering of On/Off CoD for System Recovery Boost through Resource Link
Important: The System Recovery Boost Upgrade record is for System Recovery Boost capacity only, and cannot be used for peak workload management. The customer must deactivate the boost capacity at the end of the system restart procedure.
The zIIP processors that can be activated by System Recovery Boost record come from the “dark core” capacity on the server. They can be added to a z15 server nondisruptively.
The base system configuration must have sufficient memory and channels to accommodate the potential requirements of the larger capacity system.
Note: The System Recovery Boost configuration is activated temporarily and provides up to a maximum of 20 extra zIIPs to the system’s original, permanent configuration and can violate the 2:1 zIIP rule. The number of zIIPs that can be activated is limited by the unused capacity that is available on the system.
When activating the System Recovery Boost record, the extra zIIPs are added to the zIIP pool when they are activated. Review the LPAR zIIP assignments and weights in the image profiles to ensure that the LPAR can use the extra capacity when it becomes available.
Configure a quantity for the initial and reserved zIIPs in the image profile so that extra zIIPs can be brought online dynamically when the boost record is activated. Also consider adjusting the LPAR zIIP weight.
When the system recovery event ends, the system must be returned to its original configuration. The System Recovery Boost Upgrade record can be used only once and must be replenished before it can be used again.
A System Recovery Boost Upgrade contract (through FC 9930) must be in place before the special code that enables this capability can be installed on the system.
8.8 Capacity for Planned Event
CPE is offered with z15 servers to provide replacement backup capacity for planned downtime events. For example, if a server room requires an extension or repair work, replacement capacity can be installed temporarily on another z15 server in the client’s environment.
Important: CPE is for planned replacement capacity only, and cannot be used for peak workload management.
CPE includes the following feature codes:
FC 6833: Capacity for Planned Event enablement
FC 0116: 1 CPE Capacity Unit
FC 0117: 100 CPE Capacity Unit
FC 0118: 10000 CPE Capacity Unit
FC 0119: 1 CPE Capacity Unit - IFL
FC 0120: 100 CPE Capacity Unit - IFL
FC 0121: 1 CPE Capacity Unit - ICF
FC 0122: 100 CPE Capacity Unit - ICF
FC 0125: 1 CPE Capacity Unit - zIIP
FC 0126: 100 CPE Capacity Unit - zIIP
FC 0127: 1 CPE Capacity Unit - SAP
FC 0128: 100 CPE Capacity Unit - SAP
The feature codes are calculated automatically when the CPE offering is configured. Whether the eConfig tool or the Resource Link is used, a target configuration must be ordered. The configuration consists of a model identifier, several speciality engines, or both. Based on the target configuration, several feature codes from the list are calculated automatically, and a CPE offering record is constructed.
CPE is intended to replace capacity that is lost within the enterprise because of a planned event, such as a facility upgrade or system relocation.
Note: CPE is intended for short duration events that last a maximum of three days.
After each CPE record is activated, you can access dormant PUs on the system for which you have a contract, as described by the feature codes. Processor units can be configured in any combination of CP or specialty engine types (zIIP, SAP, IFL, and ICF). At the time of CPE activation, the contracted configuration is activated. The general rule of two zIIPs for each configured CP is enforced for the contracted configuration.
The processors that can be activated by CPE come from the available unassigned PUs on any installed processor drawer. CPE features can be added to a z15 server nondisruptively. A one-time fee is applied for each CPE event. This fee depends on the contracted configuration and its resulting feature codes. Only one CPE record can be ordered at a time.
The base system configuration must include sufficient memory and channels to accommodate the potential requirements of the large CPE-configured system. Ensure that all required functions and resources are available on the system where CPE is activated. These functions and resources include CF LEVELs for coupling facility partitions, memory, and cryptographic functions, and include connectivity capabilities.
The CPE configuration is activated temporarily and provides more PUs in addition to the system’s original, permanent configuration. The number of extra PUs is predetermined by the number and type of feature codes that are configured, as described by the feature codes. The number of PUs that can be activated is limited by the unused capacity that is available on the system; for example:
A z15 Max 71 with 26 CPs, and no IFLs or ICFs has 45 unassigned PUs available.
A z15 Max 145 with 38 CPs, 1 IFL, and 1 ICF has 105 unassigned PUs available.
When the planned event ends, the system must be returned to its original configuration. You can deactivate the CPE features at any time before the expiration date.
A CPE contract must be in place before the special code that enables this capability can be installed on the system. CPE features can be added to a z15 server nondisruptively.
8.9 Capacity Backup
CBU provides reserved emergency backup processor capacity for unplanned situations in which capacity is lost in another part of your enterprise. It allows you to recover by adding the reserved capacity on a designated z15 server.
CBU is the quick, temporary activation of PUs:
For up to 90 contiguous days, for a loss of processing capacity as a result of an emergency or disaster recovery situation.
For 10 days, for testing your disaster recovery procedures or running the production workload. This option requires that IBM Z workload capacity that is equivalent to the CBU upgrade capacity is shut down or otherwise made unusable during the CBU test.3
Important: CBU is for disaster and recovery purposes only. It cannot be used for peak workload management or for a planned event.
8.9.1 Ordering
The CBU process allows for CBU to activate CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs. To use the CBU process, a CBU enablement feature (FC 9910) must be ordered and installed. You must order the quantity and type of PU that you require by using the following feature codes:
FC 6805: More CBU test activations
FC 6817: Total CBU years ordered
FC 6818: CBU records that are ordered
FC 6820: Single CBU CP-year
FC 6821: 25 CBU CP-year
FC 6822: Single CBU IFL-year
FC 6823: 25 CBU IFL-year
FC 6824: Single CBU ICF-year
FC 6825: 25 CBU ICF-year
FC 6828: Single CBU zIIP-year
FC 6829: 25 CBU zIIP-year
FC 6830: Single CBU SAP-year
FC 6831: 25 CBU SAP-year
FC 6832: CBU replenishment
The CBU entitlement record (FC 6818) contains an expiration date that is established at the time of the order. This date depends on the quantity of CBU years (FC 6817). You can extend your CBU entitlements through the purchase of more CBU years.
The number of FC 6817 per instance of FC 6818 remains limited to five. Fractional years are rounded up to the nearest whole integer when calculating this limit.
If two years and eight months exist before the expiration date at the time of the order, the expiration date can be extended by no more than two years. One test activation is provided for each CBU year that is added to the CBU entitlement record.
FC 6805 allows for ordering more tests in increments of one. The maximum number of tests that is allowed is 15 for each FC 6818.
The processors that can be activated by CBU come from the available unassigned PUs on any installed processor drawer. The maximum number of CBU features that can be ordered is 190. The number of features that can be activated is limited by the number of unused PUs on the system; for example:
A z15 Max 34 with Capacity Model Identifier 401 can activate up to 34 CBU features. These CBU features can be used to change the capacity setting of the CPs, and to activate unused PUs.
A z15 Max 71 with 15 CPs, 4 IFLs, and 1 ICF has 51 unused PUs available. It can activate up to 51 CBU features.
The ordering system allows for over-configuration in the order. You can order up to 190 CBU features, regardless of the current configuration. However, at activation, only the capacity that is installed can be activated. At activation, you can decide to activate only a subset of the CBU features that are ordered for the system.
Subcapacity makes a difference in the way that the CBU features are completed. On the full-capacity models, the CBU features indicate the amount of extra capacity that is needed. If the amount of necessary CBU capacity is equal to four CPs, the CBU configuration is four CBU CPs.
The subcapacity models feature multiple capacity settings of 4xx, 5yy, or 6yy. The standard models use the capacity setting 7nn. To change the capacity setting, the number of CBU CPs must be equal to or greater than the number of CPs in the base configuration.
For example, if the base configuration is a two-way 402, providing a CBU configuration of a four-way of the same capacity setting requires two CBU feature codes. If the required CBU capacity changes the capacity setting of the CPs, going from model capacity identifier 402 to a CBU configuration of a four-way 504 requires four CBU feature codes with a capacity setting of 5yy.
If the capacity setting of the CPs is changed, more CBU features are required, not more physical PUs. Therefore, your CBU contract requires more CBU features when the capacity setting of the CPs is changed.
CBU can add CPs through LICCC only, and the z15 server must have the correct number of installed processor drawers to allow the required upgrade. CBU can change the model capacity identifier to a higher value than the base setting (4xx, 5yy, or 6yy), but the CBU feature cannot decrease the capacity setting.
A CBU contract must be in place before the special code that enables this capability can be installed on the system. CBU features can be added to a z15 server nondisruptively. For each system enabled for CBU, the authorization to use CBU is available for 1 - 5 years.
The alternative configuration is activated temporarily, and provides more capacity than the system’s original, permanent configuration. At activation time, determine the capacity that you require for that situation. You can decide to activate only a subset of the capacity that is specified in the CBU contract.
The base system configuration must have sufficient memory and channels to accommodate the potential requirements of the large CBU target system. Ensure that all required functions and resources are available on the backup systems. These functions include CF LEVELs for coupling facility partitions, memory, and cryptographic functions, and connectivity capabilities.
When the emergency is over (or the CBU test is complete), the system must be returned to its original configuration. The CBU features can be deactivated at any time before the expiration date. Failure to deactivate the CBU feature before the expiration date can cause the system to downgrade resources gracefully to the original configuration. The system does not deactivate dedicated engines, or the last of in-use shared engines.
Planning: CBU for processors provides a concurrent upgrade. This upgrade can result in more enabled processors, changed capacity settings that are available to a system configuration, or both. You can activate a subset of the CBU features that are ordered for the system. Therefore, more planning and tasks are required for nondisruptive logical upgrades. For more information, see “Guidelines to avoid disruptive upgrades” on page 378.
For more information, see the IBM Z Capacity on Demand User’s Guide, SC28-6846.
8.9.2 CBU activation and deactivation
The activation and deactivation of the CBU function is your responsibility and does not require the onsite presence of IBM SSRs. The CBU function is activated or deactivated concurrently from the HMC by using the API. On the SE, CBU is activated by using the Perform Model Conversion task or through the API. The API enables task automation.
CBU activation
CBU is activated from the SE by using the HMC and SSO to the SE, by using the Perform Model Conversion task, or through automation by using the API on the SE or the HMC. During a real disaster, use the Activate CBU option to activate the 90-day period.
Image upgrades
After CBU activation, the z15 server can have more capacity, more active PUs, or both. The extra resources go into the resource pools and are available to the LPARs. If the LPARs must increase their share of the resources, the LPAR weight can be changed or the number of logical processors can be concurrently increased by configuring reserved processors online. The operating system must concurrently configure more processors online. If necessary, more LPARs can be created to use the newly added capacity.
CBU deactivation
To deactivate the CBU, the extra resources must be released from the LPARs by the operating systems. In some cases, this process involves varying the resources offline. In other cases, it can mean shutting down operating systems or deactivating LPARs. After the resources are released, the same facility on the HMC/SE is used to turn off CBU. To deactivate CBU, select the Undo temporary upgrade option from the Perform Model Conversion task on the SE.
CBU testing
Test CBUs are provided as part of the CBU contract. CBU is activated from the SE by using the Perform Model Conversion task. Select the test option to start a 10-day test period. A standard contract allows one test per CBU year. However, you can order more tests in increments of one up to a maximum of 15 for each CBU order.
Tip: The CBU test activation is done the same way as the real activation; that is, by using the same SE Perform a Model Conversion window and selecting the Temporary upgrades option. The HMC windows were changed to avoid accidental real CBU activations by setting the test activation as the default option.
The test CBU must be deactivated in the same way as the regular CBU. Failure to deactivate the CBU feature before the expiration date can cause the system to degrade gracefully back to its original configuration. The system does not deactivate dedicated engines or the last in-use shared engine.
CBU example
An example of a CBU operation is shown in Figure 8-15. The permanent configuration is a 504, and a record contains seven CP CBU features. During an activation, multiple target configurations are available. With 7 CP CBU features, you can add up to 7CPs within the same MCI, which allows the activation of a 506, 507, through to a 511(the blue path).
Alternatively, 4 CP CBU features can be used to change the MCI (in the example from a 504 to a 704) and then add the remaining 3 CP CBU features to upgrade to a 707 (the red path).
Figure 8-15 CBU example
Note: System Recovery Boost record does not affect model capacity identifier.
8.9.3 Automatic CBU enablement for GDPS
The IBM Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (GDPS) enables automatic management of the PUs that are provided by the CBU feature during a system or site failure. Upon detection of a site failure or planned disaster test, GDPS concurrently adds CPs to the systems in the take-over site to restore processing power for mission-critical production workloads. GDPS automation runs the following tasks:
The analysis that is required to determine the scope of the failure. This process minimizes operator intervention and the potential for errors.
Automates authentication and activation of the reserved CPs.
Automatically restarts the critical applications after reserved CP activation.
Reduces the outage time to restart critical workloads from several hours to minutes.
The GDPS service is for z/OS only, or for z/OS in combination with Linux on Z.
8.10 Planning for nondisruptive upgrades
Continuous availability is an important requirement for clients, and planned outages are no longer acceptable. Although Parallel Sysplex clustering technology is the best continuous availability solution for z/OS environments, nondisruptive upgrades within a single system can avoid system outages and cover non-z/OS operating systems.
z15 servers allow concurrent upgrades, which means that dynamically adding capacity to the system is possible. If the operating system images that run on the upgraded system do not require disruptive tasks to use the new capacity, the upgrade is also nondisruptive. This process avoids power-on resets (POR), LPAR deactivation, and IPLs.
If the concurrent upgrade is intended to satisfy an image upgrade to an LPAR, the operating system that is running in this partition must concurrently configure more capacity online. z/OS operating systems include this capability. z/VM can concurrently configure new processors and I/O devices online, and memory can be dynamically added to z/VM partitions.
If the concurrent upgrade is intended to satisfy the need for more operating system images, more LPARs can be created concurrently on the z15 system. These LPARs include all resources that are needed. These extra LPARs can be activated concurrently.
These enhanced configuration options are available through the HSA, which is an IBM reserved area in system memory.
Linux operating systems, in general, cannot add more resources concurrently. However, Linux, and other types of virtual machines that run under z/VM, can benefit from the z/VM capability to nondisruptively configure more resources online (processors and I/O).
With z/VM, Linux guests can manipulate their logical processors by using the Linux CPU hotplug daemon. The daemon can start and stop logical processors that are based on the Linux load average value. The daemon is available in Linux SLES 10 SP2 and later, and in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) V5R4 and up.
8.10.1 Components
The following components can be added, depending on the considerations as described in this section:
CPs, ICFs, zIIPs, IFLs, and SAPs can be added concurrently to a z15 server if unassigned PUs are available on any installed processor drawer. The number of zIIPs cannot exceed twice the number of CPs. The z15 allows the concurrent addition of a second and third processor drawer if the CPC reserve features are installed.
If necessary, more LPARs can be created concurrently to use the newly added processors.
The Coupling Facility Control Code (CFCC) can also configure more processors online to coupling facility LPARs by using the CFCC image operations window.
Memory can be added concurrently up to the physical installed memory limit. More processor drawers can be installed concurrently, which allows further memory upgrades by LICCC, and enables memory capacity on the new processor drawers.
By using the previously defined reserved memory, z/OS operating system images, and z/VM partitions, you can dynamically configure more memory online. This process allows nondisruptive memory upgrades. Linux on Z supports Dynamic Storage Reconfiguration.
I/O features can be added concurrently if all the required infrastructure (I/O slots and PCIe Fanouts) is present in the configuration. PCIe+ I/O drawers can be added concurrently without planning if free space is available in one of the frames and the configuration permits.
Dynamic I/O configurations are supported by certain operating systems (z/OS and z/VM), which allows nondisruptive I/O upgrades. Dynamic I/O reconfiguration on a stand-alone coupling facility system is also possible using the Dynamic I/O activation for stand-alone CF CPCs features
Cryptographic adapters
Crypto Express7S features can be added concurrently if all the required infrastructure is in the configuration.
Special features
Special features such as zHyperlink, Coupling Express LR, and RoCE features can be added concurrently if all infrastructure is available in the configuration.
8.10.2 Concurrent upgrade considerations
By using an MES upgrade, On/Off CoD, CBU, or CPE, a z15 server can be upgraded concurrently from one model to another (temporarily or permanently).
Enabling and using the extra processor capacity is not apparent to most applications. However, certain programs depend on processor model-related information, such as ISV products. Consider the effect on the software that is running on a z15 server when you perform any of these configuration upgrades.
Processor identification
The following instructions are used to obtain processor information:
Store System Information (STSI) instruction
The STSI instruction can be used to obtain information about the current execution environment and any processing level below the current environment. It can be used to obtain processor model and model capacity identifier information from the basic machine configuration form of the system information block (SYSIB). It supports concurrent upgrades and is the recommended way to request processor information.
Store CPU ID (STIDP) instruction
STIDP returns information that identifies the execution environment, system serial number, and machine type.
Note: To ensure unique identification of the configuration of the issuing CPU, use the STSI instruction specifying basic machine configuration (SYSIB 1.1.1).
Store System Information instruction
The format of the basic machine configuration SYSIB that is returned by the STSI instruction is shown in Figure 8-16. The STSI instruction returns the model capacity identifier for the permanent configuration and the model capacity identifier for any temporary capacity. This data is key to the functioning of CoD offerings.
Figure 8-16 Format of system-information block (SYSIB)
The model capacity identifier contains the base capacity, On/Off CoD, and CBU. The Model Permanent Capacity Identifier and the Model Permanent Capacity Rating contain the base capacity of the system. The Model Temporary Capacity Identifier and Model Temporary Capacity Rating contain the base capacity and On/Off CoD.
For more information about the STSI instruction, see z/Architecture Principles of Operation, SA22-7832.
Store CPU ID (STIDP) instruction
The STIDP instruction returns information about the processor type, serial number, and LPAR identifier, as shown in Figure 8-17.
Figure 8-17 STIDP Information
Consider the following points:
Bits 0 - 7:
 – For a program that is run by an IBM machine in a level-1 configuration (basic machine mode), or for a program being run by a level-2 configuration (in a logical partition), the environment field contains 00 hex.
 – For a program that is run natively by the System z Personal-Development Tool, the environment field contains C1 hex or D3 hex.
 – For a program that is run by a level-3 configuration (a virtual machine, such as a z/VM guest), the environment field contains FF hex.
Bit positions 8 - 31
Contains six hexadecimal digits. The right-most of these digits can represent the machine’s serial number.
Bit positions 32 - 47
Contains an unsigned packed-decimal number that identifies the machine type of the CPU.
Bit position 48
Specifies the format of the first two hexadecimal digits of the configuration-identification field.
Bit positions 49 - 63 are reserved and stored as zeros.
For more information about the STIDP instruction, see z/Architecture Principles of Operation, SA22-7832.
Planning for nondisruptive upgrades
Online permanent upgrades, On/Off CoD, CBU, and CPE can be used to upgrade a z15 server concurrently. However, certain situations require a disruptive task to enable capacity that was recently added to the system. Some of these situations can be avoided if planning is done in advance. Planning ahead is a key factor for nondisruptive upgrades.
Disruptive upgrades are performed for the following reasons:
LPAR memory upgrades when reserved storage was not previously defined are disruptive to image upgrades. z/OS and z/VM support this function.
An I/O upgrade when the operating system cannot use the dynamic I/O configuration function is disruptive to that partition. Linux, z/VSE, and z/TPF do not support dynamic I/O configuration.
You can minimize the need for these outages by carefully planning and reviewing “Guidelines to avoid disruptive upgrades” on page 378.
Guidelines to avoid disruptive upgrades
Based on the reasons for disruptive upgrades (see “Planning for nondisruptive upgrades” on page 377), you can use the following guidelines to avoid or at least minimize these situations, which increases the chances for nondisruptive upgrades:
By using an SE function that is called Logical Processor add, which is under Operational Customization tasks, CPs and zIIPs can be added concurrently to a running partition. The CP and zIIP and initial or reserved number of processors can be changed dynamically.
The operating system that runs in the targeted LPAR must support the dynamic addition of resources and to configure processors online. The total number of defined and reserved CPs cannot exceed the number of CPs that are supported by the operating system. z/OS V2.R4, V2.R3, and V2.R2 support 190 PUs per z/OS LPAR in non-SMT mode and 128 PUs per z/OS LPAR in SMT mode. For both, the PU total is the sum of CPs and zIIPs. z/VM supports up to 64 processors.
Configure reserved storage to LPARs.
Configuring reserved storage for all LPARs before their activation enables them to be nondisruptively upgraded. The operating system that is running in the LPAR must configure memory online. The amount of reserved storage can be greater than the CPC drawer threshold limit, even if no other CPC drawer is installed. With z15 servers, the current partition storage limit is 4 TB for z/OS V2.R1 and later. z/VM V7.R1 and V6.R4 support 2 TB memory partitions.
Consider the flexible memory options.
Use a convenient entry point for memory capacity, and select memory options that allow future upgrades within the memory cards that are installed on the CPC drawers. For more information about the offerings, see 2.5.7, “Flexible Memory Option” on page 65.
Considerations when installing CPC drawers
During an upgrade, a second and third processor drawer can be installed concurrently if they are pre-planned. Depending on the number of processor drawers in the upgrade and your I/O configuration, a fanout rebalancing might be needed for availability reasons. A fourth or fifth processor drawer can be installed at the IBM Manufacturing plant only.
8.11 Summary of Capacity on-Demand offerings
The CoD infrastructure and its offerings are based on client requirements for more flexibility, granularity, and better business control over the IBM Z infrastructure, operationally, and financially.
One major client requirement was to eliminate the need for a client authorization connection to the IBM Resource Link system when activating an offering. This requirement is met by the z13, z14, and z15 servers.
After the offerings are installed on the z15 SE, they can be activated at any time at the client’s discretion. No intervention by IBM or IBM personnel is necessary. In addition, the activation of CBU does not require a password.
The z15 server can have up to eight offerings installed at the same time, with the limitation that only one of them can be an On/Off CoD offering. The others can be any combination. The installed offerings can be activated fully or partially, and in any sequence and any combination. The offerings can be controlled manually through command interfaces on the HMC, or programmatically through a number of APIs. IBM applications, ISV programs, and client-written applications can control the use of the offerings.
Resource usage (and therefore, financial exposure) can be controlled by using capacity tokens in the On/Off CoD offering records.
The CPM is an example of an application that uses the CoD APIs to provision On/Off CoD capacity that is based on the requirements of the workload. The CPM cannot control other offerings.
For more information about any of the topics in this chapter, see IBM Z Capacity on Demand User’s Guide, SC28-6943.

1 The z15 zero CP MCI is 400. This setting applies to an all-IFL or all-ICF system.
2 Other adapter types, such as zHyperlink, Coupling Express LR, and Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over Converged Ethernet (RoCE), also can be added to the PCIe+ I/O drawers through an MES.
3 All new CBU contract documents contain new CBU test terms to allow execution of production workload during CBU test. CBU clients must sign the IBM client Agreement Amendment for IBM Z Capacity Backup Upgrade Tests (US form #Z125-8145).
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