
Ability assessment

Ability batteries

Academic degrees, in personal and professional coaching

Academic programs, proliferation of

Academic research

Acculturation, role in ethical choices

Adler, Alfred

Advice giving

Agreements. See Contracts

Anderson, Sharon K.

Applied ethics

Aptitude assessments

Aquinas, Thomas

Aristotelian philosophy


Articles of organization

Ash Grove Group v. Minnesota Board of Continuing Legal Education

Assessment instruments, qualifications to use

See also Assessments
Assessment tools

Assessment manual


advantages of
ethical practices related to
levels of
negative response to

Assessment tools

effective use of
ethical practice related to
feedback from
feedback plan related to
personal-style and personality
types of

Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO)


referrals to

Augustine, Saint

Autonomy, as an ethical principle


Behavior change

Beliefs, cultural

Beneficence, as an ethical principle

Best practices

choices about


effects of

Brilliance, discovering

Business. See also Business structures dual relationships in

fictitious names used in
privacy policies in

Business coaching, evolution of

Business consulting

Business ethics

See also Codes of ethics

Business lessons

Business licenses

Business names

criteria for selecting
laws affecting

Business structures

limited liability
self-assessment questionnaire for

Business types, coaching for

Campbell Interest and Skill Survey

Capacity to contract

Career-assessment tools

Career decision making, factors in

Career-development cycle

Categorical imperative

Certification. See also Credentialing for assessment tools

for using Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Change, strategy for

Character, role in ethical choices

Charaka Samhita pledge

Choices, ethical

Christian ethics

Classical period of philosophy

Client abilities, developing

Client capability, belief in

Client-Centered Therapy (Rogers)

Client–coach relationship

maintaining trust in

Client contact information, privacy of

Client feedback

Client focus

Client-initiated action

Client privacy, violations of

See also Privacy


connected relationship with
contracts with
education of
participation of
as powerful partners
professional conduct with

Client trust

negligence and

Closure assessment

Coach–client relationship

maintaining trust in

Coaches. See also Coaching coaching for

ethical codes for
ethical follow-through by
ethical motivation and competing values of
ethical sensitivity of
ethical thought process, 54-55
investments by
job of
legal issues and solutions for
registration requirements for
supervision of
as unlicensed psychotherapists

Coaching. See also Coaches;

Coaching profession academic degrees in
advantages of
best practices in
contact information related to
dynamic growth and change in
economic viability of
emerging issues related to
ethical dimensions and responsibilities of
ethics in
focus of
future of
history of
ICF definition of
limits of
misunderstanding of
multiple-role relationships in
professional hallmarks of
public knowledge of
regulation of
relevance to culture and ethics
roots of
specialized niches in
training leaders for
versus psychotherapy
versus therapy, mentoring, and consulting
virtues essential for
wellness and

Coaching agreement

code of ethics addendum to
terms of

Coaching assessments. See Assessments

Coaching business

See also Business

Coaching codes of ethics

See also Codes of ethics

Coaching competence.

See Competence

Coaching culture

adaptation to
effects of

Coaching education, continued

Coaching environment, bringing ethics into

Coaching language, suggestions for

Coaching lessons, from life experiences

Coaching liability, limiting

Coaching outcomes, implied warranty related to

See also Coaching results

Coaching philosophy, ICF

Coaching practice

legal name of

Coaching presence

Coaching profession competence measures and

growth of
self-regulation of
trust and

Coaching relationship, advantages of

Coaching results

Coaching skills, competent use of

Coaching specialties

Coaching tools

ethical application of

Co-created cultures

Code of Hammurabi

Codes of ethics

See also Ethics
ICF Code of Ethics changes in
conflict of interest in
history of
need for
primary source of
sexual dual relationships in

Colorado cases

Colorado Coalition of Coaches

Colorado Mental Health Law

Common law, Anglo-American

Communication, matching styles for

Compassion, role in ethical choices

Competence. See also Competencies

in contracts
ethics and
keys to
public and
sample questions concerning
understanding and measuring

Competence measures

coaching profession and

Competencies, learning and

See also Competence entries
Core competencies

Competency licensing

Compliance programs

Comprehensive general liability (CGL) insurance

Concurrent multiple-role relationships


See also Privacy assessment tools and
in the coaching relationship
ethical standard related to
ICF standards of
laws that govern
limits of
privilege and

Conflict of interest

ICF standards related to

Consideration, in contracts

Consulting, versus coaching

Continued coaching education

requirements for

Continuum of competence

Contract law

legal concepts related to


with clients
consideration aspect of
ethical principles attached to
form of
legal capacity and real consent aspects of
offer and acceptance aspect of

Contracts of adhesion

Contractual consent

Core competencies, professional

See also Competencies

Corporate culture

Corporate environment, coaching in

Corporations, costs associated with

County websites, finding

Creation, through visioning


professional coach

Credit applications

Cross-cultural coaching

best practices and considerations for

Cultural awareness

Cultural differences

See also Cultural diversity
assessment tools and
effects of

Cultural diversity

Cultural iceberg

Cultural values

Culture(s). See also Intercultural entries

Multicultural entries bridging
effects of
high-context versus low-context
integrating into
intersection with ethics
relevance of coaching to
self-assessment related to




Desmond, Andrew R.

Discontent, organizational

Disputes, written agreements and


“Doing business as” (DBA) names

Domain names

Dual relationships

ethics of
examples of
as the norm in business
questions concerning
scope of
varied attitudes toward

Due process


Effective teams

Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI)

Emotional intelligence (EQ)

Emotional-intelligence assessment tools

Engagement letter


Errors and omissions insurance policies

Ethical acculturation

Ethical behavior

Ethical checklist

Ethical-choice process

Ethical choices, factors in

Ethical conduct

ICF standards of
review process for

Ethical decision-making models

ethical-choice process
Kitchener’s model
Rest’s model
Tarvydas’ model

Ethical dilemmas

Ethical follow-through

Ethical guidelines, for coaching

Ethical judgment

Ethical motivation

Ethical practice, issues related to

Ethical principles

legal doctrines and

Ethical problems, vulnerability to

Ethical professional, becoming

Ethical sensitivity

Ethical thought process

Ethics. See also Codes of ethics

case studies in
in coaching
competence and
of dual relationships
early Greek
history of
in the medieval period
multiple forms of
relationship to law
relevance of coaching to

Executive coaching

issues in

Experiences, lessons from

Expert coaches, supervision by

Exploitative relationships

Exploration, value of

Express contracts

External measures of competence

Fairness test

Feedback, to leaders

See also 360-degree feedback

Feedback data, multirater

Feedback plan

Fictitious names

failing to register

Fictitious-name search engines

Fidelity, as an ethical principle

Fiduciary relationships

Fielding University coaching program

Fifth Amendment

Five Commandments and Ten Requirements

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

“Future orientation,”

Garlo, Dolly M., viii

Georgetown University coaching program

Goleman, Daniel

Good work


Government licensing

Graduate studies

Griswold v. Connecticut

Group assessments

ethical delivery and interpretation of

Hamrick, Charles


Hedonistic philosophies

Helping professions


Highlands Ability Battery

Hippocratic oath

Hobbes, Thomas

Human-potential movement

Humans, as health-seeking creatures

Hume, David


ICF-accredited coach training program

See also International Coaching Federation (ICF)

ICF Code of Ethics

See also Codes of ethics
conflicts of interest in

ICF competencies set

ICF Pledge of Ethics

ICF website

Implied contracts



Individual assessments

Individual coaching

Individual feedback sessions

Individual values

Information, confidentiality of

Informed consent

Infringement, trademark and trade name


limiting liability through
types of

Intake assessment

Integrity, role in ethical choices

Intellectual property

protection of

Intelligence, emotional

Intercultural coaching

awareness in
ethics in
questions related to

Intercultural communication

Intercultural competencies

Intercultural settings, goal of the coach in

Internal measures of competence

International Association of Coaches (IAC)

International Coaching Federation (ICF)

See also ICF entries
code of ethics of
ethical conduct review process
regulatory history of

International University for Professional Studies

Intimacy, across cultural boundaries

Introversion-extroversion scale

Invasion of privacy

Involvement test

James, William

Judeo-Christian thought

Judging-perceiving scale

Jung, Carl

Justice, as an ethical principle

Kant, Immanuel

Kitchener’s decision-making model

Kohlberg moral development theory

Krigbaum, Margaret

Language broadening


Law. See also Legal entries

focus of
intersection of coaching and

Lawyers, interviewing

See also Attorneys

Leaders, as coaches



Leadership-assessment package

Leadership competencies

Leadership-development practices

Leadership Style Inventory

Leadership styles

Learning, directions of

Legal advice


Legal age

Legal capacity, in contracts

Legal counsel, need for

Legal environment

Legal issues

See also Insurance
Intellectual property business name

Legality test

Legal liability, prevention of

Legally privileged relationships

Liability insurance

Licensing requirements

Life coaching

Limited liability company (LLC)

Lindberg, William H.

Listening, intuitive

Locke, John

Lucent Technologies Inc.


Managers, teaching coaching skills to


Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory

Martinez, Amos

Maslow, Abraham

Mechanistic materialism

Medical codes, early

Medical information, privacy rights related to

Medicine, informed consent in

Medieval period of philosophy

Mental-health professionals, referral to

Mentoring, versus coaching


Mill, John Stuart

Minors, coaching

Mission statement

Modern period of philosophy

Moore, G. Kurt

Moral behavior

components of
determinants of

Moral character

Moral decision making

Moral/ethical reasoning capability, role in ethical choices

Morality, early human

Moral motivation

Moral reasoning, levels of

Moral sensitivity

Moral standards, variability among

Multicultural coaching agreement, ethical considerations in

Multicultural frame of reference

Multicultural settings

Multiple-role relationships

in coaching

Multirater assessments

use of

Multirater leadership-assessment tool, choosing

Myers-Briggs assessment

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Natural ethics

Nazi atrocities


law of

“Newspaper, light-of-day, or family” test

Nonmaleficence, as an ethical principle

Norm group

Nuremberg Code of Ethics on Medical Research

OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions

Offer and acceptance, in contracts

O’Hearne, Marilyn

Oral contracts

Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Organizational assessments

Organizational Culture Survey

Organizations, use of individual assessment tools by

Partnership agreement


fictitious-name registration by



Personal character, role in ethical choices

Personal coaching

as unlicensed psychotherapy

Personal development training

Personality assessments

Personal lessons

Personal life, coaching advantage in

Personal-preference tools

Personal responsibility test

Personal-style assessment tools

frequently used

Philosophical history

classical period
medieval period
modern period
Socrates and

Philosophy, link to ethics

Physicians’ codes of ethics

Platonic philosophy

Policy test

Positive psychology

Pre-Socratic philosophical history

Principles, ethics based on

Prior, David Matthew

Privacy. See also Confidentiality

Constitutional right to
free speech versus
ICF standards of
laws that govern
violations of

Privacy rights, medical information and

Privilege, laws that govern

Privileged relationships

Process assessments

Professional associations

Professional Coaches & Mentors Association (PCMA)

Professional coaching language

Professional conduct, ICF standards of

Professional culture, role in ethical choices

Professional evolution

Professionalism, as a business focus

Professional issues, ethical and legal

Professional malpractice

Professional oversight

Professional standards

Professional tensions

Profession-generated codes of ethics

Proprietorships, fictitious-name registration by

Protestant Reformation

Prudence, role in ethical choices

Psychological Testing (Anastasi)

Psychological tests, characteristics of

Psychological theorists, influence on business coaching

Psychology, practice of

Psychotherapy language


Qualifications, hyping

Real consent, in contracts


in early Greek thought
in the medieval period

Reasoning capability, moral/ethical

Record keeping

client confidentiality and

Referrals, to other professionals

Regulatory report (ICF)

Relational lessons

Relationship coaching

Relevant information test


Respect all test

Respectfulness, role in ethical choices

Responsibility, delegating

Rest’s decision-making model

Robinson, Debra

Roe v. Wade

Rogers, Carl



Self-assessment tools, for leaders

Self-assessment questionnaire, for business structure


Self-Directed Search

Self-governance, professional

Self-report personal-style instruments

Seligman, Martin

Senior coaches, consulting with

Sensing-intuitive scale

Sequential dual relationships

Sequential multiple-role relationships

Sexual dual relationships

Situational ethics

Skill, standards of

Skill assessments

Skill-building plan

Social corruption


Socratic philosophy

Sole proprietorships

Solution-focused therapists




Standardized assessment tools

Standard of care

State-issued professional licenses

Statute of Frauds


Strong Interest Inventory

Style assessments/inventories

Subchapter C Corporation

Subchapter S Corporation

Sun Szu-Miac

Tarvydas’ decision-making model

Team-coach model

Team development

Teams, effective

Teamwork, efficient

Ten Commandments

Theological ethics

Therapy, versus coaching

Thinking-feeling scale

Thousand Golden Remedies ethics code

360-degree feedback


Toward a Psychology of Being (Maslow)


Trade names


competence and

Training programs




in the coach–client relationship
coaching profession and
across cultural boundaries

Trustworthiness, role in ethical choices

Uniform Partnership Act

United Kingdom, professional coaching degrees in

University of Sydney coaching program

Utilitarianism, modern

Vail Conference


Values, competing

See also Cultural values

Virtue ethics, role in ethical choices

Virtues essential for coaching

role in ethical choices


Wagoner, Heather T.

“Walk the talk” test

Weiner, Karen Colby

Welcome packet

Wellness, coaching and

Williams, Patrick

Wisdom, role in ethical choices

Workplace coaching

Workplaces coaching advantage in

ethical behavior in

Written contracts

Zur, Ofer

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