Chapter 6. People

A System of Management

“Year after year, Toyota has been able to get more out of its people than its competitors have been able to get out of theirs,”1 according to Gary Hamel. “It took Detroit more than 20 years to ferret out the radical management principle at the heart of Toyota’s capacity for relentless improvement....Only after American carmakers had exhausted every other explanation for Toyota’s success—an undervalued yen, a docile workforce, Japanese culture, superior automation—were they finally able to admit that Toyota’s real advantage was its ability to harness the intellect of ‘ordinary’ employees.”

Lean is a management system that creates engaged, thinking people at every level of the organization and most particularly at the front line. If you implement all of the lean principles save one—respect for people—you will reap only a shadow of the potential advantages that lean can bring. If you implement only one principle—respect for people—you will position the people in your organization to discover and implement the remaining lean principles.

The Boeing 777

In 1988 Boeing made the rounds of its customers with plans for a new plane, a larger version of the 767 that would carry maybe 350 passengers. But somehow no one at Boeing had really understood what customers were looking for, and the proposed design got a collective yawn. So Boeing found itself designing a brand new airplane, listening carefully to customers this time. Two years later the Boeing 777 design competed with the McDonnell Douglas MD-11 and the Airbus A 330—both existing airplanes—for a large order from United Airlines. Boeing won the order, but with two conditions: First, the plane would be deliv ered certified for extended range operation within five years, and second, since the plane didn’t exist yet, Boeing and United would work together to be sure that the airplane would truly meet United’s needs.

This was a “bet the company” deal, an incredibly aggressive deadline with fierce penalties for not meeting it, coupled with a once-in-a-decade opportunity to define the next generation aircraft. Alan Mulally was charged with making it happen, and he responded by creating an entirely new management system for the Boeing 777 program. There were those who argued that this was not the time for a new management system—the old one had worked well for years. But root cause analysis of every problem that delayed the schedule of previous programs led to only one conclusion: Delays were caused because people were not working together, not looking for problems early enough, not paying attention when a problem arose, not communicating with each other promptly or effectively. So Mulally focused his energies on Working Together—an enormously successful example of organizational teamwork that has been largely credited with the extraordinary success of the Boeing 777 program. He created more than 200 design/build teams with members from design, manufacturing, suppliers, and customer airlines—everyone from pilots to baggage handlers. These teams captured the insight of those who would use the plane while it was being designed. For example, one team discovered that the fuel port on the wing was so high that no United fuel truck could reach it, something that would probably not have been caught until delivery under the former approach to development.2

Mulally urged everyone to “share early and share often,” and he insisted on no secrets. Every problem was to be raised with and discussed by the team until a solution emerged. Suppliers worked on the basis of trust, and customers were given an unprecedented insight into the development process and status, as well as a large voice in trade-off decisions.

Mulally preached a “test early and fail fast” philosophy. Testing was moved as early in the development process as possible at all levels. For the first time the entire plane was designed using a 3-D modeling system. 3-D modeling provided a sort of unit test for each part, to be sure it fit and did not interfere with other parts. This resolved a problem that had plagued the early manufacturing stage of all previous models.

Testing was aggressive at every stage of integration. The new Pratt & Whitney engine was considered so well-tested that flight tests could be bypassed. But the collective wisdom of the engineers was biased toward testing it anyway, so at considerable expense, one of the new engines was mounted to a 747 and tested in real flight. The engine backfired badly, and a critical part had to be redesigned. Mulally’s reaction was: “Isn’t that great! We found the problem early.”

We know his reaction because Boeing allowed the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) to film the entire five-year development effort without exercising editorial control. The resulting five hour, publicly available documentary3 brings home how Working Together solicited and quickly acted on the ideas of everyone—a wing sealer on the production line could get a suggestion implemented in an hour instead of weeks. It showed how a small company in Australia manufacturing the rudder was handed one impossible change after another by Boeing, but working on the basis of trust, they figured out how to deliver the rudder on time.

Boeing had to work creatively with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to obtain long-range flight certification before delivery of the plane to United, because twin engine planes were supposed to be tried in actual use for a couple of years before being allowed to fly more than an hour from an airport. Boeing proposed a set of tests so rigorous that pilots and regulators alike were intrigued: Could a brand new plane really pass such a rigorous test regime? The “test early and fail fast” strategy worked. The new plane passed the extensive testing with ease, and was the first twin engine plane to receive “out-of-the-box” long-range certification.

The 777 was Boeing’s first fly-by-wire aircraft—controlled by software and electrical actuators rather than hydraulics and cables. As part of the Working Together program Boeing insisted that everyone use the same software language: Ada. Although suppliers were initially resistant, they came to like the discipline that a strongly typed, object-based language imposed at compile time. The largest part of the software was the Airplane Information Management System developed by Honeywell’s Air Transport Systems division. Honeywell used a loosely coupled architecture that allowed the seven main functions to be developed independently by teams of 60–100 engineers. In the end, all of the 777 software was delivered and working on time except the passenger phone system.

On June 7, 1995, three Boeing 777s took off on their first commercial flights, meeting the deadline established five years earlier. For more than a decade, Boeing has delivered 777 aircraft at the rapid pace of about 50 per year, and as of this writing it holds orders for another five years of deliveries.

I Worked On the 777

I worked at Honeywell’s Air Transport Systems division in Minneapolis at the time the 777 was being developed. We designed the triple redundant inertial navigation system—the laser gyroscopes that tell an aircraft exactly where it is even in the absence of GPS data. There was a lot of evidence of Boeing’s Working Together program. This was before the Internet brought ubiquitous e-mail to the world, so we linked our internal e-mail systems together, which was novel at the time. We used FTP to exchange current versions of documents electronically, and we held status and feedback meetings every week via teleconference.

Those were challenging times for the aircraft industry, which experienced one of its cyclical downturns in the mid 1990s. There were industry-wide layoffs, so many people moved on to do different things. But every time I meet others who worked on the 777, their memory of the experience is uniformly positive.

—Tom Poppendieck

Boeing has moved on to the defining program of this decade, the 787 Dreamliner. This program brings another management innovation: an unprecedented degree of collaboration between Boeing and its global partners in the design and development of the aircraft. Boeing has created a worldwide innovation network and directs design challenges to the center of expertise around the world that is best equipped to handle the challenge. The 787 development is supported by far superior electronic collaboration tools than were available to the 777 teams, but it is Boeing’s Working Together culture that makes the collaboration work.

W. Edwards Deming

In July of 1950, a US statistician named W. Edwards Deming, who had been to Japan to help with the census a few years earlier, was invited to return and give a series of lectures to some of Japan’s most influential industrial leaders. Deming was asked how to change the world’s perception that Japan produced inferior products. He responded that production is a “system” that includes the supplier and the customer, and that business leaders should focus on continually improving the overall system. One way to do this is to use statistical process control to build quality into products instead of inspecting it in later. Recordings of Deming’s lectures were translated into Japanese, and proceeds from their sale were used by JUSE, the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers, to fund the prestigious Deming award.

Deming traveled to Japan several times over the next 15 years, but back home in the United States, he was relatively unknown. Then in 1980 the NBC report “If Japan Can...Why Can’t We?” featured Deming chiding US companies for the poor quality of their products. At 80 years old, Deming had finally been discovered by his own country. The TV show aired only once, but it shocked the country and put quality on corporate agendas. Deming was at the forefront of the quality movement in the United States until his death in 1993.

Deming espoused a System of Profound Knowledge that has four main points:

1. Appreciation for a System. Deming taught that the synergy between parts of any system is the key to the overall success of the system. Since he saw production as a system, he emphasized that it is important to manage the relationship between its parts—the relationship between departments in a company—the relationship between suppliers, producers, and customers. Above all, Deming believed that a systems view was fundamental; suboptimizing any part of the system was not in the best interest of the whole.

2. Knowledge about Variation. Deming was appalled at the way in which workers were blamed for problems that were inherent in the system in which they worked. His lectures focused on making sure managers understood that most system variation was what he called common cause variation, that is variation inherent in the system. He did exercises to show that trying to eliminate this variation from the system is not only futile, it just makes things worse. Deming emphasized that the bulk of the causes of low quality and low productivity were inherent in the system and thus, lie beyond the power of the individual worker. Deadlines and slogans do nothing to address systemic problems. What was needed instead, Deming insisted, was leadership in changing the way the system works.

3. Theory of Knowledge. A physicist himself, Deming espoused the scientific method for developing a data-based understanding of the system and making decisions. The steps of the scientific method—hypothesize, experiment, learn, incorporate learning—give us the well-known Deming Cycle4—plan, do, check, act (PDCA). A version of this cycle is found in virtually every quality and process improvement program. For more on this, see Chapter 7.

4. Psychology. Deming admonished managers that numbers don’t tell the whole story, and when it comes to people, the things that make a difference are skill, pride, expertise, confidence, and cooperation.

Deming summed up his multidimensional perspective on quality in 14 points for management (see sidebar).

Deming’s 14 Points5

1. Provide for the long-range needs of the company; don’t focus on short-term profitability. The goal is to stay in business and provide jobs.

2. The world has changed, and managers need to adopt a new way of thinking. Delays, mistakes, defective workmanship, and poor service are no longer acceptable.

3. Quit depending on inspection to find defects, and start building quality into products while they are being built. Use statistical process control.

4. Don’t choose suppliers on the basis of low bids alone. Minimize total cost by establishing long-term relationships with suppliers that are based on loyalty and trust.

5. Work continually to improve the system of production and service. Improvement is not a one-time effort; every activity in the system must be continually improved to reduce waste and improve quality.

6. Institute training. Managers should know how to do the job they supervise and be able to train workers. Managers also need training to understand the system of production.

7. Institute leadership. The job of managers is to help people do a better job and remove barriers in the system that keep them from doing their job with pride. The greatest waste in America is failure to use the abilities of people.

8. Drive out fear. People need to feel secure in order to do their job well. There should never be a conflict between doing what is best for the company and meeting the expectations of a person’s immediate job.

9. Break down barriers between departments. Create cross-functional teams so everyone can understand each-other’s perspective. Do not undermine team cooperation by rewarding individual performance.

10. Stop using slogans, exhortations, and targets. It is the system, not the workers, that creates defects and lowers productivity. Exhortations don’t change the system; that is management’s responsibility.

11. Eliminate numerical quotas for workers and numerical goals for people in management. (We add: Eliminate arbitrary deadlines for development teams.) This is management by fear. Try leadership.

12. Eliminate barriers that rob the people of their right to pride of workmanship. Stop treating hourly workers like a commodity. Eliminate annual performance ratings for salaried workers.

13. Encourage education and self-improvement for everyone. An educated workforce and management is the key to the future.

14. Take action to accomplish the transformation. A top management team must lead the effort with action, not just support.

—W. Edwards Deming

Alan Mulally created a management system for the 777 straight out of Deming’s playbook at a time when many companies throughout the US were discovering the power of Deming’s ideas. The design/build teams, the weekly team meetings to expose, discuss, diagnose, and dispose of problems went to the heart of creating pride of workmanship in everyone working on the plane. Although the deadline loomed, it was never allowed to get in the way of doing the right thing.

Deming said that the real purpose of a company was not to make money, it was to create customers who were so pleased that they would continue to buy products. Mulally made sure that the 777 development team was not focusing on hitting deadlines at the lowest possible cost; instead it was to develop a plane that would be efficient to manufacture, cost-effective for airlines to operate, easy for pilots to fly, simple to maintain, and comfortable for the people who flew in it.

Deming emphasized that suppliers should be chosen based on their ability to work closely with the producer to minimize total system costs. Boeing not only followed that principle, it went one step further and maximized system value over a long timeframe. For example, Boeing felt that the parts for the airplane needed to come from around the world, if it expected to sell the plane around the world. Thus, for example, 20 percent of the 777 would be manufactured in Japan, one of the biggest buyers of Boeing’s wide body jets.

The innovation in management thinking that Deming brought to the world is this: When things go wrong, the cause is almost always inherent in the system, and therefore it is a management problem. Managers who push harder on people to meet deadlines or reduce defects are ignoring the system problem and will usually make things worse. Instead, leaders must envision and institute fundamental changes that address the systemic causes of current problems.

Why Good Programs Fail

We have seen many corporate initiatives over the years, from the quality programs spawned by Deming (and others) to the lean programs in the early 1990s to the Six Sigma programs that followed. We’ve noticed that lean is currently making a comeback. We’ve watched CMM and ISO 9000 as their focus changed from quality improvement to certification. These initiatives started out with the best of intentions, and they made a difference. But after a while their implementations tended to lose the original potency and become bureaucratic. Every one of these initiatives has generated large and sustainable improvements in some companies and mediocre to disappointing results in many others. So why is this?

Gary Hamel suggests that the largest improvements in companies come from a management innovation—a marked departure from traditional management principles, processes, practices, or organizational forms—that confers a competitive advantage on the innovative company.6 When a management innovation creates a competitive advantage, it is a big one, and it is very difficult to copy, because management innovations are such a marked departure from accepted norms.

But that doesn’t keep companies from trying to copy the best practices of a competitor and attempting to mimic their perception of the management innovation. Almost without exception, the fundamental principle of the innovation is overlooked by the mimicking company, because as Gary Hamel says, “Management orthodoxies are often so ingrained in executive thinking that they are nearly invisible and are so devoutly held that they are practically unassailable. The more unconventional the principle underlying a management innovation, the longer it will take competitors to respond. In some cases, the head scratching can go on for decades.”

In other words, the central point of a management innovation is invisible to most management teams trying to copy the innovation. For example, many companies have tried to copy lean practices, but they often missed the central point. As Hamel noted, Toyota’s real innovation is its ability to harness the intellect of “ordinary” employees. Successful lean initiatives must be based first and foremost on a deep respect for every person in the company, especially those “ordinary” people who make the product or pound out the code.

Do You Think We Want to Steal Your Hangers?7

When Deming was a patient at Sibley Hospital in the early 1990s he called the chief operating officer, Jerry Price, into his room and said, "You don’t trust your patients, do you?" Price was puzzled.

“Look in the closet,” Deming roared. He shouted a lot, particularly at top management. Price looked in the closet, and it was filled with the coat hangers used in expensive hotels, the hangers that have little balls that must be fitted into tiny holes.

“How would you like to be 92 years old and sick and you couldn’t even hang up your clothes?” Deming demanded. “Do you think your patients want to steal your coat hangers?”

Deming sent the hospital a $25,000 check with instructions to buy new coat hangers for all the patients’ rooms.

Price did so, had a number of them sanded down, and had Deming sign them. Today, the quality awards at Sibley are sturdy wooden hangers with hooks and Deming’s signature mounted in a frame.

—Clare Crawford-Mason

Producer of the 1980 NBC report “If Japan Can...Why Can’t We?”

Consider the kind of messages that your policies and practices telegraph to the “ordinary” people in your company and to your suppliers. Do you trust your employees, or do you have locked stock rooms? Do you say that quality is important but only look at deadlines? Do you ask people to work in teams but then rank them against each other or base bonuses on individual performance? Do you talk about trust with suppliers, but insist on fixed price contracts? If you do these things, you are missing the central point of lean thinking: respect for people.


Our children were competitive swimmers when they were in high school. For almost a decade our son’s name was on the record board at the high school swimming pool until someone finally swam the backstroke faster and replaced him. We liked swimming as a sport because our son and daughter, three years apart in age, were in the same swimming club. They practiced together, went to meets together, and developed a mutual language and mutual respect. The sport demanded discipline and helped them develop good habits. But swimming didn’t really teach them a lot about teamwork.

The difference between individual sports and team sports is fairly clear. In individual sports, contestants win or lose based on their individual abilities. In team sports, the entire team wins or loses together based on the team members’ ability to work together. When our son was in college he was the coxswain of a crew team. He sat in the back of a long narrow boat synchronizing the efforts of eight hefty rowers as they sped down the water. Rowing is clearly a team sport.

We might call diving and gymnastics team sports because individual scores are totaled to a team score. But that’s not the same as basketball or soccer, where team members have to synchronize their efforts in order to perform. We should keep the same distinction in mind with work teams. People who work side by side are not necessarily a team, even when they sum up their individual efforts into a collective result. A work group becomes a team when the members hold themselves mutually accountable to produce a “collective work product.”8

There is nothing wrong with individual sports, they’re simply different than team sports. And there is nothing wrong with work groups, but they are different than teams. Putting a group of people together and calling them a team doesn’t make them a team. The thing that turns a group into a team is the mutual commitment of the members to pool their various skills and work together for a common purpose.

What Makes a Team?

What got our son up early every morning to coast his bike down the steep Ithaca hill to the Cornell University boat house? After all, the bike ride back up the hill was punishing. But the team had races to win, and to win races they had to work hard every day to learn to synchronize their efforts so that they could row faster and smarter than the teams from other schools. If anyone didn’t show up, or didn’t put out his best effort, the team wouldn’t make the progress it needed to make in order to win races.

Creating good software is a lot more like rowing than swimming. Software development involves constant problem solving; people make complex decisions many times a day, often with implications far beyond their own work. Pooling skill and knowledge from many different perspectives is critical to excellent results.

Teams need a challenge, a common goal, and a mutual commitment to work together to meet the goal. Team members depend upon each other, and help each other out. A wise organization will focus its attention, training, and resources on creating an environment where teams are challenged by their work and engaged with their teammates in doing the best job they can.


A crew boat is narrow, goes fast, turns slowly, and tips easily. A crew team has to concentrate hard on working together just to stay dry. Racing in water is all about current, wind, drag, and strategy. Consistently synchronized power is essential in order to keep the boat motion smooth and conserve energy for the final push. To win races, the rowers must first of all be excellent athletes, and secondly, they have to focus on synchronizing their efforts with their teammates every time they work out. It takes many workouts for powerful athletes to develop into excellent rowers.

Toyota believes that consistent excellence in product development starts with “towering technical competence in all engineers.”9 And the company does not think that such competence is learned in college; it is developed over time—several years—with experience and mentoring. Toyota starts by sending new engineers to automobile plants to make cars. Then they work in dealerships for a few months, selling cars and talking to customers. After about a half a year, new engineers are assigned to a department to work under the guidance of a senior engineer. The first thing they do is a “freshman project”—an improvement project which provides a challenge and teaches the engineer Toyota’s approach constant improvement. At the end of a year or so, new engineers start a rigorous, two year, on-the-job-training program in which they acquire a standard set of skills. Only then do they move up to entry level engineer and begin to be a serious team contributor. After this initial period, an engineer can expect to spend five or six years within the same specialty before being considered a first-rate engineer.

Excellent software products start with highly competent technical experts in many areas—architecture, object-oriented technologies, coding strategies, data structures, test automation. This is not a function of the methodology used for development; behind every excellent product, no matter how it was developed, you will find excellent technical people. In lean development, we acknowledge this fact and focus organizational policies on hiring and developing such experts.

A development team should have among its members the expertise necessary to meet its goals. Team members should mutually commit to specific team goals, and reliably achieve those goals by working together, pooling their expertise, and helping each other out whenever necessary. It is easier to help each other out when there are multiskilled people on the team. As development progresses, there may be more need for testing and less for development, or more need for user interface coding rather than database work. Developers can help testers, user interaction designers can test user interactions, junior members can pair up with more experienced team members to help out and learn new skills. Every person on the team is first of all a member of the team, and second a specialist in some particular discipline. No one on the team gets credit for being done until all the work the team committed to is done, so everyone pitches in however they are able.


During a race, a team of eight rowers needs a coxswain to focus on hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, and race strategy. The coxswain should be smart, confident, quick thinking, and weigh as little as possible. A coxswain is the “on-board” leader of a crew team, keeping the rowers focused on applying consistent, synchronized power so the boat glides smoothly through the water and air. During a race, the coxswain’s job is to read the weather, the course, and the competition, to make quick decisions, to steer the boat, and to keep the rowers’ effort paced so they have both a good position and enough reserve for the final sprint to beat the other boats across the line.

A large team without leadership is like a crew team without a coxswain. The team can perhaps go fast in the right direction, but it is unlikely to apply synchronized power and make the subtle course corrections that create a winning product. Toyota operates from the basic principle that teamwork is essential, but someone always needs to be responsible.12 We concur. All too often we find that “Everybody’s job is nobody’s job.” In Chapter 3 we discussed the importance of a champion who brings to a development team a deep understanding of the market need and the technology that can meet that need in a unique way. The question we address now is this: Does a development team also need a process leader? How many leaders does a team really need, and what are the appropriate roles?

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that process leadership is a substitute for product and technical leadership. It is not. The role of champion remains essential; there should be one or two people who deeply understand the customer and deeply understand the technology. If there are two people, they should speak with one voice and have joint responsibility for the success of the product. When an organization puts a new process in place, a process leader may be a good idea. However, the process leadership role must synchronize well with the role of champion, either through close cooperation or by adding process leadership to the champion’s role. If there are two people in the champion role already, three may be too many. If there is one champion, she or he may welcome the assistance of a process leader.

Responsibility-Based Planning and Control

Crew teams have coaches. The coach is usually in a motor boat with a megaphone, organizing workouts and critiquing performance. But once the boat heads out to race, the crew team is on its own. All the coach can do is watch. Responsibility-based planning and control operates on the same principle: There is a time to stop telling well-trained experts what to do and expect them to figure it out for themselves.

The way this works at Toyota is remarkable. The product development process has specific synchronizing events such as vehicle sketches, clay models, design structure plans, prototype, and so on. The dates for each event are scheduled by the chief engineer. Every engineer and supplier knows that these dates will not—ever—be moved. They know exactly what is expected of them at each synchronizing event, and they will—always—be ready with their contribution by the date. There are no excuses. Engineers are expected to obtain for themselves everything necessary to be ready on time. Thus, information is “pulled” by engineers as they need it instead of broadcast to long distribution lists. At Toyota, the engineering tasks required for each synchronization event are well known and standardized. But they are not tracked. The schedule is managed through the fundamental imperative that schedules are never missed. The rest is the responsibility of the engineers.

This may seem like an impossible development approach, except that you can find examples of the same approach being successfully applied in every major city in the world. Any city with a daily newspaper has a group of skilled people who develop a new product every day. They never miss a deadline, even when the news is changing right up to the cutoff, even when computers go down, and with surprisingly few exceptions, even while coping with local disasters. So if you would like to see a development process that never misses a deadline, go benchmark your local newspaper.

An important consideration to bear in mind when schedules become a commitment is that people must always have the time to do the job that they have committed to complete, and at the same time, the details of the job will always change. As we discussed in Chapter 5, if you expect teams to meet aggressive deadlines, you must limit work to capacity.

There is more than one way to accomplish this. Toyota has a good feel for how much effort will be required in any development cycle and staggers model development cycles so that the demands on each function are more or less leveled. Further, Toyota makes no attempt to schedule at the detailed level but expects that each function or supplier will back up their team members with additional help whenever it is needed.

PatientKeeper estimates features and tasks at a fine-grain level and dynamically adjusts that estimate daily. The new estimates give PatientKeeper an immediate alert when work exceeds capacity, and the amount of work is quickly adjusted make sure that there is no more work scheduled into an iteration than can be completed by the deadline.

Maintenance organizations maintain slack by working on routine requests that can be set aside, which provides the capacity to jump on emergencies when they arise. However you do it, remember that it is impossible to implement responsibility-based planning and control unless you understand the capacity of each team and limit the work expected of a team to its capacity.

The Visual Workspace

Airports are amazing places, especially hub airports. You can land on one airplane and leave on another a couple of hours later without talking to anyone, logging into a computer, or making a phone call. It’s your job to get yourself from your arriving aircraft to your departing aircraft on time, without any help from people, technology, or communication devices. Instead of having someone or something tell you how to do your job, the airport makes it easy for you—and all of the other people milling about the airport—to figure it out for yourself.

First you look at your ticket to see what flight you are supposed to take. Your ticket tells you the details: the airline, the flight number, and the originally scheduled departure time of your next flight. (In manufacturing, we would call such a ticket a kanban, a card with the instructions for your next job.) Your job is to get on that flight before it leaves. Now your question becomes, where is that flight leaving from, and how do I get there on time? To answer this question you find a big display to help you out. You look at the display to find out what concourse and gate the flight will leave from and when it is currently scheduled to leave. In larger airports there will often be another display to tell you how many minutes it will take you to walk to that concourse or gate to help you decide if you need to run or flag down an electric cart. Next, you follow easily visible signs to your concourse and go down the concourse where gates are numbered in order until you find the gate your plane is supposed to be leaving from. Finally, you check the display at the gate to be sure that the plane leaving from this gate is really the one your ticket says you should be on.

Airports use tickets, displays, and visible signs quite effectively. But one thing that’s missing in most airports is a dashboard, something that gives everyone a general idea of how the airport is operating. That’s OK when things are going well, but it is missed when something goes wrong.

An Alternate Route Home

One morning some years back, I arrived at the Santa Ana airport only to find that an airplane had skidded off the end of the runway a few minutes earlier. No one was hurt, no damage was done, really, but landings and takeoffs were temporarily suspended. Now my job switched from catching my plane to finding a way home before midnight. The first question to get answered was how likely is it that my plane will eventually take off? Unlike most airports, the Santa Ana airport has a dashboard, a central board that shows the schedule and gates for all landings and takeoffs. By watching this dashboard, I could soon tell that my aircraft was not going to be able to land and was being diverted to Los Angeles, a 45-minute drive away. So I immediately got my ticket reassigned to a Los Angeles flight, hopped on a bus provided by the airline, caught the Los Angeles flight, and actually arrived home a bit ahead of my original schedule. Unfortunately, many people did not see the big picture in time to react as quickly as I did, and quite a few spent the night in Santa Ana.

—Mary Poppendieck

Self-Directing Work

When lots of things have to happen really fast, the execution strategy must switch from dispatching to enabling. A taxi, for example, is dispatched. I call from my home; the taxi picks me up and takes me to the airport. But there are only so many taxis and only so much space on the highway. Therefore many cities, including our home city of Minneapolis, provide rapid transit to the airport. Now someone in Minneapolis can walk out of their downtown hotel, hop on the Metro, and quickly get to the airport—along with a whole lot of other passengers. It’s no longer necessary for people to get involved in dispatching a taxi, picking up travelers at their hotel, navigating the traffic, and delivering them—alone—to the airport.

Dispatching involves planning every step of someone else’s job. Making work self-directing involves setting up an environment so people can figure out how to do their job without being told what to do. When a lot of things have to happen quickly, self-directing work is the only approach that works, and it works very well. In busy downtown areas, flagging down a taxi often works better than having one dispatched to your hotel. If managers really want things to happen quickly, they will focus their attention on organizing the work space so that work becomes self-directing.

When work is self-directing, everyone showing up for work in the morning can figure out exactly what to do without being told, and what they choose to do will be the most important thing for them to be working on. As people complete one job, it is immediately obvious what to do next. Throughout the day when people have questions, the workspace is organized so that people can look around and find the answers. Think of self-directing work as a package that you ship overnight. You attach instructions to the package, and from then on, every person and machine that handles your package can simply look at the instructions and know exactly what to do with the package.

If you are a manager who’s been wondering what you are supposed to do once responsibility-based planning and control relieve you of a lot of your current dispatching work—here’s part of your new job: Organize the work space so that work becomes self-directing. There are three key levels of information to focus on when organizing a self-directing workspace: kanban, andon, and dashboard.


Kan is the word for card in Japanese, and ban is the word for signal. So a kanban is a signal card. In the airport, your ticket is the signal card that tells you—personally—what flight you need to catch. Index cards make good signal cards. Each card contains a small amount of work, say a story to develop and some clarifying testable examples. Cards can be organized and reorganized easily, so that when someone needs to know what to do next, they select a card from the top of a stack and get to work on it. Cards can be attached to physical message boards—perfect for a local team—or they can be electronic—useful for dispersed teams. The number of cards can give a quick indication of the length of the queue. When the queue gets so long that the cards become unwieldy, perhaps the queue should be shortened.

The challenge with Kanban is not really figuring out how people might go about choosing what to do next. That’s the easy part. The challenge is figuring out how to be sure that the content of the card and its location are correct, so that when the card is selected, it contains a sufficient description of a job that is the right size and is the right thing to do next. The card is not the specification of the job; it is a signal that the next job is to bring together the right people to create the detailed designs, verifications, and implementation of the story on the card.

Whatever mechanism is used to make work self-directing requires some thought and experimentation. Each job must be succinctly described, the set of jobs must be both complete and correctly sequenced, and the rules for posting and choosing jobs must assure that they will be done by people with the expertise to do them well.


An andon is a portable Japanese lantern made of paper stretched over a bamboo framework. Toyota used the word andon to name the cord that workers could pull to “stop-the-line,” since pulling an andon cord usually cause lights to flash, calling attention to the problem area. The idea behind andon is to make problems visible so they can be addressed immediately.

Over time, andon has also come to be used for any kind of visual message board or other display device that can be easily changed. The message boards at train stations that display departure tracks are sometimes called andon boards. An andon board calls attention to any abnormality that requires attention, dynamically displays changing status, and shows locations of things that are frequently reconfigured (for example, which sever is currently the test server).


People like to be on successful teams. It’s interesting to succeed at local goals—for example, developing an electronic control system for the 777. But it’s truly exciting to contribute to the overall success of a program—for example, watching the first 777 take off with the control system your team developed. Alan Mulally tried to bring the whole team working on the 777 together frequently to see how the aircraft was coming along. The biggest event happened two years before the first scheduled flight, when the first airplane rolled off the assembly line on its own wheels. He invited 10,000 or so workers and their families to a dramatic event to congratulate everyone on their progress and inspire their continued dedication to the cause.

It is important for teams to see the overall progress of their work in its context and in the context of the broader goals of the company. For this we use various kinds of dashboards. Every team room should have big, visible charts on the wall that show off to everyone how well the team is doing—or not—and make status visible to anyone who walks in the room. Things like burn-down charts, graphs of acceptance tests written and passed, and so on are very useful. Charts of the overall status of a multiteam effort should be available in the main “war room,” as Boeing called it, for everyone to see. Dispersed teams should have visibility into status also, and here an electronic dashboard might be the perfect tool. Electronic dashboards are also useful for key metrics that are easier to generate electronically than manually.

We often ask our classes, “In your organization, how do people know their progress toward meeting the overall goal of their work?” (See exercise 4 at the end of this chapter.) We have been surprised by the number of times the answer is, “Actually, that information isn’t readily available.” Organizations that do not engage people in the ultimate goal of their work are squandering a great opportunity to inspire people and teams to enthusiastically contribute their best efforts to the cause.


In the book The Living Company,13 Arie de Geus discusses why some companies have long life spans—a century or more—and others do not. “Companies die because their managers focus on the economic activity of producing goods and services, and they forget that their organizations’ true nature is that of a community of humans.”14 de Geus says. “The amount that people care, trust, and engage themselves at work has not only a direct effect on the bottom line, but the most direct effect, of any factor, on your company’s expected lifespan.”15

There are two kinds of companies, according to de Geus, the economic company and the river company. The purpose of the economic company is to produce maximum results for minimum resources and produce wealth for a group of managers and investors. The purpose of a river company, on the other hand, is to keep on flowing, that is, to stay in business and provide jobs over the long term. For example, Sakichi Toyoda and Kiichiro Toyoda had as their primary purpose to provide jobs for Japanese workers by figuring out how to manufacture complex products that would otherwise have to be imported.

In the economic company, de Geus says, there is an implicit contract between the company and the individual: The individual will deliver a skill in exchange for remuneration. In a river company, the implicit contract is different: “The individual will deliver care and commitment in exchange for the fact that the company will try to develop each individual’s potential to the maximum.”16 Commitment is a two way street: People are committed to a company if they feel that the company is committed to them.

Performance Evaluations

Probably the most ignored piece of Deming’s advice is this: Eliminate annual performance ratings for salaried workers; do not undermine team cooperation by rewarding individual performance. Deming was quite adamant about his belief that annual merit ratings create competition rather than cooperation and kill pride in workmanship. But the performance evaluation serves different purposes, depending on the implicit contract that the individual has with the company. In an economic company, where the employee contract is about exchanging remuneration for skill, the purpose of the performance evaluation is to determine the amount of remuneration an individual should receive. Indeed, this purpose will have a great tendency to foster competition rather than cooperation.

On the other hand, when a company is committed to developing each individual’s potential to the maximum, a performance evaluation can be a time set aside to reflect on where that potential lies and what steps that the company and the individual can take to further develop the individual’s potential. Thus, we do not have a rating system as much as we ponder honestly and openly whether the individual would be best aiming toward a technical ladder or a management ladder, what training and job assignments would be best for the coming year, what specific areas (public speaking, for example) need improvement to support further career growth.

Annual performance evaluations should never surprise employees with unexpected feedback. Performance feedback loops should be far shorter than an annual, or even a quarterly, evaluation cycle. If the annual performance evaluation is the only time employees finds out how they are doing, something is truly wrong with the evaluation system. Performance review criteria should put strong emphasis on teamwork, making contribution to team success as important—if not more important—than individual contributions. You get what you reward, so if you find effective ways to reward collaboration, you will get more of it.

One-directional evaluations give the appearance that only the evaluated person needs to improve, but Deming insists that most performance issues are a management problem. When an employee isn’t performing, the first question a manager should ask is, “What am I doing wrong?” Managers should take personal responsibility for the performance of their organization and collaborate with their people to improve the performance of the system.


Consider a team trying to recover from a mistake that created a challenging problem. In a lean world, they work together, brainstorm ideas, try things out, and when they find a solution, they go out of their way not to allocate blame. After all, any of them could have made the same mistake. Instead they keep on working to find a way to mistake-proof the system so that the problem can never happen again.

Now consider the same team, only the members know that once a year their supervisors have to go into a secret session and rank the entire department so that raises and promotions can be handed out in order of value and contribution to the company. The team members must give their supervisors ammunition to show why they are better than their teammates, so as to get a higher rank and a better raise and better shot at a promotion. The incentive to allocate blame and take individual credit for finding a solution is high; collaboration is strongly discouraged by such a ranking system. If you have a ranking system in your company, a lean initiative will be hollow at best. The behaviors that ranking systems encourage are competition, hiding information so as to look good, and hiding problems so as not to look bad.


Nothing is more likely to create contention and interfere with collaboration that the system used to determine compensation, no matter what system is in place. Although no compensation system will ever be perfect, some are better than others. We offer the following guidelines.

Guideline No. 1: Make Sure the Promotion System Is Unassailable

In most organizations, significant salary gains come from promotions that move people to a higher salary grade, not from annual pay increases. Where promotions are not available, as is the case for many teachers, annual or “merit” pay increases have a tendency to become contentious, because these increases are the only way to make more money. When promotions are available, employees tend to deemphasize annual raises and focus on the promotion system. This system of promotions tends to encourage people to move into management as they run out of promotional opportunities in technical areas. Companies address this problem with “dual ladders” that offer management-level pay scales to technical gurus.

The foundation of any promotion system is a series of job grades, each with a salary range in line with industry standards and regional averages. People must be placed correctly in a grade so that their skills and responsibilities match the job requirements of their level. Initial placements and promotion decisions should be carefully made and reviewed by a management team.

Usually job grades are embedded in titles, and promotions make the new job grade public through a new title. A person’s job grade is generally considered public information. If employees are fairly placed in their job grades and promoted only when they are clearly performing at a new job grade, then salary differences based on job grade are generally perceived to be fair. Thus, a team can have both senior and junior people, generalists and highly skilled specialists, all making different amounts of money. As long as the system of determining job grades and promotions is transparent and perceived to be fair, this kind of differential pay is rarely a problem.

Guideline No. 2: De-emphasize Annual Raises

When the primary tool for significant salary increases is promotion, then it’s important to focus as much attention as possible on making sure the promotion system is fair. When it comes to the evaluation system that drives annual pay increases, it’s best not to try too hard to sort people out. Use evaluations mainly to keep everyone at an appropriate level in their salary grade. Evaluations might flag those who are ready for promotion and those who need attention, but that should trigger a separate promotion or corrective action process. About four evaluation grades are sufficient, and a competent supervisor with good evaluation criteria and input from appropriate sources can make fair evaluations that accomplish these purposes.

Even when annual raises are loosely coupled to merit, evaluations will always be a big deal for employees, so attention should be paid to making them fair and balanced. Over the last decade, balanced scorecards have become popular for management evaluations—at least in theory. Balanced scorecards ensure that the multiple aspects of a manager’s job all receive attention. A simple version of a balanced scorecard might also be used for evaluations that impact annual raises, to emphasize the fact that people must perform well on many dimensions to be effective. Input to the scorecard should come from all areas: teammates, customers, senior management, those receiving guidance from a leader. It is important that employees perceive that the input to a scorecard is valid and fairly covers the multiple aspects of their job. It is also important to keep things simple, because too much complexity will unduly inflate the attention paid to a pay system which works better when it is understated. Finally, scorecards should not be used to feed a ranking system.

Guideline No. 3: Reward Based on Span of Influence, Not Span of Control

There is no greater de-motivator than a reward system which is perceived to be unfair. It doesn’t matter if the system is fair or not, if there is a perception of unfairness, then those who think that they have been treated unfairly will rapidly lose their motivation. People perceive unfairness when they miss out on rewards they think they should have shared. Excellent products are developed through cooperative efforts of many people, so in a development environment, individuals rewards will inevitably leave the overlooked people feeling that they have been treated unfairly. Moreover, when individual rewards foster competition in an environment where cooperation is essential for success, even those who receive rewards are unlikely to appreciate them.

We Don’t Want Bonuses!

We visited a company where the senior management was planning to give incentive bonuses to developers who met individual deadlines and productivity targets. Since the management team was from marketing, they were most familiar with commission-based compensation and were trying to develop a technical version of the same thing.

The developers were appalled and told us so. “If someone comes to me now and asks a question, I’m glad to help out.” One person said. “With the incentive pay system, I’d be nuts to spend my time helping out someone else. Not only would I get less money because I wasn’t working on my stuff, they would get more because they would look good.”

Fortunately, the development team manager was at the meeting and listened to these remarks. Later he intervened to have the proposed incentive bonus system reconsidered.

—Mary Poppendieck

Conventional wisdom says that people should be rewarded based on results that are under their control. However, when information sharing and cooperation are essential, rewards should be based on a person’s span of influence rather than his or her span of control. For example, testers should not be rewarded based on the number of defects they find, but rather, developers and testers alike should be rewarded based on the team’s ability to create defect-free code. Development teams should not be rewarded based on the technical success of their efforts; instead, the whole team should be rewarded based on the business success of its efforts.

Guideline No. 4: Find Better Motivators Than Money

While monetary rewards can be a powerful driver of behavior, the motivation they provide is not sustainable. Once people have an adequate income, motivation comes from things such as achievement, growth, control over one’s work, recognition, advancement, and a friendly working environment. No matter how good your evaluation and reward system may be, don’t expect it to do much to drive stellar performance over the long term.

The Contentious Bonus

A vice president of engineering told me about the time his company gave a team of 14 a $100,000 bonus. The team members were told to distribute the bonus however they wanted. This should have been a good thing, but it was impossible for the group to agree on how to allocate the money. In the end, the money was split evenly among the team members, but many were angry because they thought this was unfair.

—Mary Poppendieck

In the book Hidden Value,18 Charles O’Reilly and Jeffrey Pfeffer present several case studies of companies that obtain superb performance from ordinary people. These companies have people-centered values that are aligned with actions at all levels. They invest in people, share information broadly, rely on teams, and emphasize leadership rather than management. Finally, they do not use money as a primary motivator; they emphasize the intrinsic rewards of fun, growth, teamwork, challenge, and accomplishment.

Treat monetary rewards like explosives, because they will have a powerful impact whether you intend it or not. So use them lightly and with caution. They can get you into trouble much faster than they can solve your problems. Once you go down the path of monetary rewards, you may never be able to go back, even when they cease to be effective, as they inevitably will. Make sure that people are fairly and adequately compensated, and then move on to more effective ways to improve performance.

Try This

1. Review Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge, which we paraphrase thus:

a. It’s the whole product, the whole team, the whole system that matters.

b. When something goes wrong, in all probability it was caused by the system, which makes it a management problem.

c. Use the scientific method to change and improve.

d. With people, the things that matter are skill, pride, expertise, confidence, and cooperation.

Imagine that Deming was scheduled to tour your organization next week. Prepare a presentation for him on how each of these points is addressed in your organization. What do you think his advice would be? Would you be prepared to act on it?

2. Review Deming’s 14 points with your team. For each one, discuss: Is this point relevant today in our organization? Is it important? If we regard it as relevant and important, what does it suggest we should do differently? What would it take to make the change?

3. How are teams formed, chartered, and led in your organization? Are they actually work groups or true teams? How many teams are individuals typically on?

4. Fill out the Visual Workspace Assessment on the next page:

a. In column 2, answer the question posed in column 1 as it relates to your organization.

b. In column 3, rate how self-directing your organization is. Give your organization a score of 0–5, with 0 = people are told what to do and 5 = people figure out among themselves what to work on next.


5. The next time your company does an employee survey, add these questions:

a. Do you feel that the compensation system is fair?

b. Do you feel that the promotion system is fair?

c. Rate how the compensation affects your dedication to your job (Scale of 1–5):

1. It angers me and gets in the way of doing a good job.

2. It sometimes annoys me and occasionally affects my performance.

3. It doesn’t make much difference.

4. It occasionally motivates me to work harder.

5. It motivates me to work hard every day.


1. “Management Innovation,” by Gary Hamel, Harvard Business Review, February, 2006, p. 74.

2. Deadline! How Premier Organizations Win the Race Against Time, by Dan Carrison, AMACOM (American Management Association), 2003, Chapter 5.

3. 21st Century Jet: The Building of the 777, Produced by Skyscraper Productions for KCTS/Seattle and Chanel 4 London, 1995.

4. Deming called this the Shewhart Cycle, since it was originally taught by Walter Shewhart, who developed statistical process control in the Bell Laboratories in the United States during the 1930s.

5. True to his philosophy of continuous improvement, Deming continually modified the wording of his 14 points. This list is our summary of the 14 points and their discussion, found in Chapter 2 of Out of the Crisis, by W. Edwards Deming, MIT Press, 2000; originally published in 1982.

6. “Management Innovation,” by Gary Hamel, Harvard Business Review, February, 2006, p. 74.

7. Special to The Washington Post, by Clare Crawford-Mason Tuesday, April 23, 2002, p. HE01, used with permission.

8. See The Wisdom of Teams, by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith, Harvard Business School Press, 1992.

9. James Morgan and Jeffrey Liker, The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process, and Technology, Productivity Press, 2006. See Chapter 9.

10. James Morgan and Jeffrey Liker, The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process, and Technology, Productivity Press, 2006, p. 169.

11. The OASIS standards organization approved DITA in June of 2005. DITA is an XML-based standard and a set of design principles for creating “information-typed” modules at a topic level. DITA aims to deliver content from a single repository directly to the point-of-use.

12. Jeffrey Liker and James Morgan, Ibid., p. 103.

13. The Living Company, by Arie de Geus, Harvard Business School Press, 1997.

14. Ibid., p. 3.

15. Ibid., p. 10.

16. Ibid., p. 118. Italics in original.

17. Parts of this section are from an article originally published by Mary Poppendieck in Better Software Magazine, August 2004, under the title “Unjust Deserts.”

18. O’Reilly, Charles A., III, and Jeffrey Pfeffer, Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People, Harvard Business School Press, 2000.

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