
1.1Users of this book

This book has been comprised for ISPF users with programming skills. You will learn how to insert and use your own functions in the ISPF using the procedure language REXX together with ISPF programming facilities.

1.2The significance of the REXX programming language in z/OS

Michael Cowlishaw and his team developed REXX in 1979 at the IBM laboratory in Hursley GB for the mainframe operating system MVS. Since this time many z/OS applications using the programming language REXX have been developed in IBM labs worldwide. Almost all of these applications run under the control of ISPF. This shows that IBM to the programming language REXX attaches great importance.

Other REXX implementations:

REXX is now available on all major computer platforms. I would particularly like to mention The REXX Language Association here. This association develops and maintains the object-oriented REXX version OOREXX. Use the internet link www.rexxla.org to get more information. I use OOREXX on my own Windows PC for many tasks, e.g., control of backups, printing of a list for all my stored movies.

1.3Brochures for programming ISPF applications

The following subchapters describe which brochures are needed for programming ISPF applications.

The required books are divided into following groups.

Books that describe the REXX language.

Books that describe the ISPF programming facility enhancements.

One book that describes the TSO/E commands usable in REXX programs.

1.3.1The REXX programming literature

There are many books on the market describing the REXX language. Now there are several implementations of the REXX language in a variety of computer systems available. For the use of REXX under TSO-E and ISPF, the official brochure of IBM is the most important one. I use for my REXX programming in ISPF the following two books: REXX Reference

IBM form number SA22-7790.

This book is the official REXX language publication of IBM. It contains descriptions of all aspects how REXX can be in the TSO-E environment used. First, this brochure contains the description of the REXX commands. In addition, the following topics are discussed in detail:

Debug aids.

TSO/E REXX programming services

TSO/E REXX customizing services

Language Processor Environments

Initialization and termination routines

Replaceable routines and exits

These chapters are only of interest to programmers who want to use REXX programs under special conditions as there are:

Calling subroutines written in Assembler language.

Calling REXX programs by programs that are written in other languages.

Writing REXX execs to perform MVS operator activities. REXX Language

Published 1990 by Prentice-Hall Inc. ISBN 0-13-780651-5.

The father of the REXX programming language Michael Cowlishaw wrote this book. It contains descriptions of all elements of the language without describing implementations in single carrier systems. I use this book often for creating REXX programs, because it is also helpful to create REXX programs under MS Windows just because it only contains the description of the REXX language and nothing else.

1.3.2ISPF reference books

Of course, for such a big subsystem as the ISPF many reference books are available. You can find these books free of charge in IBMs internet book libraries. They are available in two types:

1.As PDF books for downloading to your PC.

2.For direct display with an internet browser.

In the following chapter, I will show you where you can find all information to develop ISPF applications. Unfortunately, IBM changes methods from time to time to find a certain type of reference book. You can use the following steps:

1.With the following URL you reach the general z/OS literature frame:


3.You can click on the line z/OS V2R1 documentation in PDF format. This action leads you to z/OS V2R1 Elements and Features selection menu. When a new release of z/OS appears, the text V2R1 may change.

4.Now press Cntrl+F and enter the search text ISPF. The browser positions the cursor on z/OS ISPF.

5.Click on this line and see the group of available ISPF publications.

6.Click on the book you want and the book is opened in your PDF reader. You can now save it on your PC for later use.

There is a direct link to the ISPF Library

Under this link, you will find ONLY ISPF reference books. However, also earlier releases are listed.

The IBM form number:

All books within the IBM z/OS library have a dedicated Form Number. The IBM form number consists of three blocks of information each separated by a hyphen:

1.The first part is a four-character item: two alpha characters and a two-digit number. e.g., SC19 stands for all ISPF books.

2.The second part is a four-digit number defining the book within its group.

3.The third part is a two-digit number continuously counted upward for this book.

Table 1.1 on page 4 shows the ISPF reference books designed for ISPF programming purposes and their form numbers for z/OS release V2R1:

Table 1.1: Reference books for the programming of ISPF applications

TitleForm number
z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer’s Guide and ReferenceSC19-3619-00
z/OS ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide and ReferenceSC19-3620-00
z/OS ISPF Edit and Edit MacrosSC19-3621-00
z/OS ISPF Messages and CodesSC19-3622-00
z/OS ISPF Reference SummarySC19-3624-00
z/OS ISPF Services GuideSC19-3626-00

If you are searching for a book using the form number, then you should use only the basic number without the release appendix. The system then shows all available titles and you can choose the proper exemplar.

The following listing shows such manuals you should have as an ISPF programmer: for ISPF application programmers

SC19-3621 → ISPF Edit and Edit Macros

This book contains the normal handling procedures for the ISPF editor as well as the programming commands and rules for the development of Edit Macros. As you will see later, many edit macros are included in the SMART ISPF utilities.

SC19-3624 → ISPF Reference Summary

This manual contains short references for all commands and their parameters. This is the right book if a programmer is familiar in developing ISPF applications.

SC19-3619 → ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference

This manual describes the development of applications in an ISPF environment. The description for producing panels does not contain the use of the Dialog Tag Language.

SC19-3626 → ISPF Services Guide

This manual contains descriptions of all facilities, rules and techniques used for ISPF programming.

1.3.3TSO reference books

As I mentioned above, ISPF is running under control of TSO. Sometimes you need the assistance of TSO, e.g. for data set access. Therefore, it is necessary to know where you can find information concerning TSO commands. You need only one book from the wide range of available TSO reference books:

TSO/E Command Reference Form Number: SA22-7782

1.3.4The ISPF services

ISPF offers many services to program ISPF applications. To use these services in REXX application programs, ISPF offers dedicated commands for each service. Table 1.2 on page 5 shows the ISPF service groups and their usage:

Table 1.2: ISPF service groups

Service GroupUsed for
Display Servicedisplay of panels and tables
LM Serviceworking with libraries (LM stands for Library Management)
Table Serviceworking with ISPF tables
FT Servicedynamic production of JCL by using skeletons
Q Servicequery services
V Servicehandling of ISPF variables

Commands to use these services in a REXX program are described in later chapters.

imageConclusion concerning the theme ISPF literature released by IBM:
I would first like to emphasize that the IBM literature for the entire z/OS system is very good. However, as always in the IBM brochures, all aspects of commands are explained in detail and for the beginner it is sometimes difficult in the application of commands to apply a command properly for the achievement of a specific purpose. One aspect of this book is to explain readers the commands always in connection with a specific goal. Finally, yet very important, this is a major reason why I have written this book.

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