
A3 problem-solving approach, 97–99

ABC. See Activity-based costing

Absorption costing, 209–210

Acceptance plans, 124

Accountability, 43, 114

Achievement needs, 25

Acquired needs theory, 25

Activity-based accounting systems, 207–209

Activity-based costing (ABC), 207–209

Affiliation needs, 25


development drivers, 183

engineering approaches, 188–189

Iacocca Institute report, 182

Lean and, 198–200

manufacturing literature, 184–187

marketing management, 195–197

principles, 191

project management, 192–194

software development methods, 189–191

strategies, 196–197

supply chain management, 194–195

andon, 106

Architectural, construction, and engineering (ACE) solutions, 132–135

Authority, 43, 114

Backflush inventory costing, 211

baka-yoke, 105

Behavioral theory, 18

Benchmarking, 116

Blanc, Honoré, 8–9

Brainstorming, 116–117

Bullwhip effect, 93, 154

Butters’ law, 129

Catch ball approach, 51

Cause-and-effect diagrams, 118–119

Cellular manufacturing, 100–101

Change characteristics, 15–16

Charismatic leadership. See Transformational theory

Check sheet, 120

Cognitive ergonomics, 56

Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR) pilot study, 148

Comprehensive literature reviews, 177

Compromise method, 29

Conflict, 26–27

Conflict resolution, negotiation

compromise, 29

confrontation, 29

forcing, 29

smoothing, 28

10 solution characteristics, 29–30

withdrawal, 28

Confrontation method, 29

Consumer’s risk, 123

Contingency theory, 18

Contingent variables, 18

Control chart, 121–124

Control poka-yoke, 105–106

Control theory, 25

Cost accounting, 205–207

Cost allocation, 205

Crosby, Philip, 109


agreement of shared long-term vision, goals, and strategies, 46–47

creating learning organization, 52–53

description, 45–46

ergonomics, 56–57

hansei, 50

high-performance teams, 51–52

hoshin kanri, 50–51

inherent nature, 45

metrics and rewards, 57–60

nemawashi, 51

organizational culture, 42–43

PDCA, 49–50

standardization methods for variance reduction, 47–49

team-based approach, 53–55

wellness programs, 55–56

Decoupling point, 194

Dedicated short-range communication (DSRC), 131–132

Demand leveling, 93

Directive leaders, 25

Discipline, 42–43

Discounted/net present value, 214

DSRC. See Dedicated short-range communication

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), 214

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA), 214

EBIT. See Earnings before interest and taxes

EBITDA. See Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization

Employee cross-training, 103–104

Enhanced environmental performance, 168

Environmental stewardship, 167–168


Lean culture, 56–57

Lean practices and tools, 104

Error proofing, 104–106

Expectancy probability, 24

Expectancy theory, 24

Extrinsic motivation/motivators, 23

Facility-sustaining cost measures, 208

Financial accounting, 204

First in, first out (FIFO) process-costing method, 212–213

Fishbone diagram, 118

5 Whys, 106

Flexibility, 4, 178–181

Flowcharting, 117

Forcing method, 29

Ford, Henry, 9, 128

Forming stage, 68

Gemba walk, 97

Gender in leadership, 30

Gerwin’s flexibility, agility, and lean conceptual framework, 178

Gilbreth, Frank, 9, 128

Gilbreth, Lillian, 9, 128

Goal-setting theory, 25

Great Man theory, 17

Group rewards, 58–59

hansei, 50

heijunka, 76

heijunka box, 91–92

HF. See Hierarchical forecasting

Hierarchical forecasting (HF), 152

Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow), 23

High-performance teams, 51–52

Histogram, 118

hoshin kanri, 50–51, 69–70

House of Quality, 113

Human relations skills, 2

Imai, Masaaki, 77

Indirect costs, 206

Individual rewards, 58

Institutional power, 25

Instrumentality probability, 24

Internal organizational factors

culture of organization, 20–21

leader’s internal forces, 20

nature of problem, 21

position power, 21

subordinates’ internal forces, 22

team-based approach, 21

time pressures, 21

International Ergonomics Association, 56

Intrinsic motivation/motivators, 23

Inventoriable costs, 209

Ishikawa diagram, 118

Ishikawa, Kaoru, 118

jidoka, 104–105

Just-in-time, 141

kaizen, 1, 15, 39

kaizen events, 70

kanbans, 91–92

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 201–203

KM. See Knowledge management

Knowledge management (KM), 67

KPIs. See Key performance indicators

Kryder’s law, 129

Ladder ball approach, 51


change characteristics, 15–16

critical leadership skills, traits, behaviors, 31–35

gender, 30

internal organizational factors, 20–22

key elements, 14

leading vs. managing, 15

Lean component, 5–6

poor behaviors, 35–36

Leagility, 194

Lean accounting, 204–205

Lean development, 7–9

Lean management

definition, 1

interdependent elements, 2

planning phases, 2–5

Lean management components

culture, 6

leadership, 5–6

practices and tools, 7

team-based approach, 7

Lean performance metrics, 201–203

Lean principles, 8

Lean supply chain management (LSCM)

description, 143–144

logistical management, 158–160

sourcing and procurement, 144, 146–147

strategies, 146

transformation, 147–158

Lean vs. agile, 198–200

LSCM. See Lean supply chain management

Machine, 119

Man, 119

Management theory. See Transactional theory

Materials, 119–120

Methods, 120

Metrics, 120

Metrics and rewards

Lean culture, 57–60

team-based approach, 71–72

Moore’s law, 129

Mother Nature, 120


extrinsic, 23

intrinsic, 23

Motivation theories

acquired needs theory, 25

control theory, 25

expectancy theory, 24

goal-setting theory, 25

theories X and Y, 24

two-factor theory, 24

Multiechelon supply chain, 142

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 131

Negotiation methods, conflict resolution

10 solution characteristics, 29–30

compromise, 29

confrontation, 29

forcing, 29

smoothing, 28

withdrawal, 28

nemawashi, 51

Net present value (NPV), 214

NHTSA. See National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Nielsen’s law, 129

Norming stage, 68

NPV. See Net present value

Ohno, Taiichi, 7, 36, 63

One-touch exchange of dies (OTED), 79

Operating profit, 214

Order/batch-level cost measures, 208

Organizational culture

definition, 41

Lean component, 6

Lean culture, 42–43

suggestions, 42

Organizational ergonomics, 56

OTED. See One-touch exchange of dies

Output unit-level cost measures, 208

Over time, 25–26

Pareto chart, 118

Participative group planning process, 50–51

Participative leaders, 25

Participative theory, 17–18

Pawley, Dennis, 13

Payback period, 213

PDCA. See Plan-Do-Check-Act

Performing stage, 68

Personality traits, 18

Personal power, 25

Physical ergonomics, 56

Pitch, 90

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), 44, 49–50

poka-yoke, 105–106

Position power, 21

Positive psychology, 25–26

Postponement, 159–160

Power needs, 25

Practices and tools

A3 problem-solving approach, 97–99

andon, 106

cellular manufacturing, 100–101

employee cross-training, 103–104

ergonomics, 104

error proofing, 104–106

5 Whys, 106

jidoka, 104–105

Kaikaku events, 89

kaizen event, 89

Lean component, 7

poka-yoke, 105–106

production leveling and balancing, 90–93

single-minute exchange of dies, 78–79

spaghetti diagram, 100

standardization, 76–78

takt time, 89–90

total preventive maintenance, 102

total quality management, 106–107

value stream mapping, 79–89

visual management techniques, 93–97

wellness programs, 102–103

workplace organization, 99–100

Principled negotiation, 28

Process-based change, 43–44

Process flexibility, 4–5

Process improvement tools

benchmarking, 116

brainstorming, 116–117

cause-and-effect diagrams, 118–119

check sheet, 120

histogram, 118

Pareto chart, 118

process mapping/flowcharting, 117

scatter diagram, 120–121

6M diagram, 118–120

Process mapping, 117

Producer’s risk, 123

Product and process life cycle, 165–167

Product-costing methods, 209–210

Product flexibility, 4

Product/service-sustaining cost measures, 208

QCs. See Quality circles

QFD. See Quality function deployment

Quality circles (QCs), 70

Quality culture, 114–115

Quality function deployment (QFD), 113

Quality planning, 111

Quick changeover, 78–79

Rapid prototyping (RP), 134–135

Real-time kinematics (RTK), 130

Relationship theory. See Transformational theory

Responsibility, 43, 114

Return on capital (ROC), 213

ROC. See Return on capital

RP. See Rapid prototyping

RTK. See Real-time kinematics

Scatter diagram, 120–121

SCM. See Supply chain management

Shewhart, Walter, 121

Shingo, Shigeo, 7, 105

Single-minute exchange of dies (SMED), 78–79

Situational theory, 19

6M diagram, 118–120

SMED. See Single-minute exchange of dies

Smith, Adam, 8

Smoothing method, 28

Sorting (seiri), 99

Spaghetti diagram, 100

Stability, 15

Standardization methods, variance reduction, 47–49

Standardizing (seiketsu), 100

Standard work instructions (SWIs), 78

Statistical process control tools, 121–123

Storming stage, 68

Straightening/Setting in order (seiton), 99

Strategic quality planning, 111–113

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis, 3

Stretch goals, 25

Subordinates’ internal forces, 22

Suggestion programs, 70–71

Supply chain framework

collaborative forecasts, 152–154

front-end partnership agreement, 151

inventory replenishment, 154

joint business planning, 151–152

sharing forecasts, 154

Supply chain management (SCM)

emergence of, 141–142

just-in-time, 141

logistical management, 143

sourcing and procurement processes, 142–143

strategies, 160–172

transformation activities, 143

Supply chain sustainability

environmental stewardship, 167–168

facility design, construction, operation, and maintenance, 168–172

product and process life cycle, 165–167

Sustainability, 5, 164

Sustaining the discipline (shitsuke), 100

Sweeping/shining/cleanliness (seiso), 100

SWIs. See Standard work instructions

Tactical quality assurance, 113–115

Takt time, 75, 89–90

Taylor, Frederick, 9, 128

Team-based approach

hoshin kanri process, 69–70

internal organizational factor, 21

kaizen events, 70

knowledge management, 67

leader’s role in developing teams, 65–67

Lean component, 7

Lean culture, 53–55

metrics and rewards, 71–72

quality circles, 70

suggestion programs, 70–71

team development and maturation process model, 67–69

team member identification and composition, 64–65

Technology capabilities

ACE solutions, 132–135

agriculture, 129–131

automotive, 131–132

entertainment, 135–136

health care, 136–137

manufacturing, warehousing, and supply chains, 137–138

10 solution negotiation characteristics, 29–30

Theory X, 24

Theory Y, 24

Three-dimensional (3D) modeling, 133

Throughput costing, 210

Total preventive maintenance (TPM), 102

Total quality management (TQM)

description, 109

distribution of process outcomes, 110

Lean practices and tools, 106–107

principles, 111

process improvement tools, 116–121

quality management, control, and improvement, 115–123

statistical process control tools, 121–124

strategic quality planning, 111–113

tactical quality assurance, 113–115

Toyoda, Kiichiro, 7

Toyoda, Sakichi, 105

TPM. See Total preventive maintenance

TQM. See Total quality management

Traditional leadership theories

additional skills, 16

behavioral theory, 18

contingency theory, 18

Great Man theory, 17

participative theory, 17–18

situational theory, 19

trait theory, 18–19

transactional theory, 19

transformational theory, 19–20

Trait theory, 18–19

Transactional theory, 19

Transformational theory, 19–20

Transformation process goals, 5

Two-factor theory, 24

Type I error, 123

Type II error, 123

UAV. See Unmanned aerial vehicle

Uncontrollable costs, 207

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), 130–131

V2X technology, 131–132

Valence, 24

Value stream mapping (VSM), 79–89

Variable costing, 209

Variance reduction, standardization method, 47–49

Visual management techniques, 93–97

Volume flexibility, 4

VSM. See Value stream mapping

Warning poka-yoke, 105

Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 9

Weighted average process-costing method, 212

Wellness programs

Lean culture, 55–56

Lean practices and tools, 102–103

Whitney, Eli, 9, 128

Win-win solution, 29

Withdrawal method, 28

Workplace organization, 99–100

World Commission on Environment and Development, 163

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