A.6. The Myth of “Quality of Service”

One could take the position that the way an object deals with latency, memory access, partial failure, and concurrency control is really an aspect of the implementation of that object, and is best described as part of the “quality of service” provided by that implementation. Different implementations of an interface may provide different levels of reliability, scalability, or performance. If one wants to build a more reliable system, one merely needs to choose more reliable implementations of the interfaces making up the system.

On the surface, this seems quite reasonable. If I want a more robust system, I go to my catalog of component vendors. I quiz them about their test methods. I see if they have ISO9000 certification, and I buy my components from the one I trust the most. The components all comply with the defined interfaces, so I can plug them right in; my system is robust and reliable, and I’m happy.

Let us imagine that I build an application that uses the (mythical) queue interface to enqueue work for some component. My application dutifully enqueues records that represent work to be done. Another application dutifully dequeues them and performs the work. After a while, I notice that my application crashes due to time-outs. I find this extremely annoying, but realize that it’s my fault. My application just isn’t robust enough. It gives up too easily on a time-out. So I change my application to retry the operation until it succeeds. Now I’m happy. I almost never see a time-out. Unfortunately, I now have another problem. Some of the requests seem to get processed two, three, four, or more times. How can this be? The component I bought which implements the queue has allegedly been rigorously tested. It shouldn’t be doing this. I’m angry. I call the vendor and yell at him. After much fingerpointing and research, the culprit is found. The problem turns out to be the way I’m using the queue. Because of my handling of partial failures (which in my naivete, I had thought to be total), I have been enqueuing work requests multiple times.

Well, I yell at the vendor that it is still their fault. Their queue should be detecting the duplicate entry and removing it. I’m not going to continue using this software unless this is fixed. But, since the entities being enqueued are just values, there is no way to do duplicate elimination. The only way to fix this is to change the protocol to add request IDs. But since this is a standardized interface, there is no way to do this.

The moral of this tale is that robustness is not simply a function of the implementations of the interfaces that make up the system. While robustness of the individual components has some effect on the robustness of the overall systems, it is not the sole factor determining system robustness. Many aspects of robustness can be reflected only at the protocol/interface level.

Similar situations can be found throughout the standard set of interfaces. Suppose I want to reliably remove a name from a context. I would be tempted to write code that looks like:

while (true) {
    try {
    catch (NotFoundInContext) {
    catch (NetworkServerFaliure) {

That is, I keep trying the operation until it succeeds (or until I crash). The problem is that my connection to the name server may have gone down, but another client’s may have stayed up. I may have, in fact, successfully removed the name but not discovered it because of a network disconnection. The other client then adds the same name, which I then remove. Unless the naming interface includes an operation to lock a naming context, there is no way that I can make this operation completely robust. Again, we see that robustness/reliability needs to be expressed at the interface level. In the design of any operation, the question has to be asked: What happens if the client chooses to repeat this operation with the exact same parameters as previously? What mechanisms are needed to ensure that they get the desired semantics? These are things that can be expressed only at the interface level. These are issues that can’t be answered by supplying a “more robust implementation” because the lack of robustness is inherent in the interface and not something that can be changed by altering the implementation.

Similar arguments can be made about performance. Suppose an interface describes an object which maintains sets of other objects. A defining property of sets is that there are no duplicates. Thus, the implementation of this object needs to do duplicate elimination. If the interfaces in the system do not provide a way of testing equality of reference, the objects in the set must be queried to determine equality. Thus, duplicate elimination can be done only by interacting with the objects in the set. It doesn’t matter how fast the objects in the set implement the equality operation. The overall performance of eliminating duplicates is going to be governed by the latency in communicating over the slowest communications link involved. There is no change in the set implementations that can overcome this. An interface design issue has put an upper bound on the performance of this operation.

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