XACT_STATE function in transactions, New Exception-Handling Functions
XML datatype, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema, XML Data Type as a Parameter of a Stored Procedure
.nodes method, Using XML with Open Schema
.query method, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, Using XML with Open Schema
.value method, Using XML with Open Schema, Using XML with Open Schema
changing column from well-formed to schema-validated, Using XML with Open Schema
changing structures, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?
contacts table, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION T-SQL statement, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
creation script for ContactOtherAttributes schema collection, Using XML with Open Schema
data insertion, Using XML with Open Schema
database model diagrams (ER diagrams), XML Serialized Objects in a Database
DDL triggers, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?
index on filtered column, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
modifying parts of data based on structure, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?
open schema environment, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
overview, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
parameter of stored procedure, Using XML with Open Schema
passing array as parameter to stored procedure, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?
querying the catalog views, Using XML with Open Schema
relational model limits, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?
serialized objects in database, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?
showplans, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?
sparse data, Is the Relational Model Obsolete?
support in relational database, Deploying the UDT Using T-SQL
table column with Visio documents, XML Serialized Objects in a Database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
test database, XML Serialized Objects in a Database
Visio diagrams, When Should You Use XML Instead of Relational Representation?
XQuery modification statements, XML Data Type as a Parameter of a Stored Procedure
XML output in stored procedures, Output Parameters
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