Other forms of protection

Using CSRF tokens may be a convenient way to protect your app from CSRF attacks, but it can be a hassle at times. As mentioned in the previous section, what about the times when you need to expose an API to allow mobile access? Or, your app is growing so quickly that you want to accelerate that growth by creating a Graph API of your own.

How do you manage it then?

In this section, we will go quickly over the techniques for protection.

Creating your own app ID and app secret – OAuth-styled

Creating your own app ID and app secret is similar to what the major Internet companies are doing right now: we require developers to sign up for developing accounts and to attach an application ID and secret key for each of the apps.

Using this information, the developers will need to exchange OAuth credentials in order to make any API calls, as shown in the following screenshot:

Creating your own app ID and app secret – OAuth-styled

Google requires developers to sign up, and it assigns the client ID

On the server end, all you need to do is look for the application ID and secret key; if it is not present, simply reject the request. Have a look at the following screenshot:

Creating your own app ID and app secret – OAuth-styled

The same thing with Facebook; Facebook requires you to sign up, and it assigns app ID and app secret

Checking the Origin header

Simply put, you want to check where the request is coming from. This is a technique where you can check the Origin header.

The Origin header, in layman's terms, refers to where the request is coming from. There are at least two use cases for the usage of the Origin header, which are as follows:

  • Assuming your endpoint is used internally (by your own web application) and checking whether the requests are indeed made from the same website, that is, your website.
  • If you are creating an endpoint for external use, such as those similar to Facebook's Graph API, then you can make those developers register the website URL where they are going to use the API. If the website URL does not match with the one that is being registered, you can reject this request.


Note that the Origin header can also be modified; for example, an attacker can provide a header that is modified.

Limiting the lifetime of the token

Assuming that you are generating your own tokens, you may also want to limit the lifetime of the token, for instance, making the token valid for only a certain time period if the user is logged in to your site. Similarly, your site can make this a requirement in order for the requests to be made; if the token does not exist, HTTP requests cannot be made.

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