
Inside the Mind of the Shopper: The Science of Retailing

Author’s Notes and Acknowledgments

About the Author


Introduction Twenty Million Opportunities to Buy

Twenty Million Seconds: Shopper Time Is Mostly Wasted

Time Is Money: Shopper Seconds per Dollar

Leaving Money in the Aisles: The $80 Million Question

Planning Our Trip

Shopping Serengeti


PART I Active Retailing

Chapter 1 The Quick Trip: Eighty Percent of Shopper Time Is Wasted

Three Shoppers: Quick Trip, Fill-In, and Stock-Up

Rise of the Small Store

Perils of Promotion

The Big Head and Long Tail

Heads You Win

The Communal Pantry

Layered Merchandising

The Right Paths for the Right Shoppers

Purchase Modes and Selection Paradigm

Spending Faster

Conclusion: Dual Chaos


Chapter 2 Three Moments of Truth and Three Currencies

Moments of Truth

Seeing the Truth: Eyes Are Windows to the Shopper

Reach: Impressions and Exposures

Stopping Power (and Holding Power)

Closing Power

Three Currencies of Shopping: Money, Time, and Angst

A Complex Optimization


Chapter 3 In-Store Migration Patterns: Where Shoppers Go and What They Do

If You Stock It, They Will Come

Understanding Shopper Behavior

First Impressions: The Entrance

Shopper Direction: Elephant Herds

The Checkout Magnet

Products Hardly Ever Dictate Shopper Traffic—Open Space Does

Managing the Two Stores

Five Store Designs

Where the Rubber Meets the Linoleum


Chapter 4 Active Retailing: Putting Products into the Path of Shoppers

Active Retailing

Put the Right Products in the Path of Customers

Double Conversion™: Converting Visitors to Shoppers to Buyers

Packaging Must Play the Starring Role

Holding Power—How Long Is Long Enough?

Stopping and Closing Power: VitalQuadrant™ Analysis

Playing the Niche

Good Is the Enemy of the Great


Chapter 5 Brands, Retailers, and Shoppers: Why the Long Tail Is Wagging the Dog

Where the Money Is in Retail

Massive Amounts of Data

Shifting Relationships

A Refreshing Change: Working Together to Sweeten Sales

Beyond Category Management

A New Era of Active Retailing: Total Store Management

Pitching a Category’s Emotional Tone More Precisely

Retailers Control Reach

The Urgent Need for Retailing Evolution


PART II Going Deeper into the Shopper’s Mind

Chapter 6 The Quick-Trip Paradox: An Interview with Unilever’s Mike Twitty


Chapter 7 Integrating Online and Offline Retailing: An Interview with Professors Peter Fader (The Wharton School) and Wendy Moe (University of Maryland)


Chapter 8 Multicultural Retailing: An Interview withEmil Morales, Executive Vice President of TNS Multicultural


Chapter 9 Insights into Action: A Retailer Responds: An Interview with Mark Heckman of Marsh Supermarkets

PART III Conclusions

Chapter 10 The Internet Goes Shopping

Entering the VideoCart Age

Cell Phone Invasion

Implications for Retailers and Brand Owners

The Power of Model Makers

The Model Business

A Fivefold Increase


Chapter 11 Game-Changing Retail: A Manifesto

PART IV Appendix

Appendix Views on the World of Shoppers, Retailers, and Brands

Excerpts from “Views from the Hills of Kentucky” by Robert Stevens


Smart Retail: Winning Ideas and Strategies from the Most Successful Retailers in the World


Photo Acknowledgments

Introduction to this Edition

Preface—Why retailing?

Part one You: Starting at the beginning.

1 What do you want for yourself?

2 Rising above the crowd

3 Keeping it simple

4 Rolling those snowballs

Part two Team: Make us happy and we will make you money.

5 What’s the Big Idea?

6 How to build great teams

7 How to get people out of bed

8 All we need is a little better every time

Part three Customer: Make me happy and I will give you my money.

9 We love shopping here!

10 Price and value

11 Promote or die

12 Marketing for real people

Part four Store: Make it brilliant and they will spend.

13 Discovery!

14 The great big theater of shop

15 Detail, detail, detail—the store environment

16 And finally ... how we got here

Epilogue—And we’re done?

Appendix I Your job and Smart Retail

Appendix II Take-action time

Appendix III Street time

Appendix IV Books for retailers


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