

Hole #17
Set Priorities
Par 4 • 440 Yards

Goals and priorities change with the times, more or less along a sliding scale. A priority goal that is reached becomes the expected level of performance in the future. This allows us to stretch and meet greater and greater challenges. However, you can’t always depend on this level of performance to be maintained; what seemed so easy to accomplish one day may become elusive or extremely difficult to repeat the next. Reaching the green in the regulation number of strokes to par the hole might be effortless one afternoon and a major accomplishment the next. When we reach the tee, most of us just want to par the hole, but after our drive, the goal might be different. Just let me bogie the hole! After the second shot, it’ll perhaps change again to I just want to double bogie the hole. After the third shot, a new priority: All I want to do is find my ball in the rough, where it went out of bounds.

Our goals and priorities in life are constantly changing as well. (If they’re not, you’re probably stagnating.) Your objective must be to put yourself in a position where your priorities and goals are at the highest level possible. In golf and in management, it is critical that we build on our existing abilities so that we learn new and more-important skills and can move on to tackle higher and higher priorities. You need to get to the point where nothing less than a completely satisfied customer is acceptable performance on your part. If you don’t reach this goal, be sure you understand why. Then do what is necessary to get back on track toward your ultimate objectives.



Hole #17 • Par 4


Directions: Circle “Yes” or “No” for each question.
And don’t be too easy on yourself. Be as truthful as you can.

Do goals that are accomplished today in your organization become the expected level of performance tomorrow?



Do your priorities at work constantly change?



Do you build on your past successes in order to reach more-challenging goals in the future?



Do you regularly review your goals and priorities to make sure they are challenging and appropriate for your current level of performance?



Scoring key on back


Hole #17 • Par 4


Directions: Record your “score” for each question in the space provided.

Do goals that are accomplished today in your organization become the expected level of performance tomorrow?


YES = 1 stroke

NO = 2 strokes


Do your priorities at work constantly change?


YES = 1 stroke

NO = 2 strokes


Do you build on your past successes in order to reach more challenging goals in the future?


YES = 1 stroke

NO = 2 strokes


Do you regularly review your goals and priorities to make sure they are challenging and appropriate for your current level of performance?


YES = 1 stroke

NO = 2 strokes




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