How to do it...

  1. Let's start by logging the current thread name to the console:
`print current thread name`()
  1. Start a new coroutine running on a pool of background threads:
`print current thread name`()
var sushiCookingJob: Job
sushiCookingJob = launch(newSingleThreadContext("SushiThread")) {
`print current thread name`()

  1. Execute the `cook rice`() function asynchronously in a nested coroutine:
`print current thread name`()
var sushiCookingJob: Job
sushiCookingJob = launch(newSingleThreadContext("SushiThread")) {
`print current thread name`()
val riceCookingJob = launch {
`cook rice`()

  1. Run the `prepare fish`() and  `cut vegetable`() functions sequentially while the `cook rice`() function is running in the background:
`print current thread name`()
var sushiCookingJob: Job
sushiCookingJob = launch(newSingleThreadContext("SushiThread")) {
`print current thread name`()
val riceCookingJob = launch {
`cook rice`()
println("Current thread is not blocked while rice is being
`prepare fish`()
`cut vegetable`()
  1. Wait until the rice-cooking coroutine completes:
`print current thread name`()
var sushiCookingJob: Job
sushiCookingJob = launch(newSingleThreadContext("SushiThread")) {
`print current thread name`()
val riceCookingJob = launch {
`cook rice`()
println("Current thread is not blocked while rice is being
`prepare fish`()
`cut vegetable`()
  1. Invoke the final `roll the sushi`() function and wait until the main coroutine completes:
`print current thread name`()
var sushiCookingJob: Job
sushiCookingJob = launch(newSingleThreadContext("SushiThread")) {
`print current thread name`()
val riceCookingJob = launch {
`cook rice`()
println("Current thread is not blocked while rice is being
`prepare fish`()
`cut vegetable`()
`roll the sushi`()
runBlocking {

  1. Measure the total time for function execution and log it to the console:
`print current thread name`()
var sushiCookingJob: Job
val time = measureTimeMillis {
sushiCookingJob = launch(newSingleThreadContext("SushiThread")) {
`print current thread name`()
val riceCookingJob = launch {
`cook rice`()
println("Current thread is not blocked while rice is being
`prepare fish`()
`cut vegetable`()
`roll the sushi`()
runBlocking {
println("Total time: $time ms")
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