LS.1. Introduction

The Jini lookup service provides facilities for services to advertise their availability and for would-be clients to obtain references to those services based on the attributes they provide. The mechanism that it provides for registering and querying based on attributes is centered on the Java platform type system, and is based on the notion of an entry.

An entry is a class that contains a number of public fields of object type. Services provide concrete values for each of these fields; each value acts as an attribute. Entries thus provide aggregation of attributes into sets; a service may provide several entries when registering itself in the lookup service, which means that attributes on each service are provided in a set of sets.

The purpose of this document is to provide a framework in which services and their would-be clients can interoperate. This framework takes two parts:

  • We describe a set of common predefined entries that span much of the basic functionality that is needed both by services registering themselves and by entities that are searching for services.

  • Since we cannot anticipate all of the future needs of clients of the lookup service, we provide a set of guidelines and design patterns for extending, using, and imitating this set in ways that are consistent and predictable. We also construct some examples that illustrate the use of these patterns.

LS.1.1. Terminology

Throughout this document, we will use the following terms in consistent ways:

  • Service— a service that has registered, or will register, itself with the lookup service

  • Client— an entity that performs queries on the lookup service, in order to find particular services

LS.1.2. Design Issues

Several factors influence and constrain the design of the lookup service schema.

Matching Cannot Always Be Automated

No matter how much information it has at its disposal, a client of the lookup service will not always be able to find a single unique match without assistance when it performs a lookup. In many instances we expect that more than one service will match a particular query. Accordingly, both the lookup service and the attribute schema are geared toward reducing the number of matches that are returned on a given lookup to a minimum, and not necessarily to just one.

Attributes Are Mostly Static

We have designed the schema for the lookup service with the assumption that most attributes will not need to be changed frequently. For example, we do not expect attributes to change more often than once every minute or so. This decision is based on our expectation that clients that need to make a choice of service based on more frequently updated attributes will be able to talk to whatever small set of services the lookup service returns for a query, and on our belief that the benefit of updating attributes frequently at the lookup service is outweighed by the cost in network traffic and processing.

Humans Need to Understand Most Attributes

A corollary of the idea that matching cannot always be automated is that humans—whether they be users or administrators of services—must be able to understand and interpret attributes. This has several implications:

  • We must provide a mechanism to deal with localization of attributes

  • Multiple-valued attributes must provide a way for humans to see only one value (see Section LS.2, “Human Access to Attributes”)

We will cover human accessibility of attributes soon.

Attributes Can Be Changed by Services or Humans, But Not Both

For any given attribute class we expect that attributes within that class will all be set or modified either by the service, or via human intervention, but not both. What do we mean by this? A service is unlikely to be able to determine that it has been moved from one room to another, for example, so we would not expect the fields of a “location” attribute class to be changed by the service itself. Similarly, we do not expect that a human operator will need to change the name of the vendor of a particular service. This idea has implications for our approach to ensuring that the values of attributes are valid.

Attributes Must Interoperate with JavaBeans Components

The JavaBeans specification provides a number of facilities relating to the localized display and modification of properties, and has been widely adopted. It is to our advantage to provide a familiar set of mechanisms for manipulating attributes in these ways.

LS.1.3. Dependencies

This document relies on the following other specifications:

  • The Jini Technology Core Platform Specification,Entry

  • Jini Entry Utilities Specification

  • JavaBeans Specification

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