© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022
G. MoioliIntroduction to Blender 3.0https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7954-0_1

1. Introducing Blender 3.0

Gianpiero Moioli1  
Milano, Italy

This chapter will explore the main changes introduced in the latest versions of Blender that are included in the 3.0 release. First, we will look at the differences between Blender 3.0 and the previous version. After that, we will learn how to install Blender.

Setting up Blender is quick and easy, and it takes up extraordinarily little space on our computer’s drive. Next, we will cover installing the stable and experimental versions, the so-called daily builds, with the newest features.

Also, we will get familiar with the new interface, navigation techniques, menus, workspaces, editors, and views.

Finally, we will get to know some of the most important innovations of the 3.0 version of Blender: the Eevee and Cycles X rendering engines.

In this chapter, we are going to cover the following main topics:
  • Main changes in the new 3.0 version

  • How to install Blender 3.0 and older versions

  • The new user interface and user experience

  • How to use new keyboard shortcuts

  • Eevee, the new real-time renderer

  • Cycles X, the new, improved version of the physical-based path tracer renderer

This chapter will present all the necessary knowledge to get familiar with the Blender 3.0 interface. It is both for new users and for users accustomed to previous versions.

Exploring the Main Changes in Blender 3.0

Starting with version 2.83, the Blender Foundation has decided to produce two different series of Blender.
  • Long-Term Support (LTS) is the stable Blender version that can be used for long-term projects and will remain stable for two years. This version is currently 2.93 LTS.

  • Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer) is the conventional release numbering divided into major, minor versions, and patches. Thus, the first version of this series is 3.0. Later versions will be 3.1, 3.2, etc. After two years, version 3.0 will become 4.0.

This change highlights the growing importance of Blender for business use, and it also seems to mark the end of an era when Blender was considered unconventional software unlike any other.

Figure 1-1 shows the development scheme of the two Blender series proposed by the Blender Foundation.
Figure 1-1

The Blender release schedule from the Blender Foundation

Figure 1-1 shows we have two versions: the orange is the leading version, currently 3.0. The blue one shows the LTS, dedicated to companies that need a more stable interface over time for their long-term projects.

Blender 2.8 included a makeover of the user interface, becoming much more user-friendly and intuitive. In Blender 3.0, compared to the earlier versions, many things have been changed to simplify and speed up using the software. The settings now are much more consistent, and Blender developers have reorganized the menus to be more orderly.

The next section will quickly present the most critical changes in the latest versions leading up to 3.0.

Left Button Selection (LBS)

Before version 2.8, by default , object selection was done with the right mouse button.

Considering other benchmark software such as Photoshop, 3D Studio Max, etc., Blender developers changed the default selection method to the left mouse button. However, the user can alter the selection method to the right mouse button if that is its preference.

Asset Browser and Pose Library

A modification introduced recently is the Asset Browser. This local user library makes assets available from one Blender file to another and lets us drag and drop them directly into the 3D Viewport editor.

Figure 1-2 shows the Asset Browser interface.
Figure 1-2

Asset Browser

There are different types of assets within Blender: materials, objects, textures, etc. With this new type of editor, we can import them directly.


Workspaces are another substantial modification that replace the old layouts. They are in the Topbar, next to the main menus, as shown in Figure 1-3.
Figure 1-3

Workspaces in Blender 3.0

The primary workspaces are Layout, Modeling, Sculpting, UV Editing, Texture Paint, Shading, Animation, Rendering, Compositing, and Scripting. We can use each of them for a specific function.

We can also customize these default workspaces and create our own based on our needs; to do this, we click the + sign on the right of the menu.

For example, by switching from Layout to the Modeling workspace, we enter directly into the subobject modification mode called Edit mode, speeding up the work. The Sculpting workspace takes us straight to Sculpt mode, and shows only the tools needed for that mode; in addition, the Timeline disappears, and the 3D view expands.

The Blender 3.0 Toolbar (T)

A significant feature, especially for those using Blender for the first time, is the Toolbar, which we can find on the left of the Blender interface, as shown in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4

The Blender 3.0 Toolbar in Object mode

In Blender 3.0, in Object mode, the Toolbar is divided into four parts, from top to bottom:

  • In the first part, we find the following:
    1. a.

      Some selection tools

    2. b.

      The button to change the cursor position in the 3D Viewport

  • The second part has the main transformations: Move, Rotate, Scale, and Transform.

  • Then we find some tools for annotating and measuring: Annotate and Measure.

  • Finally, we have a button to add some primitives interactively in the 3D Viewport.

With the toolbar, we can immediately move our objects in the 3D space, scale, and rotate them easily with gizmos.


There are two main ways to model in Blender: Object mode and Edit mode. In Object mode, we work with the main transformations at the object level, while in Edit mode, we work more specifically on subobjects such as vertices, edges, and faces.

The Tab key is the keyboard shortcut that allows us to switch from Object to Edit mode quickly.

In the toolbar in Edit mode, we can find the transformations and the most critical tools for subobject modeling. Again, these tools help Blender users because they don’t need to learn the keyboard shortcuts for these operations immediately.

With this tool, we can perform the essential modeling operations by simply clicking the icon of the desired device and performing the procedure in the 3D window. Only a left-click and drag action is required.

Most of these tools also have customized manipulator widgets, making the devices more accessible and more intuitive to use. This change is significant for beginners, but we still recommend learning the keyboard shortcuts that allow a faster workflow.


If the toolbar is not present in 3D view, click the T button to make it appear on the left side of the viewport and press it again to hide it. The N key opens and closes the sidebar on the viewport’s right. We can also open and close the toolbar in the 3D viewport at the cursor position by pressing Shift+spacebar. To open the toolbar’s hidden tools, we need to click and hold the left mouse button on the icon’s arrow in the lower-right corner and choose the desired device.


Another phenomenal change included in the Blender 2.8 version is Eevee , the new real-time rendering engine. In version 3.0, this renderer has been improved and made a lot faster, as you will see later in this chapter and in Chapter 6.

With the introduction of Eevee, Blender’s 3D Viewport became interactive and allowed us to work in real time in rendered shading, just like the best game engines.

The Cycles render engine is the previous renderer of Blender. It’s a path tracer, and it is currently irreplaceable for the realism that a path-tracing engine produces.

Eevee is a lot faster than Cycles.

For some materials or effects, we have the same results in Cycles and Eevee; however, in other cases, Eevee does not have the same realistic and high-performance rendering results as Cycles.

For example, rendering transparent objects with real-time engines like Eevee does not give the same photorealistic rendering quality as Cycles. Eevee also needs more interface settings to be fixed before starting work.

Cycles X

Cycles X is a facelift of Cycles and has a redesigned architecture. The source code of Cycles X is different, so it is much faster than Cycles. Since the interface has not been altered, how we set up our work does not change.

We will discuss Cycles X in more detail in Chapter 6.


Another renderer that comes to our aid to model in the viewport is Workbench .

It is for quick preview rendering, dedicated to precisely rendering and defining the model. With well-defined shadows, different colors, and cavity shading, the details of the objects we model are more apparent, and we can work with greater ease and precision.

Scene Collections

Another fundamental change that allows us to work in a much more orderly way is the introduction of Scene Collections instead of layers. Before version 2.8, Blender allowed us to use up to 20 layers; now, we can add as many collections as we need, give them a name, and organize them as we prefer.

We will discuss scene collections in detail later in this chapter when we speak of the Outline Editor.

Grease Pencil

The Grease Pencil was already present in previous versions of Blender, but it was a simple tool, usable only for writing and making notes in the viewport. However, since version 2.8, it has emerged as an exciting painting and animation tool.

We can continue to use the Grease Pencil for annotations. Still, now we can also do much more: we can use Draw, Object, and Edit modes for Grease Pencil brushes, and we can add dedicated modifiers and new materials.

In version 3.0 of Blender, the Grease Pencil provides many tools such as points, lines, and strokes, as well as a new workspace, modifiers, visual effects, materials, and many more features capable of producing entire 2D animated films.

In addition, with this tool, we can draw strokes and turn them into meshes or three-dimensional objects.

Geometry Nodes

Another exciting feature in Blender 3.0 is the Geometry Nodes modifier , which is helpful in editing objects’ geometry by procedural modeling.

These nodes join and partly replace the modifiers and exponentially increase the possibilities of building objects having much more complex geometry.

With this tool we can create rich scenes from simple assets and then modify them and make them more complex through the modification of parameters.

In 2019, the Blender Foundation started working on Everything Nodes’ critical project. It aims to extend the control of nodal systems to geometry, particles, simulations, collections, textures, materials, animations, etc. We can say that geometry nodes are part of this.

We will learn about the principles of this new modeling system in Chapter 3.

USD Importer

Universal Scene Description (USD) is an open source standard developed by Pixar for its animated films and used to create complex scenes collaboratively in a 3D world.

Pixar released USD as an open source file format.

Nvidia, starting from this file format, has built Omniverse. This application allows the real-time collaboration of many creatives on three-dimensional scenes and renders it with real-time path tracing.

Therefore, this format is significant and could be the future of 3D modeling production.

Blender already exports in the USD format, and the Blender Foundation and Nvidia have the ability to import USD files in version 3.0.

In this first section, we briefly explored the main innovations introduced in the new interface of Blender 3.0. These features make the software more robust and improve the user interface. In addition, the workflow is optimized.

The approach of this book is practical; to explore all the topics more technically, we can refer to the online Blender 3.0 Reference Manual here: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/index.html.

For any questions about using the software, we can also refer to Blender Stack Exchange at https://blender.stackexchange.com/; this is a great site where users quickly respond to questions.

Now let’s learn how to install the software on our computer .

Installing Blender 3.0

In this section, we will see how to download the latest versions of Blender 3.0 from the official website:
  • We can download the stable version from https://www.blender.org/download/.

  • We can download the experimental versions, some of which are still unstable but contain the latest features and cool bug fixes, from https://builder.blender.org/download/. Several experimental versions are accessible in the menu of the same page, divided into various builds: Daily, Branch, Patch, Library, Buildbot, Builders, and Latest Changes.

We will see how to proceed with installation in the following sections.

The Blender Foundation Website

The first thing to do when we start using Blender is to connect to the site https://www.blender.org/ where we can download all the installation files and a lot of materials to use and extend Blender.

The site also contains a series of information and updates essential for those who want to use the software from beginner to expert levels.

In the menu at the top of the page, we can find the sections Features, Download, Support, Get Involved, About, and Store.

Let’s not forget Donate, where we can make a small donation to support software development.

Let’s quickly see what the sections contain:
  • On the Features page, we immediately get an idea of what we can do with Blender.

  • On the Download link, we find the latest stable version of the software for the various operating systems.

  • The Support section is where we find a lot of documentation, different tutorials, and many free and paid courses to learn how to use Blender.

Figure 1-5 shows the page of the support section.
Figure 1-5

Blender site, Support section

As Figure 1-5 shows, we can quickly access this page’s documentation, tutorials, and community support.

This page allows access to several international communities worldwide, ideally according to this motto: “It’s all about people. Anywhere you are, there’s a community for you.”1

Installing Different Versions of Blender 3.0

Now let’s install Blender.

We will start with the official version, the stable one. It is straightforward, and the software takes up very little space on our computer’s hard disk: the current zipped folder is about 200 MB.

Figure 1-6 shows the download page for the many official versions for different operating systems and the source code.
Figure 1-6

The Blender 3.0 download page of the official versions

As you can see in Figure 1-6, we can install two versions for each operating system: the executable one, which installs the software on our computer’s hard disk, and the portable, or zipped, which we can also use from a memory stick. On this page select Looking for Blender LTS? to find the link to install Blender LTS.

We can install the official versions with a few clicks:
  1. 1.

    Navigate to the download page at https://www.blender.org/download/.

  2. 2.

    Click the button “macOS, Linux, and other versions” and open the drop-down menu.

  3. 3.

    Choose the appropriate operating system for you (Windows, macOS, or Linux) and start downloading the zipped folder files by clicking the relevant button.

  4. 4.

    Follow the instructions on the screen.


This installs the recommended, stable version.

Instead, if we want to install a more recent but not yet stable version, we go to the bottom of the download page and click the Download Blender Experimental button. This operation will redirect us to another page that shows several experimental software versions, as shown in Figure 1-7.
Figure 1-7

The Blender 3.0 download page for the experimental versions

From here, we can download both the official beta and alpha versions, called the daily builds. In addition, we can download the release candidate. These are specific versions to test the subsequent releases of the software.

Not all of these versions are stable. In fact, the page says, “The following builds have the latest features and cool bug fixes. However, they can be unstable and mess up your files. Use it at your own risk.”2

There is also a dedicated page to download previous versions of Blender, including the 2.7 series and every earlier version of Blender; see https://www.blender.org/donload/previous-versions/.

Now we can open our software by clicking the Blender icon on the screen if we have installed one of the stable versions with the installer package. We do not have to install the experimental versions on the computer. Instead, we start them by clicking the Blender icon inside the main folder; the Blender application is the only one with the Blender icon visible.

So, we can have two or more different Blender versions on the same PC.

This section taught us how to install the stable release of Blender and the experimental versions. Now let’s start getting to the heart of the chapter by analyzing the user interface.

Using the Default Interface of Blender 3.0

After installing Blender 3.0, let’s look at the interface to orient ourselves in the 3D Viewport and start using it.

When we open it for the first time, the interface looks like Figure 1-8.
Figure 1-8

Default user interface of Blender 3.0

As we can immediately notice, the most crucial window is the 3D Viewport, the central workspace in which most of our activities will occur. It is a three-dimensional space in which three objects are already present: a Cube, a Camera, and a Light.

We can begin creating objects in Blender and start working immediately with these three elements.

But let’s take it one step at a time; later in the book, we’ll look at the elements we mentioned here. Right now we will take a closer look at the interface.

Main Areas

The Blender interface was developed in OpenGL and has several excellent possibilities for personalization so that everyone can organize their own working space to operate most efficiently and quickly for them.

The new Blender 3.0 interface is orderly and user-friendly.

First, we’ll look at the areas, editors, menus, and workspaces in Blender to understand the software more effectively.

Let’s start by looking at the main elements of Blender’s interface, as shown in Figure 1-9.
Figure 1-9

The four main areas of the user interface

Here are the four main sections:
  1. 1.

    The Topbar is at the top of the Blender interface and contains the main menu, workspaces, scenes, and layers.

  2. 2.

    The header is directly below the topbar. It contains the head of each window or editor with menus, tool settings, and essential tools that interactively change with the editor type.

    There are two sections: the Toolbar Information Header above and the Tool Settings below. By right-clicking in the 3D view header, we open a window with which we can control the visualization of the two bars. If the header is not displayed, we can click the arrow in the upper-right corner of the viewport to recover it.

  3. 3.

    The editor area is the central screen space for the editor type.

  4. 4.

    The status bar provides information about keyboard shortcuts, the selected object, and the software version in use.


After a quick look at the general structure of the interface, we will now see how the main toolbars and windows are structured, and we will study in more detail the editors and views.

Topbar, Header, Toolbar, and Status Bar

The Topbar, header, toolbar, editor area, and status bar are the elements that make up the Blender 3.0 interface when we launch the platform.

When we open Blender, there are four editor types. In the center, we find the 3D Viewport editor, on the right are the Outline and Properties Editor. Instead, the Timeline is at bottom of the interface.

Across all platforms, Blender’s user interface is consistent.

The Topbar

Let’s start with the Topbar, the first line at the top of the interface containing the main menu, default workspaces, scenes, and layers.

On the left of this bar, the main menu contains File, Edit, Render, Window, and Help, as shown in Figure 1-10.
Figure 1-10

Blender main menu

File collects the most important File operations. Edit contains the editing operations and the Preferences window, which allows us to customize the interface, which we will learn about later. Render includes the processes related to making a rendering. Window collects the actions on the windows. Finally, Help connects us with Blender sites, including the manual, the tutorials, and a lot of informative material.

Another vital part of the Topbar is the one containing different workspaces, as shown in Figure 1-11.
Figure 1-11

Blender 3.0 workspaces, scenes, and layers

Multiple workspaces and their default settings help speed up workflow. In the next section, we will see how.

With the Scenes section, we can organize our work much better.

From the New Scene button in the Topbar, we can create multiple scenes with different objects within the same Blender file, as shown in Figure 1-12.
Figure 1-12

The options for a new scene and the Render Layer button

As we can see in Figure 1-12, we can build a new scene differently from the default scene or replicate a scene already present in Blender and then modify it. In addition, working with other scenes allows us to create different versions of the same environment within the same file. Then we can change those scenes independently.

Next to the scenes, we find the render layers on the right, dividing the rendered image into several levels to edit them separately and subsequently merge them into a final image. We will see render layers and passes in Chapter 6.

Now let’s learn about the tools of the editor type’s header.

The Header of the Editor Type
On the second and third lines from the top, we find the header of the editor type composed of two bars, as shown in Figure 1-13 .
Figure 1-13

The upper part of the 3D view interface: the 3D View Header

At the top, we find the Toolbar Information Header, and below we can see the Tool Settings. Both these bars contain essential tools for working in Blender.

On the left of the header, the Editor Type Selector is the button to switch between the different editors, as shown in Figure 1-14.
Figure 1-14

The Editor Type Selector

We can switch between the various editors that we will learn about one by one in the “Introducing Editors and Views” section of this chapter.

Next, we find the Object Mode selector and the Header menu, as shown in the figure.

Object Interaction Mode Button

In the Object Interaction Mode button, we can choose our working mode.

Next, the 3D View Header menu changes according to the editor type. For example, in Object mode, we find View, Select, Add, and Object; instead, in Edit mode, we have View, Select, Add, Mesh, Vertex, Edge, Face, UV, etc. We will learn about these menus in this chapter’s “Menus and Workspaces” section.

Let’s learn about the different object modes now; each has specific functions to perform certain tasks with 3D objects, images, videos, etc.

In Figure 1-15, we see a complete list of all the object modes summarized in brief.
Figure 1-15

Object modes

Figure 1-15 shows only the modes related to the mesh objects. But there are others associated, for example, with the Armature objects, etc.

Let’s look at each mode individually:
  • Object mode is the default modality available for every type of object. In this mode, we work on the thing as a whole, and we modify the entity’s position, rotation, and dimension, the so-called object data-block editing, while the topology does not change.

  • Instead, we use Edit mode for subobject editing. In this modality, we work on the individual elements of the object; for example, vertices, edges, and faces for meshes and control points for curves, surfaces, etc. Thanks to the main transformations and other modification tools, we can modify the object’s geometry by acting on its subobjects.

  • Sculpt mode is a mesh-only mode for creating organic shapes in real time and realistic sculptural modeling with virtual clay. In this mode, the tools are brushes/chisels like Draw, Clay, Flatten, etc., and work on the Blender’s meshes by changing the mesh’s topology.

  • Vertex Paint Mode is a mesh-only mode, where the tools become brushes that allow us to change the color of the mesh’s vertices. This operation gives vertices color without affecting the surface, geometry, texture, or material. We will use this color to apply different changes, as we will see in Chapter 5.

  • Weight Paint mode is a mesh-only mode that assigns a weight to each vertex defined with a scale of values ranging from blue to red, from 0 to 1, and from the absence of influence to the maximum weight value. We use it for rigging and animation, for particle systems, and for each modification in which we need a change in the value of the amendment itself.

  • Texture Paint Mode is a mesh-only mode; it allows us to paint meshes or create textures in various ways with multiple tools.

Let’s see some other editing tools of the header now.

Transformation Orientation, Transform Pivot Point, Snap and Proportional Editing
We can find other essential tools even further to the right, as shown in Figure 1-16.
Figure 1-16

Transformation Orientation, Transform Pivot Point, Snap, and Proportional Editing

Figure 1-16 shows the buttons for multiple features, from left to right, including Transformation Orientation to modify the alignment of the transformation axes, and the Transform Pivot Point and Pivot Center tools for rotating and scaling, which precisely establish the center of modification of the transformations.

Next, we find the Snap system and the Proportional Editing panel, which we can activate with the shortcut O.

Here we have different snaps available when performing the main transformations, as shown in Figure 1-17. In addition, snaps help move the selection to any defined point.
Figure 1-17

The snap options

The defined points are Increment, Vertex, Edge, Face, Volume, Edge Center, and Edge Perpendicular. Each gives us a different snap function that we will explore throughout the book.

By contrast, the Proportional Editing panel makes a balanced selection of objects in Object mode and subobjects in Edit mode, as shown in Figure 1-18.
Figure 1-18

The Proportional Editing options

The selection takes place according to the selected object and the falloff type. Then, by rotating the mouse wheel, we proportionally increase or decrease the size of the sphere of influence of the selection.

On the right of the interface, we can see a few more visualization tools: View Object Types, Show Gizmo, Show Overlays, Toggle X-Ray (Alt+Z), and Viewport Shading.

Visualization Tools

In this section we’ll learn about the Visualization buttons of the header.

There are five elements related to visualization on the right side of the 3D view’s header, as shown in Figure 1-19.
Figure 1-19

The visualization buttons to the right of the 3D view’s header

Let’s look at each of these in more detail:
  • The View Object Types list controls the visibility and selectability of each type of object. Visibility is indicated by the eye shape image button, while the arrowhead image button indicates the selection. By clicking this button, we can turn on or off the visibility or restrict the selection for each object such as Mesh, Curve, Grease Pencil, Armature, Light, etc., as per our requirements.

  • The Show Gizmo list shows gizmos of all types, including Viewport, Object, Empty, Light, and Camera gizmos. From here, we can show or hide all the gizmos.

  • The Show Overlays list displays overlines as gizmos and outlines. Thus, we can check the visibility of the grid, the axis, the 3D cursor, etc.

  • The Toggle X-Ray button, which we can also access with Alt+Z, allows us to hide or show the back of our objects in 3D view in both Object and Edit modes. With the button active, the objects are displayed as transparent. The tool is handy in Edit mode because it also acts on the selection, and it also allows us to select the hidden subobjects.

  • Viewport Shading controls the display of 3D view and allows us to change the type. We have different types of shading:
    • The Wireframe shading is the so-called “wireframe” display that shows only the outlines and edges of objects.

    • In Solid shading, we display the thing as a solid; it is the best shading mode for modeling and editing the elements.

    • Material Preview represents the objects with the materials applied, displaying the textures, transparency, reflection, etc.

    • The Rendered shading presents the 3D View workspace with the same characteristics as the final render, with materials, reflections, lights, and shadows reproduced in the selected render engine.

Then, we can control some visualization characteristics in the Properties Editor, which will be explained later in the chapter.

In the Viewport Display window of the Object Properties panel of the Properties Editor, we can control different characteristics of our objects; for example, we can show the name in the 3D view. Furthermore, in the Viewport Display window of the Material Properties of the Properties Editor, we can change the object’s color in 3D view to Solid viewport shading regardless of the material’ color applied.

But now, in the second bar, let’s look at the Tool Settings on the left.

Tool Settings
The second line of the header contains the Tool Settings, shown in the white rectangle in Figure 1-20.
Figure 1-20

The selection Tool Settings

In Object and Edit modes, as shown in the figure, we can see the Select functions, whereby we can directly perform different types of selection.

In the Tool Settings, we can decide what kind of selection to make: extend, subtract, invert, or intersect the current selection.

We find the tools to create and edit brushes and chisels in the same bar in Sculpt, Vertex Paint, Weight Paint, Texture Paint, and Draw modes.

Depending on the visibility requirement of the 3D Viewport editor, we can change the position of the tool settings. We can do this by right-clicking the Tool Settings and then selecting Header; this will pop up a toolbar. Next, we can choose Flip to Bottom. With this done, the Tool Settings will move to the bottom-left side of the 3D Viewport editor such that we can have a clean 3D Viewport on the top side. We can also revert this change.

Let’s look at the toolbar now.

The Toolbar

The toolbar is an essential instrument of the new Blender interface that is especially useful to those who are just starting to use Blender. The toolbar contains several tools.

This window has other instruments according to the various object modes. So, it will always have several characteristics in Sculpt, Vertex Paint, Weight Paint, and Texture Paint modes.

We can show the various devices, functions, and keyboard shortcuts by hovering the mouse over the icons, as shown in Figure 1-21.
Figure 1-21

The Add Mesh function in the toolbar in Object mode

Figure 1-21 shows the Add Mesh function with its different tools: Add Cube, Cone, Cylinder, etc.

In Object mode, the toolbar has the following tools in order:
  • Selection to select objects.

  • Cursor to switch from selection to cursor mode and move it; we can also access this tool with the Shift+spacebar shortcut.

  • The main transformations are Move, Rotate, Scale, and Transform, and we can also access these tools, respectively, with G, R, S, and T.

    We can perform all three basic transformations simultaneously with a complete interactive gizmo.

    We use Ctrl to make precision changes in increments of 1 grid unit or press Shift+Ctrl to allow 0.1 grid units. We can modify the increments by opening the Viewport Overlays panel from the Overlays button in the 3D view header and changing the Scale. For example, if we set the Scale value from 1 to 0.1, the Ctrl increments will be 0.1 grid units instead of 1 grid unit. If we set Scale to 5 increments will be 5 grid units.

  • The Add Mesh tools, as shown in Figure 1-21.

In Object mode, we also have the following:
  • The Annotate key to make annotations directly in 3D view

  • The Measure key to inspect the distances and angles of the created objects

In Edit mode, there are several tools for modifying and modeling the mesh such as Extrude Region, Inset Faces, Bevel, Loop Cut, Knife, Poly Build, Spin Smooth, Edge Slide, Shrink/Fatten, Shear, and Rip Region.

In Sculp mode, we have all the chisels or brushes.

Finally, in Vertex Paint, Weight Paint, Texture Paint Mode, we have brushes for editing vertices and textures.

In the Tool Settings of the 3D Viewport header, we have the controls for the toolbar tools we have just seen.

The Status Bar

At the bottom of the interface, we find the status bar. It changes depending on what editor our mouse cursor is in. It shows suggestions for keyboard shortcuts on the left. On the right it shows information relating to the objects.

This bar can be helpful if we don’t know or remember some keyboard shortcuts. For example, when we move an object, the left part of the status bar in Object mode looks like Figure 1-22.
Figure 1-22

The Status bar in 3D Viewport editor, in Object mode

Figure 1-22 shows the shortcuts to perform operations on objects.

On the right side of the status bar, we have all the information relating to the objects, as shown in Figure 1-23.
Figure 1-23

The Status bar

Figure 1-23 shows the name of the collection of the selected object, the object itself, the number of vertices and faces, the number of tris (triangular faces), the weight of the scene in the computer memory, the RAM usage, and the installed version of Blender.

We can access this information by right-clicking the status bar and activating what we are interested in the window that appear, for example, the Scene Statistics box.

This section has studied the essential tools to work effectively with the Blender 3.0 interface. Since version 2.8, the developers have modified the interface to work more practically and effectively.

In the next section, we start to see two fundamental Blender tools in more detail: editors and views.

Introducing Editors and Views

We already had a general overview of the editors used in Blender. Now, let’s look at a more specific and in-depth analysis of the tools of the Blender 3.0 interface with the study of the editor area.

As we have already seen, the Editor Type Selector allows us to switch from one editor to another.

Editors are the most disparate. Let’s look at them one by one, starting with understanding what they are and what they’re for.

Editor Types

The editors are the heart of Blender. Each of them is a window with tools for different purposes. These instruments give the software great flexibility and perform many disparate functions with similar interfaces.

In most cases, we can use the same keyboard shortcuts for similar tools in different editors. For example, if we need to move an object in the three-dimensional space of the viewport, we use the G key; we also use the same key to move an armature in Pose mode or move a strip in the Video Sequencer.

There are four groups of editors: General, Animation, Scripting, and Data.

We can see all the types of editors available in Blender 3.0 in Figure 1-24.
Figure 1-24

The editor types

We also see the keyboard shortcut to open each editor type in Figure 1-24.

Analyzing them one by one, this is what is in the General section:
  • The 3D Viewport is the most used Blender editor. It is the three-dimensional space in which we work on our objects.

  • We use the Image Editor to see and edit two-dimensional images, such as the textures for the materials. New textures can be created by clicking the New button in the Texture Node editor or by clicking the New control in the Texture panel.

  • The UV Editor is one of the crucial editors mainly used to apply images and textures to three-dimensional objects and to edit UVs.

    Here we make mappings to apply textures on a three-dimensional model. We do this operation in the UV Editing workspace, and Blender has several built-in algorithms that automatically unwrap 3D shapes. In Chapter 4, we will learn about the various methods to perform this operation.

  • The Compositor allows us to edit images and videos directly inside Blender by importing photos or videos through the Image or Movie Clip nodes and using the other nodes to modify them. We can consider Compositor as part of the post-process.

  • The Texture Node Editor is used to edit textures.

  • When Blender launched the 2.92 version, it was with a Geometry Node editor. The idea is to create geometry procedurally.

    In version 3.0, we can create complex geometry with excellent control such as base assets, modular pieces, particle instances, etc.

  • With the Shader Editor, we can create and edit node materials.

    Both Cycles X and Eevee use node materials, as we will see at the end of this chapter and, more thoroughly, in Chapter 6.

  • The Video Sequencer is a complete video editing system that allows us to edit videos and add effects. We can import different images and video clips and edit them together, adding transitions and effects of various types; we can also add and edit audio files to complete our movies.

  • We can use the Movie Clip Editor for tracking or masking movies.

In the Animation Editor Type section, we find the following:
  • Blender’s Dope Sheet is an editor inspired by the traditional animation-making method. It gives the animator a total view of the entire animation process; it presents all the keyframes and animation movements in a general scheme.

  • The Timeline is the strip at the bottom of the interface just above the status bar. This editor displays the frames for the animations and provides simple tools to move between them. We use it to reproduce animations and physical simulations. The blue vertical line that we can move by clicking and dragging the cursor is the playhead, and it shows the current frame number at the top.

  • The Graph Editor allows us to edit animation curves, F-Curves, for everything that can be animated.

  • Drivers shows the settings for a driver. Drivers are a way to control property values using a function or mathematical expression.

  • With Nonlinear Animation, we can manipulate and reuse animations more quickly than editing keyframes. We use it to make significant changes in the animation of an object in a relatively simple way. The NLA can also reuse an already animated sequence.

In the Scripting section, we find the following:
  • We use the Text Editor to write Python scripts and develop custom add-ons for Blender.

  • The Python Console is a tool to execute commands quickly; it is also a way to explore the possibilities of Python for Blender.

  • The Info Editor records our software’s accomplished operators, alerts, and error messages. We can also select documented reports by clicking them.

In the Data section, we have the following:
  • The Outliner is an essential window because it contains all the scene collections and objects of the current Blender file.

    The current version of Blender contains a critical modification: the Scene Collection.

    This layer system can include the different types of objects and can be shown or hidden in the 3D Viewport or the rendering.

    The collections replaced the old layer system were limited to 20 levels and did not have a proper name. This innovation brings order and improves the work performance in Blender because it allows direct control of groups of objects. Now, we can have unlimited collections.

  • The Properties Editor contains all the most basic Blender commands such as as render properties, output properties, modifiers, physics properties, etc., so we will discuss it separately.

  • We use the File Browser Editor in operations related to files, including, for example, opening, saving, and choosing new locations for existing files as images, materials, videos, etc.

  • The Asset Browser works as a local user library. It allows us to save all Blender assets to make them available from one Blender file to another by dragging and dropping them directly into the 3D Viewport, as already happens with Unity.

  • The Spreadsheet Editor is directly connected to the Geometry Node Editor and is used to control the geometry attributes employed by the geometry nodes themselves.

  • Preferences is the editor we use to customize Blender and change the Blender’s default configuration; we will present this editor in Chapter 2.

After a brief overview of the different editor types, let’s look at a fundamental one in more detail: the Properties Editor.

Properties Editor

The Properties Editor allows us to edit the active object’s properties and scenes and related data blocks. Many Blender functions are gathered in this editor.

Arranged vertically, on the right of Blender’s interface, this editor enables us to access different tabs that contain almost all the main functions of Blender.

This provision replaces the previous version with a more straightforward and rational distribution of the commands shown in Figure 1-25.
Figure 1-25

The Properties Editor

Each of these tabs has a specific function different from the others; let’s look at each in more detail:

  • The Active Tool and Workspace Settings tab presents the tool selected in 3D view and the current workspace. For example, it contains Sculpt mode features and brush controls for sculpting.

  • Render Properties contains all the settings to control the image and video rendering.

  • The Scene window allows us to select the active render engine: Eevee, Cycles, or Workbench.

  • With the Sampling window, we can control the quality of our image or video, increasing render samples with the Render and Viewport boxes with a reduction of aliasing.

  • Ambient occlusion simulates softer lights and shadows by generating smooth shading even without direct lighting.

  • We can use the Depth of Field window to control the lens aperture and the camera focus to simulate typical camera blurs.

  • Subsurface Scattering simulates semitranslucent materials on which light partly bounces, partly penetrates, and then disperses inside and bounces back later, like human skin, fruit, gelatin, honey, wax, tomatoes, etc.

  • Screen Space Reflections is an option for rendering glass objects in Eevee. Eevee will not correctly give transparent surfaces if we don’t select this and also select Refraction.

  • The Shadows window controls the characteristics of the shadows. In addition to the Shadow window of the active light’s Object Data properties in the Properties Editor.

  • If we want technical rendering, an exciting window is Freestyle, which we must select if we’re going to get a rendering with a drawing effect.

  • The Output Properties section allows us to control the output characteristics of the file, its information, and save settings.

  • The Dimensions window gives us control over the resolution of the rendered files.

  • In the Output window, we can define the destination folder and the file format. We can choose different professional formats for images (BMP, PNG, JPEG, etc.) and videos (AVI JPEG, AVIRaw, and FFmpeg).

  • We can also choose images or videos in black and white, RGB, or RGB with an Alpha channel for transparency.

  • View Layer Properties controls the visibility of the collections, allowing us to select them and set their options. Finally, this editor will enable us to render each layer separately to compose them in post-production and apply them to compositing effects independently.

  • In the Scene Properties window, we can set the scene features.

  • We can set the unit system as None, Metric, or Imperial in the Units window. Blender then automatically switches from the metric system to the Anglo-Saxon system.

  • Then we have the Gravity window, where we can modify the force of gravity. The default gravity value is set to -9,8m/s2 in the z-axis parameter value.

  • World Properties shows the environment settings. The Surface window contains the general settings for the background and its lighting.

  • Collection Properties contains some boxes to adjust some features of the collections used to organize the scene logically.

  • We work with scene objects in the Object Properties Editor. First, we use them to modify the characteristics and properties of the selected object. For example, we can change an object’s visibility and name here. Then we find the Transform window to identify and modify the object’s location, rotation, and scale.

  • We use Modifier Properties to add the various modifiers to the selected object. Each of them modifies the object in a different way. They allow us to work flexibly by altering the element indirectly. Moreover, we can apply or delete them at any time.

  • Blender provides four categories of modifiers: Modify, Generate, Deform, and Physics. We will gradually see the most stimulating of them one by one throughout the book.

  • We can use the Particle Properties Editor to create particle systems.

  • To add a particle system, after selecting an object, we click the + button on the right of the panel. There are two types: Emitter and Hair. We can choose either. Then we need to provide the necessary data in the respective fields to get the particle system working.

  • Physics Properties is the editor from which we add the physical simulations. We have several options: Force Field, Collision, Cloth, Dynamic Paint, Soft Body, Fluid, Rigid Body, and Rigid Body Constraint.

  • In Object Constraints Properties, we assign an object’s relationships with other elements to create interactions, such as the path of a camera on a curve for an architecture walk-through. We can establish four different types of links: Motion Tracking, Transform, Tracking, and Relationship.

  • Object Data Properties contains several functions related to the selected object. Vertex Group’s window is helpful in control groups of vertices to assign different effects, animations, and custom particle systems.

  • Shape keys help add keys to the mesh and then animate facial expressions and more. We can also generate vertex colors to affect mesh movements and animations.

  • We use the Material Properties window to assign the material to the object and change its characteristics.

  • From here, we can modify all the properties of the substance. As we will see later, we can also perform the same functions with nodal materials directly inside the Shader Editor.

  • Texture Properties is the panel where we can assign the textures to the substance by clicking the New button (+).

Blender sets a bitmap texture, which is an image.

Then we can assign the image, in the Settings window, from the New or Open button.

We have to create an image from scratch with Blender’s Texture Paint tools with New. Instead, with Open, we can import an existing image.

If we want a procedural texture, we can choose the type by clicking the Image or Movie button and selecting one of Blender’s procedural textures, as Clouds, for example. We will discuss the topic in more detail in the Textures section of Chapter 4.

Here we have introduced the Properties Editor summarizing its main features without listing all the functions; refer to the Blender 3.0 Manual for a complete list.

Let’s now learn about menus and workspaces.

Menus and Workspaces

Now let’s take a closer look at four other essential elements of Blender’s interface:
  • The main menu on the top left of the Topbar

  • The 3D View Header menu alongside the object modes

  • The Pie menus

  • The workspaces

Let’s look at these four elements in more detail.

The Topbar Menu

The main menu in the Topbar contains the items File, Edit, Render, Window, and Help. The names already give us an idea of their functions, but let’s look at them one by one carefully.


In the File window, we have the New item (Ctrl+N) to create a new file and the Open item (Ctrl+O) to open an existing file. The Open Recent item opens a recently opened file.

Then we have the Recover Last Session and Autosave menu items; the files are automatically saved by Blender every few minutes in a temporary file that we can access if necessary.


In the File menu, we can recover lost files using File ➤ Recover ➤ Last Session or File ➤ Recover ➤ Auto Save. With the first function, we retrieve the last session, while with the second one, we open a window from which we can open different files saved automatically by Blender.

Next, we can use Save, Save As, and Save Copy to save the current file in different ways.

We use Link and Append to import objects, materials, etc., from other Blender files.

With Append, we can import an independent copy of the asset. In contrast, we can import a linked duplicate that we cannot directly modify with Link. With this, we can reuse already created stuff as per our requirements.

In Blender 3.0, we will use the Asset Browser, an agile content management tool that we will learn more about in Chapter 3.

Then we have the Import and Export items, which we use to import and export files from other software into Blender.

The most important file formats are already available in the menu that we open by typing Import or Export, as shown in Figure 1-26 for Import.
Figure 1-26

The default import file formats

We can activate other file formats in the User Preferences from the add-ons window (in the Topbar menu, select Edit ➤ Preferences ➤ Add-ons ➤ Import Export ➤ search and enable the file format you need).

Another critical item in the File menu is External Data to pack external data into the Blender file in use.

Also, we can embed different data types, such as textures, inside the .blend file by clicking Pack Resources. This command is crucial if we have to move the file, put it on a thumb drive, or upload it to the cloud so we don’t lose the external data such as textures.


Let’s move on to the Edit item.

The Edit item opens a window with essential entries such as Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Shift+Ctrl+Z), which, as in other software, are used to cancel or repeat the last operation performed.

Undo History opens a window with the procedures performed and allows us to recover them.

Finally, we will find the Preferences button at the bottom of this menu item. This fundamental button opens the User Preferences, from which we can customize practically all the functions of this software.


Let’s go to the Render window with its two menu items: Render Image (F12) and Render Animation (Ctrl+F12). These render the video or the image. We can also use View Render (F11) and View Render Animation (Ctrl+F11) to see the rendered clip or picture.


In the Window menu, we can open a new window through the command New Window.

We can show or hide the status bar at the bottom of the screen by checking Show Status Bar.

We can also take a screenshot of the Blender interface with the Save Screenshot item.


The Help item contains links to open the Blender 3.0 Reference Manual, the Support website, the User Communities, the Developer Community, and the Python API Reference. In addition, we can open the Blender 3.0 Python API Documentation to help familiarize ourselves with the Python Blender language.

Now let’s look at the 3D View Header menu.

The 3D View Header Menu

We can find this menu in the 3D view header next to the object modes for which it is interactive.

The items in this menu automatically adapt to the active mode. So, we will have certain tools in Object mode, others in Edit, others in Sculpt, etc.

The menus are as follows in Object mode: View, Select, Add, and Object. In Edit mode, we have View, Select, Add, Mesh, Vertex, Edge, Face, and UV.

We will look at these menus rather rapidly because we do not use them often. After all, we apply almost all the same functions more quickly with the keyboard shortcuts, the bars, or other tools in the interface.

Let’s see the items one by one in both Object and Edit modes. First, here are the items in Object mode:
  • We use the View window to show or hide some bars, for example, the toolbar, sidebar, Tool Settings, etc.

  • We can also edit the work areas using the Area button at the bottom of the list.

  • This menu is also helpful for different operations connected with cameras and navigation.

  • We use the Select item for different types of selection that we will see in detail in the next section dedicated to selection methods.

  • We add all objects into a scene with Add.

  • We can add Modeling and Grease Pencil objects, cameras, lights, speakers, force fields, and so on. We can also use the shortcut Shift+A to add the same objects.

  • The last item in Object mode is Object, which allows us to do all the operations on objects: from Transform to Set Origin to Snap. Furthermore, it will enable us to duplicate things and change the element’s display from Shade Smooth to Shade Flat.

It will help us apply Quick Effects (i.e., Fur, Explode, Smoke, and Liquid) automatically and immediately and convert one type of object to another and also delete it.

In Edit mode, we will find View, Select, and Add, which are similar to those in Object mode. We also will find the following menus:
  • Mesh concerns operations such as objects but performed on a mesh such as Transform, Mirror, and Snap. Others like Extrude, Split, and Convex Hull are more specific to subobjects.

  • Vertex, Edge, and Face allow us to act on individual subobject types with more specific 3D modeling operations: Extrude (E) and Bevel (Ctrl+Shift+B). To name just the most useful, we have the following:
    • In the Vertex window: New Edge/Face from Vertices (F), Rip Vertices (V) and Rip Vertices, and Fill (Alt+V) and Merge Vertices (Alt+M)

    • In the Edge window: Bridge Edge Loops, Subdivide

    • In the Face window: Extrude Faces, Triangulate Faces (Ctrl+T), Tris to Quads (Alt+J), Wireframe

  • UV instead reports all the various ways to unwrap our three-dimensional object that we will see in detail in the following chapters.

In Sculpt, Vertex Paint, Weight Paint, and Texture Paint, we have the specific tools for these modes: View, Sculpt, and Mask in Sculpt mode; View and Paint in Vertex Paint; View and Weights in Weights Paint; and View only in Texture Paint.

We will carefully see all the most essential tools from time to time throughout the book.

Pie Menus

The pie menus are interactive functions that open directly in the interface.

They are a fundamental innovation since Blender 2.8 because they introduce a new, quick way of working with menus and keyboard shortcuts.

It’s a slightly different system of working that requires a little mnemonic effort, but it’s worth it to speed up the work.

The shortcuts are similar to that of standard actions, but they open entire menus.

For example, usually shortcut A allows us to select all the objects present in the scene. If we enable the pie menus, shortcut A opens a menu for all types of selection, as shown in Figure 1-27.
Figure 1-27

Pie selection menu

Before obtaining the window shown in Figure 1-27, we must activate the pie menus. So, we open the Blender User Preferences and select Add-on 3D Viewport Pie Menus (in the Topbar menu, select Edit ➤ Preferences ➤ Add-ons ➤ Import Export ➤ Interface: 3D Viewport Pie Menus), as shown in Figure 1-28.
Figure 1-28

Activate 3D Viewport Pie Menus add-on

Next we need to learn the keyboard shortcuts to open these menus directly in the 3D Viewport.

In the current version, we have 15 pie menus. First, let’s see a brief description of each menu.
  • The Animation menu (Shift+spacebar) allows us to control the Timeline, insert keyframes, and activate the auto keyframe.

  • The Apply Transform menu (Ctrl+A) enables us to apply the selected object’s location, rotation, and scale transformations or clear them.

  • The Edit Align menu (Alt+X) works in Edit mode (Tab) and aligns vertices/edges/faces on the axis.

  • The Edit Delete menu (X), in Edit mode, allows us to delete or dissolve subobjects. It also contains the commands Merge by Distance, Delete Edge Loops, and Edge Collapse.

  • We can use the Editor Switch menu (Ctrl+Alt+S) to change the editor type quickly.

  • The Interface menu (Ctrl+U) allows us to save/open files.

  • The Manipulator menu (Alt+spacebar) shows and hides manipulators.

  • The Mode Switch menu (Ctrl+Tab) changes between different object type modes.

  • The Origin menu (Ctrl+Alt+X) allows us to change the origin of the selected object, which usually is in the geometric center of the thing itself.

  • The Save/Open menu (Ctrl+S) opens, saves, and imports files into Blender.

  • The Proportional Edit menu (Shift+O) applies proportional selection to an object or subobject.

  • The Sculpt menu (W) quickly opens brushes in Sculpt mode.

  • The Select menu (A) selects and deselects each object type.

  • The Shading menu (Z) changes the display in the 3D view.

  • The View menu (Alt+Q) edits views in the viewport.

All these menus are exciting and allow a faster workflow inside Blender.

Now let’s see another important innovation of the last Blender version: workspaces.


Every workspace is suitable for a different function; the default one is Layout.

Other default workspaces are Modeling, Sculpting, UV Editing, Texture Paint, Shading, Animation, Rendering, Compositing, Scripting, etc. Each one is suitable for a different function.

We can create, customize, name, and save our workspaces for later use, so they are a way to tailor our interface.

Each Blender feature has a dedicated workspace, and we identify it with its name. So, for example, the Layout workspace is the primary space in which we start working at the object level. Then if we want to start working at a subobject level, we can either change from Object mode to Edit mode or go directly to the Modeling workspace, where we already have the object in Edit mode ready to be edited.

Let’s look at the primary workspaces:
  • The Layout workspace allows us to work directly at the object level.

  • The Modeling workspace instead is already set up for subobject level modeling.

  • The Sculpting workspace is ready to sculpt. We work directly in Sculpt mode with the toolbar and the Properties Editor open on Active Tool and Workspace settings, ready to sculpt our object.

  • We have a UV Editor on the left in the UV Editing workspace and then a 3D Viewport set in Edit mode. On the right, we find the Outliner and the Properties Editor’s Object Data Properties panel commands to unwrap the selected object in the 3D Viewport.

    In this environment, we can quickly develop the surface of our three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional plane to apply bitmap textures in the best possible way.

  • In the Texture Paint workspace, we paint textures on the Image Editor on the left or directly on the object in 3D Viewport on the right.

  • To start painting, we have to create a new texture or import an existing bitmap texture with the New or Open button.

  • The Shading workspace is ready for the visualization and modification of the materials; at the top center, we have a 3D Viewport editor in material preview Viewport Shading Mode. Thus, we already have an immediate display of the material characteristics.

  • Below we have a Shader Editor to modify the nodes of the material. We have a File Browser at the top and an Image Editor at the bottom to create or modify the image textures on the left.

  • Finally, on the right, we have the Outliner at the top and the Properties Editor set to World Properties at the bottom.

  • The Animation workspace’s interface is set with the Dope Sheet at the bottom to create and edit animations.

Below that there are several other types of workspaces.

Even further to the right, we have a plus sign (+) that allows us, by clicking it, to open other types of workspaces or create our own.

For example, if we want to create a second Layout workspace, we can click the plus sign (+) and then click Duplicate Current to create a new workspace; we rename it by double-clicking the name in the Topbar, and then we modify it as we want.

Now, let’s continue with the user preferences to customize our interface deeply.

Blender Customization

The User Preferences window allows us to modify the default configuration of our software.

We can access it from the Edit item of the main menu in the Topbar (Topbar ➤ Edit ➤ Preferences).

We can see the different functions on the vertical menu on the left through the tabs Interface, Themes, Viewport, Lights, Editing, Animation, Add-ons, Input, Navigation, Keymap, System, Save and Load, and File Paths, as shown in Figure 1-29.
Figure 1-29

The Add-ons panel of User Preferences

Let’s see what these sections are for:
  • Interface controls some customizable aspects of the UI and allows us to modify its elements and their display.

    The Translation window enables us to change the interface’s language and tooltips.

  • In Themes, we can customize the theme of the Blender interface, which includes the appearance, colors, etc.

  • Viewport allows us to control the 3D view aspects such as Show Object info, view name, gizmo size, etc.

  • The Lights panel allows us to install custom studio lights, MatCaps, and HDRIs.

  • Editing contains the menu to align the newly created objects to World, View, or 3D Cursor.

  • Animation allows us to modify some ways of displaying the interface in animations.

  • The Add-ons section extends Blender’s functionality with internal and external plugins. We will learn about it in detail during the book when we need to add new objects or new tools to our software. We can see part of this panel in Figure 1-29. Figure 1-29 shows how we can activate several pre-installed add-ons directly by checking their boxes in the window. In addition, we can install other add-ons by downloading their zipped installation files from the Internet.

  • The Input panel contains the option Emulate Numpad that allows those who use a laptop without a number pad to use the keyboard’s numeric keys to change the 3D view. We can also select Emulate 3 Button Mouse. The panel also includes the buttons needed to use a tablet, such as pressure sensitivity adjustments.

  • Navigation allows us to settle the navigation parameters and helps us to move around the 3D interface, for example, with the Orbit Around Selection button, which, if selected, rotates the view while navigating around the selected object. Or we can zoom to the mouse position.

  • Keymap controls the Blender’s tools shortcuts and allows us to customize them.

  • The System panel controls graphics card options, memory limits, and sound settings.

  • Finally, we have the Save and Load and File Paths panels to modify files and file path functions.

Slowly we’re covering all the essential elements of the user interface by following Blender’s graphical layout. First, we saw the main areas, such as the Topbar, Tool Settings, toolbar, status bar, and primary tools. Then we saw the heart of Blender: the editors where we do all the creation and editing work.

The following section will explain the navigation techniques, selection tools, and new features of version 3.0 of our software.

Selecting, Navigating, and Transforming

As we have already said, one of the most critical changes in the latest versions of Blender is the switch from left-clicking to right-clicking selection.

For many years, Blender and the Blender Foundation developers resisted, maintaining the selection of the objects with the right button.

But, with the transition to version 2.8 and subsequent versions, this “epochal” change has happened.

In Blender 3.0, we select with the left mouse button.

This modification makes Blender more similar to other software and more suitable for the graphics tablet. This change also frees up the right button for other functions, such as the new Object Context Menu that we will see shortly.

Let’s start by learning how to navigate the 3D interface, select objects, and move them around in 3D view.

Navigation Techniques

Knowing how to navigate in 3D view is essential and allows us to work quickly and easily. The best thing is to get used to employing the mouse together with the keyboard shortcuts so we can work with one hand on the mouse and the other on the keyboard.

By clicking the Ctrl+spacebar key combination, we can maximize or minimize 3D view. With the shortcuts T and N, we can open or close the bars on the right or left —the toolbar and the sidebar— and work with the 3D Viewport that occupies the whole screen using the full-screen definition.

Blender 3.0 makes editing the user interface easier, and we can change the layout of the window’s interface more quickly.

When the mouse cursor is on a window’s dividing black line, a double arrow appears, and we can press and drag the left mouse button to adjust the dimension of the window.

When we right-click the line when the double arrow appears, we open the Area Options menu. So, we can create other windows by clicking the Vertical Split and Horizontal Split buttons: a line appears that we can move with the mouse. When satisfied with the window’s dimensions, we click the left button to split the existing window into two parts at the chosen point.

We can join two areas by right-clicking the Join Areas button in the same window and clicking again with the left key.

Finally, using the Swap Areas button, we can invert the contents of the two windows.

This system inside the 3.0 version is faster and more intuitive than the previous one and makes the UI more user-friendly.

We can easily navigate the 3D Viewport using only the middle mouse button:
  • We rotate the middle mouse button to zoom in and out on the 3D Viewport.

  • By clicking this button and moving it, we rotate the 3D view.

  • Also, by clicking the middle mouse button while holding down the Shift key, we change the position in 3D view in Pan mode.

We can use almost identical keys and the same movements to navigate the panels or the other windows: by rotating the middle mouse wheel, we zoom; by clicking and moving it while holding down Shift, we pan.

In the 3D Viewport, using the Numpad keys, we can modify the various views: by clicking 5, we change from Perspective view to Orthogonal and vice versa; with 7, we enter Top view; with 1, we enter Front and with 3, we enter Right view.

With identical keys, but keeping Ctrl pressed, we have opposite views to those mentioned: Ctrl 7 Bottom; Ctrl 1 Back; Ctrl 3 Left.

If our laptop does not have a Numpad, we can use, as shown previously, the option Emulate Numpad in the Input panel of User Preferences.

We can also navigate the 3D Viewport using the tools on the right side of the interface, with the Navigate gizmos, as shown in Figure 1-30.
Figure 1-30

The Navigate gizmos

As Figure 1-30 shows, we rotate the object’s view by clicking the LMB and dragging the mouse on the gizmo’s sphere. We can move in the respective Orthogonal view by clicking the corresponding letter: X, Y, Z or -X, -Y, -Z.

Below this gizmo, there are the buttons to zoom in/out, pan the view, toggle from camera/orthographic view and, the last button, to toggle from orthographic projection to perspective.

Now let’s begin to explore the selection methods.

Selection Methods

In Blender, many selection methods work in Object and Edit modes simultaneously.

As we have seen, we can also select the objects with the Select menu in the header of the 3D Viewport, but it is faster with keyboard shortcuts.

We can also choose the different selection modes from the window that opens by clicking the A shortcut if we activate the pie menus as we have seen before (in the Topbar, select Edit Preferences ➤ Add-ons ➤ Interface: 3D Viewport Pie Menus).

But let’s see what the main keyboard shortcuts for selection are.

Object Selection in Object Mode

We select one single object with the left mouse button selection.

To add or remove elements from the selection, we must hold Shift and click the left mouse button on the item. So, we can add or remove it from the selection.

With the A key (Select All), we pick out all the 3D view elements, while with Alt+A, we can deselect all the items (Deselect All). We also deselect everything by clicking with the mouse in the interface to a point where there are no objects.

Ctrl+I (Invert Select) reverses the current selection.

With the button B (Box Select) selected, we open a rectangular selection window defined by clicking and dragging the left mouse button. We can deselect by clicking B and then clicking with the central wheel.

With button C (Circle Select) selected, we define a circular selection area of which we can control the width by rotating the central wheel of the mouse or using the + and - keys of the numeric keypad.

We can select items randomly by clicking Select Random from the 3D View Header Menu ➤ Select ➤ Select Random.

We also have several advanced selection methods; with Shift+G, the Select Grouped key appears as a menu that allows us to select the Group objects differently.

Another menu opens with Shift+L (Select Linked), allowing us to select objects linked in Object and Edit modes differently. Pressing the L key and passing over one item will also select all other entities related to the first one.

Subobject Selection in Edit Mode

In Edit mode, we work at a subobject level.

We select vertices, edges, or faces by left-clicking the selectors in 3D view’s header or pressing 1 for vertices, 2 for edges, and 3 for faces.

We select one single subobject with the left mouse button selection.

We add other subobjects to the selection by holding down the Shift key in Object mode and by left-clicking subobjects. To add elements to the selection, we must press Ctrl and Numpad + until all the items of interest are selected. Then, by pressing Ctrl and Numpad, we subtract from the selection.

We use all the selection methods used in Object mode. Then we have some more specific ways for Edit mode.

In vertex or edge select mode, we can select edge loops either from the menu (Select ➤ Select Loops ➤ Edge Loops) or with Alt+LMB. At the same time, we can press Shift+Alt+LMB for modifying, removing, or adding existing selections.

In Edge or Face select modes, we can select face loops with keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Alt+LMB in Edge mode or Alt+LMB in Face mode for selecting.

We can also modify the current selection with Shift+Ctrl+Alt+LMB in Edge mode and Shift+Alt+LMB in Face mode.

With the Toggle X-Ray button, we can modify the 3D View shading, making objects and subobjects transparent; this transparency also influences the selection. By enabling this tool with Box Selection, pressing B, and dragging, we select all the elements that fall in the selection window, even hidden ones.

Now that we have seen the essential selection methods, we can apply the transformations to the objects to modify them.

Basic Transformations

In the 3D Viewport, we can apply three fundamental transformations: Translation, Rotation, and Scale.

These changes allow us to move, rotate, and scale our objects in Object mode. In Edit mode, we can do the same operations and transform subobjects, as we will see in Chapter 2.

We can do the basic transformations in both Object and Edit modes in three ways:
  • Using the gizmo of the function Transform: We can activate it from the toolbar by left-clicking (LMB) on the respective icon, then clicking and dragging the different manipulators, and releasing the mouse when satisfied with the transformation.

    We perform snapped transformations by holding down the keys Ctrl and Ctrl+Shift while clicking and dragging.

    With the buttons Transformation Orientation and Transform Pivot Point in the 3D view’s header, we can also change the rotation point—or pivot point—and the type of transformation such as Global, Local, Normal, etc.

  • With keyboard shortcuts, we can grab or move our object by pressing the key G, rotate it with R, and scale it with S: We can perform these transformations by constraining them to an axis (X, Y, Z) and modification amount. In addition, we can control by how many units we move the object, by how many degrees we rotate it, and in what proportion we scale it by typing the value of the modification.

  • For example, with the combination G+Z+1, we move our object of 1 BU (blender unit) position on the z-axis. With R+45+X, we can rotate our object on the x-axis by 45 degrees. If we click Shift instead of the letter of a single axis before typing it, we limit this transformation to the plane determined by the other two axes. For example, by clicking Shift +X, we define the YZ plane modification.

  • We can also perform the main transformations in the Transform panel of the Sidebar on the vewport’s right. We need to change the boxes’ location, rotation, scale, and dimensions with those wanted. We can open and close the sidebar with the shortcut N and choose Item from the side menu.

Now that we have learned to navigate the view, select, and transform objects, let’s see what we can do with the Object context menu.

The Object Context Menu (RMB)

Using the left button instead of the right one for the selection in Blender 3.0, we can use the right button for the Object context menu.

In this menu, we find specific actions. It is interactive with the chosen object mode and the type of object we select.

So, the Object context menu in Object mode with a cube selected presents the essential features for that object. Instead, in Edit mode, we can open some subobject features for a vertex, edge, or face.

In Figure 1-31, we can see the Object context menu in Object mode. We can see this by right-clicking the selected object.
Figure 1-31

The new Object context menu in Object mode

If we select an object, we have a menu related to the object’s characteristics.

For example, if we select a light, the menu will change and have features to modify that light, the same as a camera, etc.

In the Object context menu of an object, we can modify how to visualize the object, switching from Shade Flat to Shade Smooth.

We can convert an object to another, such as a Bezier curve to a mesh.

We can establish the object’s origin to the geometry, the cursor, etc. Then, we can copy and paste one or more objects and duplicate them.

We can rename the active object, apply a mirror, perform a snap, or create a relationship with other elements with parent.

Also, we can move one or more entities from one collection to another with the Move to Collection command. Finally, we can insert keyframes to animate the selected objects or delete them with the Delete item.

This section has deepened our knowledge of navigation, transformation, and selection techniques in Object and Edit modes. Then we saw the Object context menu tool: a right-click menu for particular actions for faster and easier workflow.

In the next section, we will see a different way of working with keyboard shortcuts.

Using New Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts have always been a significant feature in Blender because they allow us to perform many operations directly from the keyboard.

Many tools and modes have been added in the new versions of Blender up to 3.0, but keyboard shortcuts are always crucial because they can speed up the workflow.

We can see, activate, and edit all Blender keyboard shortcuts in the Keymap section of the User Preferences.

Figure 1-32 shows the window Keymap with the main functions and the related shortcuts.
Figure 1-32

The Blender Keymap window in the user interface

Let’s look at some of the essential keyboard shortcuts shown in Figure 1-32. Of course, the keyboard shortcuts are many.

The following list includes the most important and frequent ones for Windows; generally, we have to use the Cmd key instead of Ctrl on macOS.

  • A primary keyboard shortcut is the one that opens the Search window: F3 (Cmd+F on macOS). So, if we don’t remember the keyboard shortcut of a tool, we can find it without searching through the various menus.

  • The so-called global keys are standard keys used for file operations and essential functions: Ctrl+N to create a new file; Ctrl+O to open an existing file; Ctrl+S for Save, Shift+Ctrl+S for Save as, etc.

  • Some keys repeat in each editor: A for Select all; Alt+A for Select none; Ctrl+I for Invert selection; H for Hide selection; Shift+H for Hide Unselected for; Alt+H for Reveal hidden items; T for Toggle Toolbar; N for Toggle Sidebar.

  • The 3D Viewport keys such as Tab key also allow us to switch from Object to Edit mode, and the numbers 1, 2, and 3 in Edit mode enable us to turn from vertex to edge to face.

  • Other essential keyboard shortcuts are Shift+A to add new objects to the scene and Shift+D to duplicate them.

We can refer to the User Preferences' keymap we have just seen for what is left.


For comprehensive documentation on keyboard shortcuts, we can also use the online Blender 3.0 Reference Manual, including the Common Shortcuts at https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/interface/keymap/introduction.htmland the Default Keymap at https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/interface/keymap/blender_default.html.

Keyboard shortcuts are fundamental in Blender, and if we want to speed up our production pipeline, it is crucial to learn and use a lot of them.

We’ve just seen how to use shortcuts, search for them in the interface, and modify them.

In the next section, we'll know how Eevee, Blender’s new internal real-time renderer, works using rasterization via OpenGL.

Introducing Eevee

Rendering is a method to create a two-dimensional image or a video from a 3D environment. We need only a few factors: the object and the scene to render, the materials, the lights, the camera features, and the render engine settings.

This section will help us understand the Eevee project and the results of the default rendering engine of Blender 3.0.

The word Eevee is an acronym for Extra Easy Virtual Environment Engine. This real-time PBR Render Engine provides us with all the features we need, more or less the same as Cycles, from ambient occlusion to depth of field, to motion blur, to reflection, to refraction, etc.

Although Eevee still can’t get the same realism as Cycles, these renderers have similar features.

Eevee renders very fast, allowing us to see the changes in real time and enabling us to get a preview in the 3D Viewport of our final results with all the render features.

In this way, when working on our models, we can already see textures, lights, shadows, reflections, etc.; then, when it’s time to render, we can choose to continue to use Eevee itself or or change to Cycles.

The Cycles renderer uses path tracing, whereas Eevee uses rasterization via OpenGL 3.3. So, Cycles works with light paths, but Eevee renders pixel information, a compressed view of the scene; this is why Eevee is faster than Cycles.

But the new rendering engine is always getting better.

Let’s see the main differences between Eevee and Cycles and the materials of both rendering engines: the node-based materials.

Eevee, Cycles, and Cycles X

Blender 3.0 implements Cycles X, the new Cycles version, with new source code that makes rendering faster but keeps the same features and Cycles’ default interface.

In version 3.0 of Blender, we can choose the internal rendering engine from a drop-down menu in the Render panel of the Properties Editor, as shown in Figure 1-33.
Figure 1-33

The Render panel drop-down menu

As we can see in Figure 1-33, we can choose between three engines: Eevee, Cycles, and Workbench. Workbench is used only to give a better display in 3D view for modeling.

In Eevee and Cycles, materials are created and edited directly in the Shader Editor or the Material Properties window of the Properties Editor; the nodes are also almost the same.

Both renderers support the Principled BSDF shader. This shader allows us to obtain various types of material by connecting different textures for each physical characteristic of the multiple elements, as shown in Figure 1-34.
Figure 1-34

The new Principled BSDF shader

In Figure 1-34, we can see this particular node; BSDF stands for Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function. It is a mathematical function that calculates the reflection of a material.

We can control the parameters of both renderers in the Render Properties panel of the Properties Editor; some parameters for Eevee are different from those in Cycles.

Let’s see the essential Render Properties in the Properties Editor:
  • The Sampling panel (Properties Editor ➤ Render Properties ➤ Sampling), as in Cycles, is indispensable to reduce the aliasing effect: the higher the sampling, in Viewport or Render, the lower the aliasing or the distortion artifacts.

  • The Ambient Occlusion panel (Properties Editor ➤ Render Properties ➤ Ambient Occlusion), as in Cycles, contains the parameters to render the environmental occlusion and simulate global illumination.

  • Bloom is a post-process effect that simulates glare and blur; we can use it to increase rendering realism.

  • The Depth of Field panel applies a post-process effect that controls the focus and the depth of field in the camera settings and produces a defocusing effect like in real cameras.

  • Subsurface Scattering simulates natural subsurface scattering.

  • Instead, Screen Space Reflection activates refraction in the scene. If we want to reproduce a transparent material, we must enable the Refraction setting in this window. We must also select Screen Space Refraction in the Settings window of the selected material’s Material Properties panel.

  • Motion Blur blurs the render results by post-processing the image after rendering.

  • We use Volumetrics settings to obtain the fog effect and other similar atmospheric effects; in the same window, Volumetric Lighting and Volumetric Shadow activate the respective atmospheric impact.

  • Eevee uses Shadows Mapping techniques for shadow rendering; in the Shadows window of the Render Properties panel, we can choose the shadow definition.

  • The Indirect Lighting panel defines the number of Diffuse Bounces and the sampling parameters of each bounce expressed in pixels.

We have seen the main features of the Render Properties panel of the Properties Editor regarding Eevee.

Let’s now, more concretely, briefly analyze the main elements of our rendering engine based on the nodal system.

Node-Based Materials

The nodal system plays an essential role in Blender, not only for materials. We have to use nodal materials to start working with Eevee and Cycles. Each node has a specific function, and the different nodes have to be combined to achieve and modify effects; thus, they have input, output, and other connection channels.

In Blender 3.0, two nodes work only with Eevee: Shader to RGB and Specular BSDF. Otherwise, nodes are common to both Cycles and Eevee.

We can edit nodes in the Shader Editor, created especially for this purpose.

Materials, lights, and backgrounds are all defined with nodes divided into different categories: Input, Output, Shader, Texture, Color, Vector, Converter, Script, Group, Layout. Each type has its functions specific nodes.

We use these nodes to modify the characteristics of the nodal materials (Color, Contrast, Bitmap, or Procedural Texture) through different systems that we will learn more about when discussing the Materials section in Chapter 4.

In the Shader Editor, we can use the same object’s keyboard shortcut of the 3D Viewport: Shift+A to add a new material node.

The primary type of node is the Shader node, which describes the interaction of light with the volume or surface of the object. There are different types of shaders. Currently, we have 16 shaders for Eevee and 20 for Cycles, as shown in Figure 1-35.
Figure 1-35

Eevee’s shader nodes

But let’s see the most important ones:

  • Principled BSDF that we saw earlier is the primary shader that combines different characteristics to create various materials.

  • Diffuse BSDF represents the light diffused from the object’s surface (reflection, refraction, and absorption).

  • Emission represents the emission of light from an object.

  • Glass BSDF reproduces the effect of glass.

  • Glossy BSDF reproduces the glossiness of the material, and we use it for metallic surfaces or mirrors.

  • Mix Shader is for mixing two shaders.

For an in-depth analysis of the nodal system, we can refer to Chapter 4.

This section has seen the main principles of Eevee, which is the renderer that has brought real-time visualization in the 3D Viewport into Blender.

We have seen the main differences between Eevee, Cycles, and Cycles X.

We will develop these concepts in the following chapters.


In this first chapter, we deepened our understanding of the basics of Blender 3.0 and discussed how to install the stable and experimental versions.

We also started to understand the interface and different working approaches like the various selection systems, the object contest menu, and new keyboard shortcuts. We also had our first encounter with the basics of Eevee.

From the next chapter, we will begin to work more consciously, and we will deal with 3D modeling techniques to build objects in a 3D space: the basis of the whole Blender system.

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