DU.1. Introduction

Each discovering entity in a Java virtual machine (JVM) [1] on a given host is independently responsible for obtaining references to lookup services. In this specification we first cover a set of discovery management interfaces that define the policies to apply when implementing helper utilities that manage an entity’s discovery duties: in particular, the management of multicast (group) discovery and unicast (locator) discovery. After the discovery management interfaces are defined, a set of standard helper utility classes that implement one or more of those interfaces is presented. This specification closes with a discussion of a set of lower-level utility classes that can be useful when applying the discovery management policies to build higher-level helper utilities for discovery.

[1] The terms “Java virtual machine” and “JVM” mean a virtual machine for the Java platform.

DU.1.1. Dependencies

This specification relies on the following other specifications:

  • Java Object Serialization Specification

  • The Jini Technology Core Platform Specification,Lookup Service

  • The Jini Technology Core Platform Specification,Discovery and Join

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