
JavaScript Mailing List


This list has been around for many years in one form or another. Once run by Louisiana Tech University (latech.edu), it’s now hosted by evolt.org. The archives (at http://lists.evolt.org/pipermail/javascript/) contain years of useful information. It’s not as active as it once was, but it still gets at least a few questions per month.

SitePoint JavaScript Forum


WebDeveloper.com JavaScript Forum


These two forums (Figure D.9) are fairly alike: they both use the popular vBulletin forum software, they both require you to register to post or answer a question, they both have years of searchable archives, and they both have an active community answering questions. We’re not going to recommend one over the other; they’re both worth your time if you need help.

Figure D.9. The WebDeveloper.com and SitePoint JavaScript Forums are similar to each other in many ways, including their usefulness.

JavaScript Newsgroup

You can think of Usenet as a worldwide bulletin board system, where people from everywhere can post messages and join discussions about subjects that interest them. At last count, there were more than 100,000 newsgroups, covering virtually every subject you can imagine.

Naturally, we’re interested here in the newsgroup that’s devoted to JavaScript: comp.lang.javascript (also found on the Web at http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.javascript/), where there are many discussions about scripting, people asking questions about problems that have them stymied, and general talk among JavaScript developers. It’s a good place to get answers and pick up tips. You’ll often find that threads begun by other people will apply to your own question.

✓ Tip

  • Usenet can be a wild place, and c.l.j old-timers can be merciless to “newbies” who ask what (to the old-timers) seem to be foolish questions. It’s best to hang around and just read other people’s messages before you post your first message in a newsgroup. You may save yourself a lot of grief and avoid many nasty flaming responses. Never forget that your messages can be read potentially by millions of people worldwide. And always remember to read the FAQ before posting—chances are, you’ll find that some of your questions will be answered in there, plus there’s always other interesting information. You can find the latest c.l.j FAQ at http://jibbering.com/faq/.

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