An abstract image shows dark and bright shades glowing.

© Elena Kichigina/Shutterstock

Standard Acronyms


AdwareAdvertising-supported software
AESAdvanced Encryption Standard
AHAuthentication Headers
AIaaSArtificial Intelligence as a Service
ALEAnnual loss expectancy
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
APAccess point
APIApplication programming interface
APTAdvanced persistent threat
AROAnnual rate of occurrence
ARPAnetArmy Research Projects Agency network
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASPActive Server Pages
AUPAcceptable use policy


B2BBusiness to business
B2CBusiness to consumer
BaaSBackup as a Service
BBSBulletin-board service
BCPBusiness continuity plan
BIBusiness intelligence
BIABusiness impact analysis
BIOSBinary Input/Output System
BpsBits per second
BYODBring Your Own Device


C2BConsumer to business
C2CConsumer to consumer
CAN-SPAMControlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act
CAPTCHACompletely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
CCDACisco Certified Design Associate
CCECertified Computer Examiner
CCEECitrix Certified Enterprise Engineer
CCIACitrix Certified Integration Architect
CCPACalifornia Consumer Privacy Act
CDNContent delivery network
CERNConseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire
CERTComputer Emergency Response Team
CGICommon Gateway Interface
CI/CDContinuous integration/continuous deployment
CIAConfidentiality, integrity, availability
CIPAChildren’s Internet Protection Act
COPPAChildren’s Online Privacy Protection Act
CR/LFCarriage Return/Line Feed
CRMCustomer-relationship management
CRTCathode Ray Tube
CSPCloud service provider
CSPMCloud Security Posture Management
CSRFCross-site request forgery
CSSCascading Style Sheet
CSSLPCertified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional
CVECommon Vulnerabilities and Exposures
CVSSCommon Vulnerability Scoring System
CWPPCloud Workload Protection Platform


DaaSDesktop as a Service
DARPADefense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DASTDynamic application security testing
DBIRData Breach Investigations Report
DBMSDatabase management system
DDoSDistributed denial of service
DECTDigital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
DESData encryption standard
DevOpsDevelopment and operations
DHSDepartment of Homeland Security
DIADefense Intelligence Agency
DiDDefense in Depth
DLLDynamic link library
DMZDemilitarized zone
DNSDomain Name Service
DoSDenial of service
DRPDisaster recovery plan
DSDMDynamic Systems Development Method
DSLDigital subscriber line


EFExposure factor
EMPElectro-magnetic pulse
ERPEnterprise resource planning
ESPEncapsulating Security Payloads
EUEuropean Union
EULAEnd-User License Agreement


FCCFederal Communications Commission
FDDFeature-driven development
FERPAFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FISMAFederal Information Security Management Act
FR1Frequency Range 1
FR2Frequency Range 2
FTCFederal Trade Commission
FTPFile Transfer Protocol


GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation
GLBAGramm-Leach-Bliley Act
GPSGlobal positioning system
GUIGraphical user interface


HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HSPAHigh Speed Packet Access
HTMLHypertext Markup Language
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure


IaaSInfrastructure as a Service
ICANNInternet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
IDPSIntrusion detection and prevention system
IDSIntrusion detection system
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETFInternet Engineering Task Force
IKEInternet Key Exchange
IMInstant messaging
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
InfoSecInformation security
IoTInternet of Things
IPInternet Protocol
IPOInput-Processing-Output model
IPSIntrusion prevention system
IPSecInternet Protocol Security
IPv4Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6Internet Protocol version 6
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ISOCInternet Society
ISPInternet service provider
ITILInformation Technology Infrastructure Library


L2TPLayer 2 Tunneling Protocol
LAMPLinux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python
LANLocal area network
LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol
LFILocal File Inclusion
LoSLine of Sight
LSDLean software development
LTELong-Term Evolution


MACMedia Access Control
MAMPmacOS, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP/Perl/Python
MANMetropolitan area network
MBRMaster Boot Record
MD5Message Digest 5
MEANMongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS
MFAMulti-factor authentication
MGCPMedia Gateway Control Protocol
MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MitMMan-in-the-middle attack
MMSMultimedia Messaging Service
mmWaveMillimeter wave
MPLSMultiprotocol Label Switching
MPOPMultiple points of presence
MTTFMean time to failure
MTTRMean time to recovery
MVPMinimum viable product


NaaSNetwork as a Service
NGMNNext Generation Mobile Networks
NICNetwork interface card
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology
NTPNetwork Time Protocol
NVDNational vulnerability database


OMAOpen Mobile Alliance
ORMObject-relational mapping
OSOperating system
OSIOpen Systems Interconnection
OUIOrganizationally Unique Identifier
OWASPOpen Web Application Security Project


PaaSPlatform as a Service
PBKDFPassword-based key derivation function
PBXPrivate branch exchange
PCI DSSPayment Card Industry Data Security Standard
PCI SSCPCI Security Standards Council
PDAPersonal digital assistant
PHIPersonal health information
PHPPHP Hypertext Preprocessor
PIIPersonally identifiable information
PINPersonal identification number
PINGPacket Internet Groper
POP3Post Office Protocol
POTSPlain old telephone system
PPTPPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PSTNPublic switched telephone network
PUPPotential Unwanted Program
PWAProgressive web applications


QAMQualitative assessment matrix


RADRapid application development
RAMRandom-access memory
RAMRisk assessment matrix
RATRadio access technology
RCERemote code execution
RDBMSRelational Database Management System
RFRadio frequency
RFCRequest for Comments
RFIRemote file inclusion
RFIDRadio frequency identification
RPORecovery point objective
RSARivest, Shamir, and Adleman
RTCPReal-time Transport Control Protocol
RTORecovery time objective
RTPReal-time Transport Protocol


SASecurity association
SaaSSoftware as a Service
SASTStatic application scanning tool
SCMSoftware configuration management
SDLSecure development lifecycle
SDLCSystems development life cycle
SDNSoftware defined networking
SD-WANSoftware defined WAN
SEOSearch engine optimization
SHASecure hash algorithm
SIDSession ID
SIPSession Initiation Protocol
SLAService level agreement
SLESingle loss expectancy
SMBSmall-to-medium businesses
SMESubject matter expert
SMSShort message service
SMTPSimple Mail Transport Protocol
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
SOHOSmall office/home office
SOXSarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
SPASingle-page application
SPISecurity Parameters Index
SPOFSingle point of failure
SQLStructured Query Language
SQLiSQL Injection
SSGStatic-site generation
SSHSecure shell
SSIServer-side include
SSIDService set identifier
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
SSRServer-side rendering
SSRFServer Side Request Forgery


TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol
TCPATelephone Consumer Protection Act
TelnetTerminal network
TLDTop-level domain
TLSTransport Layer Security
TOCTOUTime of check, time of use
TORThe Onion Router


UaaSUnified communications as a service
UACSIP user agent client
UDIUniversal Document Identifier
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
UEUser equipment
UEFIUnified Extensible Firmware Interface
UIUser interface
ULEUltra-low emission
UMBUltra Mobile Broadband
UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System
UPSUninterruptible power supply
URIUniform Resource Identifier
URLUniversal (or Uniform) Resource Locator
USBUniversal serial bus
UXUser experience


VaaSVideo-conferencing as a Service
VLANVirtual local area network
VMVirtual machine
VMMVirtual machine manager
VoIPVoice over Internet Protocol
VPNVirtual private network


WAFWeb Application Firewall
WAMPWindows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP
WANWide area network
WAPWireless access point
WASCWeb Application Security Consortium
WEPWired Equivalent Privacy
Wi-FiWireless Fidelity
WiMAXWorldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WLANWireless local area network
WPAWi-Fi Protected Access
WPA2Wi-Fi Protected Access, version 2
WPA3Wi-Fi Protected Access, version 3
WWWWorld Wide Web


XHTML-MPExtensible HyperText Markup Language – Mobile Profile
XMLExtensible Markup Language
XPExtreme programming
XPathXML Path
XSSCross-site scripting
XSTCross-site tracing
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