3. Writing a Service

Dare to be naïve.

—R. Buckminster Fuller

The MessageStream interface is designed to work for many purposes. We will now show you two example implementations of a message stream service. The first will be a FortuneStream subinterface that returns randomly selected “fortune cookie” messages. The second will provide a chat stream that records a history of a conversation among several speakers. First, though, we must talk about what it means to be a Jini service.

A service differs from a client in that a service registers a proxy object with a lookup service, thereby advertising its services—the interfaces and classes that make up its type. A client finds one or more services in a lookup service that it wants to use. Of course, a service might rely on other services and therefore be both a service and a client of those other services.

3.1. Good Lookup Citizenship

To be a usable service, the service implementation must register with appropriate lookup services. In other words, it must be a good lookup citizen, which means:

  • When starting, discovering lookup services of appropriate groups and registering with any that reply

  • When running, listening for lookup service “here I am” messages and, after filtering by group, registering with any new ones

  • Remembering its join configuration—the list of groups it should join and the lookup locators for specific lookup services

  • Remembering all attributes stamped on it and informing all lookups of changes in those attributes

  • Maintaining all leases in lookup services for as long as the service is available

  • Remembering the service ID assigned to the service by the first lookup service, so that all registrations of the same service, no matter when made, will be under the same service ID

3.1.1. The JoinManager Utility

Although the work for these tasks is not a vast amount of labor, it is also more than trivial. Services may provide these behaviors in a number of ways. The utility class net.jini.lookup.JoinManager handles most of these tasks on a service’s behalf, except for the management of storage for attributes and service IDs which the service implementation must provide.

Our example service implementations use JoinManager to manage lookup membership. You are not required to do so—you might find other mechanisms more to your liking, or you might want or need to invent your own.

3.2. The FortuneStream Service

Our first example service will extend MessageStream to provide a “fortune cookie” service, which returns a randomly selected message from a set of messages. Typically, such messages are intended to be amusing, informative, or inspiring. The collections are often broken up into various themes. The most general theme is to be amusing, but collections drawn from particular television shows, movie types, comic strips, or inspirational speakers also exist. Our FortuneStream interface looks like this:

package fortune; 

interface FortuneStream extends MessageStream, Remote {
    String getTheme() throws RemoteException; 

As with all the classes defined in this example, this interface is in the fortune package. The FortuneStream interface extends the MessageStream interface because it is a particular kind of message stream. FortuneStream extends the interface Remote, which indicates to RMI that objects implementing the FortuneStream interface are accessible remotely using RMI.

The getTheme method returns the theme of the particular stream. As you will see, the theme is primarily reflected as an attribute on the service so that a user can select a FortuneStream with a theme to their liking. The getTheme method is added here to allow queries after a stream has been selected.

Each fortune stream’s theme is represented both in the interface via the getTheme method and as an attribute in the lookup service to help users find a stream that gives the types of fortunes they want:

public class FortuneTheme extends AbstractEntry 
    implements ServiceControlled 
    public String theme; 

    public FortuneTheme() { } 

    public FortuneTheme(String theme) {
        this.theme = theme; 

The FortuneTheme attribute is part of the service definition, and is independent of our particular implementation of FortuneStream—a different implementation of FortuneStream would use the same attribute type.

The FortuneTheme attribute fits the requirements for all entries: It has public object-typed fields and a public no-arg constructor. It adds another constructor for convenience. Each FortuneStream service expresses its theme as both a FortuneTheme attribute and a value returned by the FortuneStream class’s getTheme method. This redundancy has a purpose—it allows a client of a fortune stream to be written independently of the code that finds the service. For example, it would be possible for a fortune stream client to display the theme of a stream it obtained without using a FortuneTheme attribute.

FortuneTheme extends net.jini.entry.AbstractEntry, which implements Entry and provides useful semantics for entry classes, specifically in defining semantics for the equals, hashCode, and toString methods. Using AbstractEntry is optional—we use it for convenience. FortuneTheme also implements ServiceControlled, which marks the attribute as one that is controlled by the service itself, as opposed to one placed on the service by an administrator. Any tools that let administrators modify attributes should not let ServiceControlled attributes be changed. Only attributes that are exclusively controlled by the service itself should be marked with this interface.

3.2.1. The Implementation Design

The overall fortune service implementation looks like this:

The running service is composed of three parts:

  • A database of fortunes, consisting of the collection of fortunes and position offsets for the start of each fortune. The position information is built by reading the fortune collection.

  • A server that runs on the same system that contains the database. This server reads the database, choosing a fortune at random each time it needs to return the next message.

  • A proxy for the service. This proxy is the object installed in the lookup service to represent the fortune stream service in the Jini system. In this particular case, the proxy is simply a Java RMI stub that passes method invocations directly to the remote server.

3.2.2. Creating the Service

Our FortuneStream implementation is provided by the FortuneStreamImpl class, which is a Java RMI remote object. Requests for the next message in the stream will be sent directly to this remote object that will return a random fortune selected from its database.

The fortune database lives in a particular directory, which is set up by a separate FortuneAdmin program that creates the database of fortunes from the raw data. The FortuneAdmin program is run before the service is created to set up the database a running FortuneStream service will use. When the database is ready, you will run FortuneStreamImpl to get the service going.

The FortuneStreamAdmin command line looks like this:

java [java-options] fortune.FortuneAdmin database-dir

The database-dir parameter is the directory in which the database lives. This directory must initially contain a file named fortunes, which contains fortunes separated by lines that start with %%, as in:

"As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved 
factual certainty, and I thirsted for a meaningful vision 
of human life -- so I became a scientist. This is like 
becoming an archbishop so you can meet girls." 
                -- Matt Cartmill 
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they 
are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do 
not refer to reality. 
                -- Albert Einstein 
As far as we know, our computer has never had an undetected 

The FortuneAdmin program creates the position database in that directory if it does not already exist or if it is older than the fortune database file. The position database is stored in a file named pos. A typical invocation might look like this:

java fortune.FortuneAdmin /files/fortunes/general 

FortuneAdmin will look in the directory /files/fortunes/general for a fortunes file and will read it to create a /files/fortunes/general/pos file. [1] The source to FortuneAdmin just manipulates files, so we will not describe it here.

[1] On a Windows system it would be something like C:filesfortunesgeneral; on a MacOS system it would be more like Hard Disk:fortunes:general. We use POSIX-style paths in this book.

3.2.3. The Running Service

The fortune service is started by the main method of FortuneStreamImpl. The command line looks like this:

java [java-options] fortune.FortuneStreamImpl database-dir
								groups| lookup-url theme

The java-options must include a security policy file and the RMI server codebase URL. The database-dir should be the directory given to FortuneAdmin. The running service will join lookup services with the given groups or the specified lookup service, with a FortuneTheme attribute with the given name. A typical invocation might look like this:

java -Djava.security.policy=/file/policies/policy 
     fortune.FortuneStreamImpl "" /files/fortunes/general 

Our implementation of the fortune stream service executes in the virtual machine this command creates, and therefore lives only as long as that virtual machine is running. Later you will see how to write services that live longer than the life of a single virtual machine.

Here is the code that starts the service running:

public class FortuneStreamImpl implements FortuneStream {
    private String[] groups = new String[0]; 
    private String lookupURL; 
    private String dir; 
    private String theme; 
    private Random random = new Random(); 
    private long[] positions; 
    private RandomAccessFile fortunes; 
    private JoinManager joinMgr; 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
        FortuneStreamImpl f = new FortuneStreamImpl(args); 

    // ... 

The main method creates a FortuneStreamImpl object, whose constructor initializes the groups, lookupURL, dir, theme, and initialAttrs fields from the command line arguments. The rest of the work is done in the object’s execute method:

private void execute() throws IOException {
    System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager()); 

    // set up the fortune database 

    // set our FortuneTheme attribute 
    FortuneTheme themeAttr = new FortuneTheme(theme); 
    Entry[] initialAttrs = new Entry[] { themeAttr }; 

    LookupLocator[] locators = null; 
    if (lookupURL != null) {
        LookupLocator loc = new LookupLocator(lookupURL); 
        locators = new LookupLocator[] { loc }; 
    DiscoveryManagement dm = 
        new LookupDiscoveryManager(groups, locators, null); 
    joinMgr = new JoinManager(this, initialAttrs, 
        (ServiceIDListener) null, dm, null); 

First execute sets a security manager, as you saw done in the client. Next we export the FortuneStreamImpl object as an RMI object. Specifically, we export the object as a UnicastRemoteObject, which means that as long as this virtual machine is running, the object will be usable remotely. When the virtual machine dies, the remote object that it represents dies too. RMI provides a mechanism for activatable servers that will be restarted when necessary; most Jini software services are actually best written as activatable services. You will see an activatable service in the next example.

We then call setupFortunes to initialize this server’s use of its fortune database. We do not show the code for that here because it is not relevant to the example; setupFortunes sets the positions and fortunes fields that are used by the implementation of nextMessage. The next two lines create the service-owned FortuneTheme attribute that will identify the theme of this fortune stream in the lookup service.

Then we create the JoinManager, which manages all the interactions with lookup services in the network. To do so, you must tell the JoinManager several things. The constructor that is used by execute (there are two available) takes the following parameters:

  • The proxy object for the service. We use the this reference because RMI will convert this to the remote stub for the FortuneStreamImpl object, which is what we want in this case. (FortuneStreamImpl implements a Remote interface— FortuneStream extends Remote—so when a FortuneStreamImpl object is marshalled, it gets replaced by its stub.)

  • An Entry array that is the initial set of attributes to be associated with the service. Here we provide an array that contains only our FortuneTheme.

  • A net.jini.lookup.ServiceIDListener object. ServiceIDListener in an interface that defines a method to be called when the service’s ID is assigned. This is a hook that lets the service store its ID persistently if it needs to. Because our particular service does not outlive its virtual machine, there is no need to store the ID. We therefore pass null, meaning that the service will not be notified. (The next example will show this feature in action.)

  • A DiscoveryManagement object that the JoinManager object will use to manage discovered lookup services. As with the StreamReader client, we use a LookupDiscoveryManager to select the specified lookups. Multiple JoinManager objects could use the same DiscoveryManagement object if they were interested in the same set of lookup services.

  • A net.jini.lease.LeaseRenewalManager object to manage renewing the leases returned by lookup services. We use null, which tells the JoinManager to create and use its own LeaseRenewalManager. In another situation (for example, exporting multiple services in the same virtual machine) you might want to specify this parameter so all the exported services can share this work.

When execute is finished we have a service ready to receive messages and, by virtue of its JoinManager, the service registers with all appropriate lookup services and will continue to register appropriately so as long as the service is running. In other words, at this point we have a running Jini service. When execute returns, so does main. RMI will keep the virtual machine running in another thread, waiting to receive requests.

The rest of the code implements nextMessage by picking a random fortune and getTheme by returning the theme field. Again, since these parts show no Jini service code, we leave them to Appendix B.

3.3. The ChatStream Service

For a more involved example, we provide a message stream whose messages are the utterances of people in a conversation, such as in a chat room. In this case there must be an order to the messages. The fortune stream was picking a message at random, so any message was as good as any other. For a conversation clients will want the messages in the order in which they were spoken.

Consider what happens when nextMessage is invoked and a network failure occurs. Either of two interesting situations may have occurred:

  • The network failure prevented the request from getting to the remove server:

  • The request made it to the remote server, but the network failure blocked the response:

These are very different situations, but the client has no possible way to distinguish between the two cases. If the current position in the stream for each client was stored at the server, the next call to nextMessage by the client could return either message 29 (in the first case, in which the server never got the original, failed request) or message 30 (in the second case, in which the server thought it had returned message 29 but it didn’t get to the client).

The nextMessage method of MessageStream is documented to be idempotent, that is, it can be re-invoked after an error to get the same result that would have come had there been no error. For FortuneStream idempotency was easy— the fortune was picked at random, so the next message will be equally random, no matter which of the failure situations actually happened.

But for ChatStream, this is not good enough. If the proxy was designed naïvely, an utterance might be skipped, and the utterance skipped could be the most important one of the discussion. If a call to nextMessage throws an exception because of a communication failure, the next time the client invokes nextMessage it should get the same message from the list that it would have gotten on the previous call had there been no failure. Suppose, for example, that we used the same strategy for a ChatStream proxy that we did for the FortuneStreamImpl proxy—an RMI stub. Then, after getting message number 28 from the server, a network exception is thrown when trying to get message number 29.

So the proxy object registered with lookup services for a ChatStream cannot be a simple RMI stub. It must contain enough state to help the service return the right message even in the face of a network failure. To accomplish this, the proxy object will implement the ChatStream interface for the client to use, but the server will have an implementation-specific interface that the proxy uses to tell the server which message should be next. It will look like this:

The proxy will use its internal stored state (the number of the last message successfully retrieved) as an argument to the nextInLine method of the ChatServer interface. That method is hidden from the client, and different implementations of the ChatStream service are welcome to use a different mechanism so long as they maintain the idempotency of nextMessage.

The ChatStream interface—the public service interface that the clients use— inherits nextMessage from the MessageStream interfaces, and adds a few methods of its own:

package chat; 

public interface ChatStream extends MessageStream {
    public void add(String speaker, String[] message) 
        throws RemoteException; 
    public String getSubject() throws RemoteException; 
    public String[] getSpeakers() throws RemoteException; 

Like all the code in this example this class is part of the chat package. The add method lets people add new messages to the discussion. The speaker parameter is the name of the speaker; message is what they say. You can ask a ChatStream what the subject of the chat is, and for the names of the people who have spoken. These last two things are also stored as attributes of the service so they can be used to look up streams.

When a message is read, it will be a ChatMessage object:

public class ChatMessage implements Serializable {
    private String speaker; 
    private String[] content; 

    public ChatMessage(String speaker, String[] content) {
        this.speaker = speaker; 
        this.content = content; 

    public String getSpeaker() { return speaker; } 

    public String[] getContent() { return content; } 

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(speaker); 
        buf.append(": "); 
        for (int i = 0; i < content.length; i++) 
        buf.setLength(buf.length() - 1); // strip newline 
        return buf.toString(); 

ChatMessage has methods to pick out the pieces of the message—its speaker and the content—and its toString method prints out a reasonable default representation of the message.

When looking for a ChatStream, a user might want to choose the subject, so we define a ChatSubject attribute type:

public class ChatSubject extends AbstractEntry 
    implements ServiceControlled 
    public String subject; 

    public ChatSubject() { } 

    public ChatSubject(String subject) {
        this.subject = subject; 

A ChatStream service should mark itself as being on a certain subject—the same subject that getSubject would return. A user might also want to search for chats that had particular speakers, so a stream should also mark itself with a ChatSpeaker attribute for each speaker:

public class ChatSpeaker extends AbstractEntry 
    implements ServiceControlled 
    public String speaker; 

    public ChatSpeaker() { } 

    public ChatSpeaker(String speaker) {
        this.speaker = speaker; 

(Remember that we have chosen to use string-based attributes to simplify the examples in this text. Fields in attributes can be any serializable type, so when you design your own attributes, don’t use the string-based nature of our examples with a requirement of attributes in general. Use the types you need, not just strings.)

3.3.1. “Service” versus “Server”

At this point it is important to discuss the difference between the word “service” and the word “server.” A service is a logical notion that has at least one object— the object registered in the lookup service. It usually has other parts as well. Often at least one of those parts will be a server—a process running on a machine in the network.

Our fortune service is made up of a proxy object (the RMI stub), a fortune server (the FortuneStreamImpl object running on some host), and the underlying storage. A service may use one or more servers to provide its service. In both the fortune and chat examples, each service uses exactly one remote object, which in turn uses an underlying store. Other services might talk to no remote servers (doing all computation locally in the proxy) or several (combining the information from more than one server).

3.3.2. Creating the Service

As we stated before, the chat service’s proxy (which runs on the client) needs to hold some state so that it can tell the server which message was last returned successfully. The communication between the proxy and the server must include this information. The nextMessage method has no way to impart that data, so the proxy will need a different way to talk to the server in order to pass it along. For this purpose the implementation of our service adds an internal, package-accessi-ble interface:

interface ChatServer extends Remote {
    ChatMessage nextInLine(int lastIndex) 
        throws EOFException, RemoteException; 
    void add(String speaker, String[] msg) 
        throws RemoteException; 
    String getSubject() throws RemoteException; 
    String[] getSpeakers() throws RemoteException; 

The proxy will use the nextInLine method to get the message following the last successful one, which it represents by index. The message is returned to the client by the proxy’s nextMessage method, and the new index is remembered for the next invocation. The other methods do not require any different treatment from those in the ChatStream interface, and so they are declared identically.

The proxy implementation is pretty simple: The proxy object contains an RMI reference to the server that implements ChatServer and the index of the last successfully returned message:

class ChatProxy implements ChatStream, Serializable {
    private final ChatServer server; 
    private int lastIndex = -1; 
    private transient String subject; 

    ChatProxy(ChatServer server) {
        this.server = server; 

    public synchronized Object nextMessage() 
        throws RemoteException, EOFException 
        ChatMessage msg = server.nextInLine(lastIndex); 
        return msg; 

    public void add(String speaker, String[] msg) 
        throws RemoteException 
        server.add(speaker, msg); 

    public synchronized String getSubject() 
        throws RemoteException 
        if (subject == null) 
            subject = server.getSubject(); 
        return subject; 

    public String[] getSpeakers() throws RemoteException {
        return server.getSpeakers(); 
    public boolean equals(Object other) {
      if (other instanceof ChatProxy) 
          return server.equals(((ChatProxy) other).server); 
          return false; 

    public int hashCode() {
        return server.hashCode() + 1; 

When the client invokes nextMessage, the proxy invokes the remote server’s nextInLine method, passing in the lastIndex field. If nextInLine returns successfully, it increments its notion of the last message index and then returns the message. If instead nextInLine throws an exception, the code following the invocation will not be executed, leaving the value of lastIndex unchanged. So in our example, even if a network failure happens after the request reaches the server, the client will get an exception and so the next invocation of nextMessage by the client will cause a nextInLine to be sent that gets the same message again. [2]

[2] Note that the proxy’s implementation of nextMessage is synchronized. This ensures that two threads in the same virtual machine invoking nextMessage at the same time on the same proxy object will not both use or modify lastIndex inconsistently.

The proxy’s add and getSpeakers methods simply forward the request along to the remote server. The proxy’s getSubject method uses the fact that the subject of a single ChatStream never changes—once the proxy gets the subject it can be remembered to avoid a round trip to the server to get it again. Here again the proxy adds value.

3.3.3. The Chat Server

Now let us look at the server side. Our chat server implementation is decidedly simple to keep the example focused on the Jini service. We will allow an administrator to create a new chat service, which means creating a remotely accessible ChatServerImpl object that implements the ChatServer interface. This object registers a ChatProxy object with the lookup service, giving it the appropriate ChatSubject attribute and (initially) no ChatSpeaker attributes. The ChatProxy object contains a reference to its ChatServerImpl object.

The ChatServerImpl object will be activatable, that is, it will use the RMI activation mechanism to ensure that it is always available, even if the system it is running on crashes and reboots. The fortune service you saw before lives only as long as its virtual machine. Should the machine on which it runs die, it will die too. This may be acceptable for some services, but not others. Many Jini services will need to be activatable, or use some other mechanism to outlast reboots.

This service will be activatable, but this is not the place for a full tutorial on writing activatable services. We will give an overview, point out the places in the code where activation is visible, and provide the full code in Appendix B.

Activation works by having an activation system that starts virtual machines for remotely accessible objects when needed. Each activatable object is part of an activation group—remotely accessible objects that are part of the same group will always be activated in the same virtual machine, while objects that are in different groups will always be in different virtual machines.

An activatable object is created by registering it with the activation system, telling the system which group the object belongs to, providing a storage key that can be used by the object when it is activated to find its persistent state, and optionally a “keep active” flag. This registration returns a remote reference to a newly available remote object. The reference can be sent around the network like any other remote reference.

If the “keep active” flag is true, the activation system will always keep the object active when it can. For example, when a system is rebooted, the activation system will activate each “keep active” object. If the flag is false, the activation system will wait until it gets the first message for the object and then activate it. In our example we will set the “keep active” flag to be true so the active service can register with the lookup service and maintain its lease. Otherwise the service would be inactive, unable to renew its leases, and so would never be found by anyone looking for a chat stream.

Activation of an object is done via its activation constructor—a constructor with the following signature:

public ActivatableClass(ActivationID id, 
                        MarshalledObject state) 
    // ... 

During activation the activation system first either creates a virtual machine to manage the group, or finds the existing virtual machine that is already doing so. It then has that virtual machine create a new local object of the correct class using its activation constructor.

An activatable class must extend java.rmi.activation.Activatable—in which case the activation constructor must invoke super(id)—or invoke the static method java.rmi.activation.ActivatableObject.exportObject. Either of these actions lets the activation system know that the object is ready to receive incoming messages.

Once the activation constructor returns, the activation system will tell clients of the remote object to talk directly to the running server object. This means that at most the first message from a client to an activatable object requires talking to the activation system (unless there is an intervening server crash). All subsequent requests go directly to the running service.

In our example we will provide a ChatServerImpl class that provides a ChatStream service by registration with the activation system. You create a new server with the following command:

java [java-options] chat.ChatServerAdmin directory subject 
     [groups|lookup-url classpath codebase policy-file] 

ChatServerAdmin is a class that creates an activatable ChatServerImpl object for the server. The java-options typically include the security policy file used during creation. The directory will define an activation group. If the directory does not exist it will be created; a new activation group will also be created and its information written into a file in that directory. If the directory does exist and contains such a file, that information will be used to place the new chat stream into the same activation group. A typical chat stream will not significantly occupy a single virtual machine, so grouping multiple activatable ChatServerImpl objects for different subjects into the same virtual machine will keep overall overhead low.

If you want to create a new activation group for the stream, you must give the last four parameters: the groups or lookup-url to specify the lookup services you want the chat registered with, and the classpath , codebase , and policy-file for the activated virtual machine. The classpath will be the one for the running server, the codebase will be where clients will download the remote parts of the service from, and the policy file will be the one used by the running server. This is different from the policy file provided in the java-options , which is the policy file used only during creation. The policy-file parameter defines the policy file that will be used by the activated virtual machine.

So a typical invocation to create a new chat stream in a new group would look like this:

java -Djava.security.policy=/policies/creation 
     chat.ChatServerAdmin /files/chats/technical "Cats" "" 
     /jars/chat.jar http://server/chat-dl.jar 

This invocation would create the /files/chats/technical directory (if necessary), create a new activation group, store the group information in it, and put the storage for the "Cats" chat in that directory. The service would register with the public group, "". The server would run using classes from /jars/chat.jar, clients would download code from the codebase http://server/chat-dl.jar, and the server’s security policy file would be /policies/runtime. The subsequent command

java -Djava.security.policy=/policies/creation 
     chat.ChatServerAdmin /files/chats/technical "Dogs" 

would create a "Dogs" chat stream in the same activation group as the stream for the subject "Cats", and therefore with the same lookup group, classpath, codebase, and security policy because these are defined by the activation group—all objects sharing an activation group will, by virtue of sharing a single virtual machine, have the same lookup registration, classpath, codebase, and security policy.

Let us look at ChatServerAdmin.main:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
    if (args.length != 2 && args.length != 6) {
        usage();            // print usage message 

    File dir = new File(args[0]); 
    String subject = args[1]; 

    ActivationGroupID group = null; 
    if (args.length == 2) 
        group = getGroup(dir); 
    else {
        String[] groups = ParseUtil.parseGroups(args[2]); 
        String lookupURL = 
            (args[2].indexOf(’:’) > 0 ? args[2] : null); 
        String classpath = args[3]; 
        String codebase = args[4]; 
        String policy = args[5]; 
        group = createGroup(dir, groups, lookupURL, 
            classpath, codebase, policy); 
    File data = new File(dir, subject); 
    MarshalledObject state = new MarshalledObject(data); 
    ActivationDesc desc = 
        new ActivationDesc(group, "chat.ChatServerImpl", 
                           null, state, true); 
    Remote newObj = Activatable.register(desc); 
    ChatServer server = (ChatServer) newObj; 
    String s = server.getSubject(); // force server up 
    System.out.println("server created for " + s); 

The main method first figures out whether it is using an existing group or creating a new group, and gets the group accordingly. It then creates a MarshalledObject that contains the directory and subject; this MarshalledObject will be the one that is passed in to the activation constructor when each stream is activated, allowing it to recover its state, as you will see shortly. [3] With the group and startup information in hand, we can tell the activation system to register this new object. The true in the registration call is the “keep active” flag. We then invoke the getSubject method to force the chat stream to be active for the first time. Until this first call, the chat stream object will be inactive. Once getSubject forces the server to be active, it will start its discovery and registration.

[3] A java.rmi.MarshalledObject stores an object in the same way as it would be marshalled to be passed as an argument in an RMI method call. Its get method returns the unmarshalled object. The activation system uses a MarshalledObject for the persistence parameter because it does not use the object—it just holds on to it and passes it back—so it has no need to download any required code for the persistence parameter.

This process of creation and subsequent activating is shown in Figure 3–1. When main invokes createGroup, the activation system remembers the group setup options. After register, the activation system has a record of a new object in that activation group. When main invokes getSubject on the newly registered stream, the activation system (1) starts up a new virtual machine using the settings given when the group was created; and then (2) tells the virtual machine (via a piece of its own code running in it) to create a new ChatStreamImpl object using its activation constructor, passing the persistent state MarshalledObject given to it when the object was registered. When the constructor invokes exportObject, the activation system views the object as ready for incoming messages. In the future, when the activation system starts up it will start up the object in the same way, but without requiring any method invocation to get things going.

Figure 3-1:. Registration and Activation in ChatAdmin

The figure shows all this work being handled internally by the client’s ChatServerImpl stub. A stub for an activatable object contains a direct reference to the remote service. When the stub is first used, it sets this reference by asking the activation system for a direct reference to the remote server. The activation system either activates the service to get a direct reference and then returns it or, if it is already active, simply returns the direct reference. The actual messages are sent directly to the service. Once the stub has a direct reference, it sends all future messages directly to the remote server without contacting the activation system.

The createGroup method creates the activation group, setting up the command line that will start the virtual machine to use the correct classpath, codebase, and policy file. It then serializes the group descriptor into a file so that future cre-ations that want to share it can find it, adding the lookup groups and URL to the file for the server to use. The getGroup method finds an existing group by open-ing up the directory’s group description file and returning the deserialized ActivationGroupID. The details of this activation and file work are in the full code in Appendix B.

When ChatServerAdmin.main invokes getSubject or when the activation system restarts, the ChatServerImpl class’s activation constructor gets invoked to create the local object in the activated virtual machine:

public ChatServerImpl(ActivationID actID, 
                      MarshalledObject state) 
    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException 
    File dir = (File) state.get(); 
    store = new ChatStore(dir); 
    ChatProxy proxy = new ChatProxy(this); 

    LookupLocator[] locators = null; 
    if (lookupURL != null) {
        LookupLocator loc = new LookupLocator(lookupURL); 
        locators = new LookupLocator[] { loc }; 
    DiscoveryManagement dm = 
        new LookupDiscoveryManager(groups, locators, null); 
    joinMgr = new JoinManager(proxy, getAttrs(), store, 
                              dm, renewer); 
    Activatable.exportObject(this, actID, 0); 

The activation constructor uses the state object stored by ChatServerAdmin to find the directory in which the chat record is stored and to find its record within the directory (by the subject name).

The ChatStore object manages the server’s persistent storage. When the server is first activated, the Jini service ID has not yet been assigned, so we want to know when the ID gets assigned. The JoinManager constructor allows us to provide a net.jini.lookup.ServiceIDListener object that will be notified when the identifier is assigned. ChatStore is an inner class of ChatServerImpl that implements this interface, adding the ID to the persistent store for future use. The relevant part of ChatStore looks like this:

class ChatStore extends LogHandler 
    implements ServiceIDListener 
    public void serviceIDNotify(ServiceID serviceID) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        ChatServerImpl.this.serviceID = serviceID; 

The serviceIDNotify method is invoked by the join manager when the service ID is first allocated. Our implementation stores it in the file system for future use. The log field and the LogHandler interface are part of a “reliable log” subsystem from the com.sun.jini.reliableLog package in the release of the Jini technology; the details are left for the full source in Appendix B.

3.3.4. Implementing nextInLine

The nextInLine method of the chat server takes the incoming message number, looks up the message associated with it, and returns it:

public synchronized ChatMessage nextInLine(int index) {
    try {
        int nextIndex = index + 1; 
        while (nextIndex >= messages.size()) 
        return (ChatMessage) messages.get(nextIndex); 
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return null; // keeps the compiler happy 

If the next message isn’t available yet, nextInLine waits until someone adds one:

public synchronized void add(String speaker, String[] lines) 
    ChatMessage msg = new ChatMessage(speaker, lines); 

private synchronized void addSpeaker(String speaker) {
    if (speakers.contains(speaker)) 
    Entry speakerAttr = new ChatSpeaker(speaker); 
    joinMgr.addAttributes(new Entry[] { speakerAttr }); 

When a new message is added, we create the ChatMessage object for the message and then store it in the log. We then add the speaker (addSpeaker ignores already known speakers), add the message to our in-memory list of messages, and notify any waiting nextInLine method that there is a new message to return.

If the speaker is a new one, addSpeaker creates a new ChatSpeaker attribute object and stamps it on itself by using the join manager’s addAttributes method. The join manager will add this attribute to all current and future lookup service registrations.

We have not shown the store.add method because it consists only of file-system and data structure management, not Jini service implementation. The full code in Appendix B, of course, shows its implementation.

3.3.5. Notes on Improving ChatServerImpl

As shown ChatServerImpl works, but it does not scale to large systems well. Each client uses up a thread in the server virtual machine when nextInLine blocks waiting for a future message. If there are hundreds of observers of a discussion, the number of threads blocked in the server will also be hundreds as each client waits for its invocation of nextInLine to return. There are many possible solutions to this problem. The most interesting is to rewrite the proxy/server interaction to use event notification as described in the distributed event section of the core specification. The design would look something like this:

  • The nextInLine method takes a RemoteEventListener. When no message are available, it returns an event registration instead of a message.

  • When a new message is added, all registered listeners are notified.

  • A proxy that gets an event registration will renew the registration’s lease until it receives notification from the server that a new message is available. It will then resume asking for the nextInLine until it is blocked again.

We leave an actual implementation of this as an exercise to the reader, as well as other things that could be done to improve the service, such as:

  • Making add idempotent.

  • Handling the results of system crashes that result in partial creation of the service. The activation constructor should detect such corrupt data and unregister itself.

  • A way to mark a chat as being completed so that people can see a record of it without adding to it. This might require adding methods to ChatStream.

  • Administrative interfaces to allow users and administrators to add their own attributes to the service and to configure a running service as to which lookup groups and lookup URLs it will join. As an example, see the interface net.jini.admin.JoinAdmin.

Other improvements could be made as well. You might find it useful to get the existing source compiled and running, and then try adding one or more improvements to it to get a better feel for Jini service implementation.

3.3.6. The Clients

When a chat stream service is created, we will have a service that can be used anywhere in the network that can reach the relevant lookup services. The generic StreamReader client can read a chat discussion stream from the beginning. A more specialized client would let users add messages to the chat stream. The generic client has more limited functionality but can work across a broader array of services. A specialized chat client uses the extended features of a ChatStream. Both use the same service in different ways.

As an example of a specialized client, here is a Chatter client that will use a command line to provide access to a ChatStream:


public class Chatter extends StreamReader {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
        String[] fullargs = new String[args.length + 3]; 
        fullargs[0] = "-c"; 
        fullargs[1] = String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE); 
        System.arraycopy(args, 0, fullargs, 2, args.length); 
        fullargs[fullargs.length - 1] = "chat.ChatStream"; 
        Chatter chatter = new Chatter(fullargs); 

    private Chatter(String[] args) {

    public void readStream(MessageStream msgStream) 
        throws RemoteException 
        ChatStream stream = (ChatStream) msgStream; 
        new ChatterThread(stream).start(); 

    public void printMessage(int msgNum, Object msg) {
        if (!(msg instanceof ChatMessage)) 
            super.printMessage(msgNum, msg); 
        else {
            ChatMessage cmsg = (ChatMessage) msg; 
            System.out.println(cmsg.getSpeaker() + ":"); 
            String[] lines = cmsg.getContent(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
                System.out.print(" "); 

All the client code in this section is in the chatter package. Chatter extends StreamReader (the generic client described in Section 2) to force an effectively infinite count of messages to read, and to require that the stream found be at least a ChatStream, not simply a MessageStream. It overrides readStream so that when the stream is found, a new thread will be created to read the user’s input. The printMessage method is overridden to take advantage of the knowledge that the message object is a ChatMessage.

ChatterThread uses the stream’s add method when the user types:

class ChatterThread extends Thread {
    private ChatStream stream; 

    ChatterThread(ChatStream stream) {
        this.stream = stream; 

    public void run() {
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
            new InputStreamReader(System.in)); 
        String user = System.getProperty("user.name"); 
        List msg = new ArrayList(); 
        String[] msgArray = new String[0]; 
        for (;;) {
            try {
                String line = in.readLine(); 
                if (line == null) 

                boolean more = line.endsWith("\"); 
                if (more) { // strip trailing backslash 
                    int stripped = line.length() - 1; 
                    line = line.substring(0, stripped); 
                if (!more) {
                    msgArray = (String[]) 
                        msg.toArray(new String[msg.size()]); 
                    stream.add(user, msgArray); 
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                for (;;) {
                    try {
                        stream.add(user, msgArray); 
                    } catch (RemoteException re) {
                        continue;       // try again 
                    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            } catch (IOException e) {

The run method will be invoked by the virtual machine when the thread is started. It reads lines from the user to build up messages and uses add to add each message to the chat. Lines that end in (backslash) mean that the message continues on the next line. When the user types a line that doesn’t end in backslash that line is put together with any preceding lines to create the message. The value defined in the user.name property (provided by the virtual machine) will be user’s name in the chat. If add throws a RemoteException we retry adding the message until we succeed or until the user kills the application.

When the end of input has been reached, readLine returns null, and this thread will invoke System.exit to bring down the entire virtual machine, including the thread that is reading other speakers’ messages.

“Multiply in your head” (ordered the compassionate Dr. Adams) “365,365,365,365,365,365 by 365,365,365,365,365,365.”

[Ten-year-old Truman Henry Safford] flew around the room like a top, pulled his pantaloons over the tops of his boots, bit his hands, rolled his eyes in their sockets, sometimes smiling and talking, and then seeming to be in an agony, until, in not more than one minute, said he, “133,491,850,208,566,925,016,658,299,941,583,255!”

An electronic computer might do the job a little faster but it wouldn’t be as much fun to watch.

—James R. Newman, The World of Mathematics

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