TX.1. Introduction

Transactions are a fundamental tool for many kinds of computing. A transaction allows a set of operations to be grouped in such a way that they either all succeed or all fail; further, the operations in the set appear from outside the transaction to occur simultaneously. Transactional behaviors are especially important in distributed computing, where they provide a means for enforcing consistency over a set of operations on one or more remote participants. If all the participants are members of a transaction, one response to a remote failure is to abort the transaction, thereby ensuring that no partial results are written.

Traditional transaction systems often center around transaction processing monitors that ensure that the correct implementation of transactional semantics is provided by all of the participants in a transaction. Our approach to transactional semantics is somewhat different. Within our system we leave it to the individual objects that take part in a transaction to implement the transactional semantics in the way that is best for that kind of object. What the system primarily provides is the coordination mechanism that those objects can use to communicate the information necessary for the set of objects to agree on the transaction. The goal of this system is to provide the minimal set of protocols and interfaces that allow objects to implement transaction semantics rather than the maximal set of interfaces, protocols, and policies that ensure the correctness of any possible transaction semantics. So the completion protocol is separate from the semantics of particular transactions.

This document presents this completion protocol, which consists of a two-phase commit protocol for distributed transactions. The two-phase commit protocol defines the communication patterns that allow distributed objects and resources to wrap a set of operations in such a way that they appear to be a single operation. The protocol requires a manager that will enable consistent resolution spec-book.bk Page 167 Friday, October 20, 2000 1:51 PM of the operations by a guarantee that all participants will eventually know whether they should commit the operations (roll forward) or abort them (roll backward). A participant can be any object that supports the participant contract by implementing the appropriate interface. Participants are not limited to databases or other persistent storage services.

Clients and servers will also need to depend on specific transaction semantics. The default transaction semantics for participants is also defined in this document.

The two-phase commit protocol presented here, while common in many traditional transaction systems, has the potential to be used in more than just traditional transaction processing applications. Since the semantics of the individual operations and the mechanisms that are used to ensure various properties of the meta-operation joined by the protocol are left up to the individual objects, variations of the usual properties required by transaction processing systems are possible using this protocol, as long as those variances can be resolved by this protocol. A group of objects could use the protocol, for example, as part of a process allowing synchronization of data that have been allowed to drift for efficiency reasons. While this use is not generally considered to be a classical use of transactions, the protocol defined here could be used for this purpose. Some variations will not be possible under these protocols, requiring subinterfaces and subclasses of the ones provided or entirely new interfaces and classes.

Because of the possibility of application to situations that are beyond the usual use of transactions, calling the two-phase commit protocol a transaction mechanism is somewhat misleading. However, since the most common use of such a protocol is in a transactional setting, and because we do define a particular set of default transaction semantics, we will follow the usual naming conventions used in such systems rather than attempting to invent a new, parallel vocabulary.

The classes and interfaces defined by this specification are in the packages net.jini.core.transaction and net.jini.core.transaction.server. In this document you will usually see these types used without a package prefix; as each type is defined, the package it is in is specified.

TX.1.1. Model and Terms

A transaction is created and overseen by a manager. Each manager implements the interface TransactionManager. Each transaction is represented by a long identifier that is unique with respect to the transaction’s manager.

Semantics are represented by semantic transaction objects, such as the ones that represent the default semantics for services. Even though the manager needs to know only how to complete transactions, clients and participants need to share a common view of the semantics of the transaction. Therefore clients typically create, pass, and operate on semantic objects that contain the transaction identifier instead of using the transaction’s identifier directly, and transactable services typically accept parameters of a particular semantic type, such as the Transaction interface used for the default semantics.

As shown in Figure TX.1.1, a client asks the manager to create a transaction, typically by using a semantic factory class such as TransactionFactory to create a semantic object. The semantic object created is then passed as a parameter when performing operations on a service. If the service is to accept this transaction and govern its operations thereby, it must join the transaction as a participant. Participants in a transaction must implement the TransactionParticipant interface. Particular operations associated with a given transaction are said to be performed under that transaction. The client that created the transaction might or might not be a participant in the transaction.

Figure TX.1.1. Transaction Creation and Use

A transaction completes when any entity either commits or aborts the transaction. If a transaction commits successfully, then all operations performed under that transaction will complete. Aborting a transaction means that all operations performed under that transaction will appear never to have happened.

Committing a transaction requires each participant to vote, where a vote is either prepared (ready to commit), not changed (read-only), or aborted (the transaction should be aborted). If all participants vote “prepared” or “not changed,” the transaction manager will tell each “prepared” participant to roll forward, thus committing the changes. Participants that voted “not changed” need do nothing more. If the transaction is ever aborted, the participants are told to roll back any changes made under the transaction.

TX.1.2. Distributed Transactions and ACID Properties

The two-phase commit protocol is designed to enable objects to provide ACID properties. The default transaction semantics define one way to preserve these properties. The ACID properties are:

  • Atomicity: All the operations grouped under a transaction occur or none of them do. The protocol allows participants to discover which of these alternatives is expected by the other participants in the protocol. However, it is up to the individual object to determine whether it wishes to operate in concert with the other participants.

  • Consistency: The completion of a transaction must leave the system in a consistent state. Consistency includes issues known only to humans, such as that an employee should always have a manager. The enforcement of consistency is outside of the realm of the transaction itself—a transaction is a tool to allow consistency guarantees and not itself a guarantor of consistency.

  • Isolation: Ongoing transactions should not affect each other. Participants in a transaction should see only intermediate states resulting from the operations of their own transaction, not the intermediate states of other transactions. The protocol allows participating objects to know what operations are being done within the scope of a transaction. However, it is up to the individual object to determine if such operations are to be reflected only within the scope of the transaction or can be seen by others who are not participating in the transaction.

  • Durability: The results of a transaction should be as persistent as the entity on which the transaction commits. However, such guarantees are up to the implementation of the object.

The dependency on the participant’s implementation for the ACID properties is the greatest difference between this two-phase commit protocol and more traditional transaction processing systems. Such systems attempt to ensure that the ACID properties are met and go to considerable trouble to ensure that no participant can violate any of the properties.

This approach differs for both philosophical and practical reasons. The philosophical reason is centered on a basic tenet of object-oriented programming, which is that the implementation of an object should be hidden from any part of the system outside the object. Ensuring the ACID properties generally requires that an object’s implementation correspond to certain patterns. We believe that if these properties are needed, the object (or, more precisely, the programmer imple menting the object) will know best how to guarantee the properties. For this reason, the manager is solely concerned with completing transactions properly. Clients and participants must agree on semantics separately.

The practical reason for leaving the ACID properties up to the object is that there are situations in which only some of the ACID properties make sense, but that can still make use of the two-phase commit protocol. A group of transient objects might wish to group a set of operations in such a way that they appear atomic; in such a situation it makes little sense to require that the operations be durable. An object might want to enable the monitoring of the state of some long-running transactions; such monitoring would violate the isolation requirement of the ACID properties. Binding the two-phase commit protocol to all of these properties limits the use of such a protocol.

We also know that particular semantics are needed for particular services. The default transaction semantics provide useful general-purpose semantics built on the two-phase commit completion protocol.

Distributed transactions differ from single-system transactions in the same way that distributed computing differs from single-system computing. The clearest difference is that a single system can have a single view of the state of several services. It is possible in a single system to make it appear to any observer that all operations performed under a transaction have occurred or none have, thereby achieving isolation. In other words, no observer will ever see only part of the changes made under the transaction. In a distributed system it is possible for a client using two servers to see the committed state of a transaction in one server and the pre-committed state of the same transaction in another server. This can be prevented only by coordination with the transaction manager or the client that committed the transaction. Coordination between clients is outside the scope of this specification.

TX.1.3. Requirements

The transaction system has the following requirements:

  • Define types and contracts that allow the two-phase commit protocol to govern operations on multiple servers of differing types or implementations.

  • Allow participation in the two-phase commit protocol by any object in the Java programming language, where “participation” means to perform operations on that object under a given transaction.

  • Each participant may provide ACID properties with respect to that participant to observers operating under a given transaction.

  • Use standard Java programming language techniques and tools to accomplish these goals. Specifically, transactions will rely upon Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) to communicate between participants.

  • Define specific default transaction semantics for use by services.

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