• actions, power of
  • acronyms
  • Adaptive Leadership program, Harvard
  • advice, sources of
  • Alannah and Madeline Foundation
  • analogies and metaphors
  • answer for everything
  • anxiety
  • Armour, Andrew
  • audience
    • — action desired from
    • — analysis
    • — purpose of presentation for
    • — put first
    • — thanking
  • authenticity
    • — storytelling
  • baby boomers
  • Bank of Melbourne
  • Batchelor, Cindy
  • biography for presentations
  • body language
  • Bond, Jeff
  • Boston Tea Party
  • bounded rationality
  • brains
    • — gut (enteric)
    • — head
    • — heart
    • — leadership and
  • brand, your professional
  • Brown, Brené
  • bumper sticker the message
  • Bupa Care Services
  • change, organisational
  • challenging yourself
  • chimes, personal
  • Church, Matt
  • citizen experience portfolio
  • Clance, Pauline Rose
  • clichés
  • close of play
  • cognitive limits
  • cognitive load theory
  • Coles, Jenni
  • Columbia disaster
  • communication; see also grapevine, organisational; online communication; presenting in person; storytelling; storytelling grapevine
    • — approaches
    • — online
    • — presentations
    • — real you
    • — three brains and
    • — top-down approach
    • — why vs what
  • confidence
    • — areas of focus
    • — choices and
    • — defined
    • — effects on
    • — environment and
    • — genetics and
    • — improving
    • — muscle
    • — vs competence
  • Confidence Code, The
  • congruence
  • courage
  • credibility
  • CVP (customer value proposition)
  • death by PowerPoint; see also PowerPoint
  • Deloitte's Millennial Survey
  • diverted from course
  • dot-com generation see Gen Y
  • drawing a line in the sand
  • dress code for presentations
  • Dunning-Kruger effect
  • emerging leaders
  • engagement
  • Ericsson
  • executional excellence
  • Facebook
  • failure
  • Five Ps
  • flexibility
  • frontier of competence
  • genius vs fraud
  • Gen X
  • Gen Y
    • — characteristics and attitudes
    • — communicating with
    • — leading
    • — understanding
  • Gershon, Michael
  • Gillard, Julia
  • Goldsmith, Marshall
  • grapevine, organisational; see also storytelling grapevine
  • Gray, Tristram
  • Gregory, Dan
  • Henry, Jodie
  • hot buttons see chimes, personal
  • Imes, Suzanne
  • impact
  • Impossible Institute
  • impostor syndrome
    • — consequences of
    • — feelings associated with
    • — gender difference
    • — opposite of
    • — solution
  • information fatigue syndrome
  • information overload
  • intelligence, three forms
  • jargon
  • Jenkins, Barb
  • job tenure, changing
  • Keynote; see also PowerPoint
  • language
    • — acronyms
    • — analogies and metaphors
    • — clichés
    • — jargon
    • — management speak
    • — weasel words
  • Lao Tzu
  • leadership
    • — defined
    • — style and values, demonstrating
  • Leopold, Mark
  • level up
  • lighthouse story
  • LinkedIn
  • listening cost
  • luck
  • management speak
  • mBraining
  • millennials see Gen Y
  • mindfulness
  • misogyny speech, Julia Gillard's
  • mission statements
  • Morrison, Scott
  • NAB
  • neurocardiology
  • neuroscience
  • Norvig, Peter
  • Oarsome Foursome
  • Obama, Barack
  • online communication
    • — connecting well
    • — using LinkedIn
    • — website, your
  • operational excellence
  • Operation Sovereign Borders
  • passion
  • perfectionism
  • Phillips, Jac
  • Pincus, Natasha
  • Pinker, Suzanne
  • point of view, importance of
  • political speak see language
  • positioning, importance of
  • positive delusion
  • PowerPoint
    • — avoiding
    • — creating document from
    • — misuse of
    • — rules for sound use
  • PowerPointlessness
  • power posing
  • power position
  • pre-match routine
  • presenting in person; see also communication; language; online communication; PowerPoint; storytelling
    • — actions during
    • — after
    • — audience first
    • — biography, your
    • — bumper sticker the message
    • — connection, building
    • — delivery style
    • — do something unusual
    • — dress code
    • — engagement and inspiration
    • — feedback and reflection
    • — improving
    • — key messages
    • — lapel mic
    • — lectern, avoid use of
    • — listening cost
    • — mentor
    • — messages, your
    • — pacing
    • — plan and structure
    • — practice for
    • — practice quadrant model
    • — preparation for
    • — priorities
    • — props, suing
    • — purpose
    • — purpose, audience
    • — purpose, your
    • — space, using
    • — storytelling in
    • — technology
    • — thanking audience
    • — tips for practice
    • — visualisation
  • preparation for presentations; see also PowerPoint; presenting in person; storytelling
    • — immediately before
    • — practice for
    • — practice quadrant model
    • — tips for practice
    • — well before
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers study
  • process focusing
  • pull stories
  • purpose
    • — audience
    • — your
  • push stories
    • — sources of
    • — three-step process
  • Readify
  • real you
    • — becoming
    • — communicating
    • — finding
    • — online
    • — presenting in person
    • — on your website
  • reframing
  • response
    • — considered vs reactive
    • — delaying
  • Rework
  • Richardson, Alan
  • risk taking, demonstrated through storytelling
  • road shows
  • ‘Roar’ (Katy Perry)
  • roles played, understanding
    • — expectations of
    • — tensions between
  • Rollason, Shannon
  • rollouts
  • Rowling, J.K.
  • satisficing
  • Schmidt, Eric
  • self, best
  • self, unique see also yous, three
    • — finding
  • Schultz, Howard
  • self-awareness
  • sensibility
  • Simon, Herbert
  • Sinek, Simon
  • six degrees of separation and work
  • Slocombe, Judith
  • social media; see also Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter
  • ‘Somebody that I used to know’ (Gotye)
  • Springsteen, Bruce
  • step change
  • storytelling
    • — demonstrating leadership
    • — emotion vs data
    • — ending well
    • — engaging style
    • — errors
    • — grapevine
    • — humour
    • — personal stories
    • — in presentations
    • — props
    • — pull stories
    • — purpose
    • — push stories
    • — sharing stories
    • — starting well
    • — strategic
    • — style
    • — tips for
  • storytelling grapevine
    • — influencing
    • — pull stories
    • — push stories
  • storytelling style
  • avoider see bragger
    • — bragger
    • — inspirer
    • — joker
    • — reporter
  • Strange, Graeme
  • strengths vs weaknesses
  • success
    • — downplaying
    • — feelings of
  • Summers Anne
  • Sweller, John
  • Thorburn, Andrew
  • Thought Leaders Global
  • town hall meetings
  • transparency
  • true calling see True North
  • True North
  • trust
  • truth vs convenient story
  • Tufte, Edward
  • Twitter
  • values
    • — personal
    • — corporate
  • visualisation
  • vulnerability
    • — myths of
    • — storytelling
    • — strength in
  • Watson, Don
  • weasel words
  • website, using your
  • Weinberger, David
  • what you stand for
  • who you know
  • why, start with the
  • work–life balance
  • you, real see real you
  • ‘Your Unique Self’
  • yous, three
    • — aligning
    • — inner
    • — outer
    • — perceived
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