© Todd Kelsey 2017

Todd Kelsey, Introduction to Google Analytics, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2829-6_8

8. Exploring Google Analytics Certification

Todd Kelsey

(1)Wheaton, Illinois, USA

This chapter explores some of the opportunities that Google offers, in terms of learning material, and the Google Individual Qualification (IQ) , which can be a nice thing to have on your web site or resume.

Maybe you can take me on faith that certification/qualification is doable. It’s especially doable if you have resources to rely on, including people. The benefits of going through the process are many, including a definite positive impact on your career.

Imagine adding a Google certification to your LinkedIn profile :


These qualifications give your resume extra impact, whether you are job searching, interacting with other professionals, or just boosting your credentials at your current job.

It can also be a good thing for your business, when you list your staff on your web site and show that they have these certifications.

Going through the certification process also helps to round out your knowledge. It’s smart to be acquainted with new features that you might end up using at some point.

Exploring Google Analytics Qualification

What’s the difference between certification and qualification? It’s basically interchangeable, as far as I can tell.

To explore Google Analytics Qualification, check out this site: www.google.com/intl/en/analytics/learn/ .


I think it’s good to go through the process of starting your own account, but you can try the demo account as well.

Be sure to look at the other articles.


The Analytics Academy is also worth paying attention to. The point is that it’s free training given by a global company, and it’s in their best interest for you to succeed.


I recommend going directly to this Google site to become familiar with some of the self-study material they have:



Start Easy

To get rolling, before you take a course, you might want to watch some videos:



Click the Playlists link on the YouTube channel to see what’s available:



Roadmap for Certification

My general suggested roadmap is to take a peek at some of the resources mentioned in this chapter and then do two things in parallel:

  • Use Google Analytics: You’ll get more out of the materials as you prepare to take the Google Analytics test if you’re actually using the program.

  • Go to the Analytics Academy link: Review the roadmap they set up for studying, and if you like, start by watching some of their videos.

And at some point, sooner or later, you’ll want to read, “How to Prepare for the Google IQ” at https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3424288 . Remember to review the “Additional Resources” section as well.

Get Ready, Go!

When you’re ready, go ahead and register at google.com/partners. In my classes I teach, I recommend people take the exam once just to see what it’s like. So go ahead!

Then study some more so you can pass it. You can do it! It’s doable. I’ve had many students pass it. If they can do it, you can do it. They all feel good when they pass, and they can put it on their resume and on LinkedIn. If you have coworkers or a manager, it’s a great thing to tell them too. If you’re in the job market, I know for a fact that the certification impresses recruiters.

Not only do I think the IQ is doable, but I think it can have a good impact on your career, as well as on your business or organization. Even if you’re not in the job market yet, the fact that it’s a top skill means learning it is important.

As I mentioned in the introduction, LinkedIn shows digital/online marketing as a top skill that gets people hired year after year, and web analytics is one of the core digital marketing skills. Being able to understand the performance of web sites and ad campaigns is important. Analytics is considered a part of business intelligence, which also figured prominently on the list:


Demand will fluctuate over time, but we are talking about the top skills in any field that get people hired.

Don’t forget how nice it will look to have this on your LinkedIn profile. Thousands of people have done it. You can too!

Long-Term Goal: Certified Partner

If you work for or will likely end up at a “services” company, where you help others with marketing, you might want to consider the Certified Partner program. It’s a bit involved, but in order to compete, to deliver needed value to other businesses and organizations, you should seriously consider going down this road:



Based on what I’ve seen, analytics is one of those areas that is very, very solid. You’re providing crucial insight to businesses and organizations, and in a competitive market, it’s a skill set and a service that is in high demand.

It takes some effort and it may take a while to grow things. I just want to encourage you to consider it. Let’s say you find yourself up against 10 other social media businesses or 10 other marketing agencies. How many of them have people who are certified in Google Analytics? How many of them are actually certified on the business level? If you want to have a steady, long-term stream of business, to supplement other things, I have a pretty strong feeling that heading in this direction can only help you.

But don’t take my word for it—do some background research.

A business that has Google-certified consultants inspires confidence:


Learning More

Here are some additional discussion and tips that I think are worth reviewing.


Congratulations on making it through this chapter! And the book for that matter! If you want a roadmap for doing the Google IQ, timeline-wise, I suggest reviewing the “units” at a rate of one per week, so that you’re making steady progress but also give yourself time to use the program.

After reading the chapters in this book, you should be able to generate some traffic, even if you aren’t connected to anyone else. I suggest checking to see if there are any local businesses or organizations who might like some help. Go to your local chamber of commerce or an organization that local businesses belong to. Chances are there will be someone who has a web site and would be interested in having someone look at their web analytics free of charge. If there’s any way you can set that in motion, I think that actively looking at some kind of traffic will help give you perspective.

But don’t wait—start reviewing the material.

Best wishes!

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