Special Thanks to

My patient and exacting editor, Dori Smith, who made my work better and encouraged me when a very challenging schedule seemed overwhelming.

Thanks to Peachpit’s Nancy Peterson for instigating and shepherding this project to completion, and for her fine editorial sensibilities.

Thanks to Myrna Vladic, for her excellent production work.

Thanks to the book’s compositor, Jerry Ballew, and thanks to Karin Arrigoni for the index.

Thanks to Peachpit’s Nancy Ruenzel for her support.

Thanks to my friend Jeff Carlson for his indispensable reference, The iPad Pocket Guide.

I thank, acknowledge, and credit the following Flickr users for their fine photographs, used under a Creative Commons license:

Boltron http://flic.kr/p/72i98o

Dave Photography http://flic.kr/p/7pkjTN

Star5112 http://flic.kr/p/NVGZK and http://flic.kr/p/NV4nb

Jinxmcc http://flic.kr/p/8mpA98

TheNickster http://flic.kr/p/29t2Dg

In my office, the soundtrack for this book included music from my Pandora and Rhapsody subscriptions, and lots more bouncy pop music.

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