How to do it...

  1. Create a new test class:
class MyTest {

  1. Add a mocked Api type test-class property:
class MyTest {
val api: Api = mock()
  1. Instantiate the Authenticator class as the class property:
class MyTest {
val api: Api = mock()
val authenticator = Authenticator(api)
  1. Implement the test to verify whether the Api.authorise() function is called at least 10 times in case of consecutive failed authorization attempts:
class MyTest {
val api: Api = mock()
val authenticator = Authenticator(api)

fun `should retry auth at least 10 times when Api returns empty
token`() {

whenever(api.authorise(any())) doReturn ""

val context = TestCoroutineContext()

runBlocking(context) {

context.advanceTimeBy(100, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
verify(api, atLeast(10)).authorise(any())


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