CHAPTER 1 | Wrap-Up

This chapter focused on the big picture of the art-making process and what makes for strong imagery, while helping you to identify personal motivations and interests beyond the medium of your chosen artistic expression. This is just the beginning.

Hold on to your responses prompted by the questions in this chapter. You’ll need to reference them as you move forward.

  • - Characteristics of artwork you are drawn to
  • - Identifying your vision
  • - Recording childhood memories
  • - Identifying areas of interest
  • - Identifying goals for making work

As you move forward through the rest of the chapters, it will become clear how to harmonize your work process with the self-knowledge that you have gained. You’ll learn how to leverage what you know about yourself to benefit your work. This will happen organically as you naturally make connections and associations to what you have already been creating. You’ll appreciate these connections primarily during brainstorming, pre-production, and self-critique sessions. Some realizations will take more time to clarify. Be patient.


Art and Visual Perception:
A Psychology of the Creative Eye
(2004), Rudolf Arnheim

Mastery (2012), Robert Greene

The Portable Jung (1976), Carl G. Jung and Joseph Campbell

Man and His Symbols (1968), Carl G. Jung


Commencement Speech at the University of the Arts (2012), Neil Gaiman


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