Chapter 3. Value

Lean Solutions

In the book Lean Solutions James Womack and Daniel Jones start out by noting that they themselves are customers with problems to solve, and they are quite annoyed with the amount of hassle that is involved in being a consumer these days. From their vantage point as customers, they have this message for those of us who provide them with goods and services:1

• “Solve my problem completely.”

• “Don’t waste my time.”

• “Provide exactly what I want.”

• “Deliver value exactly where I want it.”

• “Supply value exactly when I want it.

• “Reduce the number of decisions I must make to solve my problems.”

Let’s take a look at a company that seems to have gotten this message several years ago.


Google may be the only company in the world whose stated goal is to have users leave its Web site as quickly as possible.2

In 1999 Google joined the crowded field of search engines with the lofty goal of making the world’s information accessible to everyone. The company decided that in order to do this, it needed to focus on two things: 1) provide more relevant search results than anyone else, and 2) provide a truly engaging user experience. The strategy worked. In the last issue of 1999, PC Magazine awarded Google a technical excellence award in Web applications. As PC Magazine said, “It doesn’t take many visits to Google to get hooked. And who can avoid getting hooked on a search engine that consistently returns good results?”3 The award drew attention to Google and started its meteoric climb to the top of the search engine industry.

Google’s corporate philosophy, published on its Web site, begins with these four points:4

1. Focus on the user and all else will follow.

2. It’s best to do one thing really, really well.

3. Democracy on the Web works.

4. Fast is better than slow.

In its early days, Google resisted strong pressure to compromise on the user experience—pop-up and banner ads, all the rage at the time, were strictly banned because users found them annoying. Google has always been fanatical about speed. Any noticeable delay in responding to a search request would waste users’ time. While most of their competitors were creating portals, Google kept its home page extremely simple: one logo, 30 small words, and a single search box with a couple of buttons. Google didn’t want to distract users with extra features.

Finally, Google was really, really good at finding relevant search results, and it got better over time. The founders had developed a unique way of ranking search results—they tallied the number of “votes” for a page, that is, the number and importance of references to the page. The page with the most votes won. As time went on, Google continually refined its ability to have people vote on pages and ranked them accordingly.

Google applies the same four principles in its product development process:

1. Value—Focus on the user and all else will follow: Development teams are encouraged to develop products with a “laser like focus” on users. Once the product becomes popular, company officials are expected to figure out how to make a profit.5

2. Excellence—It’s best to do one thing really, really well: Google is like its search engine, built to be extraordinarily good at what it does. Its deep technical bench gives it the flexibility to experiment and try many things at once.6

3. Democracy—Democracy on the Web works: New ideas gain traction at Google by attracting a critical mass of enthusiastic people willing to work on them. Products gain stature by getting listed on the Google Labs site and attracting user attention.

4. Speed—Fast is better than slow: At Google, things that would take years at other companies happen very quickly...on the order of days or weeks.7

Consider Google’s approach to adding maps to its repertoire of capabilities. In March 2004 Google launched a beta version of Google Local, a tool to restrict a search to a geographic area. In October of the same year, Google acquired the company Keyhole, giving it access to detailed, worldwide, satellite imagery. In February 2005 Google added mapping capability to Google Local. In April 2005 it added satellite imagery just six months after acquiring Keyhole. Two months later, Google Earth was launched, packaging satellite images, maps, and local searches in an innovative and engaging desktop interface that imitates a globe and streams data from the Internet.

Google focuses on its strategic vision: Organize the world’s information, and make it universally accessible and useful. To support that vision, Google develops both internal tools and Web-based products that involve a mix of sophisticated algorithms, complex hardware, and well-designed software. Products and tools are developed quickly and incrementally by small teams that include product management, design, engineering, testing, launch, and continuing engineering. Teams are encouraged to release products before they are fully refined in order to get feedback from users. Google’s software has a reputation for elegant design and high quality, and it invariably delights users.

By all measures, Google is a very successful organization (as of this writing), and more importantly, its products have changed the way the world works. Google continually introduces new products despite the fact that it doesn’t have a long-term product map and it expects technical staff to spend 20 percent of their time on their own projects. The company decides what products to work on much the same way it ranks search results: priority is based on the interest of development teams and number of users attracted to the product.

We believe that Google has been successful because it gives users exactly the information they want, when and where they want it, with no hassle, and no wasted time or annoying ads. Google is easy enough for a small child to use. And it solves the whole problem—checks spelling, translates languages, converts units, contains a dictionary, calculator, and maps—the very definition of a “lean solution.”

From Concept to Cash

Let’s take a walk through the product development timeline of Google’s first offering and see how it worked.


In 1996, Larry Page and Sergey Brin joined forces to address a problem they shared—searching the Internet. They were graduate students in computer science at Stanford University, doing research into data mining, so they decided to try some data mining on the Internet. Two years later they published the paper that laid out in quite a bit of detail the product concept behind Google.8

Coming up with a brilliant product concept is the start of innovation. This can be a long process of research, or it can be a stroke of insight. Companies can create conditions for innovation, but there is no magic formula for coming up with great insights. However, a flash of insight is hardly enough: “Innovation is 5 percent inspiration and 95 percent perspiration.”9 The problem in most companies is that people with inspiration do not have the time or charter to pursue it. Companies that routinely turn inspiration into innovation create time and space for people and teams with good ideas to incubate those ideas and turn them into a product concept.


Google, like Dell, started up in a dorm room. When the first Google interface was brought up on the Stanford University Web site, the data mining PCs were in Page’s room. Just like Michael Dell, Page and Brin soon left school to start a business. The worst that could happen was that they would have to go back and complete their degrees. Google was founded in late 1998, but for almost a year the new company’s product was labeled “beta,” while Page and Brin explored the feasibility of the product. Google began to get media attention, traffic grew, and Page and Brin secured a round of financing. Finally the beta label was removed and the research project turned into the foundation of a real product.

The feasibility stage of product development is important, because it provides space for experimentation. Note that the feasibility stage is not a paper study. Concepts are fine, but there is nothing quite like checking things out in the real world.


The thing I remember most about the feasibility stage at 3M was the handspreads. Handspreads were samples of new products or parts of new products that were produced with the most rudimentary hand-operated equipment in a lab. But rudimentary equipment aside, these handmade samples were very good renditions of the eventual product.

We would go through a lot of these handmade samples, each one carefully labeled so we could tie results back to each sample’s properties. We did all sorts of things to test the samples—maybe we’d do destructive testing, or maybe we’d put them out to weather in the sun, or maybe run them by customers.

To me, the feasibility stage means running lots and lots of experiments to find out what really works—in the field—under real conditions and with real customers.

—Mary Poppendieck

This is also the time for systems design, a critically important discipline that many companies seem to do without. What are the major features of the business process, the key modules of the hardware? What interfaces will the system have, and how will they interact? How will the software architecture support the product? What are the key constraints of the system, and how will they be addressed? An excellent systems design is the foundation of an excellent product. It should neither be done by amateurs nor by arms-length experts. Rather, it should be done by seasoned designers who know the systems design will evolve as the product emerges and who know how to make sure that evolution is taken into account so it can proceed smoothly.


Google started with a page rank system based on Web references. As soon as it went live, the scientists started collecting data on everything they could think of: which results were used and which were not, what kind of phrases were used to find particular results, what kind of misspellings were the most common, how fast results were returned, how fast people responded, and so on. Google continuously tuned its ranking system and hardware and software architecture based on this extensive data analysis. It developed tools to facilitate the development of applications capable of accessing its vast data structures. It developed many trial applications and put them in Google Labs so users could vote with their attention and improve them with their feedback. And it experimented widely to discover a way to bring in advertising revenue that users would find useful instead of distracting.

No one expects fully formed products to emerge from the feasibility stage of product development. All that feasibility proves is that the product “could” work. At that point the real learning of product development begins. Good product development is composed of discovery cycles of trial and learning that increasingly refine the design of the product. The objective is not to complete the product but to get it to a point where a set of capabilities can be tested in a pilot. Through a series of increasingly complete pilots the product emerges.

The pilot stage of software development is more likely to involve actual release to customers than the equivalent stage in hardware development, although as we will see in Chapter 8, the Polaris submarine produced a series of working submarines, starting three years into a nine-year program. Even if a hardware pilot is not released to customers, it’s a good idea to plan hardware pilots that integrate embedded software as early in the development program as possible.

Releasing software to customers during the pilot stage is almost always beneficial, as long as the systems design was done well during the feasibility stage. Of course, early release is not always practical. Embedded software, for example, can’t really be released before the hardware. Games cannot be released in a partially done state, even to reviewers, because first impressions are almost everything in the game world, and shelf life is very short. But in most situations, we would be strongly biased in favor of evaluating software with alpha and beta releases. In particular, in legacy conversion projects you never know how your software will work until it is running on the real (usually messy) database with real users, at least in a mirrored environment.


Google eventually started making a lot of money—money generated by the value it provides to its advertisers and users. Google had to experiment and learn for a good while before it figured out how to take the hassle out of advertising and make ads as relevant as search results. Google is not without competition, and to keep the cash flowing, it will have to continue to provide extraordinary value to its users.

Delighted Customers

In 1984, Dr. Noriaki Kano of Tokyo Rika University published a landmark paper on “attractive quality.”10 In it, he presented the Kano model, a tool to help clarify how to create great products that delight customers (see Figure 3.1).


Figure 3.1 The Kano model

The Kano model shows that just to get in the door, you have to meet customers’ basic needs. After that, there are two areas for differentiation: 1) increase performance by adding features, or 2) discover needs that customers aren’t even aware of and delight them by meeting these needs. Kano noted that increasing performance gives linear results—customer satisfaction is increased in direct proportion to the increased performance. To get an exponential increase in satisfaction, you need to discover and meet unmet needs and thus surprise and delight customers. Kano said that great products do not come from simply listening to what customers ask for, but from developing a deep understanding of the customer’s world, discovering unmet needs, and surprising customers by catering to these needs. This is the way to create delighted customers.

Google seems to be very good at delighting customers. As we travel around the world giving talks and classes, we usually ask the question: How many people in the room really like Google? Invariably, just about everyone raises their hand, and then we hear about an amazing number of ways in which people use Google products. Our son regularly sends us pointers to unique new Google features. Our granddaughter routinely uses Google to do elementary school research.

Deep Customer Understanding

“Great software grows out of a mind-meld between a person who really understands the business and a person who really understands the technology,” Tom was telling an interviewer. Suddenly the reporter’s eyes lit up. “I understand!” he exclaimed, and then he interrupted the interview to tell us this story:

It was the late ’90s when every newspaper suddenly had to have a Web site. All of the other newspapers hired an outside firm to design their Web sites. We hired a programmer instead, and I worked with him. It was difficult at first for me to understand what he was talking about, but after a while I began to see what a Web site might be able to do for us. I was a business person interacting with a technical person, and we learned together what was desirable and what was possible. Eventually this led to something really valuable. We decided to offer access to our content for an increased subscription fee, even though our competitors were giving away access to their content. A very large percent of our subscribers signed up to pay the higher rate. Right now, every one of the newspapers similar to ours is struggling financially. On the other hand, we are very profitable.

There’s plenty of average software in the world, but occasionally some truly innovative software catches our attention. And we want to know “How do they do that?” or more accurately, “How can we do that?”

Focus on the Job

In 1982, 30-year-old Scott Cook was wondering the same thing.11 The IBM PC had just been introduced, and Cook was one of a host of entrepreneurs trying to invent software products to sell to PC owners. Cook had an advantage over his peers. He had spent five years in brand management at Procter & Gamble, where he acquired a playbook for creating and selling products that would change people’s lives. So he did what any good P&G brand manager would do. He started by finding a job that needed to be done for which no optimal tool yet existed. He noticed his wife’s frustration with managing the family finances and decided that financial management software could provide a better tool to get that job done. Cook wasn’t alone in this discovery. By the time he had founded Intuit and introduced Quicken in 1983, it had no fewer than 46 competitors.

At P&G Cook had learned to deal with competition by thoroughly understanding the job that people need to do, what was wrong with current tools, and exactly what it meant to do the job better. He started by methodically researching how people currently managed their finances. He learned that most people did only three things: pay bills, maintain their check register, and periodically total and review their expenditures. And he discovered that they found these jobs unpleasant and wanted to complete them as fast as possible. So Quicken was designed from the beginning to do three—and only three—jobs faster than they could be done manually. By shifting his view of the competition to paper and pencil, Cook could not only ignore existing software competitors, he changed the basis of competition.

The P&G playbook included research throughout the product lifecycle. Cook found that competing financial software was laden with features and took hours to install. Cook decided to create a program so simple that a PC novice could install it and be writing checks in fifteen minutes. Then he more or less invented usability testing so that Quicken 1.0 could be tested and simplified until it met this goal. Meanwhile, the same tests confirmed that it took experienced PC users up to five hours to write their first check on the feature-laden competing products.

Because having a better tool is not enough, Intuit’s research extended to packaging and pricing. The people who have a job to do must clearly understand that there is a better tool for the job. Finally, Intuit continued to improve the tool, making sure that it maintained its position as the best tool for the job. Cook contends that value is created by focusing on the job that needs to be done and improving the product so that it does the job better than any alternative.12

My Customers

When I was developing process control systems, there was no question who my customers were—the production workers controlling the line—and the job they were trying to do—make tape. If our system did not help them do that job, they would ignore the system and make tape without it. Our mandate was clear: If the production workers don’t use your system, it’s your fault. You haven’t understood the job that needs to be done.

—Mary Poppendieck

The Customer-Focused Organization

How are great products conceived and developed? In 1991, Clark and Fujimoto’s book Product Development Performance13 presented strong evidence that great products are the result of excellent, detailed information flow. The customers’ perception of the product is determined by the quality of the flow of information between the marketplace and the development team. The technical integrity of the product is determined by the quality of the information flow among upstream and downstream technical team members. There are two steps you can take to facilitate this information flow: 1) provide leadership, and 2) empower a complete team.


We have long observed that successful development efforts are highly correlated with the existence of a champion—a person who deeply understands the customers’ job and the technology that will surprise and delight those customers A champion has the responsibility for making key product decisions and the accountability for the results of those decisions. Martin Cagan of the Silicon Valley Product Group says:14

Behind every great product there is a person with great empathy for the customer, insight into what is possible, and the ability to see what is essential and what is incidental. This person has a deep understanding of the customer as well as her own teams’ capabilities. She operates from a strong basis of knowledge and confidence. She thinks in terms of delivering superior value to the marketplace, and she defines good products that can be executed with a strong effort. This person may have the title of product manager or may happen to be anyone on the product team from an engineer to a company founder—the key is that this role must exist and the responsibilities carried out by someone with the skills and talents the tasks demand.

When we see struggling development programs, we usually observe that the champion role does not exist. There are several different models for implementing the role of champion. The best models clarify who has responsibility and accountability for the success of the product.

The Chief Engineer

At Toyota, a chief engineer is held responsible for the business success of a vehicle family. This leader is a seasoned engineer with an in-depth knowledge of vehicle design. With the assistance of a small staff, he develops a deep understanding of the target customers and what they will value. He looks at marketing research, talks to dealers, and goes to places frequented by his target customer base to watch and ask questions. He checks with advanced development, styling, and production engineering. He gets input from finance and direction from senior management. In the end, however, it is the chief engineer who personally integrates this information, decides what customers will value, writes the product concept, and directs its development.15

Consider the Sienna. The first version of the Toyota minivan didn’t sell particularly well. When Chief Engineer Yuji Yokoya set out to improve the vehicle, he knew he needed more than focus groups and voice-of-the-customer data. So he followed Toyota tradition of genchi-genbutsu, or “go, see, and confirm.” He drove a minivan—usually a Sienna—for 85,000 km (53,000 miles) through every state in the United States, every province in Canada, and every estado in Mexico. He usually traveled with a key member of the design team, including John Jula, a good-sized engineer who would redesign the seats. As he traveled, Yokoya came to understand what Sienna customers would value: more space, comfortable front seats for parents, a back designed for kids, and family pricing. The resulting 2004 Sienna more than doubled the minivan’s sales and raised the Sienna to the top of a crowded pack.

We recently bought a Sienna minivan. We seriously considered other vehicles, but we found the foot space in the front passenger seat of competing minivans to be cramped. We drive our minivan for days when we are on vacation, so front seat comfort is really important to us. When we test-drove a Sienna, we could tell that John Jula was thinking of us when he designed the front passenger seat of that car.

The chief engineer approach has the advantage of integrating a lot of information in the mind of a single, responsible individual. In addition, the entrepreneurial spirit that ownership creates has a long history of bringing brilliant innovations to the marketplace. Teams love to follow great leaders, because great leaders help make whole teams successful.

Most Open Source projects have a “Strong Project Leader” (or Chief Engineer).16 These Open Source projects start out with the vision of one individual, and even when many volunteers are working on the project, all code is reviewed and “committed” by the project leader or hand-picked assistants.

The chief engineer approach is not a panacea. It is possible for someone with the title of chief engineer to focus on control rather than leveraging the diverse capabilities of the entire team. This is not a problem in Open Source projects, because it is impossible for Open Source project leaders to attract volunteer developers unless they are “leaders” in the best sense of the word. However, it can be a problem in companies that do not have good training grounds for chief engineers or in companies that believe a chief engineer should focus on task management rather than integrating knowledge.

Many successful software companies were founded by an entrepreneur who combined technical capability with a clear insight into an unfilled market need. eBay is a good example. In effect, these companies were started by chief engineers. Unfortunately, we have seen many successful chief engineers who founded companies become unsuccessful CEOs as their companies grow. They neglect to create new chief engineers to replace themselves, often turning over the job of defining customer value to a marketing department. After five or ten years, these companies often falter as competitors take over the initial market and there is no chief engineer to envision the future and lead teams to create great follow-on products.

Leadership Team

The goal of development is to fill some need that has thus far gone unfilled, either because a new technology makes it possible to fill the need, the need was not recognized, or some combination of the two. Sometimes the best way to bring these two ideas together is to have two leaders, one with a deep market understanding and the other as a technical lead. At Intuit, for example, the practice of pairing a product marketing expert with a technical expert started with the founders. Scott Cook created the market vision for Quicken while Tom Proulx led technical development.17

When there is a third critical piece of the equation—manufacturing for example—it makes sense to have three leaders for a product development effort. Honda uses a sales, engineering, and development—or SED—system in which leaders from sales, production engineering, and development work as a team to come to key product decisions. Above the SED leadership team, Honda also has a Large Project Leader (LPL), whose role is similar to the Toyota chief engineer.

It is important to provide leadership at the most critical points of a product. For example, at Alias (now part of Autodesk), a Toronto company that makes 3-D graphics products, the user experience is a critical feature of every product. Therefore, two interaction designers are assigned to as many teams as possible with full responsibility for customer research, interaction design, and usability testing.18 A lot of customer feedback is solicited through contextual inquiry, interviews, surveys, and usability testing. But the interaction designer is expected to integrate that input with a deep understanding of the job the software is trying to accomplish, and design a product that will accomplish the job in a superb manner.

Members of a leadership team must be “joined at the hip” so to speak, creating a unified direction for the entire development team.

Shared Leadership

The Chrysler NS minivan platform (Caravan/Voyager/Town and Country) was an instant hit when it was introduced in 1996. It redefined the minivan concept by adding a driver’s side passenger door and received Motor Trend’s Car of the Year award. In fact, we owned a 1997 Chrysler Town and Country minivan for eight years. This car was not developed by a chief engineer but by a team of experts, who worked together to come to a common understanding of what customers would value. The team conducted extensive market research, did detailed quality function deployment (QFD) analysis, and even developed usability experiments to help make specific decisions. The team was dedicated and colocated, and it spent a lot of time (usually one day a week) reviewing status, educating each other, and solving problems. The team leader’s primary job was to manage the development process, fostering cooperation and team building, pushing for consensus decisions, and keeping the team on the right path.19

Although it does not bring clarity to who has responsibility and accountability for decisions, the shared leadership approach can work for moderate-sized software development projects. In the Open Source community, Apache is a good example of a shared leadership approach.20

Who’s Responsible?

Good marketing and technical leadership does not preclude an involved team that goes on customer calls together, asks questions from various perspectives, and develops a shared view of customer value. Mary’s product development experience was at 3M, where conventional wisdom says that every new product needs a “champion.” The champion is usually a technical expert who has found an unmet market need and developed the technology to get the job done. But a champion cannot be successful unless she or he works with a cross-functional team that, in effect, forms a mini business unit to commercialize the new product. The team works together to clarify market needs and determine key product features. This combination of a champion and a team with members from all important business functions has served 3M for decades, generating incredible growth through the introduction of thousands of new products every year.

At 3M, the development team generally comes to a consensus on key decisions, but in the end, the champion is responsible for the product and breaks any deadlocks. Similarly, at Toyota the basic principle is, “Teamwork is the key to getting high quality work done, but some individual always needs to be responsible.”21 In “Who Has the D? How Clear Decision Roles Enhance Organizational Performance” Paul Rogers and Marcia Blenko argue that good decision making is the hallmark of high-performing organizations and clarity of the decision-making roles is fundamental to making good, timely decisions.22

Assigning a Decision Maker

I was the champion for several new products at 3M. I found it to be a very challenging and rewarding role.

Disagreements naturally arose during our weekly product development team meetings, because different functions have different perspectives. Sometimes I wondered if quality ever wanted to release a product to the market or if marketing appreciated that developing a product was hard work. I noticed that the disagreements often focused not on the merits of the decision, but on who got to decide.

Therefore I found it very helpful to appoint a decision maker. I chose the function most appropriate to make the decision on the table—quality would approve final release, marketing would decide which shows we would be in, development would decide if a technical feature was easy or difficult, and so on.

I found that once I appointed a decision maker, the tenor of the discussion immediately changed. Team members started lobbying the decision maker to see their point of view. The decision maker changed his or her viewpoint to be more inclusive of others. And the subsequent discussion usually focused on the merits of the decision, not on who got to make it.

—Mary Poppendieck

Complete Teams

Complete products are developed by complete teams. When Intuit executives decided to develop Quicken Rental Property Manager, they established a development team led by a brand champion that included everyone necessary to put the product on the market, “not just software engineers.”23 The team members had worked together before—they were veterans of 20 years of Quicken upgrades. But this was a first for the team. A new Quicken-branded product would be developed for the first time in many years. The team’s charter was to solve the customers’ problem—no more and no less—while developing just enough process to accomplish the task as quickly as possible.

The development team decided that its main job was to learn—learn about the customers’ job so they could develop just the right features, and learn about what kind of process would provide just enough structure without any waste. The team checked in with the management team on a regular basis to report on status, receive guidance, and get approval to continue to the next checkpoint. At each of these meetings the development team reported on what it had learned and what it planned to learn by the next checkpoint. Except for guidance received at these meetings, the team made both product and process decisions on its own.

The Quicken Rental Property Manager team began by going as a group to interview customers. Team members found that developers asked different questions than did marketing people and that everyone gained a deeper insight because of the various perspectives. They found that the development process didn’t require nearly as much paperwork as before, because everyone heard the same thing from customers.

Team members were energized by the challenge and became thoroughly engaged in developing a new process and a new product. Within a year, Quicken Rental Property Manager was released to reviews that raved about its clean interface and simple setup and operation.

Design for Operations

One of the big advances in manufacturing quality occurred when production engineers were asked to join the product design team. Every design was evaluated for ease of manufacturing before it was approved, and suddenly we began to see products that were not only easy to manufacture quickly but also easy to service. This was called design for manufacturability.

Design for Manufacturability

Long ago in our plant, video cassettes were assembled by hand. The plant manager asked all department heads to spend time working on the line, so I worked an occasional late-night shift assembling video cassettes. There was one screw that had a piece of plastic that got in the way of a screwdriver, so we had to use a specially-made angled screwdriver for that screw. Every time I had to reach for that special tool and fiddle to position the screw, I dreamed about getting the designers on the line to assemble a few cassettes themselves.

Later when design engineers reported to me, I always required that their designs be reviewed by manufacturing before they were finalized. At first the designers found this puzzling, but in no time they gained a healthy respect for the reality of manufacturing. Soon they were bringing their drawings to the manufacturing supervisor for his comments every couple of days. Needless to say, the new designs were easy to assemble.

—Mary Poppendieck

In software development, the equivalent of design for manufacturability is design for operations. Some of the more underrepresented functions on software development teams are computer operations, networking, maintenance, and customer support. Every development team should have members who will challenge the team to consider what kinds of problems arise when software is actually being used in production and what capabilities are necessary to both avoid and recover from those problems.

Everything That Can Possibly Go Wrong Eventually Will Go Wrong

A friend and former developer, who is now an operations manager, has a favorite saying for developers to keep in mind: “Everything that can possibly go wrong eventually will go wrong in production, and we need ways to find and contain the problem and then recover from it.” Recently he wrote to describe his latest problem.

“A company ‘XZY’ is rolling out new releases of their software basically every week. These releases tend to be feature complete and not exhibit too many regression bugs. The main problem is that the software is unstable either over time or under load. When it passes functional testing in QA, it is often unready for the demands of production.”

I suggested a root cause analysis of the cause of each failure. Turns out, he was way ahead of me.

“Thorough postmortem analysis is absolutely a part of every single problem response. What we are finding is not a single, recurring failure, but a pattern of failures that are all ultimately related to unsafe coding practices. The application developers at XZY find new ways to crash the site nearly every week.”

Unfortunately, the development team no longer felt responsible for the software and was uninterested in the results of the failure analysis.

—Mary Poppendieck

Custom Development

Just because software is being developed for a one-of-a-kind application does not excuse an organization from the obligation of creating value and delighting customers. The objective is still to create software that will deliver outstanding value to the organization that is paying for it. In fact, the need for leadership and complete teams is perhaps more important for custom development than for product offerings, because the absence of competitive pressure can weaken the intense customer focus that is the core competency of successful software product companies.

From Projects to Products

Custom software is often developed as a project, but we believe that product development provides a more useful model. One of the interesting things about projects is that they tend to be funded all at once at the beginning of the project (see Figure 3.2). Once funding is allocated, the question naturally arises, “What are we going to get for that investment, and when will it be done?” The answers to these questions are regarded as a commitment—after all, money has been allocated—so the success of the project is measured based on whether or not the cost, schedule, and scope commitments are met.


Figure 3.2 Typical project funding profile

Products, on the other hand, are typically funded incrementally (see Figure 3.3). This incremental funding is a clear signal to all that the scope is expected to evolve as knowledge is gained. The success of product development is generally measured based on the market share and profitability that the product eventually achieves.


Figure 3.3 Typical product funding

There are other differences between projects and products. Projects have a beginning and (apparently) an end. Products, on the other hand, have a beginning and (hopefully) no end. Software is much more like a product than a project, because most good software lives on and changes for a long time. As we noted in Chapter 2, well over half of all software is developed after first release to production.

A Custom System Is Never Finished

When we went to a plant to install a process control system, we were told to expect lots of requests for changes—and this was considered a good sign. If our systems made a difference to the plant, they would generate a lot of ideas for better ways to use the technology.

Because we never expected a control system to be finished, we always designed systems that were configurable. Some of the original object-oriented ideas came from process control systems, because these systems were designed around such objects as pumps, rollers, ovens, and so on. Since a tape line was constantly making different products, the control system had to allow an operator to change the speed, pressure, and temperature of these objects very easily.

Even with configurable systems, we always liked to come away from an installation with a long list of changes and additional features that the plant operators wanted. This was the highest form of compliment.

—Mary Poppendieck

Projects tend to be staffed with a new team for each project. Products tend to be developed by intact teams that continue to support it over time. Software would be better off supported by an intact team, because the knowledge of the customer, the code, and the domain are difficult to transfer, while most software has a long useful lifespan of upgrades and improvements.

IT—Business Collaboration

In the McKinsey Quarterly report “When IT’s Customers Are External,”24 Simon MacGibbon and coauthors propose that business-facing areas of an IT department should be run like a software company. They point out that software companies differ in three ways from internal IT departments:

1. Software companies do research to really understand what the market wants, so they can come out with products that will sell. If they do this poorly, they won’t last long. In fact, software companies update their market research continually, always looking for better ways to serve the market. Because they can’t demand that their customers get involved in the system design, software companies devise all manner of advisory panels and focus groups to discover firsthand what customers really need. Too often IT departments skip the marketing step assuming that someone else has done the market research and are surprised when their products don’t meet the business needs.

2. Software companies sell to highly competitive markets, so they have to keep their costs in line. They design products that are simple enough that they can develop and maintain them cost-effectively, while making sure the feature sets provide their customers a compelling reason to buy the software. Too often IT departments assume that a list of business requirements are all essential features of the system, even if very expensive features are involved. They have little incentive to perform the same cost/benefit balancing act that software companies must play to stay in business.

3. Software companies realize that if customers are not successful with their products the company will not have a sustainable business, so it looks for every opportunity to help customers be successful, creating a broader revenue base for themselves while ensuring their products are successful in the marketplace over the long run. Too often IT departments feel that success with the systems they deliver is the responsibility of the business unit. While it is true, as we discuss below, that business units ought to be accountable for the success of software development efforts commissioned by their business, it is also true that the IT department is not successful unless its products contribute to the success of the business.

Many IT departments use the project model for software development, but the project model comes from the contracting industry, where trust is not part of the contract. In order to create healthy IT–business collaborations, we suggest that a product model be adopted, because the incentives built into this model are much more likely to produce a collaborative relationship. When IT is inside a company, there is no reason, really, to set up the we-they model for doing business that projects were designed to deal with. In particular, you do not need to fix scope at the beginning, you do not need customer sign-offs, you do not need to monitor detailed scope to schedule, and you do not need to do everything that your customers say is important. Instead, you need to work in collaboration with your business partner to deliver the most business value in the shortest amount of time for the lowest cost, help them to use the system effectively, and continue to deliver more and better features over time.

Everything Else Failed

I struck up a conversation with the chief information officer of a large financial holding company at a conference. He was an electrical engineer by training, who had been asked to take over IT and “fix it.”

“That was well over three years ago, and you have to understand, I failed.” He said. “I tried the CMM thing and I tried the PMI thing, and after two years I got frustrated and went back to my old job.

“But after another year they asked me to try again, so this time I did things differently. I split the organization in half: operations and development. Then I divided the development group into six product teams. Each product team has to sell its products to the businesses, and they are measured on how much profit they generate compared to cost.

“It’s only been six months, but so far it has been immensely successful. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier.”

—Mary Poppendieck


IT departments inside large companies have traditionally been separate organizations from the businesses they support. This is usually because the company desires a standard information infrastructure and because technical expertise can be more easily developed when experts are in the same organization. However, it has led to lack of clarity about who is responsible for the results of software development activities and, quite often, a lack of clarity about how to measure those results.

The problem of accountability is not unique to IT organizations. It occurs any time people on the same team work for different organizations with different ways of measuring performance. For example, an organization developing embedded software might be managed separately from the hardware development department. A consulting firm working for a business clearly has a separate management structure from its client.

It is not particularly effective to subdivide the effort along organizational lines and then have one part of the development team give “requirements” to the other part of the team. This approach has a tendency to obscure the overall business objective of the joint venture, and has a long history of generating suboptimal results. It is far more effective for members of a complete cross-functional team to share responsibility for achieving the business results that justified the funding of their work.

But in the end, there should be a single point of responsibility for the overall business results of an IT investment. We believe that this accountability should rest with the business funding the effort. When business leaders manage IT investments with the same rigor they bring to running their business, these investments will be more likely to produce significant business results.25

Try This

1. Use the Kano model to analyze a current development effort. Make a list of features and capabilities—at a high level—and put them on an index card or Post-it Note. Use a large sheet to make the Kano model, and mount it on the wall. Next, attach the cards or notes to the appropriate area of the Kano model. How many features fall in the category of “delighters”? What percentage of features are “delighters”?

2. In Chapter 10 we describe a single number that is a good measurement of customer satisfaction, called a “net promoter score.” Compute the net promoter score for your customers. Create a simple survey that asks your customers how likely they are to recommend your product or service to a colleague on a scale of 0–10. What percentage of responses are 9s and 10s? This is your promoter percentage. What percentage of responses are 0–6s? This is your detractor percentage. Subtract the detractor percentage from the promoter percentage. Is the net score positive or negative?

3. Make a list of all the programs or projects that are currently active. For each effort, write down the name of the current leader or leaders. How many leaders does each effort have? Have you written down someone who provides both a market and technical leadership for each effort? Is there any correlation between how well a project is doing and its market/technical leadership (or lack thereof)?

4. Complete Teams: Do you have operations people on your team? Is someone from tech support regularly consulted when designing new features? Are testers involved in development right from the start? When do technical writers get involved? Are customers or customer proxies treated as full team members?

5. Projects / Products: Are development efforts funded incrementally or all at once? What are the success criteria of a development effort? Are teams kept intact or do people regularly move to new teams? Do teams maintain the code they develop? Who is accountable for the business results of the money allocated to software development?


1. James Womack and Daniel Jones, Lean Solutions: How Companies and Customers Can Create Value and Wealth Together, Free Press, 2005, p. 15.

2. From the Google Web site,

3. PC Magazine, December 14, 1999, p. 104.

4. From the Google Web site,

5. “Google’s Missing Piece,” by David A. Vise, Washington Post, February 10, 2005, p. E05.

6. “How Google Grows...and Grows...and Grows,” by Keith H. Hammonds, Fast Company, Issue 69, April 2003, p. 74.

7. From

8. Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page, “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,” Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 30(1–7):107–117, April 1998.

9. This quote is from Thomas Edison.

10. Kano Noriaki, Nobuhiko Seraku, Fumio Takahashi, and Shinichi Tsuji: “Attractive Quality and Must-Be Quality,” Hinshitsu. The Journal of the Japanese Society for Quality Control, April 1984, pp. 39–48.

11. From Inside Intuit by Suzanne Taylor and Kathy Schroeder, Harvard Business School Press, 2003.

12. Clayton Christensen, Scott Cook, and Taddy Hall, “Marketing Malpractice: The Cause and the Cure,” Harvard Business Review, December, 2005.

13. Kim Clark and Takahiro Fujimoto, Product Development Performance, Harvard Business School, 1991.

14. “Behind Every Great Product—The Role of the Product Manager,” by Martin Cagan, Silicon Valley Product Group; white paper downloaded from February 7, 2006. Used with permission.

15. Information in this paragraph is from Chapter 7 of Durward Kenneth Sobek II’s “Principles That Shape Product Development Systems: A Toyota-Chrysler Comparison,” a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Industrial and Operations Engineering) at the University of Michigan, 1997.

16. See Eric S. Raymond, “The Cathedral and the Bazaar,”, 2000.

17. See Suzanne Taylor and Kathy Schroeder, Inside Intuit, Harvard Business School Press, 2003.

18. Lynn Miller, director of user interface development, Autodesk, Toronto, “Case Study of Customer Input for a Successful Product,” Experience Report, Agile 2005.

19. Sobek, Ibid. Sobek personally observed this team in action and reported on it in his thesis.

20. See Roy T. Fielding, “Shared Leadership in the Apache Project,” Communications of the ACM, April 1999.

21. James Morgan and Jeffrey Liker, The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process, and Technology, Productivity Press, 2006, p. 103.

22. Paul Rogers and Marcia Blenko, “Who Has the D? How Clear Decision Roles Enhance Organizational Performance,” Harvard Business Review, January 2006.

23. Reported by Soni Meckem at the Lean Design & Development 2005, Conference, Chicago, March, 2005.

24. “When IT’s Customers Are External,” by Simon P. MacGibbon, Jeffrey R. Schumacher, and Ranjit S. Tinaikar, McKinsey Quarterly, Q1 2006.

25. See “Who’s Accountable for IT?” by Dan Lohmeyer, Sofya Pogreb, and Scott Robinson, McKinsey Quarterly, December 7, 2004.

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