How to do it...

  1.  Create a new test class:
class MyTest {
  1. Create a mocked instance of the RegistrationApi interface as the test-class property:
class MyTest {
private val api = mock<RegistrationApi>()
  1. Add a class property of the RegistrationFormController type:
class MyTest {
private val api = mock<RegistrationApi>()
private var registrationFormController =
RegistrationFormController(api = api)


  1. Create the test method to check whether checkIfEmailCanBeRegistered() behaves correctly for an invalid email address occurrence: 
class MyTest {
private val api = mock<RegistrationApi>()
private lateinit var registrationFormController: RegistrationFormController

fun setup() {
registrationFormController = RegistrationFormController(api = api)

fun `email shouldn't be registered if it's not valid`() {

// given

whenever(api.isEmailAddressAvailable(anyString())) doReturn(true)
// when
registrationFormController.currentEmailAddress = "Hilary"
// then

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