Chapter 2

Traditional Projects

For much of the 20th century, many projects worked just fine with a strategy of planning and control. Most of these projects were engineering pretty big things.

These early projects worked with iron, concrete, and hammers. They used physical objects that couldn't be deleted or remixed or easily reused.

These traditional projects typically had authoritative project managers who were an essential part of the project. They were large and in charge—a single source of accountability. Their job was to manage the project from start to finish.

In a traditional project, the project manager's work is deterministic. They help “determine” as many of the pieces of the project as they can. They try to create certainty. Each of the little project pieces is managed and catalogued.

They also divide the work into tasks. Then, they figure out how many people they need to complete these tasks. After that, they figure out how much it will cost to have these people work on the project. Finally, they determine the schedule for how long it will take each of these people to finish their work.

The project managers carefully control for the uncertainties and plan contingencies. Good project managers are judged on how well they plan the future and how well their project weathers the storms.

They use charts and reports that break down projects into smaller pieces. They use Gantt charts for their schedules and spreadsheets for the budgets.

This deterministic approach works very well for projects that can easily be chunked into smaller pieces. Rocket ships, highway systems, and skyscrapers in Chicago were all built using this approach.

This “chunking” is a type of science. It is about observing, guessing, and calculating. That is why it is often called scientific management. The project manager uses a scientific approach to divide the project into smaller pieces. Each of these pieces is catalogued and quantified.

The project manager overseeing one of these projects will use scientific management throughout the project. For example, the project manager will calculate that five people working eight hours a day can lay one yard of cement in four hours. That means in eight hours, 10 people can create four yards of a new highway. The person is one chunk and how long it takes that person to complete the task is another.

These are just two of the little deterministic chunks that a project manager might define. In a larger project, there might be hundreds or thousands of these deterministic chunks.

All of these identified chunks are then rolled back up into the three project categories—scope, budget, and schedule.

All the little pieces that the project needs to deliver are rolled up into the scope. The cost for all the people, places, and things is rolled up into the budget. How long it takes to complete each of the tasks is rolled up into the schedule.

These three categories are the project's key constraints. Each one is closely related to the other. For example, if you add more tasks, then you need to add either more people or more time. If you need more time, then you have to increase the budget or remove some of the work.


The scope, budget, and schedule give the project form and structure. It's what separates the project from just a bunch of people working.

These constraints rely on the fruit of all of the project manager's deterministic scientific planning. The scope is all the pieces the project needs to deliver. The schedule is all the tasks that need to be performed. Each of these is the sum of all the little pieces that the project manager gathers up about the project.


Pro Tip

The scope is what the project delivers. It is also what the project requires for delivery. This means the scope of a new bridge is both the bridge and the building of the bridge. The project team works with the customer to develop detailed requirements that chunk the scope into smaller deliverables.

This was the Iron Age of project management. Projects were ruled by the rigid “iron triangle.” The scope, budget, and schedule each held a corner of the triangle. You couldn't change one without impacting the other two.

As the name implies, this rigid approach adds structure and inflexibility. Any changes require a rigorous change-control process. Each change impacts the other corners of the triangle. That means that each change request must be documented and balanced against the rest of the project.

The Project Management Institute

Many project managers recognized that although each project was different, many of the tools and techniques that they used were similar. The scope, budget, and schedule were the same constraints that affected every project. It made sense that each of the control processes for these constraints should have some common traits.

These project managers started to create a shared project management framework. This helped define project management as a discipline. Ideally, a project manager was the person who implemented the new project management framework.

One of the earliest contributors to this framework was the Project Management Institute (PMI). PMI formed in the late 1960s to foster professionalism in project management. Soon after it formed, PMI made an effort to standardize project management.

PMI developed and published A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), which provides guidelines for managing individual projects and defines project management related concepts. The fifth edition of the PMBOK® Guide is comprised of 5 Project Management Process Groups, 10 Knowledge Areas, 47 processes, and 614 inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs.


Pro Tip

PMI never endorsed one project management approach. They simply tried to create a guidebook for all projects to follow. In practice, the PMI guidebook still encourages a structured, process-heavy view of the project. You can't use 614 inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs without some structure and process.

The PMBOK® Guide views a project like a complex machine with many moving parts. Project managers use common tools to manage the machine. They use the 614 tools and outputs like buttons, levers, and switches to manipulate their project machine.

The tools and the machine help to manage the project's iron triangle. The more you understand the processes and tools, the more likely your project will succeed.

That is why there are more than half a million Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification holders. They work like project machinists to keep the project running smoothly.



The PMBOK® Guide closely follows a traditional engineering approach. These projects use a big-design-upfront or waterfall-style approach. The waterfall approach is still a popular way for engineering projects to work within the three constraints.

The idea behind the waterfall approach is that you have to spend a good deal of time at the beginning trying to understand all the pieces of the project. Only after you've planned the project from beginning to end should the team start working on the deliverable.

From an engineering perspective, it certainly makes sense to understand where the road is going before you lay cement. These assumptions heavily influenced traditional project management and were the reason behind waterfall's widespread adoption.

The waterfall approach breaks the project down into sequential phases. Each phase leads to the next. In each phase, there is a carefully designed set of control processes. First, you plan a project, then you design it, then you execute it, then you test it, and then you are done.

Even if you don't recognize the term waterfall, you'll probably be familiar with this approach. The top of the waterfall is the planning phase. This is when the project team does most of the deterministic project planning. They try to identify all the little pieces of their project.

The planning phase is very challenging. The manager has to predict the project's pieces before any of the work begins. As you can imagine, this usually takes a lot of legwork and educated guesses.



Bonus Fact

Winston Royce is credited with connecting waterfall and its engineering approach to the world of software development. In the 1970s, he delivered a paper titled “Managing the Development of Large Software Systems.” In it, he described the waterfall approach and how it was being used to develop software.

The paper was far from a full-throated endorsement of this approach. It opens, “I believe in this concept, but the implementation described above is risky and invites failure.”

He also recommended that projects pass through the waterfall at least a few times. It wasn't intended as a model for projects from beginning to end.

At the end of the planning phase, the project will have a list of requirements. These requirements are the pieces of the scope that need to be delivered in order for the project to be successful. From this scope, the project manager can then determine the schedule and budget.

After the planning phase, the team starts to work on the deliverable. This is the execution phase. Soon after, the team will probably receive its first round of change requests.

When the team receives these requests for changes, they go back and update the requirements. Then they rebalance the three constraints (scope, budget, and schedule) and replan the project. Most projects can't predict everything that will happen, so there are usually at least a few rounds of change requests.

With the waterfall approach, the project plan becomes an effort unto itself. The planning can even overshadow the time it takes to execute the work. This investment makes it very difficult to accept new changes. Everyone on the team knows that too many changes slow down the project.

Changes are usually seen as a challenge to overcome and not as welcome feedback. A rigorous change-control process is like a lock on the gate of innovation. It doesn't leave much room for new ideas and customizations.

Failed Projects

The iron triangle and the waterfall approach gave projects their needed structure. The flipside is that they also gave projects a lot of rigidity. When the customer came up with a new idea, the team would have to go through a difficult change-control process to apply the idea to the project.

When the customer came up with a lot of new ideas, then it would increase the scope or exceed the project's budget. Project managers called this scope creep. It is one of the most common challenges with the iron triangle and the waterfall approach.

If one of the project's constraints slips too far outside of the predictions, then the project will have failed.

PMI defines a successful project as having delivered the agreed-upon project scope, to the agreed quality, within the agreed time frame and within budget. That means a successful project is able to balance all the corners of the iron triangle. A project fails when it is not delivered on time or on budget or is abandoned completely.

Unfortunately, this is what happens with most projects. They either fail outright or exceed their scope, budget, or schedule. There is something about software projects that don't seem to work well with the waterfall approach.

Many project managers dealt with these challenges by increasing their level of orthodoxy. They followed the waterfall approach with even greater diligence. They would guard the plan and remind others, “If it's not in the plan, then it's not in the project.”

Other project managers would add buffers and variances to their project. They would give the waterfall approach a little needed flexibility in areas where it should adapt. But even this approach only got you so far. Why spend all that time planning when a good variance is plus or minus 10%?

The challenge with these newer software projects is that it is very difficult to determine all the little pieces before you start. The deterministic approach breaks down when it comes to software.

A software project is more exploratory. In a software project, you really don't know everything that might be required to deliver the project until you start working. The developers might find a new way of making things work. A new vendor might make part of the project easier to implement.

In many ways, a software project is like building a bridge to a destination hidden in the clouds. The challenges really only become clear once you get closer to your destination.

Software projects require a closer link between planning and adapting. Ideally, the developers can learn and adapt their work in real time. Then they can immediately apply these improvements to the new plan.


With the waterfall approach, this cycle is very difficult to create. In software development, there are simply too many changes and these changes happen far too often. Waterfall's phased approach doesn't allow for this type of flexibility.

As time has gone on, software projects have only increased in complexity. They have started to have even less in common with traditional engineering projects. Newer technologies have come and gone. Open source projects have started to solve many common software challenges.

A modern software project will usually depend on outside developers. There may be some open source projects and even other organizations involved in some fashion. Each one of these groups will relate to one another. They will react to changes in the whole system.

A vendor may update their software product. The open source software will react to the update. All of these changes will take time and their relationships are nearly impossible to predict.

The environment that these projects exist in has become increasingly chaotic. A multiyear software project might rely on a technology that will completely change by the time the software is delivered.

This is a whole new system for software projects. Software exists in a world of rapid change and invention. This environment has started to look more and more like a complex adaptive system.

Complex Adaptive Systems

Complex adaptive systems have been studied for over 20 years. They are systems that can't be simplified or reduced. They are beyond the reach of a project's deterministic tools. There is no scientific approach to breaking everything down into smaller pieces.

Some examples of complex adaptive systems are global weather patterns, the stock market, and even the Internet. These are large systems that change often, but still have some structure.

Think about the stock market. The market performs at a consistent rate when it's viewed over decades. This is true even though individual stocks go up and down in unpredictable patterns.

The climate patterns on the earth change all the time. One area may have a drought and another area may have a flood. But globally, the earth stays within that remarkably slim margin where life can flourish.

If you look at these systems as a collection of individual events, then they may seem unpredictable. When they're viewed as a system, then they are structured and consistent.


Bonus Fact

You can think of a complex adaptive system as the middle ground between chaos and structure. The close-up view of the system is chaotic because it's difficult to predict. The big-picture view has structure. There is an overall order to the system.

To work within a complex adaptive system, you have to give up the notion of planning and control. Instead, you have to focus on shifting and adapting. There are too many changes and too many interdependencies to predict what will happen from day to day. The system has too many moving parts.

The relationships in a complex adaptive system are not just the external groups. Often, your most unpredictable relationships are the ones with your customers. Sometimes your customer doesn't like the traditional project mantra of “put in the change request.” They may want to make a last-minute change and still expect your project to deliver.

They also expect you to deliver these products much more quickly. For many projects, the time from idea to completion is shorter. That means there are a lot of benefits to getting your best ideas to market as soon as possible.

Your customer's best ideas might happen in the middle of your project. It's a key competitive advantage if that team can turn on a dime and deliver the best product.

When customers change their mind, an agile team can still accept these new ideas. This has made agile of particular interest to newer creative teams. Even though most agile teams are still developing software, there are now more diverse industries interested in the approach.


Pro Tip

In a complex adaptive system, there is much less value in sticking with a well-defined plan. There's too much uncertainty and any useful plan will require an enormous amount of replanning. Once you've spent this effort, there is still a very good chance that the system will adapt in ways that you couldn't have imagined.

It makes sense that the waterfall approach would break down in a complex adaptive system. It is too much of a departure from traditional engineering. When rocket scientists figure out a better way to design a rocket, they have to wait for the next project to begin. They can't redesign a rocket while it's being built.

The challenge then is figuring out a new approach. This new approach needs to be flexible and adaptive. It needs to react to the changes that constantly occur in a complex adaptive system. These are the key tenets of agile. It's about creating a lightweight strategy for working in a complex adaptive system.


Field Notes

Many years ago, I worked at Spiegel. At the time, it was one of the largest women's clothing catalogs.

The fashion industry is a large complex adaptive system. Each year, there are many trends that ripple through the entire fashion industry. No one person controls “fashion.” Instead, “agents” start trends that might catch on for the entire system.

When I worked there, one of the most influential agents was the popular television show Friends. On the show, when Rachel wore a trendy sweater, it would impact the whole system.

The clothing buyers for the catalog had to learn to adapt quickly to stay in fashion. They couldn't plan each outfit from year to year. Instead, they kept their ear to the ground and tried to adapt to the latest trends.

A buyer might order sweaters, and then at the last minute change from V-necks to turtlenecks. They didn't buy everything at once. Instead, they had short buying periods all the time. These shorter periods allowed them to take advantage of quick-moving fashion trends.

In this complex adaptive system, it wasn't any one individual who drove the changes. Instead, it was the relationships between people that caused the system to change.

A few people will start to do something, and then based on their relationship, the rest of the group may follow. Their influence may start to spark larger influence.

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