DJ.3. The Join Protocol

Having covered the discovery protocols, we continue on to describe the join protocol. This protocol makes use of the discovery protocols to provide a standard sequence of steps that services should perform when they are starting up and registering themselves with a lookup service.

DJ.3.1. Persistent State

A service must maintain certain items of state across restarts and crashes. These items are as follows:

  • Its service ID. A new service will not have been assigned a service ID, so this will be not be set when a service is started for the first time. After a service has been assigned a service ID, it must continue to use it across all lookup services.

  • A set of attributes that describe the service’s lookup service entry.

  • A set of groups in which the service wishes to participate. For most services this set will initially contain a single entry: the empty string (which denotes the public group).

  • A set of specific lookup services to register with. This set will usually be empty for new services.

Note that by “new service” here, we mean one that has never before been started, not one that is being started again or one that has been moved from one network to another.

DJ.3.2. The Join Protocol

When a service initially starts up, it should pause a random amount of time (up to 15 seconds is a reasonable range). This will reduce the likelihood of a packet storm occurring if power is restored to a network segment that houses a large number of services.

DJ.3.2.1. Initial Discovery and Registration

For each member of the set of specific lookup services to register with, the service attempts to perform unicast discovery of each one and to register with each one. If any fails to respond, the implementor may choose to either retry or give up, but the non-responding lookup service should not be automatically removed from the set if an implementation decides to give up.

Joining Groups

If the set of groups to join is not empty, the service performs multicast discovery and registers with each of the lookup services that either respond to requests or announce themselves as members of one or more of the groups the service should join.

Order of Discovery

The unicast and multicast discovery steps detailed above do not need to proceed in any strict sequence. The registering service must register the same sets of attributes with each lookup service, and must use a single service ID across all registrations.

DJ.3.2.2. Lease Renewal and Handling of Communication Problems

Once a service has registered with a lookup service, it periodically renews the lease on its registration. A lease with a particular lookup service is cancelled only if the registering service is instructed to unregister itself.

If a service cannot communicate with a particular lookup service, the action it takes depends on its relation to that lookup service. If the lookup service is in the persistent set of specific lookup services to join, the service must attempt to reregister with that lookup service. If the lookup service was discovered using multicast discovery, it is safe for the registering service to forget about it and await a subsequent multicast announcement.

DJ.3.2.3. Making Changes and Performing Updates
Attribute Modification

If a service is asked to change the set of attributes with which it registers itself, it saves the changed set in a persistent store, then performs the requested change at each lookup service with which it is registered.

Registering and Unregistering with Lookup Services

If a service is asked to register with a specific lookup service, it adds that lookup service to the persistent set of lookup services it should join, and then registers itself with that lookup service as detailed above.

If a service is asked to unregister from a specific lookup service and that service is in the persistent set of lookup services to join, it should be removed from that set. Whether or not this step needs to be taken, the service cancels the leases for all entries it maintains at that lookup service.

DJ.3.2.4. Joining or Leaving a Group

If a service is asked to join a group, it adds the name of that group to the persistent set of groups to join and either starts or continues to perform multicast discovery using this augmented group.

If the service is requested to leave a group, the steps are a little more complex:

  1. It removes that group from the persistent set of groups to join.

  2. It removes all lookup services that match only that group in the set of groups it is interested in from the set it has discovered using multicast discovery, and unregisters from those lookup services.

  3. It either continues to perform multicast discovery with the reduced set of groups or, if the set has been reduced to empty, ceases multicast discovery.

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